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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: Nyiah

Well the banks don’t have to have assets to cover their debts, meh I can’t explain it but the government has cut restrictions.

The Fed will just pump trillions of dollars into the banking system. Whatever it takes, there is no limit to how much money they can inject to prevent insolvency.

Small and medium sized business are going to be the ones who fail and do not get bailed out. Big industry and financial companies are "too big to fail"


edit on 16-3-2020 by SoulReaper because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:38 PM

PARIS (Reuters) - Unless the coronavirus pandemic is waning by the end of May, this year’s Tokyo Olympic Games cannot be staged on schedule, the head of the French Olympic Committee told Reuters on Monday.

Exclusive: Coronavirus must hit peak by end-May for Tokyo Games to happen on time - French Olympic Committee chief

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

Over here in the Netherlands we just had our prime-minister address the nation and we aren't going for the total lock-down scenario. We're going for group immunity and so everybody who has a healthy immune system will have to get the virus in order to build immunity.

Went shopping today, no empty shelves, schools remain closed but everything else seems to continue uninterrupted.


posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: JamieJJones

originally posted by: ARM1968

originally posted by: elitegamer23

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: OctavioArmas
a reply to: tanstaafl
I don't recall a time when helthcare systems of entire countries collapsed from flu, or the doctors fell like flies with contagion

When is the last time we had a seriously infectious novel (so unknown to our immune systems) bug like this hit us? Maybe Spanish Flu?

And our Doctors in the USA aren't dropping like flies... yet...

Dude just give it up. Nobody cares and you’re just spamming the threads. I think you had 8/20 post on a page this morning.

Not trying to be a #%+£€¥ but nobody cares .

Empty vessels and all that.......

More important for the thread at hand is the growing consensus amongst world leaders that herd immunity is the way forward. That being so you would need around 60% infection rate throughout any particular country.

That is not something you could plan with any great accuracy and would seem, going on the data, to be an extremely cavalier approach to this. The potential for things to go massively wrong is, I think, fairly certain.

My own thoughts are that we should try as hard as we can to prevent spread until at least there is a chance of a reasonable vaccine. It might be a faint hope, but throwing ourselves at the mercy of this virus seems foolish.

You'd think hiding until a vaccine would be the only sensible option.

Maybe they know they can't make one?

If it's man made maybe they've built some kind of random mutation thing into it to make it impossible to stop.

Could very well be something like that. We’ll know soon enough.

I said back in thread 1 that TPTB know more about this than they are letting on. To some extent I think that might still be true, but by god there are some utter fools running our countries, or at least involved in that running.

Going for herd immunity at the moment would be either insane or a calculated depopulation exercise. Either way even the sheeple are staring to stir in their pens. Shutting everything down for months will end badly. Not shutting things down will end badly. Again, just my opinion based upon what I have seen, read and heard since Covid-19 slithered into existence.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae
What you are saying over and over and over and over doesn't match up with the reality in Seattle and NYC and Italy and France and Spain.

The numbers are the numbers.

Are you saying the numbers on the Worldometers site are wrong? Manipulated?

The world would not shut down over something that is nothing to worry about.

Maybe not... or maybe it would, if the Globalist cabal making up tptb thought they were losing there chance at implementing their one world utopian dictatorship with them at the helm...

If this coronavirus has a CFR of 1% then we will see 10x the deaths that happen with the flu.

Yes, and I have admitted that is bad. But is also very probably going to drop down to something more like the flu numbers once the 'novel' aspect wears off and we develop some immunity, like we have with the flu.

You are skewing the numbers to fit your narrative that the main contributors and followers of these threads are not buying.

Excuse me, but I'm skewing nothing. If you are going to claim I am, then prove it. Which ones am I skewing?

I'm pointing at the numbers, and saying 'look'.

So why keep doing it?

Because some people here keep talking doom-porn. If it wasn't negatively impacting me I wouldn't give a rats behind. But you people are actually calling... rooting... cheering for martial law, completely forgetting the basic rule:

"Those that give up essential liberty for [a false sense of] temporary security deserve neither."

I just don't get why you keep coming here and saying the same thing over and over again.

I guess the same reason people keep coming here yelling about how the sky is falling when it isn't.

This has a CFR HIGHER than the flu which already taxes the health care system each year as it is. Now add something in that is worse that spreads faster. This is really bad.

It is what it is. You want to destroy the worlds economy to try to fight a losing battle.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:43 PM
Underlying health conditions:

The govt are being very vague about this, the DM (yes that bastion of knowledge and truth) has an interesting article, summary:

In UK 43% of adults have some form of long term health problem.

According to the Chinese the biggest health problems causing death with covid19 infection:

High blood pressure
Heart disease.

Diabetes - UK 4.8 million (6%) have it // USA: 26.8million (10.5%)
High blood pressure: UK 12.5 million // USA: 77.9 million (1 in 3)
Heart disease (CHD): UK 2.3 million // USA: 2.4 million (can't think those numbers are right there 4 times as many of you lot, maybe it's definition?)

Anyway - that's a lot of people with a lot of illnesses that are supposedly not good with covid


posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: SoulReaper

What happens when we want to take out physical money out? Ask the fed for it? Not taking about imaginary computer numbers. PHYSICAL MONEY.
edit on 16-3-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: elitegamer23
Dude just give it up. Nobody cares and you’re just spamming the threads. I think you had 8/20 post on a page this morning.

Not trying to be a #%+£€¥ but nobody cares .

Sorry to pee on your doom-porn parade.

