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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 12:49 PM
WSJ: US Coronavirus Test Is Only 60-70% Accurate

Health experts say they now believe nearly one in three patients who are infected are nevertheless getting a negative test result. They caution that only limited data is available, and their estimates are based on their own experience in the absence of hard science. That picture is troubling, many doctors say, as it casts doubt on the reliability of a wave of new tests developed by manufacturers, lab companies and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most of these are operating with minimal regulatory oversight and little time to do robust studies amid a desperate call for wider testing.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 12:50 PM
I think we are on the brink of economical collapse. 6.6 unemployment claims this week 3.0 million plus last week. The economy is frozen, the world economy is frozen. This is setting up something really bad. War....

I have another bad feeling. Stay safe...
edit on 2-4-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Chance321
a reply to: ShortBus
Yeah, I believe I've reached the point where I'm going to start wearing mine. I've noticed more people in the stores around me wearing them.

Probably a good idea. The Surgeon General is asking the CDC to review the policy on the public wearing masks. I think in a few days you will see the recommendations from the CDC to now start wearing masks in public. The Surgeon General has pretty much done a 180 from where he was a couple of weeks back.


posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: Bicent

As soon as the economy comes back online, most of those jobs will return. People will go back to their job unless they were just a bad worker.

I am SOOOO thankful that my job has been working from home (my own business) for last 13 years, and my wife's company is doing the best its ever done since sending everyone home to work, but they also sell medicare supplemental insurance so people WANT to talk about their healthcare...

And just blessed in countless amazing ways through this hardship. So thankful.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 12:58 PM
We are about an hour away, if not already at 1 million infected. 998,951 on Worldometer, and 999,600 on BNO, Thats ~100K in about 24h.

Also, just for INfo, the French Numbers here, still only count the Hospital Deaths, 4,503 total, and 884 have also died in Retirement Homes and other establishments( Social and Socio-medical).

Europe Update for the Day :

edit on 2-4-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added extra Death numbers not counted in total.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Chance321

Probably a good idea. The Surgeon General is asking the CDC to review the policy on the public wearing masks. I think in a few days you will see the recommendations from the CDC to now start wearing masks in public. The Surgeon General has pretty much done a 180 from where he was a couple of weeks back.


Yeah, I stopped by my mothers and dropped off a couple masks for her. Though I try and keep her off the road and away from the stores as much as I can. Call her before I go to the store see what she needs and get it.
edit on 2-4-2020 by Chance321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:00 PM
Update from Irvine, Southern California. I went to do a grocery run and for the first time I saw that every single person was wearing a mask and gloves. Until now there would be a few people wearing them but now every single person has them on, with the exception of the grocery store employees who have only gloves. I asked them about it and they said that they haven't been able to get any PPE and they had to ask the grocery stores meat supplier to give them some gloves. This is a major national grocery store chain. They said that they haven't been able to get any masks at all and so they installed clear plastic guards between the cashiers and customers.

There were only two checkouts open even though its a huge store and had lines of people waiting to check out. There are usually 4-5 open minimum. I asked if many employees have been calling in sick and the manager said yes but tried to downplay it saying they just have colds so its nothing to worry about. She said that they are "desperately hiring". On my way out to the car I chatted with another employee and he told me that a lot of employees have given their resignation or have just not turned up to work and they aren't getting job applications coming in so they will hire just about anyone right now who is willing to work.

I don't know if its the same in other areas of the US but this tells me to expect supply chain issues very soon. If grocery stores don't have employees willing to work right now and risk catching this virus then they won't be able to open. There may be plenty of food available, but people to manage the supply chain will be the issue.

After what I just saw and heard, today will be the last day I venture out until case numbers here start to drop.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
I think we are on the brink of economical collapse. 6.6 unemployment claims this week 3.0 million plus last week. The economy is frozen, the world economy is frozen. This is setting up something really bad. War....

I have another bad feeling. Stay safe...

Since the whole world is in the same boat, would/could economic collapse happen? I mean, all countries are being hit hard, all are headed for hard times. I think it would be more like a re-set of the economy to a lower level over all. A new way of looking at the economy.

Maybe I am off base on that, too hopeful.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: ShortBus
The numbers in the United States seem a little concerning.

New York numbers are sky rocketing. I know in Kansas, they haven't really been testing a lot since they don't have the tests to perform them on a mass scale like they are doing in New York. Is this the case elsewhere? I would think California would by sky rocketing as well. But it isn't.

Which makes me wonder, did someone(s) purposely spread the virus in New York? Or is New York just more densely populated?

I saw on article on CNN that said there is evidence the virus can be spread just through talking or breathing, not just coughing or sneezing.

As of 2017 NYC alone had a population of 8.6 million packed into roughly 300 miles with two of the boroughs basically being islands. Add to that extensive and highly used public transport along with international air travel and finally being a destination type city for many folks.

You don't have to look any deeper then the above for a reason why it's taken off there and that is ignoring any other element that New York as a state adds to the equation.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:05 PM
It's official.

