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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Good info. This altered state of consciousness concerns me! Someone brought the recovery numbers back to attention on another thread, why are there so many confirmed patients yet so little recovered, and the others dead, what about everyone else?

Also, what happened to the masses of people who were welded into large halls etc in China?

An Italian doctor mentioned on Skynews at the weekend that not only was it 1/10 who required ICU, but the recovery was a long recovery that could take up to 4 months of assisted breathing, hence the requirement for mass machines. Are some of them also in an altered state of consciousness?


posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: BlueSwan

originally posted by: JamieJJones

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
France to cancel all utility bills from midnight tonight. Starting to wish I lived anywhere other than the UK...

I think we'll see the same thing - suspension of utilities, rent, mortgages, etc.

Shame my gas electric and rent all come out tomorrow

Just found the following article, apparently Alton Towers are "monitoring the situation" but currently still planning to open at the weekend

Stoke Sentinel

*cough* late payment... emphasis on the cough

Has anyone else had emails from banks saying something along the lines of "if you are concerned about coronavirus, we're here to help, just get in touch to speak to one of our advisers about any concerns you might have..."

Have banks become the Samaritans, or is it actually that you can get a payment holiday? I mean 2 weeks ain't going to help, bit is this how they are rolling it out rather than just cutting it for everyone?

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
France to cancel all utility bills from midnight tonight. Starting to wish I lived anywhere other than the UK...

edit to add: Also massive support package ensuring no one will go out of business. Too good to be true? But still "keep calm carry on" in the UK. Oh OK Bojo!

They are going to delay, not cancel the payments.

300 BIllion for Businesses (Macron is a Banker after all)

Luckily France has one of the best Medical Services in the World.
I think this will finally sink in, and it will become a lot like Italy and Spain, in the Good sense.
People will stay calm, and get their bread.

Boredom is going to be a hard thing to beat.
Canal+ is having its channel air unencrypted for free, and those that pay, now have access to everything, all the Canal+ Channels etc...

Yes delay, but people won't be expected to suddenly cough up (excuse pun) 3 months rent all in one go later - a lot of people won't even have a job any more, can't have thousands of families living on the streets.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

Has anyone else had emails from banks saying something along the lines of "if you are concerned about coronavirus, we're here to help, just get in touch to speak to one of our advisers about any concerns you might have..."

Yes, have been getting tons of those emails. Here is partly why (I believe):

If people call the bank wanting to hear a human voice, the bank needs to have someone on that other end otherwise they're going to be worried they can't access their money. I heard them talking about this on Bloomberg on my drive home from work today (yep I'm still required to go into work, at least for the next couple days)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: JamieJJones

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
France to cancel all utility bills from midnight tonight. Starting to wish I lived anywhere other than the UK...

edit to add: Also massive support package ensuring no one will go out of business. Too good to be true? But still "keep calm carry on" in the UK. Oh OK Bojo!

They are going to delay, not cancel the payments.

300 BIllion for Businesses (Macron is a Banker after all)

Luckily France has one of the best Medical Services in the World.
I think this will finally sink in, and it will become a lot like Italy and Spain, in the Good sense.
People will stay calm, and get their bread.

Boredom is going to be a hard thing to beat.
Canal+ is having its channel air unencrypted for free, and those that pay, now have access to everything, all the Canal+ Channels etc...

Yes delay, but people won't be expected to suddenly cough up (excuse pun) 3 months rent all in one go later - a lot of people won't even have a job any more, can't have thousands of families living on the streets.

There's another fund for that.
No one is to be left behind.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: HallowedEarth

Yeah and it may increase comorbidities with this thing. If you have a history of prior injury, stroke/CVA, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune conditions, prior illnesses, maybe even plaques or dementia, even undiagnosed prion diseases, who knows. But this could increase the severity of the crossover. I want to know how it's moving along peripheral nerves, I get the encephalitis type symptoms but peripheral nerve damage that could include the diaphragm or God forbid, nerves in the heart too, I hope it's a coincidence and just systemic inflammatory responses.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:26 PM
oy yeah adding another blip, the winstar casino in Oklahoma is closed and will be till March 30th

but i did find a small bonus to this whole situation, i havent gotten any telemarketer calls in 3 days. its been glorious
edit on 16-3-2020 by malektaus because: additions

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:26 PM
Quick Bay Area / Coastal Area CA update:

The company I work for is prepping to close our two buildings beginning at 12:00AM 3/17/2020 - 4/7/2020 or until further notice. Only minimum staff required to maintain business value. All other staff is to WFH.

