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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on May, 5 2020 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: drussell41
Given that there's an 86 percent fatality rate for COVID-19 patients placed on ventilators, there is indeed a choice. It's to say no to continued medical torture and ask for comfort care.

And if you're in the USA, you cite the 'Right To Try' law President Trump signed, and demand high dose IV Vitamin C - and recover quickly and fully.


STOP letting someone else have control of your future, and whether you live or die.

I don't know what hospitals you've gone to but this advice wouldn't stand up to hospitals around here at all. You can demand all you like, and they will still do what they want to do (or not do). You'd be amazed at the amount of force that has to be applied to just get something like an IV line placed deep in the forearm versus the hand or antecubital space. I can no more demand a certain drug than you can demand all the dolphins leap from the sea. I could try, tanstaffl, but I'm telling you these people do not give a damn about your rights or your life. You're just an annoying number they have to deal with in order to make money.
edit on 5-5-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: Serdgiam
What if hes right?

Then spam lobby the AMA and make your case, not ATS.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 11:34 AM
Numbers from around the world are taken from Worldometers for May 5th.

Spain - Pop: 44.6 M
250,561 Positive tests…….. or 1 out of 186 Spaniards
10.22% Deaths (25,613)

Italy - Pop: 60.4 M
213,013 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 284 Italians
13.76 % Deaths (29,315)

UK – Pop: 66.6 M
194,990 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 342 UKers
15.09 % Deaths (29,427)

France – Pop: 67.0 M
169,462 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 395 French
14.87 % Deaths (25,201)

Sweden – Pop: 10.2 M
23,216 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 441 Swedes
12.29 % Deaths (2,854)

Denmark – Pop: 5.8 M
9,821 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 591 Danes
5.12 % Deaths (503)

US - Pop: 330 M
1,218,025 Positive tests.... or 1 out of 271 Americans
5.75 % Deaths

US death rates (2017):
1. Heart Disease …………….…………647,457 annual or 1,773 daily average
2. Cancer ……………………..……….….599,108 annual or 1,641 daily average
3. Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936 annual or 465 daily average
7. Diabetes:………………………………….83,564 annual or 228 daily average

COVID-19 ………………………………………. 70,653 (66 Day) or 1070 daily average

*** SURPASSED *****

8. Influenza and Pneumonia …………55,562 annual or 152 daily average
9. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis:..50,633 annual or 138 daily average
10. Intentional self-harm (suicide):..47,173 annual or 129 daily average
X. Auto accidents ………………….………37,461 annual or 102 daily average
X. H1N1 2009 ESTIMATED (8,868 – 18,638) for 1 year or 24 – 50 daily average

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 11:55 AM
I just wanted to state for the record (I have been following this from Dec/Jan when no one took it seriously).

1. It will be proven that the virus leaked from the lab in Wuhan
2. It will be proven that the virus was created in the lab by Dr. Shi

After deep analysis I have come to the conclusion that we currently have a 5 month window.

The second wave will begin in Oct.

It will be devastating (Flu season, cold season, and Covid) is the time to plan for the second wave.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: celltypespecific

Check out this video. Peak Prosperity has been giving really good info all along in my opinion. Not fear mongering or wild conspiracy theory, but opinions based on science. Doctor Martenson seems to think it was created in a lab and gets into the scientific weeds as to why he thinks so.

edit on 5-5-2020 by asdfas because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 12:41 PM
Fauci fudging the Placebo for the Remdesivir trials?

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 12:46 PM
Thanks for sharing your perspective. It's always good to hear some military side of things for UK.

I'm currently on the testing island, Isle Of Wight, I'm not keen on the app and gov decision to use our island for this test. We have a much higher majority of older people on this island and are under resourced.

The army have been and helped with getting a field hospital in place, Chinook vent transfers have been tested and our hovercraft now equipped to carry patients to Southampton or Portsmouth.

For me it feels as if there is an inevitable second wave weather TD says this or not. There is a push back to work but not enough testing or resources.. yet.

It's looking like a second wave will be after summer interactions as lockdown is eased.

Feels as if here the hospitals and gov are preparing for further disruption, Covid issues, ready for next wave. Winter would be hell.

Many thanks for your update.

originally posted by: Brick17

UK Armed forces rural North. As I have previously explained, my location, role, cap badge and trade are all purposely kept vague.

Been awhile since my last one, again.

Work: Life goes on with the new work routine and measures in place (all centered around hygiene and distancing), everything we can do to mitigate exposure to the virus we do throughout our location. Other than that our role remains the same although on reduced manning. Other departments on location are rotating personnel on a weekly basis whilst others are at home on standby/call. Not many people here due to our role but there are some training for various ops that have not yet been stood up, again, don't know if they will (all to help civil authority). As HMF personnel we can now get tested for the virus, we have to report to the nearest testing station like any other key worker. There have been personnel from here who have been tested (results back in 24hrs), all negative. We do have personnel who live on location self isolating in barracks. Other than that it's the same.

Home: All fit and healthy. Adjusted to the new routine and way of doing things.

