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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 05:47 AM
Update from NE Thailand: we went out today for ordinary supplies. At a large store there was a sign telling us that the shopping carts were already sanitized. At the entrance hand cleaning gel was readily available and we were met by a guard who used a 'gun' to take our temperatures. I would say 100% of the shoppers and staff I saw wore masks although a few didn't have them properly in place. I don't think we would have been allowed in without masks.

I thought it was odd that certain parts of the store were roped off. Someone ordered to work from home, for example, would not be able to buy a thumb drive or printer paper while all sorts of food, household cleansers, shampoo and soap, masses of TP were abundantly available. In the pharmacy dept. we bought hand sanitizer but masks and medical alcohol were sold out as usual.
The staff member who checked us out wore a mask gloves and a clear plastic face shield.

Comparison: Netherlands, population maybe 18,000,000; confirmed cases: 13,614. deaths: 1,173
Thailand, population about 70,000,000 ; confirmed cases: 1,875. deaths: 15

I'm sure you know the numbers from the US, UK, etc.

I'm not trying to make a rhetorical point here, but I am genuinely puzzled and curious. Can anyone suggest a reason why the more 'developed' western nations are are being hit so much harder by this virus than we are in SE Asia?

Do you see the sort of measures to mitigate the contagion that I've described here actually deployed in your location ?

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: Tamsuan

Wow! I'm in North Carolina, USA and I would say that your experience is way over the top. Everybody in masks? Gloves and face shield? That is insane. I think your population is being programmed to accept extreme social control. I am going to work, the grocery store and the big Walmart store with no mask, gloves or anything. I've been doing this for weeks and weeks and I've not caught any virus.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 06:04 AM

originally posted by: Chance321
We also have this for NY. Correctional Officers and staff can now wear face masks.

The New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision will now allow prison staff to wear face masks, according to state Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-47.

The only problem I see with this is, in a prison you don't have an actually clean area where you can take your mask off and eat or drink. You take the mask off your still breathing the same air as the inmates, then you put your mask back on.

At least maybe they can protect in droplet situations where someone would actually cough and sneeze on them? Granted, it wouldn't be 100 percent, but it's better than zero.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: Generation9
a reply to: Tamsuan

Wow! I'm in North Carolina, USA and I would say that your experience is way over the top. Everybody in masks? Gloves and face shield? That is insane. I think your population is being programmed to accept extreme social control. I am going to work, the grocery store and the big Walmart store with no mask, gloves or anything. I've been doing this for weeks and weeks and I've not caught any virus.

This poster is in Thailand. Different culture and different experience with communicable diseases. Maybe if you've seen people die miserably from SARS or even had it in your backyard (like Viet Nam), you take away certain lessons from that.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: Tamsuan
Update from NE Thailand: we went out today for ordinary supplies. At a large store there was a sign telling us that the shopping carts were already sanitized. At the entrance hand cleaning gel was readily available and we were met by a guard who used a 'gun' to take our temperatures. I would say 100% of the shoppers and staff I saw wore masks although a few didn't have them properly in place. I don't think we would have been allowed in without masks.

I thought it was odd that certain parts of the store were roped off. Someone ordered to work from home, for example, would not be able to buy a thumb drive or printer paper while all sorts of food, household cleansers, shampoo and soap, masses of TP were abundantly available. In the pharmacy dept. we bought hand sanitizer but masks and medical alcohol were sold out as usual.
The staff member who checked us out wore a mask gloves and a clear plastic face shield.

Comparison: Netherlands, population maybe 18,000,000; confirmed cases: 13,614. deaths: 1,173
Thailand, population about 70,000,000 ; confirmed cases: 1,875. deaths: 15

I'm sure you know the numbers from the US, UK, etc.

I'm not trying to make a rhetorical point here, but I am genuinely puzzled and curious. Can anyone suggest a reason why the more 'developed' western nations are are being hit so much harder by this virus than we are in SE Asia?

Do you see the sort of measures to mitigate the contagion that I've described here actually deployed in your location ?

You have to test people, to get good numbers.
How many tests are being done in Thailand daily ?
Does everyone go the the Doctors if they are even a little sick, with just a cough and/or a sore throat / headache ?
It could just be down to that.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: Halfswede

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
China's numbers jumped by almost 1600?

