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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 03:48 PM
France Closes All Theaters, Restaurants and Stores to Stop Coronavirus Spread

After limiting gatherings to 100 people and closing down schools, daycares and universities, the French government has now decided to shut down all stores, restaurants, and movie theaters in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

The new restrictions, announced by the prime minister Édouard Philippe on Saturday, will take effect at midnight for an indefinite amount of time. Stores of first necessities, such as pharmacies, grocery stores, gas stations, banks and newspaper stands, will remain open.

France has 4,500 cases of Coronavirus and 91 deaths as of Saturday. It’s the most impacted country in Europe, along with Italy and Germany..

That's 2.0%.
edit on 14-3-2020 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 03:53 PM
From what I understand.....the so-called covid test only checks for viral sequence...they dont isolate the if u have any viral dna in your body (everybody does), u can test positive....the common cold us a most people have remnants of that somewhere in their system...that's y theres so many asymptomatic ppl that have this "new" disease.

Whole thing smells scam

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: Liquesence
France Closes All Theaters, Restaurants and Stores to Stop Coronavirus Spread

After limiting gatherings to 100 people and closing down schools, daycares and universities, the French government has now decided to shut down all stores, restaurants, and movie theaters in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

The new restrictions, announced by the prime minister Édouard Philippe on Saturday, will take effect at midnight for an indefinite amount of time. Stores of first necessities, such as pharmacies, grocery stores, gas stations, banks and newspaper stands, will remain open.

France has 4,500 cases of Coronavirus and 91 deaths as of Saturday. It’s the most impacted country in Europe, along with Italy and Germany..

That's 2.0%.

Yes, with 300 Cases needing ER, and more than 50% of those in ER are under 60 years old.

Spain has joined France in reducing the number of Medium-distance Trains, as well.
(Guardian at 8.38pm)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: LuckyCharmz
From what I understand.....the so-called covid test only checks for viral sequence...they dont isolate the if u have any viral dna in your body (everybody does), u can test positive....the common cold us a most people have remnants of that somewhere in their system...that's y theres so many asymptomatic ppl that have this "new" disease.

Whole thing smells scam

Did you make an account today to just warn us about the scam?

Thanks !

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: saladfingers123456

Well, that is one of the most saddening reads from the UK yet.

Sad? That is plain bat-snip crazy. This virus simply isn't that scary, or deadly.

To recap...

In the 4 months (that is a little conservative estimate on my part, I think it's been spreading longer), 6,000 people have died from this virus.

In that same amount of time, the CDC estimates that somewhere between 22,000 – 55,000 people have died of the flu.

People... how can you not see that you are going totally bonkers???

Get a grip. Your fear-mongering is destroying my world.

Think ull find in the uk there is a underlining of fear/panic. If we went into self isolation there will be more panic/fear.
This virus is going to kill, schools will close. When the schools close expect the government to announce a program to educate the masses e.g call up volunteers to help in the effort.
It'll be a case of the sick looking after the sick.
There will be food water still available.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Shhh don’t let the handful, of trolls see the statistics in France. They will get on the thread preaching at us again, ignoring the current facts. Reminds me of the early trolls saying this was not a pandemic, now I suppose they are eating crow now... The next troll argument, coming from the next troll version 3.0 will be about the vaccine I suppose. I do hope those trolls who think this is all a ruse supplied up on food and medicine if needed.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: EricEdert


I've been reading about this virus since January, and like most people, I was cracking jokes about it and did not take it seriously at all. That changed completely when someone explained the numbers to me and explained why we in Ireland in particular are in trouble. I have not stopped thinking about it since. You may not think that we are in trouble based on the number of confirmed cases so far, but we are.

I'm going to write this to you in an effort to explain what the # is actually going on and hopefully help in the effort. A lot of people are ringing me and asking me if I know anything on the inside. I don't know much more than what is in the news, but I have probably spotted some of the important stuff that you may have missed.

I've been tracking the numbers and confirmed cases in Ireland have been growing by 30% a day on average, which means the number of cases doubles every 2-3 days. Based on those trends, and without the shutdown, there would be 100,000 confirmed cases within a month.

But the situation is actually much worse. Based on what happened in China and Italy, the actual number of cases in Ireland is almost certainly in the thousands already. The problem is that with this virus, you can have it, not have any symptoms, and still be infecting everyone around you before you feel sick. The Government knows this. That is why they shut the country down.

On the international numbers, over 90% of cases will recover. But 9% will be seriously ill, and about 5% will require intensive care (ICU) and at least 2.5% will need ventilators.

The Government has said between 25% and 75% of the population will get the virus. If 25% of the Irish population get it, which based on the numbers above is a very low estimate, that's 1.2 million people.

