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Actual BREAKING news: China Admits to Hiding Real Covid-19 Infection Numbers from the World!!

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posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: purplemer

Well, seeing as China created many of those tests...

But no, I have never said that China is a fault for bad testing. The fact that they have a 70% fail rate is huge in context of viral tracking, but I don't blame them for making faulty tests. It's only bad if they insist their numbers are accurate when they know the test is faulty 7/10 times. and if they hide infected people, which the article points out is their policy.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: Iscool
a reply to: ThouArtGod

Hey you guys??? Anything to this???

Ummm.. That is a creepy video. Is there a thread on this? If not, I believe you should start one.

"It is highly unlikely the virus could transmit to humans."

On a side note- It's weird how many people are watching this video and seeing terms that would otherwise be way outside their lexicon, but is now easily understood.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 04:42 PM


posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 04:43 PM


posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 04:44 PM

All I “hear” from your posts in this thread is, “blah, blah, China!!! “. Every one of your posts. The, “it’s really obvious, but I can spell it out for you if I have to”, is unhelpful. Obviously there is something in your head that isn’t translating here. What is it?

China fudging infection numbers should come as no surprise to anyone. Honestly, if China is simply fudging numbers of infected it is a GOOD thing for everyone else. Given Chinas “official” stats per Johns Hopkins, the current rate of death in China is appx 4%. More Infections = Lower Rate of Death. I don’t see the basis for your outrage.

Now, if China severely underreported deaths from the virus we have a serious problem. There are reports out there that China had urns delivered at a rate twice that of their reported death rate. If this is accurate, this is a problem as it puts them much closer to the 8-10% rate of death reported in Italy and Spain, who have also likely “peaked”. At a death rate of 1 in 10, all of measures taken worldwide; lockdowns, quarantines, etc, finally start to make sense.

My area is reporting that 20% rate of hospitalization; supplemental oxygen, ventilator, etc, and will be imposing a “stay at home” order come Monday. If 20% hospitalization is accurate then a 10% rate of death is not out of the question.

That said, the US government will never report a 10% rate of death from a virus, since were currently keen on trashing official government guidance.

These are facts; ones that shouldn’t require argument or any further qualification...

Currently, urban and suburban areas such as NYC, LA, Detroit (why Detroit?), Seattle and New Orleans make up a vast majority of cases of infection. If you live in an area with dense population, simply stay home if possible. Take a month out of your life and keep yourself and your community safe.
More rural areas are not seeing the same levels of infection, but vigilance should still be taken. Stay away from people! If you have to go out, maintain your distance!

This is the time to exercise a ruthless style of common sense. Do not rely on your government, local or federal, to provide accurate guidance or to keep you safe. Remember the phrase, “close enough for government work”? Exactly. You need to do what you feel is appropriate to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Hopefully in a month or two we can relax a bit and analyze what exactly happened here. If we are able to ascertain that China, without question, misguided the international community and put lives at risk, then I hope that China sees appropriate retribution. That said, this is the time for plain, straight forward language. There is no place for the language the OP has thus far contributed to the thread.

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: purplemer

Wow. This is not a thread on blaming China. This is a thread on China lying about important data, and admitting to it. It is also a possible thread on discussing why no one is even analyzing why China is lying about it. Finally, it can also be a thread on China doing a poor job of testing for the virus, which may in fact contribute to its advancement.

As for meat- well, we can get diseases from water, which we drink. And many plants are poisonous to us, while others hurt some of us through intolerance or allergies. OS there are risks with all food we eat. That is all I have to say about that. If you want to discuss that, please start your own thread about the subject.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:02 PM


posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

What the heck? You're arguing against the OP amd calling "fake news" because their tests are inaccurate, which was also mentioned in support of the argument the OP puts forth?

Your post (pick one - the one I'm replying to, or anyother) doesn't make any sense.

I take it you're a CCP member?

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: DOcean

Well- Seeing as I actually DID spell it out, in multiple posts, I am not sure how I am keeping anything in my head.

As for why reporting positive cases is important- ALL data is important with infectious diseases. In particular, while modeling these out, response agencies depend on trends and statistics to allocate resources. Here is an example, utilizing the data concerning asymptomatic people.

Here is an example of why ASYM counting matters

City "A" has 100,000 residents. They have 1,000 health care products needed by the most sick.
City "B" has the same.
City "A" finds out that they have the virus spreading. According to Chinese Data, All positive tests result in a 15% hospital rate, and that those people need the medical product. The rate of infection with standard precautions in city "A" is estimated to be 30%. Therefor, they estimate that they will have 30,000 infected, with 4,500 really sick. They are now worried that they will end up short of medical equipment by 3,500 units.
City "B" has stopped the infection at the gates, but are not sure if they have the ability to stop future waves. City "A" has asked for City "B"'s equipment, but they don't want to give it up, as new equipment won't be there for 2 months.

