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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: DankyDSmythe

Its looking more like we might be looking at a good percentage of all this being a Plandemic, How certain media outlets are saying Chloroquine and zinc is killing more than its curing, but when you look at the fact Puerto Rico who has used it since the onset has a remarkable control over this virus. They are steering this into a win win for big pharma, with only patentable drugs gaining the upper hand and making the big profits, this is why the civilization will collapse, its being undermined for short term gain.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

I don't know about lucky, but the red wine and weed seem to be keeping me somewhat perky for the time being anyhoo.

Had to do the ASDA run today, what a chore that was, shelves are getting low again, and as far as i can establish that without the muppets panic buying at the same pace they were a few weeks back.

As to the future, well everyone better prepare for a new normal, at least for the time being i suppose.

We certainly live in some very interesting times, or so it seems to me.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 08:51 PM
MIM's Update: April 23, 2020 Thursday Tokyo "time" morning

Part one of part two

Morning ATS members. Well, I mention earlier that I'd try to make my updates a bit more international and perhaps more on "what's happening in your front yard" type of post. The reason is because: Chinese updates are rare and Japanese updates are beginning not to be of much of interest these days to what is happening to the outside world. Actually, the events in Japan (somewhat untruthful as far as reporting cases and deaths of the virus ) still hold a lot of weight. I say that because ,well, for those that follow the financial post, I posted about investing in UBE KOSAN in Ube, Yamaguchi Pref a while back. That was another one of MIM's Street Talk that panned out as of yesterday. So for you that buy stocks, check them out. I'll post the link here .

So those that are following my Street Talk, I hope this will add a bit more assurance that most of MIM's Street Talk isn't pure BS at face value. I'm only here to help out as much as I can at all different angles in our daily life at these uncertain times.


1. Money is talking on this one: Dozens of mafia bosses could be released from prisons across Italy due to the risk of Covid-19 infection, after Italian judges set free at least three ageing mobsters, placing them under house arrest.
2. Italy's official death toll from the novel coronavirus topped 25,000 on Wednesday, but the number of those currently being treated declined for a third consecutive day as the government considers easing some of the lockdown measures.
3. Southern Italy was already suffering from poverty and corruption before the epidemic struck, leaving many people with little to fall back on. Unemployment was at 18 percent. And actually much higher then that since many work under the table.
4. Hey, the new China, Korea and Hong Kong now goes to New York: New York state has announced a new contact tracing program to prevent the further spread of coronavirus infections.
5. Officials in Nagasaki Prefecture in western Japan say they have confirmed 33 cases of the coronavirus on an Italian cruise ship docked there. The Costa Atlantica is at the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries shipyard in Nagasaki port for repairs. There are 623 crew members on board and no passengers.
6. MIM's Street Talk was 3 years, sorry folks, wrong on this one, Science Journal says 5 years, and the head of the World Health Organization says the world needs to brace for the new coronavirus pandemic continuing for a long time.
7. Hey, America needs another war, right ? US President Donald Trump has instructed the US Navy to fire on Iranian gunboats that prove to be a nuisance. (not really a virus update though)
8. Hey , what can go wrong here: The government is considering issuing a stronger shutdown request for pachinko parlors as some remain open — in defiance of existing requests by prefectural governors amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Actually since this was posted, the govt. has now closed down all Pachinko parlors nation wide. The bad thing about this is that most of the people that go there spend up to maybe 300 bucks at a time. So now they have more money to buy liquor or well... sad times ahead if their wives have a retired abusive husband.
9. Hanoi – Facebook’s local servers in Vietnam were taken offline early this year, slowing local traffic to a crawl until it agreed to significantly increase the censorship of “anti-state” posts for local users, two sources at the company said Tuesday. Didn't FB and google youtube do this also?

I'll post part 2 later in the day.

In the meantime check this book out:

Thanks for reading my post.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 09:31 PM
US Hospital ship Comfort leaving NYC and returning to home base.

This is good news, we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told President Donald Trump on Tuesday that New York City no longer needed the US Navy hospital ship Comfort. The USNS Comfort was deployed to Manhattan at the end of March to aid the city’s hospitals, which were overwhelmed with coronavirus patients. But with the conversion of the Javits Convention Centre into a temporary hospital, the Comfort didn’t get many patients. As of Tuesday, it had treated just 179 people. “It did give us comfort, but we don’t need it anymore, so if they need to deploy that somewhere else, they should take it,” Cuomo said Tuesday.
Trump said that the ship would be leaving the city as soon as possible to prepare for its next posting.
edit on 22/4/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: DankyDSmythe

Its looking more like we might be looking at a good percentage of all this being a Plandemic, How certain media outlets are saying Chloroquine and zinc is killing more than its curing, but when you look at the fact Puerto Rico who has used it since the onset has a remarkable control over this virus. They are steering this into a win win for big pharma, with only patentable drugs gaining the upper hand and making the big profits, this is why the civilization will collapse, its being undermined for short term gain.

