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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: cirrus12

Looks pretty bad in Ecuador.

No Ambulances arriving to take the dead. Being left in the streets like that can't be good either asmore people will catch the virus, they may have to begin burning the bodies themselves.

I still think this virus is much worse than we're being told, although deaths ratio is still very very low per population.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:22 AM
Cheltenham horse racing festival shouldn't have gone ahead becuase many people who went are developing symptoms:

Dozens of celebrities and royals along with hundreds more Cheltenham Festival racegoers could have been infected with coronavirus, it was feared today. Camilla's ex-husband Andrew Parker Bowles today joined a growing list of famous names thought to have caught the virus at the event held from March 10 and 13, including comedian Lee Mack and West Bromwich Albion footballer Charlie Austin. Fans were packed into the stands at the world-famous festival with no protection despite fears over the spread of the virus which was then in its early stages in Britain - which is now leading to worries that it could have been a hotbed for the infection. There are also now further concerns for members of the Royal Family, with Brigadier Parker Bowles in close contact over two days he spent at the event with Camilla, Princess Anne, her daughter Zara Tindall and son-in-law Mike Tindall. More than 250,000 people walked in through the gates across the four days – and hundreds of them have claimed online that they have since developed symptoms. The news will raise fears that more people at the event at Cheltenham Racecourse in Gloucestershire could have been infected - some without even knowing.

How many more royals and celebrities were infected at Cheltenham? Organisers are under fire after Andrew Parker Bowles, comic Lee Mack and footballer Charlie Austin catch virus after mixing with 60,000-strong crowd

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

Everyone from work who went came down with the virus

Glad I stayed out of it this year.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:26 AM
Financial impacts getting worse...

US weekly jobless claims double to 6.6 million

The torrent of Americans filing for unemployment insurance skyrocketed last week as more than 6.6 million new claims were filed, the Labor Department reported Thursday. That brings to 10 million the total Americans who filed over the past two weeks.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:27 AM
UK has 4,244 new cases today so far with 569 deaths.

Per those being tested it is pretty high, isn't it? 33,718 total cases with 2,921 deaths.
edit on 2-4-2020 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: xuenchen
St. Louis Fed says that unemployment will rise to 66 million total.

That is not good.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: pasiphae
The death rate in the US is slowly rising. It was at 1.8% earlier today but is now at 2%. Last week was 1.5%. The running theory that the percentage would go down as we tested more people....... not panning out.

This is true, as far as it goes - but they aren't really doing wide-spread testing - meaning, testing anyone who wants to get tested, especially those who just think they may have already had it, etc...

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
Is it just like being ill with the flu or less for the majority? Yes.

No. Due to it's R-0 it's very different. In fact, it's more like smallpox or polio in that regard.

originally posted by: Hecate666
Did we just use common sense back then and got through it? Yes.

Not precisely. Black plague saw witch hunts (literal) and killed off innocent girls and women, instead of the rats that were actually carrying it. Hardly common sense.

originally posted by: Hecate666
Is this the first time in the history of Earth and human kind that this kind of self-incarceration has happened? No but it is new that it is enforced under thread of jail or fines, it should be voluntary.

I will agree that it should be voluntary. But know why I disagree with it as policy? Because people WILL do things against their better interests. Perfect example, what we're doing here. Now, if we value out ability to be heard, when it's been said time and again that this thread is NOT for general chit-chat and only for coronavirus updates, yet under threat of having our words removed, we persist. Free will is our curse.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Is it better to accept this goal of limiting us deaths to under 200,000, or to reduce it further by demanding that everyone stay inside, and lawfully enforce it.?

To state the obvious - they should make strong recommendations, targeted mainly at those who are at serious risk and their loved ones - and let the rest of us get back to work.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Breaking. It looks like only 12% of the deaths in Italy attributed to Coronavirus, were actually related to Coronavirus.

What the....?!


This is similar to how most flu deaths are not classified as flu deaths, but death from the underlying condition...

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 09:15 AM

Pentagon Confirms It’s Seeking 100,000 Body Bags in Virus Crisis

The Pentagon confirmed that it’s seeking to provide as many as 100,000 military-style body bags for potential civilian use as the U.S. warns that deaths could soar in the coming weeks from the coronavirus pandemic.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has requested 100,000 body bags, known as Human Remains Pouches, through an interagency group that directed it to the Defense Department.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: glend

Were they all tested?

Almost all of them, yes..

In fact, there is a pretty good article on how the DP was an excellent case study to show R-0 and CFR.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 09:27 AM
Sketchy sketchy store lady

Hopefully this WASN'T what it looked like.
edit on 2-4-2020 by tjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 09:30 AM

Here is how you can make a washable mask for about 2 bucks. This is an update to the above post.

