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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 07:58 AM
It's not just the old, any virus will kill the old and weak first, the age of people getting it in Italy is dropping, let's hope this isn't a sign of things to come everywhere else.

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: elitegamer23
I also am coming to the conclusion of a lockdown quarantine, the older population in my state is already demanding it. The old rich people in Florida hold the chips.

I have no problem declaring a quarantine/lockdown for the elderly and at-risk (underlying health conditions - especially in group homes and areas where their presence is concentrated.

Do that, let this thing run its course through the very low risk population while life goes on more nrmally, then slowly start opening the quarantined homes etc...

Makes perfect sense.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:11 AM
I know this sounds stupid but I had a dream last night that the virus is spreading on physical currency which makes everyone vulnerable what are the odds ?

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:11 AM
Top Death rates of countries with 1000+ infections:

Italy 24747 - 7.3%
Iran 14991 - 5.7%
Mainland China 80973 - 4%
Spain 9191 - 3.4%
UK 1395 - 2.5%
France 5437 - 2.3%
US 3774 - 1.8%
Netherlands 1136 - 1.8%
South Korea 8236 - 0.9%
Switzerland 2220 - 0.6%
Belgium 1085 - 0.4%
Sweden 1032 - 0.3%
Germany 5813 - 0.2%
Norway 1256 - 0.2%

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: pasiphae
I got a bunch of crap from a few people when I said something about quarantining part of CA (it was a rumor) and they fully insisted that I was nuts to think the US would ever quarantine any city or state. Well..... now here we are only a couple of weeks later and it's a drastically different picture.

Yeah, but we're nowhere near quarantining any city, much less state, and I don't see it happening. Forced closures of public buildings/events/services like schools is one thing, requesting people self-isolate is another, but neither one is a quarantine.

What should be happening is quarantining all group homes whose residents are all elderly and/or with serious underlying health problems. Quarantine those now, for their own protection. Require the care-givers to actually live on site to avoid bringing it in from outside. Have all supplies delivered in a controlled manner preventing anything from getting in.

That is how you protect those at risk. Not by shutting down the rest of the world.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: BowBells
a reply to: Irishhaf
but... the amount of deaths is still terrible :-(

No deaths are good, but...

Do you get the same way every year due to the much much larger number of deaths due to the flu? Pneumonia? If not, then what makes these so different?

I'm asking honestly. I just don't get it.

Does the world shut down because of the flu or pneumonia?
Do stock markets around the world essentially collapse because of the flu or pneumonia?
Are hospitals pushed beyond their capabilities and then patients refused care because of the flu or pneumonia?

Come on man take off your blinders.
edit on 16-3-2020 by elitegamer23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:15 AM
In the UK:

Guy rings doctors for an appointment, they ask him do you have this symptom - no, that symptom - no, other symptoms - no.

Okay come in then.

Walks into his doctors room - what can I do for you - I've got all these symptoms, I think I have the virus.

Doctor goes bananas but has had to self isolate, and the surgery is shut for deep clean.

Stupid and selfish, I guess that's people today.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:17 AM
This is the boy who was in that facebook post i posted a while back and then confirmed by Jamiejones also
Interestingly in the facebook post, the family said he had pneumonia and that after their first facebook post the hospital rang and asked them to remove it to stop panic. But in the news article, no mention of any of that.
Also annoyingly, no coronavirus test has been done.

A PRIMARY schoolboy and his family are self-isolating after he developed Covid-19 symptoms at the weekend.

Seven-year-old Cody McCormack was put in a coronavirus pod at University Hospital of North Durham on Saturday after he began experiencing a high temperature and breathing difficulties.
The youngster, from Sherburn Village, near Durham, is not one of the region’s confirmed cases, and though he has not been tested, his mother said doctors have told her they believe he has caught the infection.

