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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:45 AM
UK News

The NHS has launched a tool called the Coronavirus Status Checker

People with potential coronavirus symptoms are now being asked to complete the status checker and answer a short series of questions which will tell the NHS about their experience.

It is open to anyone in the UK to use on the NHS website and in its initial phase the NHS is particularly keen for anyone who thinks they may be displaying potential coronavirus symptoms, no matter how mild, to complete it. Status Checker users are clearly told at the beginning and the end of the survey that it is not a triage or clinical advice tool, and that they should visit 111 online for medical advice about their symptoms.

The information gathered will help the NHS to plan its response to the outbreak, indicating when and where more resources like oxygen, ventilators and additional staff might be needed and will provide valuable insight into the development and progression of the virus across the country.

NHS asks people to share their coronavirus symptoms to help others

Tell the NHS about your current experience of coronavirus

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:46 AM
Here is the latest from the coronavirus capital NY. This morning we were at 114775. Now we are at 122031:

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:54 AM
Numbers from around the world are now starting to come in for April 5th.

Pop: 44.6 M
130,759 Positive tests…….. or 1 out of 357 Spaniards
9.50% Deaths

Pop: 60.4 M
124,632 Positive tests….. or 1 out of 469 Italians
12.32 % Deaths

Pop: 330 M
320,714 Positive tests.... or 1 out of 1,029 Americans
2.83% Deaths

US death rates (2017):
1. Heart Disease …………….…………647,457 annual or 1,773 daily average
2. Cancer ……………………..……….….599,108 annual or 1,641 daily average
6. Alzheimer’s disease:……..……….121,404 annual or 332 daily average
7. Diabetes ……………………..……….…..83,564 annual or 228 daily average
8. Influenza and Pneumonia …………55,562 annual or 152 daily average
X. Auto accidents ………………….………37,461 annual or 102 daily average
X. H1N1 2009 ESTIMATED (8,868 – 18,306) for 1 year or 24 – 50 daily average
COVID-19 ………………………………………. 9,083 (33 Day) or 275 daily average

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: MissBeck

Thank you for that !!!!

I'm astonished the BBC doesn't have it on the scrolling banner at the bottom.

Here's the link so people can type it into another browser :

Spread far and wide over the UK, this is important data that can be collected, from those that don't have the need to go to Hospital !!

What a shambles....
edit on 5-4-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: fixed link

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2
I only found it through clicking through links from a story on the BBC website. You're very welcome.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: InterplanetaryHobo

US death rates (2017):
1. Heart Disease …………….…………647,457 annual or 1,773 daily average
2. Cancer ……………………..……….….599,108 annual or 1,641 daily average
6. Alzheimer’s disease:……..……….121,404 annual or 332 daily average
7. Diabetes ……………………..……….…..83,564 annual or 228 daily average
8. Influenza and Pneumonia …………55,562 annual or 152 daily average
X. Auto accidents ………………….………37,461 annual or 102 daily average
X. H1N1 2009 ESTIMATED (8,868 – 18,306) for 1 year or 24 – 50 daily average
COVID-19 ………………………………………. 9,083 (33 Day) or 275 daily average

Swine flu nowadays is considered to be less lethal than seasonal flu. But the numbers for them are more similar than they are different. The Lancet published both estimates tossing out global numbers like 284,400 and 409,111 so that's only 30% less lethal and it's comparing one strand against many.

The reason people think otherwise nowadays is they compare the estimate of 12,500 (range 8,868 – 18,306) for H1N1 to the recent CDC figures of around 50,000, but those estimates were compiled by different researchers. The paper which published the swine flu numbers also gave a seasonal flu estimate from the years 1990-99 at 3.1 deaths per 100,000. Using 2009's population that would equal just 9,511 deaths in the United States.