Received emails from both dentist and orthodontist offices that they will be closing for the same time frame.

Local Costco had a huge line down the length of the building at 8:20 this morning. (~150-200 people?) They open at 9. I imagine the line grew to much larger numbers before they opened.

Neighbor a few houses down is a fireman. Says they have no PPE gear and he's fully resigned to the fact he will get the virus. Local medical facilities WILL be overwhelmed based on already known numbers. (No tests in our town so who knows the real count.)

San Jose, San Francisco, other cities are ordering shelter in place orders starting at midnight tonight.

Welcome to the lock down people...
edit on 3/16/20 by surfinguru because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: HallowedEarth
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Good info. This altered state of consciousness concerns me! Someone brought the recovery numbers back to attention on another thread, why are there so many confirmed patients yet so little recovered, and the others dead, what about everyone else?

Also, what happened to the masses of people who were welded into large halls etc in China?

An Italian doctor mentioned on Skynews at the weekend that not only was it 1/10 who required ICU, but the recovery was a long recovery that could take up to 4 months of assisted breathing, hence the requirement for mass machines. Are some of them also in an altered state of consciousness?


Awaiting the arrival.........

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:30 PM

No new cases today, day 1 of the country quarantine, my mom went to the súper today and she says everything normal.
The government add Chile and Brasil to the countries at risk -until now were considered at risk only China, South Korea, Japan, Iran, the United States and all of Europe-.
Tourists that were breaking the quarantine were deported.
Nobody can enter to Argentina since the borders (land, sea and air) were closed. But Argentines trapped overseas will return in government special flights -or so the government says, in TV Argentines in other countries are trapped in airports since no flights to our country-.

I hope we closed our borders in time because I was saying “it’s just the flu!”, and now I’m a little -a tiny bit- scared. Stay safe people and don’t take all needed items to yourself and take only what you need today, all of us need them too and it’s better if we are all clean and not just you and your family. Thank you all very much for the info you’re sharing with the rest of the world.

Link in Spanish sorry
In Spanish too

Edit to add: I had a surgery two weeks ago -gallbladder surgery- and I don’t know if I am at risk because of that. Somebody know if because a surgery you’re at risk? Thanks.
edit on 16-3-2020 by CafeconLeche1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

Has anyone else had emails from banks saying something along the lines of "if you are concerned about coronavirus, we're here to help, just get in touch to speak to one of our advisers about any concerns you might have..."

Yes, have been getting tons of those emails. Here is partly why (I believe):

If people call the bank wanting to hear a human voice, the bank needs to have someone on that other end otherwise they're going to be worried they can't access their money. I heard them talking about this on Bloomberg on my drive home from work today (yep I'm still required to go into work, at least for the next couple days)

Interesting, so they are trying to avoid a rush on the banks? Well the anarchist in me says EVERYONE GET ALL YOUR CASH NOW!! But also I wonder why the hell they are trying to calm me, I have about £200K debt and a £200K mortgage. I mean this time next year we'll be a millionaires Rodney, but they don't know that.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: angelchemuel

Maybe you have some intuition, neurologists are starting to look into this aspect as about 1/3 of severe patients begin to show these issues. This means we will see them start looking at CSF and seeing if it's causing these issues.

Kenneth L. Tyler, MD, FAAN, Louis Baum Endowed Professor and chair of neurology at University of Colorado School of Medicine, noted that earlier this year a report from three COVID-19-designated hospitals in Wuhan, China, indicated that more than one-third of coronavirus patients had some type of neurologic symptom, including altered consciousness, evidence of skeletal muscle damage, and acute cerebrovascular disease. [The report, which was posted online on a preprint server (MedRxiv), has not been peer-reviewed.]