Opinion: The Chinese have a lot to answer for. Getting threaders with how so many are playing politics with this situation. It's got so bad I've seen people trying to make others dislike nurses on social media. I know from my wider circle of forces mates/friends that the supply chain is good, or at least from a military point of view. What's being asked for is getting done. Case in point, PPE. Although there are issues with procurement this has not affected the supply. Going Duffy (without), short of or with surplus at civil locations (hospitals, practices, med centres etc) has been down to those organisations crappy organisation and isn't political, the army can only provide and deliver on what is asked for to where it's requested to be dropped off at. It's bollocks, it's not the forces fault or the local authorities or Governments fault. People, civvies, are not doing their job properly, simple. I'll have to take back one of my previous statements about supply, I was wrong. Waste of time getting the test done unless you think you have symptoms of the virus. Pissed off with with how some people are playing home politics and criticising everything that is done, most of those types are absolute mongtards creating nothing but division when we should be getting # done together. They should get their Lardy malingering backsides moving and do something useful and help in someway like volunteering to help in their local community instead of playing party politics, mongtards.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: asdfas
I watched it to why my earlier post....

It definitely leaked from the lab and it was created in the lab....

There is a major 12 base pair insertion that cannot be evolved naturally.

I was posting about this back in Dec/Jan.....

edit on 5-5-2020 by celltypespecific because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 01:36 PM
Here is an update from Macon county in central Illinois (it has been 12 days since my last update on this thread):

As of this moment, we have had 124 confirmed cases and 13 deaths in our county. We still have not reached our 'peak' yet.

At my hospital, currently we have 16 people in the COVID unit (12 confirmed positive + 4 suspected cases waiting test results), and we have had 7 deaths at our hospital so far from Covid19, still primarily because 2 nursing homes had outbreaks in our community, but now we also have one of our own community physicians in the hospital who came down with COVID19 from patient contact, and 3 other nurses and affiliated hospital staff; so, it is now infecting local healthcare workers. We have discharged 6 people as being 'recovered' so far total.

Some good news is that we now have the ability to do a 'rapid test' on site. That has really helped to keep the number of COVID unit patients down, as they can be put into less restricted areas of the hospital for normal management of their medical issues if they are not under high suspicion of having COVID-19 to start with. If the first test is negative in a suspected patient, however, we have decided to run a second send out test, holding the patient in the COVID unit of the hospital until they get two negative test results. That is probably also good, considering the number of documented false negative test results.

When a patient tests positive and does not need to be admitted to the hospital, we are sending them home with 'at home monitoring' using home-monitoring kits. These kits each include detailed instructions, a thermometer, blood oxygen monitor (to be placed on a finger tip, which can also monitor heart rate), an inhaler, respiratory spirometer, and peak flow meter. The last few things are to keep track of which patient's start to show respiratory compromise, that would then mean they need to come back into our hospital COVID unit for admission. Each patient gets a daily phone call for monitoring from our staff, to make sure they are okay (and hopefully will be getting better!).

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: Fowlerstoad
Here is an update from Macon county in central Illinois (it has been 12 days since my last update on this thread):

As of this moment, we have had 124 confirmed cases and 13 deaths in our county. We still have not reached our 'peak' yet.

At my hospital, currently we have 16 people in the COVID unit (12 confirmed positive + 4 suspected cases waiting test results), and we have had 7 deaths at our hospital so far from Covid19, still primarily because 2 nursing homes had outbreaks in our community, but now we also have one of our own community physicians in the hospital who came down with COVID19 from patient contact, and 3 other nurses and affiliated hospital staff; so, it is now infecting local healthcare workers. We have discharged 6 people as being 'recovered' so far total.

Some good news is that we now have the ability to do a 'rapid test' on site. That has really helped to keep the number of COVID unit patients down, as they can be put into less restricted areas of the hospital for normal management of their medical issues if they are not under high suspicion of having COVID-19 to start with. If the first test is negative in a suspected patient, however, we have decided to run a second send out test, holding the patient in the COVID unit of the hospital until they get two negative test results. That is probably also good, considering the number of documented false negative test results.

When a patient tests positive and does not need to be admitted to the hospital, we are sending them home with 'at home monitoring' using home-monitoring kits. These kits each include detailed instructions, a thermometer, blood oxygen monitor (to be placed on a finger tip, which can also monitor heart rate), an inhaler, respiratory spirometer, and peak flow meter. The last few things are to keep track of which patient's start to show respiratory compromise, that would then mean they need to come back into our hospital COVID unit for admission. Each patient gets a daily phone call for monitoring from our staff, to make sure they are okay (and hopefully will be getting better!).

Question for you.

Are you reccomending to people getting tests to self isolate until they get the results?

Here locally we had several people tested over the weekend. On Monday morning one went to Sam's Club, and the other to Walmart.

Obviously they knew they were exposed, or were sick enough to go get a test. They still decided to go to stores knowing they were possibly positive, waiting on results.

The results came back positive, now they are trying to do tracing to anyone they may have come in contact with at the stores.

