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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: cirrus12
Well well well:

UK coronavirus adviser Neil Ferguson resigns after breaking lockdown rules
Key expert in coronavirus response resigns from Sage after admitting ‘error of judgment’
Prof Neil Ferguson, the epidemiologist whose modelling helped shape Britain’s coronavirus lockdown strategy, has quit as a government adviser after flouting the rules by receiving visits from his lover at his home.

Ferguson runs the group of scientists at Imperial College London whose projections helped persuade ministers of the need to impose stringent physical distancing rules, or risk the NHS being overwhelmed.

In a statement on Tuesday, he said he was resigning his post on the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), over an “error of judgment”.

This really damages the credibility of the lockdown strategy.

This was the same guy that said the deaths were going to be really high, then changed his mind to really low, right?

Maybe that was why he changed them, didn't want to cramp his style. LOL

Seriously, what is with all these high profile people breaking isolation and stuff. I know it is a "do as I say, not as I do" world, but come on....

Breaking news. Man ignores risks and decides getting laid is more important.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:32 PM
It is a genius plan - however, surely China will work out what happened and that there is a 3rd party? If your sources know they they will soon also right? I wonder how that could play out.

a reply to: tennisdawg

edit on 5-5-2020 by cirrus12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:34 PM

Coronavirus researcher nearing 'very significant findings' dead in apparent murder-suicide

Monday, May 4, 2020

A researcher who was reportedly nearing some “very significant findings” in his work on the coronavirus was found killed at his Pittsburgh-area home, a local TV station reported.

Bing Liu, 37, was fatally shot in his head, neck and torso over the weekend in Ross Township, Pennsylvania, in what police are calling a murder-suicide, according to CBS Pittsburgh affiliate KDKA.

A second man, who police say knew Mr. Liu but did not identify, was found nearby in his car with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Ross Township detectives do not believe there is a suspect loose, KDKA reported.

hopefully this isnt the start of a trend.. I am leaning toward this virus being synthetic because it has a gene sequence not seen in any other kind of sars or bat virus and the US, China, UK and co have all played around with this kind of tampering.

If people are suddenly dying you are researching this virus it opens up a world of horrible realities..

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:39 PM
That is freaky. I wonder who the second man is?
a reply to: Agit8dChop

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
It is a genius plan - however, surely China will work out what happened and that there is a 3rd party? If your sources know they they will soon also right? I wonder how that could play out.

a reply to: tennisdawg

My information is sourced from the Ukraine on this. I have no idea if China knows or cares about the real story. Their narrative will be that the USA released the virus in Wuhan as espionage. They are being exposed on the wet market story, and this will be the next step.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:53 PM
How do you think the 2nd wave of this will compare to the 1st wave?
a reply to: tennisdawg

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: blazinx

I don't understand why there has to be a 2nd wave.

I get it when you look back historically at the 1917 pandemic, but that was a radically different time.

I dont think there needs to be one..

then again, looking at the US and their protests.. its absolute insanty. they'll have dozens of waves

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: blazinx
How do you think the 2nd wave of this will compare to the 1st wave?
a reply to: tennisdawg

way, way worse, unfortunately. I have seen an official document that describes a possible 're-activation' of the virus during the 2nd cycle that specifically affects patients who were asymptomatic in the first cycle. Based on the current antibody data, we may have more asymptomatics than symptomatics in the first cycle. There could be a lot of trojan horses out there in about 6 months. Very scary #. This is one of the hallmarks that will show this is a lab created virus, and this was designed for long term biological warfare.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
a reply to: blazinx

I don't understand why there has to be a 2nd wave.

I get it when you look back historically at the 1917 pandemic, but that was a radically different time.

I dont think there needs to be one..

then again, looking at the US and their protests.. its absolute insanty. they'll have dozens of waves

There really is NO second wave, its just a marketing ploy to keep the virus info in the main news. They should report it as it really is and this is it: stupid and selfish people refuse to self restraint against social distancing and causing more cases of infection to occur.
There is NO such thing as a second wave.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

As far as I can understand , if you smoke you are unlikely to get it, funny how WHO and the big boys have tried to stop smoking? If your on Cloroquinine for RA or Lupus you wont get it. Funny how Its said to not work. and if your Vitamin D levels are up their with a Californian Surfer you wont get it, funny how they are stopping Surfers. So it seems their are a few ways not to get it, but not a word from the MSM on alternative ways to live through this.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 07:49 PM
what does winamp have to do with a cure?