Makes me mad that Fauci didn’t make more of an effort to fast tracking Chloroquine into clinical trials. Give scientists a chance to explore why it works in some and not in others and then explore zinc and other treatments that had promise. But instead he said Ventilators and and vaccines is all we can do.

Many died with ventilators in their throats while a promising treatment sat in doctors shelf.

They complain that we don’t know enough about chloroquine to trust it, yet that was by choice, Fauci’s choice.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Myself (and AG Bill Barr by the looks of it) are amazed the media are trying to discredit the drug.

After watching Peak Prosperity they are saying you need HCQ before the onset of bad symptoms. You cannot take it when you are already in bad shape. so perhaps those on ventilators were too far gone for it to be useful?

edit on 22/4/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 11:17 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: DankyDSmythe

Its looking more like we might be looking at a good percentage of all this being a Plandemic, How certain media outlets are saying Chloroquine and zinc is killing more than its curing, but when you look at the fact Puerto Rico who has used it since the onset has a remarkable control over this virus. They are steering this into a win win for big pharma, with only patentable drugs gaining the upper hand and making the big profits, this is why the civilization will collapse, its being undermined for short term gain.

Total madness. If their is anything that takes America, out as we know it... This will be it.. In all honesty I am surprised we made it this far. The greed of America, will be its death. The pandemic will reveal the feathers....

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: DankyDSmythe

So when the NY doctor asked for information did you email him add it to the comments on the many youtube Cameron Kyle-Sidell?

Just wondering, as sometimes someone from out of nowhere can help start the avalanche of an idea by just that kind of information.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 11:37 PM
Update Apr.22/20
Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)

Canada *** Total= 41,663 ***
20,965-Quebec, 13,718-Ontario, 3,401-Alberta, 1,795-British Columbia,
772-Nova Scotia, 326-Saskatchewan, 257-Manitoba, 118-New Brunswick,
257-Newfoundland & Labrador, 26-Prince Edward Island,
5-Northwest Territories, 11-Yukon, 13-Grand Princess, USA & Canada Updates

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 11:39 PM
Annual Deaths for Any Cause by State

Virginia 5 year average 63,984 people die per year from "any cause" which averages to 175.3 per day.

IHME Official Data for Virginia

According to IHME, 24 people died in Virginia yesterday that were called "COVID-19 deaths."

24/175.3 = 13.7%

What % of the general population of Virginia "have" CV19, let alone of the 175.3 that would have died yesterday from something else?

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 12:02 AM
UofL technology breakthrough technology shows promise fighting novel coronavirus

University of Louisville researchers have developed a technology that is believed to block the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 from infecting human cells.

The technology is based on a piece of synthetic DNA – an “aptamer” – which targets and binds with a human protein called nucleolin. Early tests show that this aptamer may stop viruses, including novel coronavirus, from “hijacking” nucleolin to replicate inside the body.

Comment: This is from a press release, so it's pretty straightforward and easy to read. However, I think it's just a bit too optimistic since later on they say it also shows promise (maybe) with cancer. At this point it's merely "proof of concept" and they're wanting FDA approval to fast track the research.

it's an interesting idea and if it pans out, it might later be adapted for almost any virus. The big question will be if there's any unintended consequences there.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: DankyDSmythe

Its looking more like we might be looking at a good percentage of all this being a Plandemic, How certain media outlets are saying Chloroquine and zinc is killing more than its curing, but when you look at the fact Puerto Rico who has used it since the onset has a remarkable control over this virus.

The media outlets are simply reporting on the medical research from many hospitals... research that I've linked before (and a lot that I didn't link) -- so they're not making it up. They're reporting what doctors on the front lines are telling them.

Interesting that you mention Puerto Rico, because it has a Covid-19 fatality rate that's higher than Baltimore and a lot of other US cities (including some big ones. It's twice that of Dallas, Texas.)

So if Puerto Rico's using it, it's not a success, as these numbers show. You can look at the data that MonkeyBallz posts and do the math for yourself (divide the deaths by the total number of cases.)

Another effort that the Youtube PhD overlooked was that New York's Cuomo also approved its use in New York about a month ago It has not been a can see for yourself -- death rate for New York state is nearly 6%...compared to about 2% for Texas.

(to get the percentage, divide the deaths by the number of cases (small number divided by big number.))

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 01:02 AM
Are your stores using something like this? All our stores now are using something of this nature.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 01:03 AM
New coronavirus outbreak in northern China puts city of 11 million on lockdown

Authorities in China have placed a city on lockdown as the country battles to prevent a second wave of the potentially deadly coronavirus.

The city of Harbin in northern China has become the latest hotspot after a woman unknowingly infected 70 others after testing negative for Covid-19.

