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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: JamieJJones

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: Tracele

originally posted by: FinallyAwake
Doris Knobson is addressing the nation.

Boris Johnson warns UK population to avoid non-essential contact with others as coronavirus cases rise – politics live
PM says vulnerable people and those with serious health conditions should be shielded from social contact and tells Britons to avoid pubs, restaurants and non-essential travel but school stay open for now

Coronavirus – latest updates
UK response ‘led by science’ – Shapps
Which countries have restrictions and FCO warnings in place?
Downing Street lobby briefing - Summary ces-because-of-coronavirus-shapps-suggests-politics-live

But schools stay open, what a ****

It doesn’t make sense to me, over 1000 kids in my child’s school. People are really worried now.

They want as many children to get it as possible, as quickly as possible.

Schools etc are a bug highway across the country. Get herd immunity there, it gives herd immunity everywhere to some extent, working as a shield. At least via that avenue.

Logical? In some ways yes. Ethical? Certainly not. There are flaws; like kids have parents and grandparents etc, and spread is spread, and they are encouraging it. But there is also the gaping hole in the strategy; that there is, as yet, no evidence that herd immunity is even possible with this virus. They say reinfection is rare, but it is an unknown.

What if it never leaves you at all? We know some viruses behave this way. I don't know why we don't have a virus like this already, that behaves this way. Maybe because if we did have a virus like that, we'd be extinct.

Great points.

There will inevitably be some (hundreds, thousands?) of kids who will die if they do this.

Political suicide whether the herd thing works or not.

Partly why I can't believe they're doing it, unless they know something very important that we aren't being told.

They certainly know more than we do. My problem is, even if they created and deployed this virus, it is an RNA virus. There is no way they can know how it will mutate. Nature finds a way, and although it is possible this is completely unnatural, it is now in nature, and it will find its own way.
edit on 16-3-2020 by Oppenheimer67 because: 2 many ands

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: Nyiah

It won’t work, not to mentioned the country would probably collapse economically...

Yep. "You can't make me!" defiance aside, the financial pressure will kick everything off.

The restrictions thing is going to be limited, they may get a month's worth of compliance before people have enough and start chucking molotovs.

Edit: It's funny how the government can get away with everything under the sun, so long as the populace is willfully distracted with making a living and affording the basics. Now that all that is at serious risk or outright evaporating for the slow-start trickle folks getting laid off, NOW we'll get off our collective asses and do something about it. Well, not this very moment "now", but here in a few weeks at minimum. I'm not going to say "mark my words" just yet, a money hand-out to households could hold off that start for a while.
edit on 3/16/2020 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:14 PM
God when you look at numbers of people with illnesses in UK it gets frightening.

nearly 32,000 kids with diabetes.

1.1 million have asthma (and another 4 million adults) - every 10 seconds someone in the UK is having a life threatening asthma attack !!!

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:16 PM
Well, as of 3:00 it looks like we're up to 950:

Novel Coronavirus Last updated: March 16, 2020 | 3:00PM 950 Positive Cases in New York State County Positive Cases Westchester 220 Nassau 109 Suffolk 63 Rockland 16 Albany 12 Orange 11 Dutchess 10 Monroe 10 Ulster 7 Saratoga 5 Erie 6 Schenectady 4 Greene 2 Putnam 2 Allegany 2 Broome 1 Delaware 1 Herkimer 1 Tioga 1 Tompkins 1 Montgomery 1 Onondaga 1 Ontario 1 New York State (Outside of NYC) 487 New York City: 463 Total Positive Cases (Statewide) 950

edit on 16-3-2020 by Chance321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: Tracele

originally posted by: FinallyAwake
Doris Knobson is addressing the nation.

Boris Johnson warns UK population to avoid non-essential contact with others as coronavirus cases rise – politics live
PM says vulnerable people and those with serious health conditions should be shielded from social contact and tells Britons to avoid pubs, restaurants and non-essential travel but school stay open for now

Coronavirus – latest updates
UK response ‘led by science’ – Shapps
Which countries have restrictions and FCO warnings in place?
Downing Street lobby briefing - Summary ces-because-of-coronavirus-shapps-suggests-politics-live

But schools stay open, what a ****

It doesn’t make sense to me, over 1000 kids in my child’s school. People are really worried now.

