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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: checkmeout
Can we stop arguing about politics and get back to covid?

There's been a lot of talk about using zinc with hydroxychloroquine and that the trials need to add zinc in order to be successful. My thoughts a)the body already has some zinc so if it was going to have an effect it would have had at least a marginal effect. B) the podcast the Daily did an interview with a New York dr at the height of the epidemic. Drs were throwing all sorts at their patients who they were clearly watching deteriorate. I remember the dr in the podcast commenting that hydroxychloroquine and zinc was not making a difference.

I know some medical trials get stopped because the result is so astonishing that they have to implement immediately. That has not happened to my knowledge with any of these covid studies. Not to say it wont but I don't think we've found the key yet.

Hydroxychloroquine is used in lupus. Presumably because it has some action to dampen the immune system. I'd imagine that is something that would hamper the body's response. Tho I'm not a chemist.

In my small city in SW UK we had 5 deaths today. 19 new cases.
Both the biggest numbers this far. Generally UK numbers are plateauing but I think people here getting complacent due to relatively low numbers.

Well said. Can only concur.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Don't know about keyboard warrior but for that cheek and profanity, your snib would have been burst on the spot. x

Now jog on little dogie and lick Boris's back passage clean some more before ya get bitten.

Boris is cockwomble and if you think otherwise i suggest Specsdirect2u may be of some service.

And if im not quite mistake, the back garden and a few beers are a calling.
edit on 23-4-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 02:14 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere (BNO still not updating) :

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: checkmeout

Im with you - well said

I was also under the impression that it is getting the Zinc into an infected cell to stop the RNA production.
The Hydroxychloroquine is supposed to be like a battering ram at a castle -- breaking the wall of the cell to allow the Zinc in.

Which of course leads to what if the cell doesn't have the virus does it get effected by the Hydroxychloroquine. Not sure not a doctor - hence why some doctors use it successfully and some don't.
Just watched a EM doctors forum they never mention it at all

from a week ago

but the did say they are trying everything and running short and out of lots of stuff but look for "Adult tummy time"
to become a trending topic in breathing.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: checkmeout
I remember the dr in the podcast commenting that hydroxychloroquine and zinc was not making a difference.
The point of this video was that there hasn't been a good study of hydroxychloroquine yet, nor a good study of hydroxychloroquine and zinc. He makes some good points on how flawed the study was saying that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective, because in the flawed study it was administered too late when the patients were already at death's door so of course the death rate won't look good in such an uncontrolled study. He said to see if it's effective it needs to be administered earlier and so far he hasn't seen a controlled study which does that. He also mentions the zinc and azithromycin as good candidates to possibly test along with hydroxychloroquine as long as the study is controlled well and doesn't create the same flaws in the study he massacres calling it "garbage".

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: DankyDSmythe

Its looking more like we might be looking at a good percentage of all this being a Plandemic, How certain media outlets are saying Chloroquine and zinc is killing more than its curing, but when you look at the fact Puerto Rico who has used it since the onset has a remarkable control over this virus. They are steering this into a win win for big pharma, with only patentable drugs gaining the upper hand and making the big profits, this is why the civilization will collapse, its being undermined for short term gain.

He also said Google has announced that the youtube channels of people like him who contradict the WHO may have their channels banned as spreading "fake news" so if you want to watch it better do it soon in case his channel gets banned. However I suppose Trump doesn't have the same confidence in WHO as Google's CEO, since Trump requested WHO funding from the US to be stopped or reduced. I watched the video and it doesn't sound like "fake news" to me.

anonentity, I don't know why you say "plandemic", I'm not seeing the pandemic as planned. But, given the situation, there's no doubt that drug companies would like to make money from the current crisis, and the video questions the ethics of the same university doing the flawed study on hydroxychloroquine also announcing doing a study for an experimental drug for a drug company. He may have a point there; big pharma has been known to have some shady practices to promote their own cures over other alternatives.

edit on 2020423 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 02:42 PM

It's been a few days....
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edit on Thu Apr 23 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

I agree that the studies are flawed. We're not trying to treat anyone who isn't doing really poorly. The Hydroxychloroqine and zinc combo has to be started EARLY. I don't think much of anything will work when people are at the almost dead state. You can't bring organs back once they start breaking down.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 03:27 PM
Not sure if this is the right forum for this and if not, I apologize.

Sen Elizabeth's brother "Don Reed" dead from COVID-19


Rep Maxine Waters sister dying from COVID-19

edit on 23-4-2020 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 03:38 PM

So Millions Are Being Murdered | The Killer Cure have we done the right Thing .

I'd say yes but now we know the effects on the majority and we have experienced social distance and seen it work is it time to open up the food chain and poverty prevention measures.

