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Actual BREAKING news: China Admits to Hiding Real Covid-19 Infection Numbers from the World!!

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posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: ThouArtGod

No, I am saying that they have a policy in place to not admit numbers of infected who are asymptomatic. They said that, not me. I am saying that it is effectively a lie by international infectious disease standards. But also what you said. They are liars.

This has already been explained by someone else in this thread, so why are you still banging on about it? It's like you do not listen!

All countries lie. period. But does your neighbor murdering someone mean that you are now allowed to just shoot someone in the face? At least with Western governments we can count on their opposition (who also wants power) exposing them in the end. In China, we have to depend on people escaping, media risking pissing off Pooh Bear, and then finding a sympathetic ear in the general public/government. So there's that.

And the West has ilegaly invaded countries leaving thousands of men, women and children dead, so what's your point?Your argument is your governments evil is not as bad as the other governments evil! But of course you are going to say that because you are from said country!

As for China, lime your own government and mine, have done terrible things. But me, I see them as all terrible things, and I do not sweep it under the carpet becsuse it's my country!

It's obvious you think that we should just toss our standard of freedom in this country and imprison people until this passes.

Stop putting words in my mouth! Firstly, no one is free, you are disalusioned if you think we are! As for China, of course it's a lot worse, and I have seen it first hand! But we are all brainwashed and conditioned to think we are free!

Is there something we should know? Are we short on information? Is it possible China is hiding something?

Again! You post this pointless question! You do realise we know as much about the virus as China right?

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: dogstar23
a reply to: Jay-morris

What the heck? You're arguing against the OP amd calling "fake news" because their tests are inaccurate, which was also mentioned in support of the argument the OP puts forth?

Your post (pick one - the one I'm replying to, or anyother) doesn't make any sense.

I take it you're a CCP member?

How does test being inaccurate mean they are Lying? Can you please explain that to me? Oh, another person calling me a CCP member because I disagree sith them. What a suprise!

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Jay-morris

Tackle What?!

China didn't tell us what it was. They hid what happened. No one had any way of really knowing what was going on. It's easy to armchair QB a response when you find out in hindsight what actually happened after the fact.

We knew whst was happening before the virus officially came into the West. Also the WHO was talking about it and it and how dangerous it could be. So what are you talking about?

The information was out there regarding the virus, hence the reason we all knew about it before it hit the West!

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: face23785

Trolling or propaganda?

A mixture of both.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Yeah... I honestly have no idea what this guy (girl?) is going on about. People are acting like this has been out there for years, when in reality it’s been 7-9 weeks since it was admitted to be a problem (travel ban was January 31, 8 weeks ago). There was no clue it was the transmittable, as that wasn’t admired until 2 weeks before that. Since January 31, there has been constant reactions and actions to limit the virus.

Obviously, to get China off the blame, this guy thinks we should have put in a Wuhan style lockdown AT THE SAME TIME WUHAN LOCKED DOWN!!! (January 23).

Again, China did all this great stuff 9 weeks ago. How, in a democratic society, would a government validate the removal of all freedoms (the same as a communist country) prior to ANY outbreak? They weren’t. It wasn’t going to happen.

Now- if China hadn’t lied since October, hadn’t lied about human transmission, had shared data in November, we might have avoided this... by locking down all of China.

They lied, and there is nothing we can do to take that back.
edit on 28/3/2020 by ThouArtGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

We knew whst was happening before the virus officially came into the West. Also the WHO was talking about it and it and how dangerous it could be. So what are you talking about?

The information was out there regarding the virus, hence the reason we all knew about it before it hit the West!

the WHO downplayed it to maintain access to China (maybe some information is better than none i dont know) they are complicit to the outbreak

the west completely ignored it until they were affected.. had a month or two to prepare ventilators, hospital beds etc.. but no

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Jay-morris

Tackle What?!

China didn't tell us what it was. They hid what happened. No one had any way of really knowing what was going on. It's easy to armchair QB a response when you find out in hindsight what actually happened after the fact.

We knew whst was happening before the virus officially came into the West. Also the WHO was talking about it and it and how dangerous it could be. So what are you talking about?

The information was out there regarding the virus, hence the reason we all knew about it before it hit the West!

Did you forget about the doctor who tried warning people in early January and was silenced by the Chinese government? His initial warnings came at the end of December. They knew about this long before they told the rest of us.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

You are defending a communist government, ignoring facts (and before you ask- mine is in the OP, you can easily google the rest concerning their lies about Human to human transmission and the WHO), and doing gymnastics to try and blame free societies for not taking incomplete facts and full lies and locking down their countries at the same time China did. You sound like Baghdad Bob at this point, and yes, I am questioning where you are originally from, as it sounds like you are from a place that supports the actions of totalitarian regimes.

Partial, FALSE information 8 weeks ago, and the US STILL cut off air travel, then proceeded to roll out other measures. China lied, then expected everyone else to just give up freedom for their sakes.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: choos

originally posted by: Jay-morris

We knew whst was happening before the virus officially came into the West. Also the WHO was talking about it and it and how dangerous it could be. So what are you talking about?

The information was out there regarding the virus, hence the reason we all knew about it before it hit the West!

the WHO downplayed it to maintain access to China (maybe some information is better than none i dont know) they are complicit to the outbreak

the west completely ignored it until they were affected.. had a month or two to prepare ventilators, hospital beds etc.. but no

And the evidence for this is where?