1,000,000 confirmed cases world wide. Although I think it is much higher than that.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Dark ages. I think allot of people are still in denial. I have a bad feeling a country is gonna try to take advantage of this, some how or another. Take out our infrastructure right now, USA will become chaotic. Think about it... just need an emp. In certain spots. Uncharted territory we are in. I mean just think about it, no sports, no entertainment no nothing but isolation in your home. It’s almost like a perfect set up.

I dunno, maybe I am just feeling a little dark, today, but it’s almost like the pandemic, is a set up.
edit on 2-4-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:06 PM

“If you generate an aerosol of the virus with no circulation in a room, it’s conceivable that if you walk through later, you could inhale the virus,” Fineberg said. “But if you’re outside, the breeze will likely disperse it.”

I feel so frustrated that I, and many in this thread, have known this since January and it's only JUST NOW that scientists are really getting the word out. People I have told this to didn't believe me because it was just "droplets" not airborne according to the CDC. There was no other explanation for the rate of transmission in my mind. Simple LOGIC brought me to the conclusion it was airborne and China knew it. This just makes me so mad. We should have been told to cover our faces from the beginning even with the low supply of masks we should have been told the truth. "Hey, we're really low on masks and we need them for hospitals so all you folks out there please find things in your home to use to cover your face when you're out in public".

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: MrRCflying

Dark ages. I think allot of people are still in denial. I have a bad feeling a country is gonna try to take advantage of this, some how or another. Take out our infrastructure right now, USA will become chaotic. Think about it... just need an emp. In certain spots. Uncharted territory we are in. I mean just think about it, no sports, no entertainment no nothing but isolation in your home. It’s almost like a perfect set up.

I would agree, if it were just the US that was in this bad of shape. With the whole world going down the tubes from this, I don't see it. Just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.

We don't really know what is going on in Russia, or other closed countries, but I don't believe it is good there either.

For that matter, with Italy being so bad, the US could think the same thing. Just go in and take them over.

I guess I just don't see the point. It would not gain any country anything when they have a population of sick people. Again, maybe I am just too hopeful. It would be a bad, bad thing, if it comes to that.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
It's official.

1,000,000 confirmed cases world wide. Although I think it is much higher than that.

I think it took 50 days to get to 100,000 confirmed cases globally , then just 25 more days to reach 1,000,000.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: Mamana12

Yes, My local supermarket had a sign out on the street looking urgently for two full time staff.
They will take anyone who will turn up.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Food and resources, eventually if the falls world economy apart we won’t have a complex system to exchange, instead war to take things, that why I am saying the dark per se. Anyhow like I said I am in burning time til my next appointment. Grain of salt for sure. 👍 🙋‍♂️
edit on 2-4-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:19 PM
well it's 'officially' over a million cases now.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:23 PM
I sort of feel like I’m in a twilight zone bubble. Almost envious of those this has not impacted yet or who still are saying this doesn’t exist.

Growing fear in first responders, nurses etc. they are afraid for their own lives.

An ER nurse, known personally, who last month was on the this is overhyped train was in tears. They have been a professional for decades and said they have not seen anything like this ever. They are terrified to go to work. One co-worker has already died and another is on a respirator after working on the same patient.

They have run out of room for all of the bodies. Makeshift arrangements have been made. The hospital is out of body bags and are wrapping people in plastic. * Haven’t confirmed this next part*. Was also told there will be no burials the bodies are being sent for cremation.

A hospital in NJ is in a similar state. The nurse said they just keep dying. They have created a makeshift morgue outside the hospital to handle the overflow. Supplies are running extremely low. It seems this just explodes. Maybe a week or two ago they said everything was fairly normal. A few Covid patients here and there and then the hammer dropped and they are practically overwhelmed.

If you end up needing a ventilator it seems the odds are not in your favor.

On a personal note one of my best friends father and sister are sick. I worry for him because he has asthma and has sleep apnea. No idea how he would handle this.

Oh and as far as I understand about the heart attack calls the emts are to do everything they can. Not sure but heard something about extra equipment being provided.

Again, I don’t want to panic anyone a good number of people seem to do just fine. I am just relaying info from the ground. Just getting tired of people saying this isn’t real.

edit on 2-4-2020 by DetectiveT because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: MrRCflying

Food and resources, eventually if the falls world economy apart we won’t have a complex system to exchange, instead war to take things, that why I am saying the dark per se. Anyhow like I said I am in burning time til my next appointment. Grain of salt for sure. 👍 🙋‍♂️

Not trying to argue, so don't take it that way. I see your point... but...

If we don't have a complex system for exchange, do you think there would be a complex system to wage war?

If it truly gets that bad, to the point of collapse of trade, shipping, etc., I don't believe the military could function well enough to wage war. Any countries military. War would require a lot of logistics, shipping, movement of possibly ill troops, etc.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: MrRCflying

They would do it to stimulate there economy, but in the end it would become nuclear, they may be willing to risk that during an economical collapse, start over per se, accept the pandemic accept the death and wage a war. I know your not arguing. Gotta get to work, try to do some buisness in this crap show. 🙋‍♂️

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