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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:00 PM
There's a few nuggets of gold in the Susan Rice transcript:

MR. GOWDY: lnitially, we were led to believe that a chance meeting on the tarmac led (FBI Director James Comey) to want to take the decision away from Attorney General Lynch and make the decision himself in the press conference, which is pretty unusual for a law enforcement agent to do.

Since then, he has said that there was information gathered during this investigation into Russia's attempts to interfere with our election that was really the basis of him appropriating that decision away from Loretta Lynch onto himself.

In fact - because I made a note when you were testifying previously that "one of the things we were worried about is that Russia would take information, falsify it, and then disseminate it, and the public would not know what was true, what was not true, even though all of it was ill-gotten."

You don't recall any discussion at the administration level in June, July, or August about Director Comey taking that decision away from the Department of Justice for himself because of -

MS. RICE: Stop right there. I don't have any knowledge of anything related to Director Comey's decision about how to approach the Clinton email investigation. Nothing. Never crossed my desk. Never had a conversation. Much less its relationship to the Russia stuff.

MR. GOWDY: Allright.

This coming from the person who was the National Security Advisor, who was meant to be across everything that the agencies did.

Something is rotten in the State of Denmark.

I also found this little exchange interesting:

MR. CONAWAY: (redacted) one, would you have normally have said, who was that citizen? Would you have asked for an unmasking of that citizen in that circumstance?

MS. RICE: It depends on the substance of the conversation. lf it looked like it was a casual -

MR. CONAWAY: If he's calling for a pizza,l got that.

MS. RICE: If he was talking about U.S. national security issues, I probably would have.


MS. RICE: I think that, frankly, I would have been remiss not to.

MR. CONAWAY: I would agree. I would agree.

And then this:

MR. SCHIFF: Well, you indicated that initially at the time, you thought it was either, if I'm understanding correctly, either related to your visit to the UAE or either related to wanting to conceal the fact that they weren't that interested in meeting with President Obama now that he was outgoing.

MS. RICE: And that he was not being succeeded by the person they expected him to be succeeded by.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: Trillium

Trillium, just checked names of the PDFs and Michael Atkinson = Witness Name Redacted!

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: Quadrivium

Actually this is the first time I have addressed you. I know you think I was referring to you earlier, but I wasnt. I do read all the comments and Ive known what you have said. Even you came back a couple times today because you felt people read you wrong. Well guess what, you just read me wrong. Clearly you dont know me either.

Funny I posted on Flying Fox post to you that I would help you out with some folks to follow also if you wanted to know anymore and I did that before I read this, so clearly I wasn't feeling aggressive in any kind of way towards you. I was truly trying to understand why it appeared you didnt think enough was being done.

Now some of those that come in here with the nothing is happening song. Yeah, they bug me. Clearly they arent doing the work or they would never make a comment like that because they would know better.

If you knew me IRL you would know one of the last things I am is an aggressive person. I dont require pats on the back. Geezzz Im in my 60's they might knock me over! I've been on this site a long time and one thing I have learned and this really stands for all social media really, not just this site, a lot of people just dont translate well in print. I seem to be one of those people. Not to mention I have a very dry humor on occasion.

So to keep it short, ready to try again with this little old lady?

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: dashen

GeezLouise you've lost your plumber loving mind!!

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: OsirianObsidian

This rot is deep.
Must be thoroughly cleansed.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:12 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Trillium

Trillium, just checked names of the PDFs and Michael Atkinson = Witness Name Redacted!

It's an FBI Special Agent who was in charge of handling Christopher Steele as a source. He talks about how Steele was credible at the time and helped them with a different case, and how it was important to verify the Steele Dossier first.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:15 PM
Today in #4138, we are told to watch the news today, tomorrow, and next week.

Then in #4141, we are told to keep watching the news.

Now tonight, we are told that the news is dead.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:18 PM
So then bridge keeper onto Act three it is...the tides turn

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Don't you know anything about movies and writing?
End of the second act all seems lost and the main character is in crisis.
Beginning of the third Act the tides turn.

Enjoy The Show.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: OsirianObsidian

Okey dokey, apologies for jumping to conclusions! Busy day!