1. You need a bandanna and hair tie bands (cost about 2 bucks total at the dollar store )

2. The bandanna

3. Hair tie bands ( 2 ) important to get the right size, too big no good, too small then too tight around the ears . No picture of them here but shown in later picture
4. Open the bandanna up

5. step 1 fold according to picture

6. step 2 fold according to picture

7. step 3 fold according to picture

8. step 4 wrap tie band as shown in picture

9. step 5 wrap the other side (then fold both sides like the picture

10. step 6 should look like this, place mask on face and strap the bands behind your ears

For added protection if you have one of these, place it on you first. Might be stuffy if you live in hot weather

Now have fun taking a picture of yourself and posting it here

enjoy shopping now

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: carewemust
Is it better to accept this goal of limiting us deaths to under 200,000, or to reduce it further by demanding that everyone stay inside, and lawfully enforce it.?

To state the obvious - they should make strong recommendations, targeted mainly at those who are at serious risk and their loved ones - and let the rest of us get back to work.

And that right there is how to spread it and kill more people. Let everyone go around like nothing is going on. Spread it from person to person. They will visit their parents, grandparents, and compromised, not to mention the healthy that could and have died from it.

Your posts from the beginning have made no sense. More worried about the all mighty dollar than personal responsibility for your fellow man.

You need the money that bad, go find work in an 'essential' job. Let the rest of us try to help each other by not spreading this. Done with you and your posts, don't bother to respond, feel free to be as irresponsible as you wish. Maybe when someone you know dies because of your actions you will feel differently.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 09:42 AM

Scientists may have found mutated coronavirus sub-type which lasts 49 days Read more: Twitter: | Facebook:

Researchers from China claim to have discovered a new type of Covid-19 after a patient was left infectious for an unprecedented 49 days. They say the middle aged man who had it needed to be injected with the blood of a coronavirus survivor in order to recover, suggesting the new strain is much harder for the body to fight off. His symptoms were mild and scientists say his body had struck a ‘dynamic balance’ with the bug. A study on the case was published on March 27 on the medRxiv site for medical papers and is yet to be scrutinised or peer reviewed by other scientists. Covid-19 swab tests showed that for 49 days, the unnamed Chinese patient had been ‘shedding’ meaning the bug was being carried in his breath through droplets. The average for coronavirus shedding is thought to be 20 days with the longest case recorded at 37 days. As symptoms, scientists warn ‘chronic cases’ like the one documented last week show how long someone could spread the disease without being treated. Read more: Twitter: | Facebook:

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: carewemust
Is it better to accept this goal of limiting us deaths to under 200,000, or to reduce it further by demanding that everyone stay inside, and lawfully enforce it.?

To state the obvious - they should make strong recommendations, targeted mainly at those who are at serious risk and their loved ones - and let the rest of us get back to work.

And that right there is how to spread it and kill more people. Let everyone go around like nothing is going on. Spread it from person to person. They will visit their parents, grandparents, and compromised, not to mention the healthy that could and have died from it.

Your posts from the beginning have made no sense. More worried about the all mighty dollar than personal responsibility for your fellow man.

You need the money that bad, go find work in an 'essential' job. Let the rest of us try to help each other by not spreading this. Done with you and your posts, don't bother to respond, feel free to be as irresponsible as you wish. Maybe when someone you know dies because of your actions you will feel differently.

Do you really think that the majority of the population is not going to get this? The whole point of social distancing and self-quarantine is to not overwhelm the hospitals at any given time. My 83 year old father in law lives with us. He has diabetes, but is in decent health considering his age. Odds are that he will at some point get sick...whether it's now or in 3 months from now. All we can do is minimize the risk to him as much as possible.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: peter_kandra

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: carewemust
Is it better to accept this goal of limiting us deaths to under 200,000, or to reduce it further by demanding that everyone stay inside, and lawfully enforce it.?

To state the obvious - they should make strong recommendations, targeted mainly at those who are at serious risk and their loved ones - and let the rest of us get back to work.

And that right there is how to spread it and kill more people. Let everyone go around like nothing is going on. Spread it from person to person. They will visit their parents, grandparents, and compromised, not to mention the healthy that could and have died from it.

Your posts from the beginning have made no sense. More worried about the all mighty dollar than personal responsibility for your fellow man.

You need the money that bad, go find work in an 'essential' job. Let the rest of us try to help each other by not spreading this. Done with you and your posts, don't bother to respond, feel free to be as irresponsible as you wish. Maybe when someone you know dies because of your actions you will feel differently.