They want as many children to get it as possible, as quickly as possible.

Schools etc are a bug highway across the country. Get herd immunity there, it gives herd immunity everywhere to some extent, working as a shield. At least via that avenue.

Logical? In some ways yes. Ethical? Certainly not. There are flaws; like kids have parents and grandparents etc, and spread is spread, and they are encouraging it. But there is also the gaping hole in the strategy; that there is, as yet, no evidence that herd immunity is even possible with this virus. They say reinfection is rare, but it is an unknown.

What if it never leaves you at all? We know some viruses behave this way. I don't know why we don't have a virus like this one already that also stays in your system forever this way. Maybe because if we did have a virus like that, we'd be extinct.

I’ve just read that in a group, and as you say it carries huge implications... myself included. There’s no way I’m risking this, lots of other parents saying the same now. There are too many unknowns with this virus that’s for sure.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Hell I think the economy, as it stands may not make it through the pandemic. There is allot of panic, what I am hearing in regards to our financial banking systems is VERY VERY concerning... I will allow one of our members more familiar with the financial sector pipe in about what I am talking about, and they know what I am talking about.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:18 PM
UPDATE: Greenland reports first case of coronavirus, worldwide total surpasses 180,000


posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: Nyiah

Hell I think the economy, as it stands may not make it through the pandemic. There is allot of panic, what I am hearing in regards to our financial banking systems is VERY VERY concerning... I will allow one of our members more familiar with the financial sector pipe in about what I am talking about, and they know what I am talking about.

There's a lot of talk about it crashing into the proverbial basement, but personally, I think we're probably looking at crashing through the basement all the way to the bedrock here.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Well the banks don’t have to have assets to cover their debts, meh I can’t explain it but the government has cut restrictions.
edit on 16-3-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: JamieJJones
God when you look at numbers of people with illnesses in UK it gets frightening.

nearly 32,000 kids with diabetes.

1.1 million have asthma (and another 4 million adults) - every 10 seconds someone in the UK is having a life threatening asthma attack !!!

No wonder people are freaking out

I spoke to my child’s epilepsy nurse today, he said they’re prepared to work from home and cancel all face to face appointments in the hospital but he did say epilepsy wasn’t in the high risk group unless it was the more severe type of epilepsy which needs breathing aids etc.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: Nyiah

Hell I think the economy, as it stands may not make it through the pandemic. There is allot of panic, what I am hearing in regards to our financial banking systems is VERY VERY concerning... I will allow one of our members more familiar with the financial sector pipe in about what I am talking about, and they know what I am talking about.

I've been thinking this for a few weeks, it's like someone has hit the hard reset button.

I think by the end money as we know and understand it will be meaningless and worthless.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: elitegamer23

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: OctavioArmas
a reply to: tanstaafl
I don't recall a time when helthcare systems of entire countries collapsed from flu, or the doctors fell like flies with contagion

When is the last time we had a seriously infectious novel (so unknown to our immune systems) bug like this hit us? Maybe Spanish Flu?

And our Doctors in the USA aren't dropping like flies... yet...

Dude just give it up. Nobody cares and you’re just spamming the threads. I think you had 8/20 post on a page this morning.

Not trying to be a #%+£€¥ but nobody cares .

Empty vessels and all that.......

More important for the thread at hand is the growing consensus amongst world leaders that herd immunity is the way forward. That being so you would need around 60% infection rate throughout any particular country.

That is not something you could plan with any great accuracy and would seem, going on the data, to be an extremely cavalier approach to this. The potential for things to go massively wrong is, I think, fairly certain.