5% needing intensive care means 60,000 people will need intensive care beds to stay alive.

We currently have 277 intensive care beds in Ireland.

I'm going to say that again:

At least 60,000 Irish people will need an ICU bed to stay alive.

We only have 277 ICU beds in Ireland.

If too many people get sick in a short space of time, many, many Irish men and women are going to die when they could have been saved. Ireland is a small country. This is going to be someone in your family or someone you know. Or their mother. Or their father.

The staff in ICU wards know the numbers. Their representative body released a statement on Thursday, which was in the Irish Times, saying that they know that they are going to be making choices on who gets an ICU bed or who gets a ventilator. They said they will be making "challenging decisions". I'll translate that: It means the staff are going to be deciding who lives and who dies.

It has been happening in Italy already, and Italy has much better ICU care than we do. In terms of cases, we are 2 weeks behind Italy. The older you are, the less likely they are going to try to save you. Don't think this only applies to over 70s. If you are over 40, and need ICU, but a 30 year old also needs it, chances are the 30 year old will get it and you will die. If that doesn't scare you, you don't fully understand it.

It is absolutely nuts, but this is what is going to happen.

If we can lower the number of cases AT A SINGLE POINT IN TIME, we lower the number of people needing intensive care AT A SINGLE POINT IN TIME, then we free up more ICU beds, and we lower the number of Irish people who die in Irish hospitals. It is that simple.

This could be someone close to you. Your mam. Your dad. Your partner. Your granny. Your granddad. Your brother. Your sister. Your aunt. Your uncle. Your neighbour. Your friend.

You do not want any of them dying because there was not enough ventilators or ICU beds to go around. It will not be the fault of the ICU staff. If you want to blame someone for that, blame years of governments giving tax cuts instead of investing in the health service.

If you are furious even thinking of the idea of your loved ones dead in a coffin because a doctor thinks they are too old or are not strong enough, and giving a bed to someone who is a bit younger, then good, you are right to be. You will also be more willing to listen to what you need to do next to help stop that happening:


Watch Netflix. Read a book. Binge on a TV series. Go on Youtube. Eat food. Learn to cook. Learn to sew. Write a book. Do a diary. Figure out your life. Do press ups. Do sit ups. Do chin ups. Do zumba dancing. Do an online course in astronomy. Or Yoga. Or sports management. Or whatever the # you want.

Do whatever the # you want. You have absolutely no excuse not to keep yourself entertained at home.

Do not go for pints. Do not have a house party. Do not go to a house party. Do not go for coffee. Do not go for a meal. Do not go for a chat. Do not visit your auntie. Do not visit your parents. Do not bring the kids over to their friends. Do not let friends come over to you.

If you absolutely have to get out of the house, go for a walk on your own or with someone you are living with. But in general:


If you want to be a hero in this, and want to save lives, but don't know what to do, stay the # at home.

P.S: The Brits are making a balls of it again and are not staying at home. Lots of them are going to die because they are not staying at home. Don't be like the Brits. Stay at home.

P.P.S: The more people who understand what is going on, the better. So send it on to whoever you think would benefit from it.
I think you have sadly probably summed it up about right! Be safe and good luck in Ireland. Im a Brit but in Costa Blanca and locked down for the next few months. This whole situation couldn't have been planned better if its depopulation in play!
edit on 14-3-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:01 PM
Well just got informed 2 cases in my county in Texas. Brazoria county. I am really starting to wonder how much longer I should work. I work in the hotel industry . I am not too much worried about me but my husband had a heart transplant .

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: LuckyCharmz

You're wrong.
Coronaviruses are from the Coronaviridae family. The average common cold is due to the Rhinovirus which is
in the Picornaviridae family. For that matter, they don't even fall under the same order.

edit on 14-3-2020 by Wizzz0001 because: spelling corrected, added words.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:04 PM
On October 18th the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in conjunction with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, brought together “15 leaders of business, government, and public health” to simulate a scenario in which a coronavirus pandemic was ravaging the planet. Major participants were American military leadership, and certain neocon political figures.

The very next day…

300 US military personnel arrived in Wuhan for the Military World Games on October 19.

The first coronavirus case appeared two weeks later, on November 2."

August 2019: Exposure of Project ZYPHR, i.e. plan to release bioweapon to hide in flu season 2019/2020 & 2020/21

October 2019: Event 201, global coronavirus pandemic drill Gates Foundation, WHO

November 2019: "Help Wanted" classified posted via Wuhan Lab seeking PhD virologist familiar with genetic manipulation to allow symptoms to remain dormant for extended period of time.

December 2019: First reports by Chinese citizens sharing info on social media to stay out of markets, as some people have a really bad "flu."

