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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Your aspersion is merely what you see when you look in the mirror. Some know Boris by other names none of which you could live up to. Boris will be one of the best PM's the UK has ever had and one thought well of by all sectors of the population! Full blame for these unprecedented times should be laid at China and the CCP b.stards!
edit on 23-4-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 03:29 AM
2 confirmed and 1 probable cases in Aotearoa/New Zealand today.
2 more deaths. This time the 2 deaths were people in their sixties.
May have accidentally pressed the exclamation mark when trying to press the reply button on small phone screen. I hope I have not caused an issue, sorry everyone.
Kia kaha

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: Observationalist

This seems to be a recurring theme they knew something would ameliorate a medical condition , because their was no money in it ignored it and pushed something that would make a ton of cash . If civilization goes south over this its will be because no one really gives a stuff about using this model anymore.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 05:46 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Observationalist

This seems to be a recurring theme they knew something would ameliorate a medical condition , because their was no money in it ignored it and pushed something that would make a ton of cash . If civilization goes south over this its will be because no one really gives a stuff about using this model anymore.

No, they'd make a ton of cash with chloroquine.... after all, they don't have to develop it, don't have to get FDA approval, the supply chain is there (so no expenses there). They just have to ramp up production and voila... sell to the world. And with Covid-19 recurring, they have a steady flow of cash for years.

Unless, of course, we go to a form of socialized medicine. Then there's no profit in it for them (and no profit in any drug because the government can negotiate or demand prices like they do in England or Canada.)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 05:55 AM
MIM's Update: Part 2 April 23, 2020 Thursday Tokyo time: evening

Evening ATS members. Well, I mention earlier that I'd try to make my updates a bit more international and perhaps more on "what's happening in your front yard" type of post. The reason is because: Chinese updates are rare and Japanese updates are beginning not to be of much of interest these days to what is happening to the outside world. Actually, the events in Japan (somewhat untruthful as far as reporting cases and deaths of the virus ) still hold a lot of weight. I say that because ,well, for those that follow the financial post, I posted about investing in UBE KOSAN in Ube, Yamaguchi Pref a while back. That was another one of MIM's Street Talk that panned out as of yesterday. So for you that buy stocks, check them out. I'll post the link here .

1. Nurses engaged in the fight against coronavirus in the United States demonstrated outside the White House to remember the tens of thousands of health workers infected while on duty due to the lack of personal protective equipment in American hospitals. The nurses also took sides against the restart of the country and the cancellation of the restrictive measures invoked by several protests in the United States.
2. The Spanish Parliament approved the government's request for the extension of the lockdown to limit coronavirus infections until 9 May. The request of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez passed with 269 votes in favor, 60 against and 16 abstentions.
3. More than 3,500 uniformed service members have tested positive to date. Two have died — a relatively low number officials attribute to the overall youth and fitness of the force.
4. YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — The city of Fussa reported its first case of coronavirus Wednesday, leaving a neighboring U.S. military base one of the last holdouts in Tokyo free of the pandemic.
5. As of Wednesday, Japan had reported 11,496 coronavirus infections, with 378 new confirmed cases and 277 deaths, according to the World Health Organization.
Tokyo, epicenter of the pandemic in Japan, reported 3,439 confirmed cases and 81 deaths the same day, according to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. It also reported nearly 2,500 people hospitalized with the disease, all but 62 of them with mild or moderate symptoms.
6. The Navy has been the hardest hit of the military services by the coronavirus with 997 cases now. In total, 1,298 sailors have been infected by the virus.
7. A Smithfield Foods pork processing plant in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, was visited by representatives from its Chinese Communist Party-tied parent company one month before the first COVID-19 case was confirmed at the facility, according to three employees.
8. Sick: Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman, on April 23, repeatedly called for the city’s businesses to reopen while refusing to provide any social distancing guidelines on how to do so safely. “Right now, we’re in a crisis health-wise, and so for a restaurant to be open or a small boutique to be open, they better figure it out. That’s their job. That’s not the mayor’s job.”
9. This is good news: President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday barring immigration into the United States for 60 days.
“In order to protect our great American workers, I’ve just signed an executive order temporarily suspending immigration into the United States,” Trump said. “This will ensure than unemployed Americans of all backgrounds will be first in line for jobs as our economy reopens.”

10. The questions about what would happen should Kim die or be incapacitated were sparked by a CNN report that the North Korean despot was in “grave danger” following a surgery. However, the Yonhap News Agency, a South Korean-government funded organization, later tweeted out that there were “no unusual signs” of Kim’s health.

11. Has CNN picked this up: Stopping the flow of illegals into America: SAN DIEGO — The Trump administration has been quietly adding military surveillance cameras at the U.S.-Mexico border in response to the coronavirus pandemic, though fewer people appear to be crossing illegally. It’s the latest move as operations at the U.S.-Mexico border have become increasingly militarized and secretive.