Belgian, U.S. scientists look to llama in search for COVID-19 treatment

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A llama called Winter could prove useful in the hunt for a treatment for COVID-19, according to U.S. and Belgian scientists who have identified a tiny particle that appears to block the new coronavirus.

edit on 5/5/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: MrRCflying

As far as I can understand , if you smoke you are unlikely to get it, funny how WHO and the big boys have tried to stop smoking? If your on Cloroquinine for RA or Lupus you wont get it. Funny how Its said to not work. and if your Vitamin D levels are up their with a Californian Surfer you wont get it, funny how they are stopping Surfers. So it seems their are a few ways not to get it, but not a word from the MSM on alternative ways to live through this.

the smoking thing confuses me i remember reading in the beginning it said smokers and obese people were the most vulnerable.

I personally think marijuana probably helps
edit on 5/5/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 07:57 PM
Zero cases again today in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Third day in a row but still to soon to see if we should go to alert level two.
Kia kaha world.

edit on 5-5-2020 by Cloudbuster because: Spelling grammar problems

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: Cloudbuster
Zero cases again today in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Third day in a row but still to soon to see if we should go to alert level two.
Kia kaha world.

whats your thoughts on the travel bubble?

I dont think it will work as well as they think

1. Everthings shut, what are people going to do?
2. Most people are out of work, they cannot afford holidays
3. Airports are where this will spread

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:12 PM
I think we need to wait longer to open travel bubble, at least until we have zero cases for at least 3weeks in a row that's just my opinion. And keep that bubble exclusive until better results world wide. Prob could let in other countries in they do a self quarantine for 2 and half weeks. I take it you live in oz. I did just read in paper about 7yr old boy in oz has virus and they have closed the school for one day. a reply to: Agit8dChop

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:17 PM
There are lots of whānau separated by our Dutch between countries, I feel sad for them, but bubbles often pop when they collide. And yes people have no money at the moment. reply to: Agit8dChop

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:45 PM
Sorry folks I got it completely wrong and we have 1 confirmed new case and one probable case in Aotearoa/New Zealand today and one more death. The confirmed case is link to a cluster at a high school in Auckland that started ages ago so it is still being transmitted through that cluster 250 people in that cluster. Sorry I got it all wromg

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 09:09 PM
May 5th Update Eastern Virginia Medical School Critical Care COVID-19 Protocol developed by Dr. Paul Marik, MD (link to PDF)

tl;dr: Pre-ICU Quercetin, Zinc, Vit-C, Vit-D, O2.
Post-ICU: IV-Vit-C, Methylprednisolone, Heparin.
Very detailed discussion of treatment phases.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 09:46 PM
Update: May 6, 2020 Wednesday Tokyo time: 11:30 am

I mention earlier on one of my post that I'd try to make my updates a bit more international and perhaps more on "what's happening in everyone's front yard" type of post. The reason is because: Chinese updates are rare and Japanese updates are beginning not to be of much of interest these days to what is happening to the outside world, and the events in Japan (somewhat untruthful as far as reporting cases and deaths of the virus ) still hold a lot of weight, but not much international interest in this country.

I want to include some previous MIM's Street Talk first. The reason is, some of you may have missed it and has some of this taken place since my last post on April 30th.
This may take place worldwide so if this stuff does happen, we'll have to make a life's adjustment to it.

1. I don't know about schools around the world but it may seem possible that will take a new turn on education at the 5th grade level. Why, classes will be structured in 3 ways, one is the local economy (education focus locally) (nothing new here, but it won't start at the junior college level. The second way of education will be nurturing the talent of the student , again at the 5th grade level. The 3 level will be a "voluntary forced education" to assure employment in ones aptitude.

2. Life WILL NOT go back to what it once was. ( I hope you all understand that ) This will vary from country to country.

3. It will be nearly impossible to leave the country you are now in unless you are politically connected/ military connected.

4. For the States, entry to another State will have to be approved. ( Transportation hubs will have special privileges )

5. Its best if possible to leave any major city. As I mentioned before, major cities will become open door prisons and that is a fact. It won't be the type that you see with bars though. Expect loss of freedom and strict curfew this coming summer in the States.

The above is my Street Talk and it is very possible to happen in your country also. Just today, Russia closed down Moscow

My current MIM's Street Talk in the making
1. Look at #2 below. This will start at the interstate hwys in the States.
2. As stated in one of my post, these will be worn by trackers across America. It will detect who has a fever and possibly other test.