Seeing a LOT of comments from people here in the UK online that we are no longer testing for it unless you are admitted to hospital. I understand resources are stretched, but surely we should be doing more testing. As in, it makes sense to know if you have it so you don't spread it to the vulnerable. Also, for data modelling. It is skewing our figures and making it seem like we don't have as many cases as we do. The number of deaths however will be a major tell on the spread.
We aren't even testing suspected medical staff at the NHS. Why not? I'm so angry about it all, our government seems to have a death wish. I can't fathom it. Strange times we are living in.
petition from junior doc

edit on 16-3-2020 by cirrus12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Drachenfel
- originally posted by: tanstaafl
-- originally posted by: all2human
-- "It's unbelievable coming from thread 1 seeing this play out right before our eyes
-- As if we were writing it into being."

- "The fear-mongers are doing precisely that.
- It is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is insane."

You've said this often throughout the thread, even against the backdrop of the ever rising figures,

The numbers are rising, yes... but more importantly, the ratios - infected to serious/critical to dead - are remaining relatively constant.

But your position requires you to address the worldwide reaction and the causes for it - whether sociological, psychological, mass hypnosis etc, because to simply state it is fear mongering is to miss the elephant in the room, which is governmental response.

Governments are notorious for 'never letting a good crisis go to waste'.

Football matches across the world were called off today, except Russia, Australia and Turkey. This is unprecedented in modern times.

Yes - and a reaction to the fear being pushed daily now by the MSM.

Earlier I had blamed the MSM for driving the initial fear/panic, but it was correctly pointed out that they were largely silent on the issue.

No more. They are 100% driving the fear/panic now. I'm fairly sure I know why.

What is your take on the causes of the response?
I only ask because I don't know the answer myself.

Great, and more importantly, honest question.

We all have theories (this is a CT site after all) - mine is it is a last gasp effort to squash the huge grassroots Nationalist / anti-Globalist movement that started with Trump - with the hope of damaging his chances of re-election this fall due to the hit the economy is taking right now.

again, that is just my personal opinion, but it has nothing to do with my analysis of the numbers.

This explains a lot, politically driven.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
Interesting...she was tested and she only had gastrointestinal issues...she also mingled with 'officials' in KY:

Christy Brown, leading Louisville philanthropist, is diagnosed with COVID-19

Gastrointestinal issues account for only 4%. Looks like she was in that category.

Nice to see you posting again! Missed you!

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: cirrus12
This is the boy who was in that facebook post i posted a while back and then confirmed by Jamiejones also
Interestingly in the facebook post, the family said he had pneumonia and that after their first facebook post the hospital rang and asked them to remove it to stop panic. But in the news article, no mention of any of that.
Also annoyingly, no coronavirus test has been done.

A PRIMARY schoolboy and his family are self-isolating after he developed Covid-19 symptoms at the weekend.

Seven-year-old Cody McCormack was put in a coronavirus pod at University Hospital of North Durham on Saturday after he began experiencing a high temperature and breathing difficulties.
The youngster, from Sherburn Village, near Durham, is not one of the region’s confirmed cases, and though he has not been tested, his mother said doctors have told her they believe he has caught the infection.

Seeing a LOT of comments from people here in the UK online that we are no longer testing for it unless you are admitted to hospital. I understand resources are stretched, but surely we should be doing more testing. As in, it makes sense to know if you have it so you don't spread it to the vulnerable. Also, for data modelling. It is skewing our figures and making it seem like we don't have as many cases as we do. The number of deaths however will be a major tell on the spread.
We aren't even testing suspected medical staff at the NHS. Why not? I'm so angry about it all, our government seems to have a death wish. I can't fathom it. Strange times we are living in.
petition from junior doc

I've just had to do some work for a local surgery, the girl I dealt with (on phone sounded very nervy. She said my usual contact is "off ill and won't be back for a couple of weeks".

I guess we know what she's probably got (she's the office manager, not front line medical).

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:23 AM
Going to be a epic night on the markets.