My own thoughts are that we should try as hard as we can to prevent spread until at least there is a chance of a reasonable vaccine. It might be a faint hope, but throwing ourselves at the mercy of this virus seems foolish.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: butcherguy

There it is.. Starts in PA. Here they come. Wow

Gov. Phil Murphy instituted a curfew in New Jersey tonight, I look for Gov Wolf to do it too.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: ARM1968

originally posted by: elitegamer23

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: OctavioArmas
a reply to: tanstaafl
I don't recall a time when helthcare systems of entire countries collapsed from flu, or the doctors fell like flies with contagion

When is the last time we had a seriously infectious novel (so unknown to our immune systems) bug like this hit us? Maybe Spanish Flu?

And our Doctors in the USA aren't dropping like flies... yet...

Dude just give it up. Nobody cares and you’re just spamming the threads. I think you had 8/20 post on a page this morning.

Not trying to be a #%+£€¥ but nobody cares .

Empty vessels and all that.......

More important for the thread at hand is the growing consensus amongst world leaders that herd immunity is the way forward. That being so you would need around 60% infection rate throughout any particular country.

That is not something you could plan with any great accuracy and would seem, going on the data, to be an extremely cavalier approach to this. The potential for things to go massively wrong is, I think, fairly certain.

My own thoughts are that we should try as hard as we can to prevent spread until at least there is a chance of a reasonable vaccine. It might be a faint hope, but throwing ourselves at the mercy of this virus seems foolish.

You'd think hiding until a vaccine would be the only sensible option.

Maybe they know they can't make one?

If it's man made maybe they've built some kind of random mutation thing into it to make it impossible to stop.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: mzinga
a reply to: tanstaafl
Why must you continue to downplay this when we have so little data?

Why must some people continue to fear-monger when we have so little data?

It goes both ways you know.

You keep saying this isn't worse than the flu

I have never, ever, said that, please stop your ridiculous machinations.

when the numbers already say it is much worse than the flu.

I agree. Even Germany's numbers of 0.2% are twice the CFR of the flu. I've never said or suggested otherwise.

Few things we STILL aren't really talking about. Survivors having permanent lung damage, and the fact that CoronaVirus's are like the cold. We will get reinfected. What happens then?

Yeah sounds really bad - until you realize that none of the things you posited are fact. They are rumors...

Plain and simple EVERYONE will eventually get this.

I agree, and have stated as much. And most will not even have enough symptoms to know they had it, many remaining totally asymptomatic.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:28 PM
This article shows 4 patients who were infected with the virus. Got anti viral treatments, eventually became symptom free and where discharged from quarantine after 2 consecutive negative tests.

They were asked to continue self quarantine from home and then were retested 5-13 days after discharge. They all tested positive for the virus, despite being "recovered" and asymptomatic.

Recovered patients may still be carriers!! The immune system seems unable to completely clear the virus.

Recovered Patient Study

edit on 16-3-2020 by SoulReaper because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Why must some people continue to fear-monger when we have so little data?

- States and cities here in the US are instituting curfews.
- Ohio is said to have put their National Guard units on alert.
- State after state shutting down nonessential businesses.

It's just the flu.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: lostsock
a reply to: tanstaafl
Im sorry to break it to you but there are millions of senior citizens that do NOT live in group homes. My 80 yr old father lives next door to me and my 70 yr old mother lives 50 miles away with her 75 yr old second husband. I can look after my dad and take care of his day to day needs but I cant do the same for my mother. I had to threaten her that I was going to steal her car battery if she went to the bar last Friday night. She is a huge karaoke fan. So keeping the elderly at home under quarantine isnt as cut and dried as you are claiming. My mom said she will only stay home if a full quarantine is set forth and i am sure t here are plenty of other people of the same mind that she is unfortunately.

Yeah, some people have a death wish.

Honestly, I am afraid I'm not on board with destroying the worlds economy to try to forcefully protect some people against themselves. I know, I'm a cold-hearted bastard.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:34 PM


posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: Bicent

At minimum is 7x deposits.

Wow! ( to the absolute the unread)

Why Banks Don't Need Your Money

Edit: Now 404 on the link...I'll find another


edit on 03405959America/Chicago16_3America/Chicagopm by missed_gear because: lunk

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