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: onehuman
a reply to: Quadrivium

Actually this is the first time I have addressed you. I know you think I was referring to you earlier, but I wasnt. I do read all the comments and Ive known what you have said. Even you came back a couple times today because you felt people read you wrong. Well guess what, you just read me wrong. Clearly you dont know me either.

Funny I posted on Flying Fox post to you that I would help you out with some folks to follow also if you wanted to know anymore and I did that before I read this, so clearly I wasn't feeling aggressive in any kind of way towards you. I was truly trying to understand why it appeared you didnt think enough was being done.

Now some of those that come in here with the nothing is happening song. Yeah, they bug me. Clearly they arent doing the work or they would never make a comment like that because they would know better.

If you knew me IRL you would know one of the last things I am is an aggressive person. I dont require pats on the back. Geezzz Im in my 60's they might knock me over! I've been on this site a long time and one thing I have learned and this really stands for all social media really, not just this site, a lot of people just dont translate well in print. I seem to be one of those people. Not to mention I have a very dry humor on occasion.

So to keep it short, ready to try again with this little old lady?

Hell, I can keep it short, you can ask my wife!
You have a PM about Twitter and thank you.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Um, but he also said we are the news now.

So, are we in trouble?

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Your message informed my psyche that I'm not ready for ascension to the next level yet. But that's OK, because I'm thoroughly enjoying the carnal world right now...

Bring on the Arrests!!

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:23 PM
Blast from the past refresher.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:26 PM
Electrical activity in living organisms mirrors electrical fields in atmosphere

Most electrical activity in vertebrates and invertebrates occurs at extremely low frequencies, and the origin—and medical potential—of these frequencies have eluded scientists. Now a Tel Aviv University study provides evidence for a direct link between electrical fields in the atmosphere and those found in living organisms, including humans.

The study's findings may change established notions about electrical activity in living organisms, paving the way for revolutionary, new medical treatments. Illnesses such as epilepsy and Parkinson's are related to abnormalities in the electrical activity of the body

We show that the electrical activity in many living organisms—from zooplankton in the oceans, to sharks and even in our brains—is very similar to the electrical fields we measure and study in the atmosphere from global lightning activity," 

phys .org

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: onehuman

You know.....
I just cannot help myself. I have got to comment on this one mo time.

So to keep it short, ready to try again with this little old lady?

I bet you are a fierce, fire breathing old Battle Axe (what we call tough old ladies down south) and dont you let ANYONE tell you any different.
You keep up the good fight. We (all of us) are bound to bump heads sometimes, but as long as we come together in the end it's all good. That's how we grow.
PS. You really ain't that old. You only have about a decade on me.

edit on 7-5-2020 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: Trillium
Atkinson changed the Whistleblower form to allow 2nd hand whistleblowers AFTER Ciaramella filed his second-hand report that lead to President Trump's eventual impeachment.

Also, Atkinson's wife works for (or with) Russian-collusion hoax setup company, Fusion GPS. (watch the wives)


posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:43 PM
DECODE ID 26RSH200207008D ADDITIONS to decode on Q4140


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ca2cad No.9066831 📁
May 7 2020 13:35:40 (EST) NEW

1) I make this the 11th occurrence of the standard FREEDOM FLAG but the 17th of the Stars & Stripes!!!
a) To note, I think this is the first time the flag has been given a 64 character Hexadecimal filename - could be the "KEY"?

2) Picture dimensions of 1128 x 594 links to:
Q1128 [H] = House of Representatives
Q594 Drones over US. Tracking only. []

3) It's a ZERO min MARKER followed, 54 Sseconds later, by this Retweet of @FLOTUS BE BEST anniversary = ACTION IN PROGRESS.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:51 PM
DECODE ID 26RSH200207009D Addition to previous decode on Q4141


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: db95eb No.9069125 📁
May 7 2020 15:59:20 (EST) NEW
Keep watching the news.

1) The post number is a 5by5 = EYES ON

4141 = 4+1, 4+1 = 55

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 11:57 PM
[They] are making it easier by the day for me to go from rebel to full on Outlaw.

Entertaining comments/memes too.

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