1. The US government should answer ten questions, provide explanations to the world, the Chinese newspaper concludes.

Why doesn’t the U.S. government provide comprehensive protection for medical workers? Why were those reporting facts fired?
There are over 20,000 deaths from the seasonal flu in America starting last September, how many of those cases were the novel coronavirus undetected?
Why did Washington suddenly shut down its bioweapons lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland last July?
Some senators offloaded shares while playing down the threats of the disease. Why aren’t they being held accountable?
Why did the U.S. downplay the pandemic when it knew the disease would develop into one?
When did the earliest COVID-19 infection happen in the U.S.? Why doesn’t Washington get experts to trace it?
What secret research is being carried out at the biolabs established by the U.S. in former Soviet states?
Why was Brett Crozier relieved of his command after saving the lives of thousands of soldiers on board?
Will the U.S. disclose its pandemic control timeline to the world?
What effective measures have the U.S. adopted in the last two months other than the restrictions on travel with China?

2. Next week, due to complications of the epidemiological situation, Moscow is introducing a system of passes for moving around the city, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said in a televised address to Muscovites.

3. Be prepared to wear this: its a wrist device that will tell you if and when you are infected.

4. A number of Japanese groups offering humanitarian assistance abroad have recently been forced to evacuate staff due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, casting a shadow over their support for refugees and poverty-stricken regions.

Mahan Airlines has been sanctioned by the US because it was secretly transporting weapons and prominent figures for the Revolutionary Guard to Irans operations in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq - countries that also have strong ties with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
By using flight data and talking to sources in Lebanon and Iraq, BBC Arabic was able to confirm that the first cases of Covid-19 in these two countries were for travellers on Mahan flights.

6. I think Mexico is going to catch up with the world: On May 5 , health authorities confirmed over 26000 Covid-19 cases and 2500 deaths in Mexico.

Update: May 6, 2020 Tokyo Wednesday Time: 11:30 am

The total number of people who have been infected in Japan is
4712 in Tokyo ( remember , they aren't testing the general public yet, and these are reported govt. hospital cases )
1686 in Osaka ( its a bit hard to believe since Osaka is not a very well type of city that obeys the govt. )
1121 in Kanagawa
910 in Saitama
891 in Hokkaido ( labor shortage in the dairy industry here )
858 in Chiba ( lots of rural area here and farming also )
Hyogo 674
Fukuoka Prefecture 649 ( if you been following me, I said this will be a cluster troubled area in the future )
Aichi Prefecture 498
Kyoto Prefecture 338 ( city of tourism, can pick up once people start going out again )
Ishikawa Prefecture 268
Toyama Prefecture 216
Ibaraki Prefecture 168
Hiroshima Prefecture 165 (surfing in this area, going to be bad in June )
Gifu Prefecture 150
Gunma prefecture 146 people
Okinawa prefecture 142 people (wow, I remember the hysteria when only 3 people infected, expect many more )
Fukui prefecture 122 people
Shiga prefecture 97 people
Miyagi prefecture 88 people
Nara prefecture 88 people ( many tourist visit here, but now most stuff is closed down )
Fukushima prefecture 79 people ( lots of old people here, hope it doesn't affect the farming industry )
Niigata prefecture 78 people
Kochi The prefecture has 74 people,
Shizuoka prefecture has 73 people,
Nagano prefecture has 72 people,
Yamagata prefecture has 69 people,
Wakayama prefecture has 62 people,
Oita prefecture has 60 people,
Yamanashi prefecture has 56 people,
Tochigi prefecture has 54 people, and
Ehime prefecture has. 48 people
Kumamoto prefecture 47 people ( people are going to go the beaches here, expect a wave of increases soon )
Mie prefecture 45 people
Saga prefecture 45 people
Yamaguchi prefecture 37 people ( schools here are due to open May 23rd. )
Kagawa prefecture 28 people
Aomori prefecture 26 people
Shimane prefecture has 24 people ( this prefecture is showing an increase )
Okayama prefecture has 23 people
Nagasaki prefecture has 17 people
Miyazaki prefecture has 17 people
Akita prefecture has 16 people
Kagoshima prefecture has 10 people
Tokushima prefecture has 5 people
Tottori prefecture has 3 people.

A total of 306 people were confirmed by quarantine at the airport and crew members of cruise ships at Nagasaki Port
14 people returned from China by charter aircraft.

Well, its been a week since my last post and a lot has happened around the world.
Enjoy life people

Last update:
edit on 0500000008022020-05-05T22:02:08-05:00020805pm10 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

I thought it was a bit dicey at first when it first was reported from China, but the same study was reported in France. The Italians collected one hundred and sixty thousand people on chloroquine for RA and Lupus, one tested positive but had no symptoms no deaths or hospitalizations. and all the patients in hospital in France for the virus had low vitamin D.

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