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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 21 2020 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Let me help ya...

correct videoID = -E3kG8aDIAY

Youtube video ID's are case sensitive and some include a dash ( - ).

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 02:40 AM

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Even Liquid helium-4

Gotta try it..It's outta this world!!

Whip it, Whip it good!

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 02:49 AM
DECODE ID 26RSH200520006D - Short version of May 20th Q posts links:

Q4291 links to:
Q45, Q52, Q89, Q189, Q235, Q335, Q845, Q1345, Q1520, Q2045, Q2048, Q2545, Q3707

Q4292 links to:
Q18, Q22, Q34, Q48, Q99, Q348, Q1234, Q1734, Q2220, Q2434, Q2934, Q3414

Q4293 links to:
Q36, Q43, Q51, Q57, Q937, Q1243, Q1695, Q1716, Q1743, Q2443, Q2943, Q3108,

Q4294 links to:
Q6, Q7, Q32, Q53, Q185, Q186, Q941, Q1253, Q1753, Q2453, Q2953, Q4121,

Q4295 links to:
Q45, Q118, Q504, Q866, Q1318, Q1814, Q1818, Q2442, Q2518, Q3018,

Q4296 links to:
Q70, Q92, Q109, Q131, Q133, Q1333, Q1518, Q1833, Q2001, Q2533, Q3033, Q3332

Q4297 links to:
Q3, Q45, Q60, Q117, Q149, Q345, Q518, Q1718, Q1835, Q2218, Q2918, Q3418

Q4298 links to:
Q33, Q49, Q133, Q189, Q608, Q808, Q1000, Q1808, Q2308, Q3008, Q3508

Q4299 links to:
Q112, Q148, Q169, Q204, Q421, Q442, Q812, Q838, Q1250, Q2012, Q3212

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to: Gravelbone

Your not a doctor..and if you are god help us all..

Before I slap the mask right off your Avatar

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 03:00 AM
SPREADSHEET UPDATE - 9 Q posts and 28 POTUS tweets on May 20th; total 37:

Q V17.73 20200520 to 4299 incl. DECODE tools

QPosts Pictures v17.73 20200520 from QPost 3601 to 4299

Most linked posts for May 20th:
5 times = Q102, Q129, Q228, Q928, Q2128, Q3328,
4 times = Q67, Q85, Q100, Q217, Q1329, Q2529
3 times = Q16, Q32, Q57, Q74, Q82, Q101, Q104, Q108, Q111, Q116, Q131, Q231, Q711, Q1126, Q1829, Q2322, Q2326,

Passing thought before zeds...

Next Monday is:
05/25/20... MIRROR of 25 and of 52,
It is also:
The first day on outer circle 17 of the Qclock!

edit on 21-5-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 03:25 AM
One last thought... as noone seems to have commented on it in last 24 hours:

From Q4296, we have a new arangement of:


1) IC = Intelligence Community,

2) From Merriam-Webster definition of PAN:
a) a usually broad, shallow, and open container for domestic use (as for cooking)
b) the hollow part of the lock in a firelock or flintlock gun that receives the priming
c) either of the receptacles in a pair of scales
d) a round shallow usually metal container for separating metal (such as gold) from waste by washing
e) British : toilet
f) an artificial basin (as for evaporating brine)
g) a drifting fragment of flat thin ice that forms in bays or along the shore
h) a harsh criticism
i) a shot in which the camera is panned
j) a Greek god of pastures, flocks, and shepherds represented as having legs, horns, and ears of a goat
k) Peroxyacetyl nitrate
l) Across all, or group or region, whole

Using definition L in Q4296 does PAN[DEM]IC mean:
1) Across all the Democrat Intelligence Community, or
2) Across all the Democrats AND Intelligence Community?

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: imthegoat

I mentioned earlier when I posted about the shooting that I do have the video. He is really just a kid. Your description seems to pretty much fit from what I got out of the very short video. Watching his body language etc.

The good news is there was no mention of Trump or Q for them to try and blame it on. Just the AR is about all they are going to get out of this one.

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 05:00 AM
So many old orders use the nine point enneagram, simple and effective.

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Haha! We actually do have an appendant body we can join if we want to called 'Cryptic Masonry'. Only Royal Arch Masons can join; so, it's sort of a 'secret society' within a 'secret society' within a 'secret society'; this, in spite of the fact we are not a 'secret society', we are a 'society with secrets' (smh on that one, lol; gotta' love the word-play and semantics). Its sole purpose or mission is: "preservation".

Cryptic Masonry, consisting of Royal Master, Select Master and Super Excellent Master Degrees, is the Masonry of preservation. It teaches that the immortal truths of life will never be destroyed; that the approach of disorder and destruction will cause the Craft to deposit these great truths in a safe and secure place where they will be preserved; and, although forgotten and lost for a time, they are kept for future discovery and use of the Craft. Cryptic Masonry is the Alpha and Omega of Ancient Craft Masonry.

I'll bet you they are very busy right now preserving those so-called "immortal truths" for posterity's sake in case this current "approach of disorder and destruction" threatens to dismantle all of Freemasonry worldwide.