In fact if you go to CDC Pages pre 2009 they don't even bother to list total deaths estimates or otherwise. This is from 2007-8

Exact numbers of how many people died from flu this season cannot be determined. Flu-associated deaths (which have laboratory confirmed influenza), are only a nationally notifiable condition among children; however not all pediatric influenza deaths may be detected and reported and there is no requirement to report adult deaths from influenza. In addition, many people who die from flu complications are not tested, or they seek medical care later in their illness when flu can no longer be detected from respiratory samples. However, CDC tracks pneumonia and influenza (P&I) deaths through the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System. This system collects information each week on the total number of death certificates filed in each of the 122 participating cities and the number of death certificates with pneumonia or influenza listed as a cause of death. The 122 Cities Mortality Reporting system helps gauge the severity of a flu season compared with other years. However, only a proportion of all P&I deaths are influenza-related and, as noted, most flu deaths are not lab confirmed. Thus, this system does not allow for an estimation of the number of deaths, only the relative severity among different influenza seasons. For the 2007-2008 season, the proportion of deaths due to pneumonia and influenza was higher than the previous two years, but was similar to the 2004-2005 season.

A little off topic I know!

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 12:32 PM
From Gua rdian Live Feed (From the Summary) :

Italy reports lowest increase in deaths in two weeks, with 525 new coronavirus deaths on Sunday. For the first time, the total number of people hospitalised fell – down 61, from 29,010 to 28,949 – in a day.

Ethiopia and Barbados report first coronavirus deaths. The Ethiopian victim was a 60-year-old Ethiopian woman who had spent six days in intensive care, while in Barbados the victim was an 81-year-old man with an underlying condition.

Scotland’s chief medical officer has withdrawn from daily media briefings after it was revealed she had twice visited her family’s second home. Catherine Calderwood will remain in the post and continue advising the Scottish government.
(Up until now, she was the face on Scottish TV telling everyone to stay at home, and not go out unnecessarily, like going to your 2nd Home in the country....)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 12:43 PM
From BBC Live Feed :

- 19.13 : " 104 Year old Grandmother survives COVID-19. "

reporting the story of 104-year-old grandmother Ada Zanusso who survived Covid-19 in Lessona, in northern Italy.

She was living in a nursing home where 20 residents died from the virus.

"She has lost none of his lucidity and intelligence. Her recovery is a great joy and a reward for all those who have looked after her in these difficult days, " her doctor Carla Furno Marchese told La Repubblica newspaper.
She's not the only very old survivor, but her story provides some hope as we report on the global death toll.

More from La Repubblica

- 19.24 : " Irish PM Leo Varadkar returns to Practicing Medecine "

Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar rejoined the medical register in March and will work one shift a week, the Irish Times reports.

Mr Varadkar practiced as a doctor for seven years before entering politics.

He will now work for the Irish health service, and it's thought he will be assisting with phone assessments. In Ireland, sick people are assessed initially over the phone for Covid-19 symptoms, rather than in person.

His partner and other members of his family work in the health service.

- 19.33 : Idiot of the Day : England footballer, Kyle Walker, apologies after hosting 'sex party'

England footballer Kyle Walker has apologised after breaking lockdown rules by hosting a party involving sex workers.

The Manchester City player, 29, said his actions were "in direct contrast" to the government's social distancing restrictions.

His club said it was "disappointed" to hear the allegations, adding that the defender would face an internal disciplinary procedure.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 12:49 PM
Also BBC Live Feed :

- 19.39 (And earlier in the day) : John Alagos, 24 year old Nursing Assistant, Fell ill Friday and died Sunday at Watford General Hospital.
He was Looking after Coronavirus patients.

According to friends of John Alagos’s family he was originally from the island of Iloilo in the central Philippines, but moved to the UK as a child and was a British citizen.

His mother Gina Gustilo is also an NHS healthcare worker in the UK.

In another Facebook post, Gian Tolentino, a friend of John Alagos, and a member of the Watford Filipino Community Association page, said John was "a kind person; a dedicated healthcare assistant, and good friend and most of all a helpful son that any parents would be lucky to have".

The Philippines is the second-biggest source of non-UK NHS staff after India. According to a parliamentary briefing paper from July 2019, at the time 18,584 Filipinos were working for the NHS.

edit on 5-4-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: corrected 'day' details

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 12:54 PM
BBC Live Feed :

- 19.45 : Liverpool Nurse, Liz Glanister, long-serving nurse at Aintree Hospital, died on Friday in Royal Liverpool University Hospital.