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Jay-morris

Tackle What?!

China didn't tell us what it was. They hid what happened. No one had any way of really knowing what was going on. It's easy to armchair QB a response when you find out in hindsight what actually happened after the fact.

We knew whst was happening before the virus officially came into the West. Also the WHO was talking about it and it and how dangerous it could be. So what are you talking about?

The information was out there regarding the virus, hence the reason we all knew about it before it hit the West!

Did you forget about the doctor who tried warning people in early January and was silenced by the Chinese government? His initial warnings came at the end of December. They knew about this long before they told the rest of us.

No! He was silence by the officials in Wuhan. Hence the reason they were arrested!

(post by Jay-morris removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Jay-morris

Tackle What?!

China didn't tell us what it was. They hid what happened. No one had any way of really knowing what was going on. It's easy to armchair QB a response when you find out in hindsight what actually happened after the fact.

We knew whst was happening before the virus officially came into the West. Also the WHO was talking about it and it and how dangerous it could be. So what are you talking about?

The information was out there regarding the virus, hence the reason we all knew about it before it hit the West!

Did you forget about the doctor who tried warning people in early January and was silenced by the Chinese government? His initial warnings came at the end of December. They knew about this long before they told the rest of us.

No! He was silence by the officials in Wuhan. Hence the reason they were arrested!

And who do you think those folks answer to? You realize how centralized government is in a communist country right?

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Are you now saying that the “officials in Wuhan” are not the government of China? If they aren’t, then how were they supposedly held accountable by them, according to you?

It’s a totalitarian centralized government. “They”, in this case, always refers to the CCP.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Is it ironic that you are accusing me of putting words in your mouth, whilst you are simultaneously putting words in mine?

First, the United States has been acting in response to this outbreak for almost two months. I know they are, because I am a part of the government. Second, where do you get off saying that we should quarantine the state of New York? We don’t have that power here, and even if they did, why would they have quarantined 3 weeks ago... when there were a few dozen cases? You do realize that in a country where we have rights, the people themselves would have to decide to quarantine, as we do not give our government this power?

We, unlike China, can’t just weld people shut up in buildings. You know that, right?

The U.S. has followed the rules and the playbook every step of the way. We have had some missteps, but I can tell you that in no way was information released two months ago from China that said if we didn’t lock down at that MOMENT, we will have thousands dead. Know how I especially know this to be true? Because Beijing wasn’t even shut down at that point.

And since you keep ignoring facts, I think I can avoid your inane points and propaganda.
edit on 28/3/2020 by ThouArtGod because: Spelling

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: Jay-morris

Are you now saying that the “officials in Wuhan” are not the government of China? If they aren’t, then how were they supposedly held accountable by them, according to you?

It’s a totalitarian centralized government. “They”, in this case, always refers to the CCP.

This is a classic case. People who defend communist regimes often don't realize how they work.

Either that or they know and they admire it.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

I just realized- this is a thread about China lying about their infection numbers. That has not been questioned, and when it has, I've proven my point. Then it came down to you arguing that everyone lies, and that it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, because we aren’t willing to weld people in buildings and burn it down.

So what is your point, man? I’m right about my point. China lied about their stats, against world norms, and it will hurt the rest of the world until their data can replace what China lied about.

Thanks for all the rest of that useless propaganda.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

oh i dont know, remember when the WHO was saying it isnt a pandemic and travel restrictions were not needed?? remember how the WHO said China was doing well while China was changing how they count cases..

no?? dont remember?? were you in china at the time? might explain alot
edit on 28-3-2020 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

I'm talking about the fact that without accurate data on it, without actual boots on the ground, open access type data, noe one had any way of knowing beyond vague threats that there might be a problem.

Not how it acted, not how it spread, not exactly how contagious it was, not how deadly it was, nothing ... because China wasn't allowing the true scope of the problem to be allowed beyond its borders.

Even once they did allow the WHO to send in a team, that team didn't get open access to the problem.

And by then, the US had closed its borders to China and was being called racist for it.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Jay-morris
Even once they did allow the WHO to send in a team, that team didn't get open access to the problem.

This is my favorite part, after WHO got in there and were shielded from seeing what they needed to see, they came out and said it wasn't much of a problem.

All these big NGOs do this. Look at the IAEA. They'll go into Iran, Iran will only let them look in certain places, then they come back and report "No problem here!"

Mother#er, how do you know? You weren't allowed to see what you needed to see? Who are you to go telling the world everything is fine when you don't have enough information to make a determination one way or the other? But they have to pat themselves on the back for having "assessed the situation." So here's their #ing REPORT, useless as it is, that everyone takes as gospel because it's the WHO.
edit on 28 3 20 by face23785 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 10:37 PM

Thats a firsthand account of a NYC covid 19 patients testimonial about her family's infection and her experiences right now with doctors, hospitals, public health advice as given to her and her symptoms /treatments.

Its well worth a read. Im glad I have a nebulizer at home. Id have to keep whoever's using it isolated so we arent filling a shared room with Covid19 mist.

If we are infected and taking turns using it, it would be about not mixing each others viral loads by disinfecting before and after each use. At that point it would only be for alleviating symptoms anyways of a mild to severe case below anything critical.

I wish I had one for each of us. They seem to help alleviate the shallow breathing. If the family gets bad at least the kids wont be miserable.

edit on 28-3-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

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