If City "A" is counting Asyms, and China didn't. Turns out that Asyms make up 90% of the cases. So City "A" really only has 30,000 infected, with 3,000 sick, and 450 projected to need the medical equipment. It could also trend differently- and then they turn around and deny treatment to the most elderly out of fear of young healthy people dying!

The data is SO Important! It may be that City "B" might have months due to data that shows infection rates, they may have weeks- and they could have given up their equipment and waited for new equipment. Data will tell them! Trending will tell them! All data points are important!

And in case it is not clear, I made up all data points in this example

Also- we have no idea or the R0 rate when it comes to this virus. Do we know if Asyms pass it as much as Syms do? There are a million questions, and the answer isn't just "well it lowers the mortality rate, so that's good!". All data, repeat, all data is important. known infected is a data point. 30% success rate of testing is a data point. They are ALL extremely I'mportant!

Did this clear up some of what I am saying even further?

I am not trying to be confusing, it's just a part of my daily life, so sometimes I forget what others may or may not know.
edit on 28/3/2020 by ThouArtGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: dogstar23

Sometimes I want to get important information to the public. Good, solid, factual information.

And sometimes I have to fight the CCP and PETA to get that info out there. It's worth it.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:17 PM
China lied about human to human transmission to give their biological weapon more time to get its hooks into the world population.

Why else would China, and their WHO propaganda outlet, have lied about the human to human transmission of the virus?

Only someone with their headed buried in the sand, or up a communist's ass, would come to any other conclusion.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: DOcean

Hmm, well if China would come clean on the ACTUAL deaths from Covid-19 things might be a little clearer. Could you ask them for us?

The fact that anyone with half a brain based ANY modelling in stats from China is literally astonishing. It was obvious from the off that they were lying and yet still people used the data for critical models. They realised their mistake once Italy showed that China’s official figures were a fiction.

Saving face? I think China’s leaders are just gutless wimps incapable of facing the truth.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: dogstar23

and PETA

Too funny

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: GenerationGap

They wanted to buy back all the stock of essential medical supplies from the west that they could so our recovery would be hindered.

If they blew the whistle we would have gotten precious more time to prepare.

-They also stopped exporting vital medical goods.

-They advocated against now known prevention measures to the west in advance of the virus's spread.

-They tried to frame the US military for the outbreak

-They were experimenting with this specific virus family and very particular viral traits for "vaccine research" prior to the outbreak amidst global protest.

The most telling part for me:
-The virus targets male populations with the most severe cases showing signs of genetic markers that the virus seeks out pertaining to host sex and its behavior /lethality in propagation.

It may also cause sterilization as is beginning to be seen in a few recovered male patients. Those sound like selling points and refinement goals for a biological weapon.

I bet that out of the 50,000 dead in Wuhan that many were military age males. Oddly specific if that were the case dont you think?

edit on 28-3-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: GenerationGap
Well, we know for a fact that checks to the WHO and specific programs in Africa that China has been sponsoring for years were stalled in January. And then WHO waited 10 days to label this a pandemic, which would immediately trigger protocols amongst participating states. Protocols which would have stalled the diseases progression, awakened the world (as we depend on WHO for judgement), and crashed the Chinese economy, thereby insulating the western worlds economy (somewhat).

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: ARM1968
As I posted 6 weeks ago; I’ll be interested to see the lives saved from inactivity (accidents), and the lives lost due to full hospitals, etc. (heart attacks, strokes, cancer)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: HelloboysImbackguy

So I haven’t seen the death rates for MAMs raise, but I have speculated that China has an incentive to kill if the sick, and elderly, and to slow the economies of first world nations, all while tightening their grip on control in China. Sometimes in hindsight things only seem convenient. But sometimes they look that way because they were meant to be that way.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: face23785

Trolling or propaganda?

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Now, now, Ketsuko... mind your manners in front of our conquering overlords. Do you want to go back in the box?

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: ThouArtGod

I think at this point, and I hate to say it, that you might be a government troll.

LOL This just keeps getting better and better. So now I am a government troll! Don't be so ridiculous! Because I disagree with you, then thst means a am an evil Chinese government troll lol

There is no way that you can justify your train of thought, or otherwise, unless you are a member of the CCP. I say this due to certain slip-ups you have made (Our country, in reference to China, etc.), and positions you have advocated.

You have ignored a lot of my points. Not just your country! I referenced my own country too! You think I give a crap about my government? I do not give a crap. I see governments for what they are, legal criminals!

I do not turn a blind eye on the bad things my government has done. I brought up your country because your government has done terrible things over the years, same with mine, dame with pretty much every government in the world!

But I will still answer this series of points, as I have no problem debating, and defeating, a communist sympathizer.