Last weeks 'Oil War' Between Saudi and Russia was a smoke screen. It wasnt a $trillion crash, it was a $trillion withdrawl.
There's no bottom any more

Golds down, oils taking a hit, Europe's getting smashed and Australia was in the tank for -9.5%

edit on 16/3/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:23 AM
I thought I’d share that I am at Walter Reed right now- and other than them asking you at the door if you are displaying symptoms, it’s business as usual.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:24 AM
People are often stupid and selfish but we are heading for real trouble here now and panic is looming. People don't think straight when that happens.
I keep reading stories on Facebook and the fear is building. We are rudderless. There is no clear cut guidelines, no real in depth info from our government on how to self isolate, what to do if your children get sick (cos apparently they don't according to the government) and 111 are pretty much useless. Ambulances turn up and won't test for it unless you are admitted and many people say they are hesitant to. This is all being shared amongst people, so many stories and they are not good. Then you see what is happening in Italy and it breaks your heart.

: JamieJJones

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam
It feels like there is a battle occurring in my body. Not quite debilitating as yet. But even on walks I have to catch myself and say it’ll be okay. I’ve woken up out of sleep gasping for breath. And now it’s tough to even go to sleep as I feel the back of the inside of my head being worked on. Ie you need to be hydrated and have plenty of oxygen to just get to sleep.
I’m young enough (if can just quit nicotine, hopefully not via death) that I should be okay.

Hi slatestream,

I'm truly sorry you're going through this, but I was wondering if you would be comfortable sharing any of your stats, meaning - age, any underlying health conditions, etc...

If not, I understand...

It really sounds like you should be able to get tested based on your symptoms... have you tried?

Wishing you a speedy and full recovery!

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
today (its Monday morning 8am for me)

Aus tanked -7% at open, its bounced a small amount to -5% but the rest of the day it will be bad

Some of the totals over night are horrifying
19:44: 1,228 new cases and 3 new deaths in Germany. (Source)

Actually, Germany's numbers look extremely promising.

What are they doing differently to maintain @ 0.2% CFR? Other countries should take note of whatever it is.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: HallowedEarth
But again. All symptoms no symptoms. No runny nose, totally runny nose. Cough, drowning feeling, nasal congestion without discharge. It’s all over the map.

I've speculated that it gets really bad if you happen to catch ordinary influenza and CV at the same time... maybe that explains the runny nose (not typical of CV)?

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:30 AM
After reading this, we need a hard border with Northern Ireland. The British Government may want to cull their citizens but by God the ignorance towards Ireland is disgusting
edit on 16-3-2020 by EricEdert because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:31 AM
wow watching itv news and they were showing London Waterloo at 08:00hrs this morning and it was empty .

Going to be a daily televised update from now on too

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: cirrus12
People are often stupid and selfish but we are heading for real trouble here now and panic is looming. People don't think straight when that happens.
I keep reading stories on Facebook and the fear is building. We are rudderless. There is no clear cut guidelines, no real in depth info from our government on how to self isolate, what to do if your children get sick (cos apparently they don't according to the government) and 111 are pretty much useless. Ambulances turn up and won't test for it unless you are admitted and many people say they are hesitant to. This is all being shared amongst people, so many stories and they are not good. Then you see what is happening in Italy and it breaks your heart.

: JamieJJones

My parents are in their 70's and keep going out to get bits of shopping.

They went to Aldi, the Coop, and Morrisons last week, and Morrisons today at about 11am.

They said it's pandemonium in there, even worse than last week.

Even stuff like milk was nearly sold out (why anyone would bulk buy milk is beyond me), they had to queue for half an hour to get through the checkout.

They said my sister apparently went first thing this morning for a few bits, was there as soon as it opened and it was chocka then as well.

EDIT - I've dome some online booze shopping with Aldi before, I got an email today from their CEO assuring their shoppers that they've ordered bigger orders than usual from theri suppliers and there will be food on the shelves.

It must be very noticable for them to start sending out "dont panic" emails.
edit on 16-3-2020 by JamieJJones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
Interesting...she was tested and she only had gastrointestinal issues...she also mingled with 'officials' in KY:

Christy Brown, leading Louisville philanthropist, is diagnosed with COVID-19

My son works at her house quite frequently.
Every day this thing creeps closer and closer.

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