A 22-year-old student surnamed Han had returned to China from New York last month.

She had gone through a 14-day quarantine and showed no symptoms of the bug.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
New coronavirus outbreak in northern China puts city of 11 million on lockdown

Authorities in China have placed a city on lockdown as the country battles to prevent a second wave of the potentially deadly coronavirus.

The city of Harbin in northern China has become the latest hotspot after a woman unknowingly infected 70 others after testing negative for Covid-19.

A 22-year-old student surnamed Han had returned to China from New York last month.

She had gone through a 14-day quarantine and showed no symptoms of the bug.

This is why I've been stating the 14 day lock down is too short.
We now know the symptoms of an Asymptomatic person go up to 37 to 42 days and also note that a person infected for just 3.4 hours can start infecting people.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 01:35 AM
If True ....NOT GOOD !

Why, he asked, did tests say he still had the virus more than two months after he first contracted it?

The answer to that question is a mystery baffling doctors on the frontline of China's battle against COVID-19, even as it has successfully slowed the spread of the coronavirus across the country.

Chinese doctors in Wuhan, where the virus first emerged in December, say a growing number of cases in which people recover from the virus, but continue to test positive without showing symptoms, is one of their biggest challenges as the country moves into a new phase of its containment battle.

Those patients all tested negative for the virus at some point after recovering, but then tested positive again, some up to 70 days later, the doctors said. Many have done so over 50-60 days.

The prospect of people remaining positive for the virus, and therefore potentially infectious, is of international concern, as many countries seek to end lockdowns and resume economic activity as the spread of the virus slows. Currently, the globally recommended isolation period after exposure is 14 days.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 01:38 AM
How you could catch coronavirus from someone's fart

Evidence has suggested COVID-19 can be transmitted via faeces, begging the question if the same is true for farts.

Shirley you can't be serious? This story smells to high heaven.

“A policy on the entire population should be, don’t fart close to other people and don’t fart with your bottom bare.”

This stinks of Propaganda

To avoid potentially transmitting the disease via faecal particles, people should not pass wind without their underwear and pants on, Dr Swan said.

“Luckily we wear a mask which covers our farts all the time,” he said, referring to clothing.

So add farts to the sneezes, coughs, handshakes and non practice of social distancing.

How you could catch coronavirus from someone's fart

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: DankyDSmythe

Its looking more like we might be looking at a good percentage of all this being a Plandemic, How certain media outlets are saying Chloroquine and zinc is killing more than its curing, but when you look at the fact Puerto Rico who has used it since the onset has a remarkable control over this virus.

The media outlets are simply reporting on the medical research from many hospitals... research that I've linked before (and a lot that I didn't link) -- so they're not making it up. They're reporting what doctors on the front lines are telling them.

Interesting that you mention Puerto Rico, because it has a Covid-19 fatality rate that's higher than Baltimore and a lot of other US cities (including some big ones. It's twice that of Dallas, Texas.)

So if Puerto Rico's using it, it's not a success, as these numbers show. You can look at the data that MonkeyBallz posts and do the math for yourself (divide the deaths by the total number of cases.)

Another effort that the Youtube PhD overlooked was that New York's Cuomo also approved its use in New York about a month ago It has not been a can see for yourself -- death rate for New York state is nearly 6%...compared to about 2% for Texas.

(to get the percentage, divide the deaths by the number of cases (small number divided by big number.))

There is NO mention of zinc in that article that I can find. AZITHROMYCIN is an antibotic, which claims to have no effect on a virus infection, except maybe helping in the case of opportunistic bacteria in a patient along with the viral infection.

So it still appears that the synergistic effect of Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine along with zinc is being studiously ignored in these supposedly clinical trials. Accidental oversight? Simple stupidity? Something else darker? But I will say that they all seem to be consistent with these trials overlooking the zinc angle. Why?


posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
a reply to: Observationalist

Myself (and AG Bill Barr by the looks of it) are amazing the media are trying to discredit the drug.

After watching Peak Prosperity they are saying you need HCQ before the onset of bad symptoms. You cannot take it when you are already in bad shape. so perhaps those on ventilators were too far gone for it to be useful?

Fauci had studies back in 2005 that had shown chloroquine as effective in treating Coronaviruses. If he was aggressive with treatment rather than surrendering to the virus I think we would have less need for ventilators. Even if the research only proved effective on a small percentage of those infected, at least it would have saved those lives. I don’t see the harm in pursuing a treatment.

Here is a Video that shows the timeline when Chloroquine became a possible treatment, and when Fauci’s actions.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 02:11 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Are your stores using something like this? All our stores now are using something of this nature.

Most stores here are using plexiglass shields at the registers. We also have markings on the floors for where to stand. Some stores have covered the credit/debit card machines in plastic. I'm in central Texas.

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