Here is its logo/symbol:

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 05:40 AM
Pondering future thread 27 = 3 X 9 = lots of closure, endings and completion. 3 and 9 =39 = 3X13 = completion and renewel = 13 moonths a year to begin the next 13 mQQns, the massaging of time has death sheltering within and regeneration without = only now creates ripples sway of all = 27 + 39 = 66.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
SPREADSHEET UPDATE - 9 Q posts and 28 POTUS tweets on May 20th; total 37:

Q V17.73 20200520 to 4299 incl. DECODE tools

QPosts Pictures v17.73 20200520 from QPost 3601 to 4299

Most linked posts for May 20th:
5 times = Q102, Q129, Q228, Q928, Q2128, Q3328,
4 times = Q67, Q85, Q100, Q217, Q1329, Q2529
3 times = Q16, Q32, Q57, Q74, Q82, Q101, Q104, Q108, Q111, Q116, Q131, Q231, Q711, Q1126, Q1829, Q2322, Q2326,

Passing thought before zeds...

Next Monday is:
05/25/20... MIRROR of 25 and of 52,
It is also:
The first day on outer circle 17 of the Qclock!

edit on 21-5-2020 by 1320Q17yes because: QQ

edit on 21-5-2020 by 1320Q17yes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 06:14 AM

Slowly ...... But Surely....

Ratcliffe slated to be confirmed Thursday to lead intelligence community under fire

......In his new post, Ratcliffe will play an essential role in deciding what documents are released publicly in the middle of an election amid expanding congressional investigations that are targeting Obama administration officials and Trump's 2020 opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden.......

edit on 5212020 by MetalThunder because: BIG DAY

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Sorry about that, Sabrechucker. To answer your previous question, ''Are you a therapist?": No but, I did do a bit of counselling when I worked for Corrections. The idea was to help get the inmates back on their feet as they prepared to reintegrate into society. Part of my job was to observe and record the behaviour patterns of the inmates under my watch. My reports would help their therapists identify potential risk issues that could determine their release conditions upon parole, for instance. We didn't want any 'crazies' released into the public who might go shoot up a[nother] school [again] or something, you know?

Again, Q 1630 and 1633 are very disingenuous and insulting if there's no truth to them. It's comments like those that can get somebody killed.

Not good, Q.

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 07:07 AM
I just ran across a post on the 8 that caught my eye. It was a post about DOJ CP round up's on 5/20/20. One case in particular stood out because Huber was involved. Here are three snippets from the article which can be found HERE

Snippet 1:

Prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Davis County Attorney’s Office have worked together to determine the best venue to prosecute the case. Those discussions resulted in the filing of the Felony Information last week. This coordination happens regularly in child exploitation cases because of the significant penalties available in the federal system. Law enforcement officers working these cases are often members of the FBI’s Child Exploitation Task Force, which allows them to work seamlessly with prosecutors in either venue.

Snippet 2:

“These are cases that motivate all prosecutors because they involve the victimization and exploitation of children,” U.S. Attorney John W. Huber said today. “My office regularly partners with the Office of the Davis County Attorney on child exploitation cases such as this one, as we do with other county attorney offices throughout the state. Together, we seek the best court system to achieve justice for child victims and their families.”

Snippet 3:

“State court prosecutors and law enforcement officers are experienced and accomplished in developing cases. Unfortunately, and all too often, inadequate state court sentences fail to deliver measured justice that matches the seriousness of the offenses. Federal court convictions can typically bring more appropriate sentences for those who would collect images of sexual violence against children. In this case, state and federal law enforcement partners jointly determined that federal court offered a more appropriate venue for prosecution,” Huber said.

Now I know most of us probably go through the day thinking Huber and his team are digging into the DC Swamp Creatures. Yet here he is commenting on CP and how they team up to take cases from the state to federal level to get stronger punishments.

Could this be a clue that Huber is also looking into the Swamp Creatures that have their perv side for kids? Another box he is checking off the list? Or tracking down the rescued children's perps? Personally I really hope so and this is indeed the case.

ETA: I had to change this as I just realized I had Huber and Durham mixed up in my head. Had Durham on the brain, my bad.

edit on 5/21/20 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Again, Q 1630 and 1633 are very disingenuous and insulting if there's no truth to them. It's comments like those that can get somebody killed.

Not good, Q.

You deny the gentlemen at the shootings being interviewed are not Freemasons? Posing as Freemasons? Q says Controlled. Like FBI DOJ CIA ETC?
You willing to vouch for ALL Freemasons WW
from your little neck of the woods in Canada?

It has been found and proven by autists that FM are at shooting scenes.
Multiple images.
Multiple shootings.
You can debunk?
Who uses "IF" or "BUT"?
Logical thinking always wins

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
PAN[DEM]IC = Dems in PANIC? The Latin term “Pan” refers to bread, not sure that has anything to do with anything other than me being hungry?