Social distance and face mask in public plenty of cleaning hands and public contact areas

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 05:41 PM
US Department of Health and Human Services has updated their FAQ about Covid-19

It's mostly stuff we already know. Of interest was that they report that there's at least 332 clinical trials with different procedures and medications that are ongoing.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 05:54 PM
A Close Look at the Frontrunning Coronavirus vaccines

Dated today (April 23, 2020)

Not treatments, folks. Vaccines. Current leading contender seems to be CanSino Bio’s Ad5-nCoV.

This is an excellent blog, with clear and easy to understand explanations and a lot of nice detail.

They think that if one of these pans out, we could have a vaccine within the year. This would be incredibly fast. To give you a metric, the vaccine for Ebola (which was developed quickly) took 5 years.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: puzzled2

So Millions Are Being Murdered | The Killer Cure have we done the right Thing .

I'd say yes but now we know the effects on the majority and we have experienced social distance and seen it work is it time to open up the food chain and poverty prevention measures.

Social distance and face mask in public plenty of cleaning hands and public contact areas

The video info is not looking into future 3 re-infection stage. That is the unknown. You got to think of this: if children get this infection, then re-infected and then re-infected, can they survive the 3 attack. This the silent secret that perhaps is being hidden from the general public. That's why the schools are closed down.

This is the unknown territory I've been mentioning of the "3 year of unknown", but now Science Journal has something stating about a "5 year test period of the unknown".

To compare a new virus with other virus's , one should take that with a grain of salt. Facts are facts, this virus re-infects and the continuing damage done to the human body and mind is still under study (this study is worldwide and to my understanding China is about 2 months into this sstudy).
edit on 0400000003172020-04-23T18:17:03-05:00170304pm6 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

edit on 0400000049182020-04-23T18:18:49-05:00184904pm6 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 06:44 PM
Numbers Update for the USA, and Elsewhere (BNO still down) :

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 06:45 PM

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 06:46 PM
Financial times Graphs by John Burn-Murdoch, more at the link :

Goodnight everyone, stay safe.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 07:10 PM
Trump Knows Science - Light and Heat

Another non evasive solution that the “experts” over looked.
Because there Is no money in light.
webMd - Can UV Light Be Used to Kill Airborne Flu Virus? Feb 2018

Lamps with this type of UV light currently cost less than $1,000, Brenner said, but that price would likely fall if the lamps were mass-produced. "And unlike flu vaccines, far-UVC is likely to be effective against all airborne microbes, even newly emerging strains," he said.

"Though hand-washing remains critically important, it does not prevent every instance of transmission," Grosso said. "Immunization and antiviral medications are also important, but again, have limitations. It appears that low-dose far-UV light is safe and effective, and has the advantage of inactivating a wide range of disease-causing viruses."

He noted that the technology's cost "is not prohibitive, and it is safe. This use can sterilize the air in a public space, reducing the spread of respiratory droplets containing flu viruses and other bacteria and viruses."

We can get the kids back into their class rooms!!!

I wonder how light effects viruses in Fauci’s land of science.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 07:12 PM
From Guardia n Live Feed :

- 10.59pm : " Wondering why the UK is struggling to reach its coronavirus testing target? "

The UK started ramping up testing too late, having abandoned it as a core principle on 12 March, when Johnson declared the virus could no longer be contained. People with symptoms should just stay at home, he said. Only hospital patients would be tested. Thus Britain went to the back of the queue for testing kits, reagents and other commodities that the world was scrambling for.

More at the dedicated Article.

- 11.12pm : " Ecuador doubles its confirmed cases, adding ~11,000 new cases due to backlog "

Minister Juan Carlos Zevallos said the government would add the new cases to the confirmed total of 11,183 infections. Almost 24,000 test results were pending, according to the health ministry’s figures, and on average they take a week to process.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

UV light has been known to be agood disintectant for a long while.
Robots use it to disinfect Hospitals so that MSRA can be killed.

A lot of Water treatment and air-con systems use it, for people who are immuno-depressed, in their homes.
I've even seen them be put in in 'Extreme makeover - Home Edition' over the years, for sick kids and their families.

Its not any good for Humans though, as it gives us skin cancer.

Good for disinfecting, yes.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 07:20 PM
link da6d

NSW is leading the country in the race to ease restrictions by upping the number of coronavirus tests administered each day to 8000.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced this morning that the increase in testing is part of the government’s wider plan to reopen the state.

“I want to stress today that I’m very pleased to announced NSW is now saying to anybody across the state, if you have symptoms, if you are worried you have COVID-19, if you have been in contact with anyone and you are concerned you have the disease, please come forward and get tested,” she said.

This could get interesting.. Australia and New Zealand are the envy of the world at the moment with their control over the virus and very low numbers, nearing 0.

If they test all people with or without symptoms, this could turn on a dime and suddenly sky rocket
It could also change the way we look at this virus.. If we find 1000's infected with it, yet no affects and no one around them infected.... what happens then?

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