12. As the new coronavirus that has killed more than 184,000 people worldwide continues to spread, Russia has stepped up its measures to slow the pandemic's spread within its borders.
There have been 62,773 cases of coronavirus infections reported in Russia so far and 555 deaths.

13. According to a person in Tokyo, it was confirmed on April 23rd that 134 new people were infected with the new coronavirus in Tokyo. Now the total number of people confirmed to be infected in Tokyo is 3,573.

14. According to a summary by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, the number of people infected with the new coronavirus was 2,628,801 worldwide as of 3:00 pm on the 23rd of Japan time.

By country,
▽ America has the highest number of 842,629 people,
▽ Spain has 208,389 people,
▽ Italy has 187,327 people, and so on.

In addition, the number of people who died was 183,441, and by country
, the largest number was ▽ America (46,784), followed by
▽ Italy (25,085),
▽ Spain ( 21,717) ,
▽ France (21,340),
▽ The UK has 18,100 people.

This evenings update:

I want to put this first and I'm going to use all capital letters. The reason why, I want you to hold your breath and say wtf. Remember I was telling you members the number of cases are not true... Well, it was part of MIM's street talk, but to tell you why without proof, which I didn't have till now, well.. to be honest with you all , confidence in my reporting should say it all. This is it.



For those of you that have been following me, I mentioned 2 things often. 1. Please do not come to Japan and 2. Japan is a lot like China in many ways


An infection was newly announced on the 23rd on 15 people in Ishikawa Prefecture and on 14 crew members of a ship anchored at Nagasaki Port for repairs. The number of people confirmed to be infected in Japan is 12,023 including the quarantine at airports. In addition, there are 712 passengers and crew members on the cruise ship, for a combined total of 12,735. In addition, the number of people who died in Japan is 299 and the number of passengers on a cruise ship is 13, making a total of 312 people.

Among those who have been confirmed to be infected in Japan:
▽ Tokyo: 3439
▽ Osaka: 1380
▽ Kanagawa: 836
▽ Chiba: 746
▽ Saitama: 726
▽ Fukuoka: 563
▽ Hyogo 560 people
▽ Hokkaido 495 people
▽ Aichi prefecture 449 people
▽ Kyoto prefecture 275 people
▽ Ishikawa prefecture 214 people
▽ Ibaraki prefecture 151 people
▽ Gifu prefecture 147 people
▽ Hiroshima prefecture 142 people
▽ Toyama prefecture 141 people
▽ Gunma prefecture 134 people
▽ Okinawa prefecture 130 people
▽ Fukui prefecture 119 people
▽ Shiga prefecture 88 people
▽ Miyagi prefecture 84 people

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 05:57 AM
continue part 2

▽ Miyagi prefecture 84 people
▽ Nara prefecture 75 people
▽ Kochi prefecture 70 people
▽ Yamagata prefecture, Fukushima prefecture, Nagasaki Prefectures 65 people
▽ Niigata prefecture 61 people
▽ Oita prefecture 60 people
▽ Nagano prefecture 59 people
▽ Shizuoka prefecture 57 people
▽ Tochigi prefecture 52 people
▽ Yamanashi prefecture 51 people
▽ Wakayama prefecture 49 people
▽ Ehime prefecture 47 people
▽ Mie prefecture, Kumamoto prefecture 43 people
▽ Yamaguchi prefecture 31 people
▽ Kagawa prefecture 28 people
▽ Aomori prefecture 22 people
▽ Okayama prefecture, Saga prefecture 19 people
▽ Miyazaki prefecture 17 people
▽ 16 people in Akita and Shimane ▽
10 people in Kagoshima ▽
5 people in Tokushima
▽ 3 people in Tottori prefecture

In addition, there
are a total of 142 people, including personnel from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, quarantine officers, and people confirmed by airport quarantine, and
14 people from China returning from China by charter aircraft.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, by the 22nd, the number of seriously
injured people was 241 such as those infected in Japan, and the total number
of passengers on cruise ships was four, totaling 245.

On the other hand, the number of people who were discharged from the hospital due to symptom improvement by the 22nd was:
▽ 1424 people were infected in Japan

Thanks for reading my updates

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Since I didnt hear about that, I checked.

"dozens of nurses held a protest and vigil Tuesday," ... "was organized by National Nurses United"
Far Left Source

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: Oleman
a reply to: musicismagic

Since I didnt hear about that, I checked.

"dozens of nurses held a protest and vigil Tuesday," ... "was organized by National Nurses United"
Far Left Source

Are they real nurses? I was watching the video and the lady looked as if she had to read a poster at times?

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Chinas not in charge of my nation pal, that's Boris and the Tories.

The muppet could not even cope with 2 floods so what makes you think he will do any better with Covid 19 given what's transpired already?