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

#1: Rice Video: "I know nothing about this." (denies spying)
#2: Declassified Susan Rice Email Confirms Flynn Personally Targeted In Oval Office Meeting
#3: CRUZ (If it is revealed he was also spied on, why?)
#4: TIME: 6:40 > (POTUS Tweet T-640) = Nunes Letter to HPSCI
#5: T-640 Quote = a WSJ Opinion article: A Reckoning for the FBI

- Declassified by POTUS on Feb 2, 2018
- Concerned with DOJ / FBI interaction with FISA
- On Oct 21, 2016, FISA approved 1 initial warrant on Page + 3 renewals = 4 total
- FBI: Comey signed 3 + McCabe signed 1
- DOJ: Sally Yates, then-acting DAG Dana Boente, & DAG Rod Rosenstein signed 1 or more
- Concerns about Steele dossier credibility (bias, leaks to media, legality, info withheld)
- FBI Ohr used wife at Fusion GPS to assist in opposition research
- After Steele terminated, FBI source validation report couldn't corroborate much of dossier.

James Comey: Trump briefed on dossier salacious parts only
- Jan 6, 2017, Comey briefed President-elect Trump on Steele dossier summary.
- Comey only shared a 2 page summary with the "salacious parts"
- Comey reasoned there was a chance MSM would print it.
- Comey summary didn't include Steele dossier was paid by Democrats.
- Summary didn't include Russia - Trump team collusion material.
- Summary didn't mention Flynn talking to Russian Ambassador.
- CNN article runs 4 days later.
- Source referenced the Intel meetings, but Included collusion material not covered by Comey.

1) Rice's declassified email shows she was part of the spying / dishonest in MSM.
2) Rice reveals Comey found no evidence that Flynn calls gave classified info to Kislyak.
3) Rice confirms BO was part of the plan & wanted to be kept updated by Comey.
4) Important info about Steele dossier was kept from Trump team & FISA Court.
5) CNN and BuzzFeed had copies of the entire 35-page Steele dossier.
6) Comey's testimony about how he figured out Flynn was lying about discussing sanctions with Kislyak comes into question (House Committee on Dec 17, 2018).
7) The initial 302 draft of the Flynn-FBI meeting on Jan 24 is still missing.
8) Trump terminates Comey on May 9 with more evidence of dishonesty:
"While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the bureau."


posted on May, 21 2020 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

How does John Perry Barlow fit into this?
I have wondered about that before, never really figured anything out.

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

In 1986, Barlow joined The WELL, an online community then known for a strong Deadhead presence. He served on the company's board of directors for several years.[20] In 1990, Barlow founded the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) along with fellow digital-rights activists John Gilmore and Mitch Kapor.[21]

As a founder of EFF, Barlow helped publicize the Secret Service raid on Steve Jackson Games. His involvement is later documented in The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier (1992) by Bruce Sterling.[22] EFF later sponsored the ground-breaking case Steve Jackson Games, Inc. v. United States Secret Service in support of Steve Jackson Games. Steve Jackson Games won the case in 1993.[23]

In 1996, Barlow was invited to speak about his work in cyberspace to a middle school classroom at North Shore Country Day School. This event was highly influential upon the life of then-student Aaron Swartz: Swartz's father Robert recalls Aaron coming home that day a changed person.[24][25]

In 2003, Barlow met the recently appointed Brazilian Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil at the event Tactic Media Brazil to discuss the perspectives of digital inclusion and political participation, which in the following years would help shape Brazilian governmental policy on intellectual property and digital media.[26][27]

In 2004, the two began working together to expand the availability and variety of Brazilian music to remix and share online. At the same time, being one of the "digerati", Barlow was among the very first users of the invitation-only social network Orkut at its inception. He decided to send all of his 100 invitations to friends in Brazil; two years later, some 11 million internet users in that country (out of 14 million total) were on the social network.[28]

So Barlow started the EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation. He was one of the first big time "hacktivitsts" or cyber activist. Seems he had a big influence on Aaron Swartz. Swartz and Snowden seemed to have ran in the same circles and were influences on each other. They had similar goals. So, it is not a big stretch to link Barlow to Swartz to Snowden.

Im sure there is a chunk of the story I am leaving out - but you get the gist. Now, Barlow and Swartz are dead, and Snowden is exiled in Russia. Oh, and throw in Julian Assange for good measure. Funny how all the major activists of a few years ago are all silenced, dead or in prision.

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Barlow interviewed Snowden after he went into exile.
I am not sure why Q would make note of Barlow in reference to Snowden, unless it is something that was mentioned in the interview... or if some information was passed to Barlow and that is why he is no longer around.

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 09:08 AM
Small note on geopolitical goings on

Have to say Distractions don't always work - especially when more and more peeps just are not buying what is being sold anymore so easily ... - China signals plan to take full control of Hong Kong

"When the world is not watching they are killing Hong Kong, killing one country, two systems, and using social distancing rules to keep people from coming out to protest," he said. "This is the most devastating thing to happen to Hong Kong since the handover."

Sneeky ? Remember ....
Why 2020 Is a Make-or-Break Year for China


posted on May, 21 2020 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Didnt they just literally storm the Hong Kong parliament and drag out anyone who was pro Democracy and replace them with a Commie shill?

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