“All our thoughts are with Liz’s family at this time and we offer them our sincere condolences. Liz will be sadly missed by all those who knew and worked with her," Aintree's Chief Nurse Dianne Brown said.

At least five doctors and three nurses and nursing assistants have died from the Covid-19 in the UK.

It comes as the north-west of England reported a rise in infections to a total of 4,826.

More at Liverpool Echo Newspaper

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 12:56 PM
Is there a specific topic where the relationship between 5G and the virus is discussed? I can't find any.

The virus has been for more than one month here in Colombia, and thank God there hasn't been many deaths. Around 35, most of them people with obesity and/or diabetes. It's also interesting how in Africa it has expanded so little.

Ecuador which is the country with the most disastrous situation in South America has been testing 5G since last year. Most of the continent doesn't have such technology and won't have it in the next 5 years. Same for Africa

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: Willyblake

There were a few threads if I remember right, and a few discussions throughout all 5 parts of this one, but I did see this on the BBC website if it interests you?

Coronavirus: Scientists brand 5G claims 'complete rubbish'

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: Aptom90

The reason I have included H1N1 from 2009, is that in the early stages of the discussion (part 1 or 2), there were individuals claiming that Covid-19 was not as bad, and would have fewer deaths than H1N1 from 2009. While still technically that is still partially true, from the numbers it appears that particular argument is about to be proven incorrect.

The reason I have included motor vehicle deaths, is for the same reason, I personally believe, that also will be proven incorrect in the next few weeks.

In 2017 the combined Influenza and Pneumonia deaths were the 8th largest reason for death in the US. Momentarily the daily death rate for Covid-19, is higher than that of Influenza and Pneumonia. Will the final death rate of Covid-19 exceed that of Influenza and Pneumonia combined? I do not know. But those who say the the flu cause as many or more deaths, are technically correct, today, if one looks at annual total, but looking at the daily death rate, it is starting to look the other way. If an upper hand can be obtained on the spread of this disease, than the annual flu will be of a higher death rate, otherwise that argument will become incorrect.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 01:01 PM
Self deleted.

I thought it was funny, anyway.
edit on 5-4-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: self edited

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 01:26 PM
Offical Counts Understate the U.S. Death Toll

WASHINGTON — A coroner in Indiana wanted to know if the coronavirus had killed a man in early March, but said that her health department denied a test. Paramedics in New York City say that many patients who died at home were never tested for the coronavirus, even if they showed telltale signs of infection. In Virginia, a funeral director prepared the remains of three people after health workers cautioned her that they each had tested positive for the coronavirus. But only one of the three people had the virus noted on the death certificate. Across the United States, even as coronavirus deaths are being recorded in terrifying numbers — many hundreds each day — the true death toll is likely much higher.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Well, funny that you've got no argument against it. Just a dumb, arrogant attitude.

I asked a question politely. In case you haven't noticed, this is a conspiracy website. Not CNN. But you just joined one month ago, what could I expect? Back in the day such topics were discussed here.

Funniest thing, is that you consider yourself some kind of moderator lol.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Willyblake

But you just joined one month ago,
Yeah. What's he know? You joined a whole week before him.

edit on 4/5/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: MissBeck

Thank you for the link

I remember we've discussed this many weeks ago in different parts. Now unfortunately, it's a tad difficult to find lol.

At first I didn't believe it. But considering most of Latin America and Africa is 5G free, I think there's definitely something.

Last night I watched a Groningen University video boasting about their implementation of 5G. Just weeks later, thousands of birds died without "apparent reason". This all occured last year. At the very least, I believe it causes problems for the immune system.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 01:43 PM
My 250k population city in South West UKhas had a steady 10 positive cases for the past week. And a handful of deaths.
Today 26 confirmed cases in one day.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: Phage

Yes, with this account. I originally had one back in 2008. I'm not criticizing him for being a "n00b" here or something like that. Just that I asked a question politely, in what is a conspiracy website. While his arrogant response offered nothing.

This kind of attitude drove away people like tennisdawg. Who at least had something interesting to read and think about.
edit on 5-4-2020 by Willyblake because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-4-2020 by Willyblake because: (no reason given)

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