"These [symptoms] were far more common in severe disease," Dr. Tyler said. "We still don't know whether the neurologic complications are reflective of direct viral injury or due to the secondary or systemic effects of infection." Dr. Tyler said it makes sense that COVID-19 would have neurologic manifestations because other coronaviruses that affect humans can invade the central nervous system.

For instance, as cases accumulated during the outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), some neurologic complications were reported, he said.

The Spread of COVID-19: Questions Raised, Some Answered by Neuroinfectious Disease Experts

I have to go do some research on viral binding and replication and why this is happening or could. If it helps we are directly comparing the Wuhan strain to MERS so the comparison in the journal is a solid analysis. What concerns me are the meningitis like symptoms and the damage to the peripheral nervous system. This could mean it's moving from the lungs and heart to the nervous system or moving through the olfactory to the central nervous system and brain stem. Both are not good at all.

Bolded part mine. I am a Clinical Aromatherapist of 30 years. There's one weird/'woowoo' thing I do which is dowse my clients for Essential Oils. Long story short, I worked out a blend for general and safe use. The 'primary oil' puzzled me even though it is good for respiratory/immune system/cell regeneration. I already knew this particular oil has good results on epileptics...but dug further and it does infact has a direct effect on the ANS, as does one of the other oils. ~Hence the reason I did my post earlier comparing it to how cyanide attaches itself to the nervous system....and then the respiratory and finally heart. Just thinking outside of the box. I'm sure you understand and get my train of thought.
Seen peculiar things in my Clinic too since January which I am monitoring.


posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:33 PM
Went out today to buy a couch and pick up some supplies , The furniture store guys was like you guys are the only people that have came in today so we got a great deal on a couch free delivery also ! went to Kroger it was insane people wandering the store like they were lost all the empty shelves all the cheap stuff like Top Raman gone water almost gone pasta gone . went to get Pinto beans gone however I did manage to get the last 8 or so bags of Black Eyed Peas no one likes black eyed peas ? Still no toilet paper Also needed a hair cut but guess what place was closed ... Wonder what the Anti Peppers are thinking now ?
edit on 3/16/2020 by Gargoyle91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: Parksy1981

Doing OK atm thanks.
You stay safe too

Sunny Rainbows

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

Unfortunately everything is on Direct Debit
I'd also be scared of getting cut off or kicked out, can't risk that with my daughter being asthmatic.

Also just received news that my daughter's Grandad (on her dad's side) has died due to "dementia and a chest infection", not quite sure what to make of that.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: surfinguru
It’s not a “Lockdown” it’s “Shelter in place”. People are still allowed to get needed items and walk their mutts outside. But should stay inside. Let’s hope everyone does that because when the idiots don’t follow the rules and act like nothing is going on, you WILL see “Lockdowns” and that’s not going to be very fun at all.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Not woowoo at all, I would be interested in what works for epilepsy, we use lavender and chamomile etc. Would love some tips for my son. These therapies have been proven to work.

If we're seeing GBS type symptoms in some and now 1/3 of severe are showing encephalitis, meningitis and neurological damage or altered mental status while not being septic or having a high fever etc. That presents a significant and unexpected complication. Are others with more mild symptoms having issues, where are all of these patients becoming damaged? Are neurons presenting viral antigen and being targeted by the immune system?

It raises so many questions that we can't answer until we start getting more patients and comparing the pathophysiology and if the virus is mutating or if there is another strain of something moving around. It could be as simple as an inflammatory response or something far worse and unexpected.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:48 PM
Now we see quarantine , shelter in place and isolation everywhere .

But, what is the WAY OUT of this ?

I dont really see it. You have either to get the disease, a vaccine or an antiviral or herd immunity.

My bet is in an antiviral. Vaccine take too long,....

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:50 PM
Australian Update

It has bolted. I think at this stage the actual numbers are getting kind of irrelevant.

And you can lay blame of the current situation squarely at the feet of the people who work in Canberra.

Tomato Source

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:51 PM
State of Minnesota, governor just announced restaurants, bars will all close by tomorrow at 5 p.m. Food curbside pickup only. Also theaters, bowling alleys, etc...


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