Take a look at New Zealand, that's how its done!

Boris creates his own aspersion by way of his inept buffoonery, he may wish to remember who it was that saved his life, and at least give the NHS the tools they require to do their jobs and keep people alive after all most of such are his own voter base.

edit on 23-4-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

As you say it’s by design.

Politicians on most sides a buffers for the elites. they’re masters of misdirection, whether it’s Clinton’s affair, Trump’s chaos, or Boris’ jester act, they all put on a show of politics. Their job is to make the mob believe they have some control over their own fates with the power of the vote... don’t make me laugh! They’re all showmen and women whether they know it or not.

So long as we’re angry with our politicians we’re not looking at the Uber rich saying, “Hang on a minute, share that out a bit more fairly.” Without politicians to protect their assets the 1% would soon enough only have 1%. Maybe there are exceptions - who knows -but in the main wars are always to protect the 1%’s assets and the showmen do a grand job convincing everyone with their magic mantras, “Your country needs you! Make America great again! Keep calm and carry on!’.

We’re constantly distracted with the private and state media’s pot stirring about race wars, gender wars, football wars - just keep’em fighting each other. But the only true war there’s ever really been is the class war; a war raged by the 1% and their minions upon the rest of us every single day of our lives.

Why else would every weapon in the arsenal - every side of the party politic - be directed at Corbyn; perhaps the only politician in almost 40 years who had no strings for the puppet masters to yank on.

Imo he was our generations’ chance to level the playing field and we failed him. It wouldn’t have been a easy ride and mistakes would’ve been made, but it’d be on the road to equality and change, rather than this round-a-bout, ever spiralling down.
edit on 23-4-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Labour shoot themselves in the foot McGinty.

We will never level the playing field whilst the bankers and corporations run and influence the Politicians puppets show from behind the curtain.

As to equality and change, with the recession, the UK and the rest of the world will most lightly find themselves in after this Covid 19 affair has run its course that's going to equate to even more austerity across the board as far as i can envisage.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Your aspersion is merely what you see when you look in the mirror. Some know Boris by other names none of which you could live up to. Boris will be one of the best PM's the UK has ever had and one thought well of by all sectors of the population! Full blame for these unprecedented times should be laid at China and the CCP b.stards!

Boris has made the wrong move at every single point in this crises; locked down too late, opted out of the euro order for PPE, bought the wrong test kits, followed advice from his puppet medical advisor and then hidden behind modelling they won’t reveal.

And where is he? As soon as it became apparent he’d completely ballsed it up he happens to get the virus and disappears from view, just like he did when he crapped himself after winning the Brexit vote - remember him declining to run as leader then and vanishing from the spotlight.

...Because just like the fiasco now he knew the mud will stick most to whomever is was camera failing to answer the awkward questions. Remember in the election when he was asked an awkward question he literally hid in a walk in freezer waiting for the press to leave.

As soon as there’s something positive to announce it’ll be Boris making a set up ‘triumphant’ return to make the announcement. He and Cummings are men to be feared, who’ll have no problem shouting “Over the top, chaps”. If you want to run into machine gun fire for these pampered pricks, then more fool you.
edit on 23-4-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

All true, but remember who bailed out the bankers. New labour was the populist movement; the centre ground means tell everyone you’ll do what they want to get votes. With Corbyn Labour didn’t shoot itself in the foot, the ranks revealed how many of them were not really Labour, but corporate reps, just like the Tories.

Starmers first day in parliament yesterday was insipid - a box ticking exercise to asks the right questions and settle for any old answer (which is why BBC anchor Tory Kuensberg always gets the first question in press conferences). Starmers promise to ‘Ask the same question next week’ was pathetic and says everything you need to know about the toothless opposition we have now.
edit on 23-4-2020 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
Death prediction model for the US revised upwards again.

Two weeks ago the IHME prediction model was for approx. 80,000 deaths in the US, then last week it was revised down to 60,000.

I have been watching the actual numbers against the model and we have been 3,000+ deaths ahead of the predicted curve. I figured at some point the model would have to be updated. It was updated last night, and is now back up to an estimate of 65,000+ deaths.

Even looking at the data from yesterday, we are still 2,000+ higher than the predicted for 4/21. I would expect it to be revised upwards again in a few days, closer to 70,000.

Also, the mid line (predicted numbers) are not centered in the "area of uncertainty" zone on the graph. I am not sure why this is. Maybe it is just the way they calculate, maybe they are trying to show confidence in lower overall numbers. I would think the mid line would be in the center of the uncertainty zone, making an average between high an low. If that is the case, the mid line should be somewhere near 85,000.

We are not really seeing a decline in death rate in the US. It has kind of hit a plateau, and riding there for about 2 weeks now.

Yes, I am replying to my own post.

As I predicted in this previous post, IHME has once again raised the predicted total death number for the US.