Do you really think that the majority of the population is not going to get this? The whole point of social distancing and self-quarantine is to not overwhelm the hospitals at any given time. My 83 year old father in law lives with us. He has diabetes, but is in decent health considering his age. Odds are that he will at some point get sick...whether it's now or in 3 months from now. All we can do is minimize the risk to him as much as possible.

If they had been prepared before hand, they would not. My 85yo mother lives with us as well. I saw this coming back in early Jan.. I have prepared for emergencies well before hand, some done as far back as 2014. We have more than enough to stay isolated through July or August at least.

My problem is with this particular poster. From day one he has made it clear he does not care how many people die, as long as they economy is not hurt. At one point, he basically called for the wholesale culling of old and weak. He is a sickening human being.
edit on 2-4-2020 by MrRCflying because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: Hecate666
Is it just like being ill with the flu or less for the majority? Yes.

No. Due to it's R-0 it's very different. In fact, it's more like smallpox or polio in that regard.

originally posted by: Hecate666
Did we just use common sense back then and got through it? Yes.

Not precisely. Black plague saw witch hunts (literal) and killed off innocent girls and women, instead of the rats that were actually carrying it. Hardly common sense.

originally posted by: Hecate666
Is this the first time in the history of Earth and human kind that this kind of self-incarceration has happened? No but it is new that it is enforced under thread of jail or fines, it should be voluntary.

I will agree that it should be voluntary. But know why I disagree with it as policy? Because people WILL do things against their better interests. Perfect example, what we're doing here. Now, if we value out ability to be heard, when it's been said time and again that this thread is NOT for general chit-chat and only for coronavirus updates, yet under threat of having our words removed, we persist. Free will is our curse.

I can't be arsed to do quotes and then answer.
The bubonic plague was awful and women and children got ill [oh no] and yet, the dent it made in the amount of humans was only a blip before we went back to where we left off.
All pandemics are bad and sad and shocking and really really bad. But they happen. They have always happened and they will happen in the future.
How is it like polio?
I have M.E. which is a distant cousin of polio [when you do research] and the only way I could have ever got it was through my childhood vaccines, the only other time I got a bad bout of flu was after a flu jab.
I'm not too keen on them.
So I kind of have that already. I also have asthma and I am a general wuss. I also lack empathy to a certain degree, hence I can see this through more rational eyes without the emotion carrying me away.

If we just did the normal things we used to do during other pandemics, it would be bad for people and feels, but still never the end of the world.
And after a few years respite, we'd get another big one. It is what it is and it is because that's how nature rolls. It all serves some purpose in the end.

The scary thing is not the illnesses at all [even though I do understand self preservation and that of loved ones], it is what we do with this precedence of overreaction.
Whatever we do now, involuntarily being imprisoned by thread of fines or a different prison [makes no sense whatsoever] or maybe [according to some here] death [because those that don't listen must DIIIIIIEEEEE!], forced vaccinations, face recognition, abolishing cash etc, is what will happen now and next time it will be worse.
Worse than North Korea ever was, worse than WW2 Germany ever was, worse than china was already.
Those will seem like holiday destinations if we just flap our arms.
The reason this is so exaggerated is because we had it too good for too long. People just can't believe that we could be in a situation where lots of people die but the majority won't.
We must look as if we have everything under control so the social media generation won't lose it.
Life is a bit harsher than that though and we will learn this now.
Or won't we?

I am amazed we were free enough before all this, to be allowed out by ourselves, live where we want, drive and learn skills [because we are all just someone's annoying pets by the look of it. Untrustworthy because of a few idiots]. Well with this reaction, even our pretend freedoms will be gone.
Yes we have to live through these times and it will be hard but humanity has managed before, and if one day we'll be wiped out, it will happen even if we are all vaccinated and tracked and punished and killed by bootlickers. Could be a meteor or some dicks throwing nuclear bombs or just changes in Earth.

To be honest. At the moment I'd rather catch this thing and see what happens and keep all of our freedoms, instead of cowering, fearfully, accepting everything without resistance. Because trust me a world like that is worse than polio or measles or whatever you think this virus is.

I chose freedom and that includes my right to live through this [or maybe not]. My right as a n animal to go outside or drive around in a closed car. Again, I will not go out and infect anyone deliberately, I'm not an asshole. But these measures are inane and they will last FOREVER!

As soon as they will loosen the restrictions, they will hit us with another worse virus [because these seem to be really handy if you want to scare people into submission].
Lying in pods as food for aliens whilst living a virtual life [a la Matrix] seems a doddle compared what we are heading for. if we don't pull ourselves together intelligently.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Understood. I've been following since the first thread and have been gradually preparing to.
I think most people are frustrated. Some feel too little was done too late, some feel too much is being done.

I do think we're in for a rough time for a few more weeks.

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