To me, it seems pretty obvious if you are waiting on test results, not to go anyplace, go home...

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: Diamondgeezur

the uk will be fine. lower death.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: celltypespecific
I just wanted to state for the record (I have been following this from Dec/Jan when no one took it seriously).

1. It will be proven that the virus leaked from the lab in Wuhan
2. It will be proven that the virus was created in the lab by Dr. Shi

After deep analysis I have come to the conclusion that we currently have a 5 month window.

The second wave will begin in Oct.

It will be devastating (Flu season, cold season, and Covid) is the time to plan for the second wave.
Likewise and concur!

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: doggodlol
a reply to: Diamondgeezur

the uk will be fine. lower death.

I'd love to think so. Do you have any evidence for this? At the moment we have the second highest deaths in the entire world. I do hope your right.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: McGinty

'Tories', I refer to them as government. One, because I don't like to play party politics and Two, because the government will have input from many individuals, agencies etc from outside their own political viewpoint, when taking advice on this current crisis. As to wether the Gov was slow in restricting our freedoms in the form of a lockdown, I don't know yet. Every nation is different for a whole host of reasons, so many variables and ultimately we have to look out for ourselves. Then there is the question of advice, Intel, science and (if it was involved), politics that may have influenced their decisions/actions at the time.

My personal opinion is that Cheltenham should not have gone ahead. But then there would have been reasons (I'd like to think) why the decision was taken to allow it to happen. Who signed it off, what was the reasoning at the time.

I'm not against holding those elected to account, it's a must. It's just that this is a rapidly changing situation in some respects, so much about the virus is not known(thanks to the CCP not being open and hones. We - the rest of the world is behind the curve in what the CCP knows). My anger is towards the media, who seem hell bent on making out that the government we have are the problem and the U.K. Generally is the worst. Niether of which is true. Where there is fault, then by all means hold them to account. This crisis has a long way to go. A lot of lessons will be learnt along the way, setbacks, 'defeats' and arduous times. It's annoying to see party politics getting in the way. There will be time enough to analyse post crisis. Those who made honest decisions at the time with the information at the time should not be judged by the media or chased after in the name of politics. Those, where it can be clearly seen, made decisions not in the best interests for the nation's due to other influences must be held to account.

I have been in the Army along time. I don't want to expand on that in such an open forum, or my history. I have travelled a great deal. Had some amazing postings overseas in my time. Lots of exercises, dets, deployed on operations. Some of my tours were so easy I was just there somewhere not doing a great deal. When I was younger several of my deployments saw me getting involved 'amongst' it. We all get older as our career cracks on. I'm very well aware that the powers that be don't give a #e, no matter where they are on the political spectrum.

No offence intended. Take care and stay safe.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: Diamondgeezur

Thanks mate.

This crisis will last along time. Lots of training going on for contingency planning. Both for ops not yet stood up and to train then replace those currently ongoing. All other normal training has ceased, MATTs, ranges etc.

Keep us posted on how the app fares on IOW, I'm interested to know. I don't think it will be all that great. Because out privacy laws are different to say S. Korea's where a similar app has worked really well, our app cannot be as integrated or intrusive. Which will degrade its effectiveness.

Keep up the good work mate. I know you are volunteering, It's tough but you really are making a difference by volunteering. By volunteering you are putting others first, that's selfless. Respect.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 02:51 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere (No BNO) :

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: Brick17

Cheers for your Updates Brick, really appreciate them.
Stay Safe.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Yes, MRC … we are telling them to go home and self isolate until we get the test results. There is trust involved. Are they all self isolating? I hope so … I would, but there are some people who won't. We try to monitor them via phone calls, but that isn't sufficient to MAKE SURE they stay home, unfortunately. It is imperfect, but we are telling them they can spread the virus if they have it, and to wait and self isolate until they get a negative result.

Prevention is the goal, and contact tracing is for when the goal isn't met. It sucks that those people behaved the way they did in your area.

edit on 5-5-2020 by Fowlerstoad because: grammer correction

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 03:33 PM


posted on May, 5 2020 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: drussell41
I can no more demand a certain drug than you can demand all the dolphins leap from the sea.

With that attitude, you are correct. I didn't say it would be easy.

You have to understand...

a) they need your permission to treat you

b) the Right to Try law is a law - if they refuse to honor it, put them on notice that you will be filing a criminal complaint

c) call the D.A. - file a criminal complaint

d) refuse any other treatment... if you truly hit the proverbial brick wall, get the hell out of the hospital, and go to practitioner that will actually give you what will save your life, then pursue the criminal complaint

I could try, tanstaffl, but I'm telling you these people do not give a damn about your rights or your life. You're just an annoying number they have to deal with in order to make money.

And again - they cannot treat you without your permission. Don't give it.

Ever heard the saying 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease"? Be the squeaky wheel.

But you are correct that they will not respect our Rights unless we insist - nay, demand that they be respected.

Freedom ain't free.

What is your life worth? Or the life of your mother? Or father? Or child? Or other loved one?

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