Sorry nobody cares what you think.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:47 PM
Here is an update from the 300+ bed hospital where I work in Central Illinois:

The cardiology department was moved outside the hospital (off location), in order to keep heart patients from mingling with other patients, presumably to keep them safe from COVID19. Additionally, this frees up space that can now be used to set up more beds, if needed.

The radiology department has designated one CT scanner for viral pneumonia patients only, in order to confine any potentially contaminated area to a minimum, as COVID19 patients will definitely need a CT scan as part of their workup, for prognostic reasons at a minimum.

All elective surgeries, elective procedures, routine checkups, and elective 'screening' cancer tests have been postponed indefinitely, and will be re-scheduled.

Visitors have been limited to 1 per patient at the hospital, and must be 18 years or older, and not showing any signs or having any symptoms of illness themselves.

We have had the first two positive patients in our health system, verified by testing this last weekend. One is in a local hospital, while the other has milder symptoms, and is being self-quarantined at home. Further testing for COVID19 is limited to inpatients only at this point in time, in order to conserve test kits.

Oh also, the cafeteria at the hospital is still open to get food, but now it is prepackaged (no 'open' salad bar where everyone shared the same utensils for instance), and no personal cups will be allowed at the coffee and other drink machines. The cafeteria seating area is also closed until further notice; so, we will be eating presumably in our offices or designated 'break rooms' only.

Interesting times ....

ADDENDUM: Oh, and we are discouraged from leaving the 40 county central Illinois area served by our health system. If we do leave this area, we must 'check in' upon return, and may be quarantined at home for 14 days if it is determined that we had gone to any high(er) risk area of travel. One of my partners is now 'trapped' in South Carolina visiting with his terminally-ill (from cancer) Mom, and I guess we won't be working with him again for a while, considering they just dumped a cruise ship off in South Carolina without testing anyone?
edit on 16-3-2020 by Fowlerstoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:48 PM
I introduced myself on thread 2 page 125.

U.K. Military (Rural North somewhere).


Work: it is very different now. As I have explained some time ago, my location/unit has a particular defence task/function to maintain and our protective measures in place reflect that. Our role is not to give military aid to the civil authorities. Here on camp we have new cleaning regimes in place to mitigate spread and potential infection. We will self 'clean quarantine' shortly, but that won't involve the whole camp. There are some personnel which have been placed on standby for tasking in other parts of the country. I am staying here as my task involves our main defence tasking. I won't be involved in the 'clean quarantine' though.

I've heard from my wider circle of forces friends that they are all busy receiving warning orders and being informed of what their likely role might be. I have one mate in the RLC, who has been warned off as a distribution driver if needed.

The atmosphere on camp is one of preparedness and getting ready. It feels like going on ops but this time we are at home in our own country. Remarked lay there are still some people wandering around with the 'it's only flu' attitude but they are few now at work. Rumours abound but I disregard them. The typical forces gallows humour is rife lol. But on a serious note, this is ramping up from where I am. We will be remaining at our location and defending it, that's our role.

Domestic: Family first always. We are ready and healthy.

Opinion: I have been in the army over 20yrs. Never seen anything like this preparation going on in the UK. This is going to kick off and all I will say is please be prepared to change your mindset. Those who fail to grasp the severity of what is about to happen will not fare well. Mental preparedness goes along way. If you are not prepared materially, well, good luck, you have to rely on the system. I'm not happy with what I am seeing coming out from the government. I know and have been in the belief that, we have been lied to from the beginning. When we eventually get through this the government has a lot to explain. In the meantime we have to go with what we have and do our best. This is a fight, this is a crisis about to happen. We will prevail, there will be hard times ahead but we can fight through. Take care one and all. I might not be able to get on here again for a while as I'm a wee bit busy just now. Things will happen in short time and already are for us here. Stay sharp look out for each other.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

If you call that disease data then it has some weird symptoms man.

I don't see that as disease data at all. Those are acts of humans.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: Brick17

Spoken like a soldier. Stay healthy out there.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: operation mindcrime
a reply to: butcherguy

Over here in the Netherlands we just had our prime-minister address the nation and we aren't going for the total lock-down scenario. We're going for group immunity and so everybody who has a healthy immune system will have to get the virus in order to build immunity.

Went shopping today, no empty shelves, schools remain closed but everything else seems to continue uninterrupted.


Yes, and everyone over a certain age, or with any "underlying health conditions", shall remain locked up forever more. If it's undiagnosed, then what? Wait for a vaccine? Don't hold your breath. How long have they been working on a SARS vaccine? Which mutation of nCoV would you vaccine for? How ever many there are now, there will soon be many more.

When you start to discount for all those 'healthies' who are close contacts of 'unhealthies', you ain't got nearly enough for herd immunity. Many must die.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:51 PM
Wow, very sobering read from a nhs doctor!!

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: Brick17

Rural North huh?

Defending an installation huh?


posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:53 PM
Ya know what.

Eff the stock market, and those that think keeping it alive is more important than keeping our parents and grandparents alive.

People that are thinking more about the economy than other people, screw them.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

You clearly do not understand what herd immunity is.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:54 PM
Thanks for the update, stay safe. Hope to hear from you again. a reply to: Brick17

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: Dumbass
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

You clearly do not understand what herd immunity is.

Never has a user name been more appropriate.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

Thank you so much for being part of this thread!!!

As a medical doctor affiliated with a hospital, you are one of the ATS members whose input is extremely valuable in helping us gain the truest 'picture' possible as to how this virus situation is (and will continue) playing out...

As time goes by, I imagine you will be getting busier and busier - please take care of yourself, and please continue updating us as often as you are able..

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