December 2019 - February 2020: Name changes repeatedly - Wuhan Flu --> Wet Market Flu --> SARS-coronavirus 2019 -> novel coronavirus 2019, COVID-2019

February 2020: Reports of reinfection immediately after being cured, HIV anti-virals reported as working against COVID-2019

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: EricEdert


I've been reading about this virus since January, and like most people, I was cracking jokes about it and did not take it seriously at all. That changed completely when someone explained the numbers to me and explained why we in Ireland in particular are in trouble. I have not stopped thinking about it since. You may not think that we are in trouble based on the number of confirmed cases so far, but we are.

I'm going to write this to you in an effort to explain what the # is actually going on and hopefully help in the effort. A lot of people are ringing me and asking me if I know anything on the inside. I don't know much more than what is in the news, but I have probably spotted some of the important stuff that you may have missed.

I've been tracking the numbers and confirmed cases in Ireland have been growing by 30% a day on average, which means the number of cases doubles every 2-3 days. Based on those trends, and without the shutdown, there would be 100,000 confirmed cases within a month.

But the situation is actually much worse. Based on what happened in China and Italy, the actual number of cases in Ireland is almost certainly in the thousands already. The problem is that with this virus, you can have it, not have any symptoms, and still be infecting everyone around you before you feel sick. The Government knows this. That is why they shut the country down.

On the international numbers, over 90% of cases will recover. But 9% will be seriously ill, and about 5% will require intensive care (ICU) and at least 2.5% will need ventilators.

The Government has said between 25% and 75% of the population will get the virus. If 25% of the Irish population get it, which based on the numbers above is a very low estimate, that's 1.2 million people.

5% needing intensive care means 60,000 people will need intensive care beds to stay alive.

We currently have 277 intensive care beds in Ireland.

I'm going to say that again:

At least 60,000 Irish people will need an ICU bed to stay alive.

We only have 277 ICU beds in Ireland.

If too many people get sick in a short space of time, many, many Irish men and women are going to die when they could have been saved. Ireland is a small country. This is going to be someone in your family or someone you know. Or their mother. Or their father.

The staff in ICU wards know the numbers. Their representative body released a statement on Thursday, which was in the Irish Times, saying that they know that they are going to be making choices on who gets an ICU bed or who gets a ventilator. They said they will be making "challenging decisions". I'll translate that: It means the staff are going to be deciding who lives and who dies.

It has been happening in Italy already, and Italy has much better ICU care than we do. In terms of cases, we are 2 weeks behind Italy. The older you are, the less likely they are going to try to save you. Don't think this only applies to over 70s. If you are over 40, and need ICU, but a 30 year old also needs it, chances are the 30 year old will get it and you will die. If that doesn't scare you, you don't fully understand it.

It is absolutely nuts, but this is what is going to happen.

If we can lower the number of cases AT A SINGLE POINT IN TIME, we lower the number of people needing intensive care AT A SINGLE POINT IN TIME, then we free up more ICU beds, and we lower the number of Irish people who die in Irish hospitals. It is that simple.

This could be someone close to you. Your mam. Your dad. Your partner. Your granny. Your granddad. Your brother. Your sister. Your aunt. Your uncle. Your neighbour. Your friend.

You do not want any of them dying because there was not enough ventilators or ICU beds to go around. It will not be the fault of the ICU staff. If you want to blame someone for that, blame years of governments giving tax cuts instead of investing in the health service.

If you are furious even thinking of the idea of your loved ones dead in a coffin because a doctor thinks they are too old or are not strong enough, and giving a bed to someone who is a bit younger, then good, you are right to be. You will also be more willing to listen to what you need to do next to help stop that happening:


Watch Netflix. Read a book. Binge on a TV series. Go on Youtube. Eat food. Learn to cook. Learn to sew. Write a book. Do a diary. Figure out your life. Do press ups. Do sit ups. Do chin ups. Do zumba dancing. Do an online course in astronomy. Or Yoga. Or sports management. Or whatever the # you want.

Do whatever the # you want. You have absolutely no excuse not to keep yourself entertained at home.

Do not go for pints. Do not have a house party. Do not go to a house party. Do not go for coffee. Do not go for a meal. Do not go for a chat. Do not visit your auntie. Do not visit your parents. Do not bring the kids over to their friends. Do not let friends come over to you.

If you absolutely have to get out of the house, go for a walk on your own or with someone you are living with. But in general:


If you want to be a hero in this, and want to save lives, but don't know what to do, stay the # at home.

P.S: The Brits are making a balls of it again and are not staying at home. Lots of them are going to die because they are not staying at home. Don't be like the Brits. Stay at home.