It has now gone from 65,000 to 67,641.

Looking at the actual vs. predicted, they are still lagging by 1,300+ for the day (4/22).

I will keep track of this, but I once again believe that number will be revised upwards to over 70,000 in the next few days.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Certainly don't help when we have idiots like Young charging around bumping there gums about things they have no idea nor the first inclination about.

Have to wonder if the muppet would be screaming the same odds if he happens to find himself in the hospital hooked up to a ventilator fighting for breath?

My bet is computer says "No".

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: andy06shake

All true, but remember who bailed out the bankers. New labour was the populist movement; the centre ground means tell everyone you’ll do what they want to get votes. With Corbyn Labour didn’t shoot itself in the foot, the ranks revealed how many of them were not really Labour, but corporate reps, just like the Tories.

Starmers first day in parliament yesterday was insipid - a box ticking exercise to asks the right questions and settle for any old answer (which is why BBC anchor Tory Kuensberg always gets the first question in press conferences). Starmers promise to ‘Ask the same question next week’ was pathetic and says everything you need to know about the toothless opposition we have now.
Starmer, Mr democracy, Mr 2nd referendum. Same Labour leadership team of numpties and certainly not fit for Government!

Voted Labour all my life as did my family, but I would not vote for the Labour we have now and the absurd incompetence of the party and their BS politics.

I have never voted Tory having come from an ancestry of miners, steel workers and although I got well educated and was in the 40% tax bracket I never forgot my roots, yet I feel nothing in common with the current mindset of the Labour leadership. I would like to see someone new come in and the whole shadow monkey cabinet fired!

And yes regardless of the aspersion cast upon Boris he is the best PM we have had for a long time (although he is a Tory).

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Your aspersion is merely what you see when you look in the mirror. Some know Boris by other names none of which you could live up to. Boris will be one of the best PM's the UK has ever had and one thought well of by all sectors of the population! Full blame for these unprecedented times should be laid at China and the CCP b.stards!

Boris has made the wrong move at every single point in this crises; locked down too late, opted out of the euro order for PPE, bought the wrong test kits, followed advice from his puppet medical advisor and then hidden behind modelling they won’t reveal.

And where is he? As soon as it became apparent he’d completely ballsed it up he happens to get the virus and disappears from view, just like he did when he crapped himself after winning the Brexit vote - remember him declining to run as leader then and vanishing from the spotlight.

...Because just like the fiasco now he knew the mud will stick most to whomever is was camera failing to answer the awkward questions. Remember in the election when he was asked an awkward question he literally hid in a walk in freezer waiting for the press to leave.

As soon as there’s something positive to announce it’ll be Boris making a set up ‘triumphant’ return to make the announcement. He and Cummings are men to be feared, who’ll have no problem shouting “Over the top, chaps”. If you want to run into machine gun fire for these pampered pricks, then more fool you.
Boris is the man!

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

What do you base your assessment on that Boris is the best PM we have had for a long time?

I would like to see the table cloth pullout from with under the whole farce and fiasco that amounts to what we call Politics in this nation.

The system is broken beyond repair, set up so that the rich get richer whilst everyone else makes do with the table scraps on offer.

Whats Boris going to do to change that whole affair?

Imho Boris is no better or worse than any of the other fake bastards that came before.
edit on 23-4-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Chinas not in charge of my nation pal, that's Boris and the Tories.

The muppet could not even cope with 2 floods so what makes you think he will do any better with Covid 19 given what's transpired already?

Take a look at New Zealand, that's how its done!

Boris creates his own aspersion by way of his inept buffoonery, he may wish to remember who it was that saved his life, and at least give the NHS the tools they require to do their jobs and keep people alive after all most of such are his own voter base.

Since when were we pals! Cause and effect is the bottom line here. If China had any consideration for humanity and the global community and had an ounce of responsibility and honesty then we would not have the pandemic we do now! So to blame affected/impacted country leaders for something that the CCP is responsible for is unfair and misguided. It is China that has brought about this unprecedented circumstance that Governments and their leaders have to deal with and its by no means an easy responsibility and task. If China had properly warned the world about what this beast early on and closed its borders (in/out) quickly the world would not be facing global genocide right now at the hands of an evil regime!
edit on 23-4-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

What do you base your assessment on that Boris is the best PM we have had for a long time?

I would like to see the table cloth pullout from with under the whole farce and fiasco that amounts to what we call Politics in this nation.

The system is broken beyond repair, set up so that the rich get richer whilst everyone else makes do with the table scraps on offer.

Whats Boris going to do to change that whole affair?

Imho Boris is no better or worse than any of the other fake bastards that came before.
Nothing will change. It never does, but I figure the lesser of evils is better than Corby, Starmer etc. And I personally like the fellow and that he speaks his mind. Fake b.stards and you are better are you!

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