Why are you putting words in my mouth? Thst is not a very good start if you want a debate! I asked you before, and you completly ignored, but I will say it one more time! When have I said I like the Chinese government? Because i disgree eith you on this, does not make me a lover of the Chinese Government.

What is the point of this debate if you put words in my mouth and lie about me, all because I disagree with you?

If I am wrong about any part of my analysis concerning your origins, I apologize. Not the communist sympathizer part, as that is still accurate.

The more rubbish you type, the more people are going to see that you are putting words in my mouth to prove your twisted point!

Validating their authoritarian approach is difficult, insomuch as according to their numbers, this was on par with a. "normal" flu outbreak. We do not respond in such a fashion in the U.S. to the Influenza virus. So was this worse than the common flu?

The virus is in its infancy in the US, and already 122.246 people have been infected, With over 2000 deaths. America is now the country with the most infected, and it's dramatically rising on a daily basis. What happend in China should have told the world what this virus was, and if other countries had the balls to tackle it like China has, then maybe the spread in the West would not have been as bad!

Take for example the UK. We should of had a lock down as soon as the virus was detected, but instead, they tried to isolate the people with the virus! Of course, this was never going to work. Then our givernment ask us (pretty please) to not attend social gatherings. No one listened, and people were still doing what they were doing before the virus. Then they closed all the pubs, and shops. Then they done a half hearted lock down!

And now it's too late! And still, we don't have to wear masks when we go out! Do you have to wear a mask in America? I bet you do not!

The west has completly messed this up!

 I am not saying that this fact would validate the response, but at least the argument could be made.

No, it is def not a fact! You remember Trump what he was saying about the virus at first? We all know that the guy is a complete idiot, but it's a fact he was not taking this virus seriously, laughing about it at one point! Same as Boris Johnson! So, these two countries alone could have done a lot more!

The problem here is that THEY HAVE LIED FROM THE BEGINNING. So we have no idea if this response was necessary.

Yeah you keep on saying that, and I am still waiting for the evidence of that. But let's say you are right, the West still had more than enough time to put things in place, but they did not! Why? Even after what WHO were saying, they still went down the "we do not know what we are doing route" why?

IS there something they would like to admit to? Is there something we should know about the virus and its effects on humans? Using the excuse of "thousands could die" is the drumbeat of the authoritarian, so this is not a valid reason to toss freedoms to me.

Along with the data China gave to the West regarding the virus, WHO was also banging on about the virus! Why were they ignored? They have warnings time and time again, but the West did not take it seriously until it was too late! WHO was saying thousands could die! And you do not think that is enough to stop everyone's freedom so they could try and stop the virus in its tracks?

As far as soft approaches go- are you saying we should weld people's doors shut? Because that is what they did. please answer that simple question.

No, I do not agree with that! But you are plain ignorant if you believe the West has handled this well. There should have been a strict lock down in every country when they realised this msy get out of control, and they did not do that! So who's fault is that?

No, I am to just referring to when the virus first broke. I am tired of running down sources for people, but in January they convinced WHO (World Health Organization) to NOT call this a pandemic, including saying that the virus could not be transmitted human-to-human. This was all a lie. They knew it was transmittable.

Wait there! When it spread outside of China, even when the first cases started to appear in Italy, Iran, South Korea, the U.S. and England, it was not classed as a pandemic until a week or two later. So how the hell is that China's doing. Again, a ridiculous statement!

You mean "arrested for making the communist party look bad'.

There, fixed it for you.

Isn't it odd that once the central government said that individual local leaders wold be held accountable for new cases that suddenly new cases ceased to be reported? I would guess it wasn't because the virus stopped overnight.

But cases are still being reported on a daily basis, and it only in the ladt week that they have it under control. How? Because they done a comets lockdown, and everyone who did venture outside, for whatever reason, had to wear a mask. They cannot down on it straight away! Hence the reason that slowly the lockdown is being lifted!

Well, unless there is something that we don't know about the virus... (pauses, looks at China) ...then a mask will not prevent the spread of this type of illness.

If you are likely to be in close contact with someone infected, a mask and eye cover cuts the chance of the disease being passed on. Also if you have the virus, and you are wearing a mask and eye cover, it cuts the chances of you spreading it!

It spreads via eyes, on hands, clothing, everything. It can linger on clothing for days, so unless you were wearing a HAZMAT suit, and disinfected at every door, then it spreads no matter what. But keep
spreading that information. again, we could be told that there is a lot of info China isn't telling us.

No one it saying it's full proof, but it does cut the chances if you wear protective gear, that's just logical! This is the bloody WHO saying this, and a lot of experts in the field saying this! You have this weird hatred for China, that you pretty much blame them for everything! Even the stupidity of the West when it comes to the virus!

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Tackle What?!

China didn't tell us what it was. They hid what happened. No one had any way of really knowing what was going on. It's easy to armchair QB a response when you find out in hindsight what actually happened after the fact.

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