P.P.S: The more people who understand what is going on, the better. So send it on to whoever you think would benefit from it.
I think you have sadly probably summed it up about right! Be safe and good luck in Ireland. Im a Brit but in Costa Blanca and locked down for the next few months. This whole situation couldn't have been planned better if its depopulation in play!

Think ull find the Brits will help Ireland more than any other country.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: Wizzz0001

But...but.. Rush said it's just a cold.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:05 PM

LONDON—On Thursday, Boris Johnson delivered the most chilling warning from a British prime minister since Winston Churchill prepared the country for potential destruction during World War Two. “I must level with you,” Johnson said, looking like a man who had just emerged from a doctor’s office after receiving a terrible diagnosis. “Many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time.”

His message was stark, and somehow seemed to hit even harder coming from a man who has built his political career on flippant clownery. The novel coronavirus can no longer be contained in the United Kingdom, he said, and all that can be done now is to mitigate the worst effects of it to give the doctors and nurses in the country’s already creaking national health service a fighting chance to save as many lives as possible.

But the strict containment measures now familiar around the planet—population lockdowns, prohibition of mass gatherings, and travel bans—were notable only by their absences. Johnson’s government has diverged with the rest of the world and decided to take a much less draconian approach, and his scientific advisers have admitted the strategy could see as much as 60 percent of the population catch the coronavirus.

In point of fact, Britain is effectively encouraging a potentially deadly virus to spread to the majority of the people who live here. Remember, the U.K. is one of the only European countries which is still allowed to send flights to the United States under President Donald Trump’s travel ban. That will change, however, come Monday night when a travel ban on the U.K. and Ireland will kick in, according to a Saturday announcement by Vice President Mike Pence.

Europe Shocked by Trump’s Travel Ban: ‘He Needed a Scapegoat’

The logic goes like this: if a large section of the population is exposed to the coronavirus now, it will likely help people develop a level of immunity, and then Britain will be in the best possible position to defend itself from a much worse outbreak of the virus in the future. The strategy reportedly has been shaped by the history of the deadly Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918, which saw a second, much larger spike in deaths months after the first outbreak.

"This is clearly a hoax by the left, to bring down Trump." /eyeroll
edit on 3/14/2020 by clay2 baraka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:06 PM

edit on 3/14/2020 by clay2 baraka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: all2human
It's unbelievable coming from thread 1 seeing this play out right before our eyes
As if we were writing it into being.

The fear-mongers are doing precisely that.

It is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is insane.

You've said this often throughout the thread, even against the backdrop of the ever rising figures, and I often wonder myself if the best strategy might be to let it pass over the population with a mild delay tactic - and maybe get off light in the 2nd wave.
Most people have mild symptoms after all.

But your position requires you to address the worldwide reaction and the causes for it - whether sociological, psychological, mass hypnosis etc, because to simply state it is fear mongering is to miss the elephant in the room, which is governmental response.

Football matches across the world were called off today, except Russia, Australia and Turkey. This is unprecedented in modern times.

What is your take on the causes of the response?
I only ask because I don't know the answer myself.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: Phage

LOL!!!! Too true!!!

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:14 PM
In Wuhan city china sent 25000 medical personal for a population of 10 million. Italy has 60 million and is in lockdown that means sending 300000 to help. The numbers aren't there.

Learn and get better.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: doggodlol

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: saladfingers123456

Well, that is one of the most saddening reads from the UK yet.

Sad? That is plain bat-snip crazy. This virus simply isn't that scary, or deadly.

To recap...

In the 4 months (that is a little conservative estimate on my part, I think it's been spreading longer), 6,000 people have died from this virus.

In that same amount of time, the CDC estimates that somewhere between 22,000 – 55,000 people have died of the flu.

People... how can you not see that you are going totally bonkers???

Get a grip. Your fear-mongering is destroying my world.

Think ull find in the uk there is a underlining of fear/panic. If we went into self isolation there will be more panic/fear.
This virus is going to kill, schools will close. When the schools close expect the government to announce a program to educate the masses e.g call up volunteers to help in the effort.
It'll be a case of the sick looking after the sick.
There will be food water still available.

You sure got a grip there - Mr T will be pleased

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: doggodlol

How do u KNOW they sent 25000? That's just what they r claiming. They can say any number and u would repeat it like its gospel....whos seen them? Who counted?

For chrissake get a grip ppl...its a COLD

They dont mobilize like this for the anybody who coughs in the street is subject to quarantine..

How can u guys not see that they r playing on ur fears?

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: Wizzz0001

They can cause the same or similar symptoms, both of which most people, including medical professionals recognize as the common cold. These ones just like going a little deeper in the respiratory tract.
edit on 14-3-2020 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

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