Yeah, they added nearly 1,500 asymptomatic Cases.

They are playing the ,"This time we are REALLY telling the truth" game. It's a lot like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. This time she is really going to let him kick it...

Once you've lost credibility, you've pretty much lost it forever.
edit on 2-4-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 06:15 AM

originally posted by: Generation9
a reply to: Tamsuan

Wow! I'm in North Carolina, USA and I would say that your experience is way over the top. Everybody in masks? Gloves and face shield? That is insane. I think your population is being programmed to accept extreme social control. I am going to work, the grocery store and the big Walmart store with no mask, gloves or anything. I've been doing this for weeks and weeks and I've not caught any virus.

You haven't caught the virus as far as you know, right? But how is the US doing in terms of controlling the situation? Isn't it the nation with the highest total of confirmed infections? Why would that be? American students disregarded advice and congregated for spring break without regard for this virus. Now many have become infected and you might get infected from one of them.

I would like you to think a bit about social responsibility rather than worrying about the evils of 'social control'
edit on 2-4-2020 by Tamsuan because: delete redundancy

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 06:29 AM
"You have to test people, to get good numbers.
How many tests are being done in Thailand daily ?
Does everyone go the the Doctors if they are even a little sick, with just a cough and/or a sore throat / headache ?
It could just be down to that. "

I agree in principle, but I'm going with results. The story I'm hearing is that hospitals are over-run in Italy Spain, and approaching that in the NY-NJ region while this is not the case here. We don't have any active cases in my province. I suppose there are many people who are asymptomatic going around spreading right now but the Gov't policy of hunt contacts, test and isolate seems to be working based on results.

Example: a Pakistani man recently arrived by air and was allowed in because he had a medical certificate - virus free. He soon exhibited symptoms and is now under medical care while anyone on his flight and in close contact with him later is being located and quarantined.

By the way, have you been tested? Does the US really have the capacity to test 300,000,000 people or so?

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 06:49 AM
Reporting the fist person I know to be tested positive.

About 2 weeks ago, a man from our church was in the hospital for pneumonia, he ended up having a stroke. He had surgery and is doing better from what I hear. He was never confirmed.

Now a woman in our church, is the first person I actually know, that has tested positive. She is a breast cancer survivor. Her one son has lung problems, so I am concerned about him as well. She is at home, but in isolation I guess. Not sure where she picked it up, but she works at Walmart, so...

Another family in our church sounds like they all have it as well. One of the older girls was living in an apartment. Her landlord tested positive. She moved back home, now they all have fever and cough. The mother/wife refuses to go get any of them tested. Her husbands elderly parents live right next door to them. I hope they are not going over there, but knowing this family, they probably are.

So it looks to be really ramping up here.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 06:56 AM
Lack of 'incarcerated civilian's' bad experiences.

Surely news should also report on private individuals who have bad times not being allowed outside. Mental illness, anger and frustration, more domestic violence, bored kids doing stupid things etc.
Lets say all was as it used to be apart from people being locked into their homes. Du to sheer lack of new news we would be inundated with horror stories from the plebs.

The MSN would go an extra mile to report murders, violence, abuse, crime due to this incarceration. We would then tut and say 'this can't go on'.
But 'luckily' there are absolutely no horror stories at all.
Say whaaaat?

Are they trying to tell us that since being packed in without being able to go to the pub or go fishing etc, has absolutely not caused ANY shock or horror stories?

THIS is actually [for me at least] another smoking gun in being manipulated to the hilt.

On a personal level, my husband and I have always hung out together at home [as we are socially not so keen]. So there isn't much change for us apart from the going outside bit. Which lets be honest is causing me to feel this incredible injustice feeling I suffer from. Plus my anxiety is trying to claw it's way back after having suppressed it for a while now because of this.
[General anxiety due to spectrum disorder, had it all my life, not corona related but certainly not helped by the reaction to it either]

But I heard from friends with kids how they lose their marbles and don't know how to cope if their husband was home all day etc.

BAd things MUST have happened already with the young, angry, restless, mentally ill, or just little stories of annoyance like not getting your medication on time or whatever.

Yet it seems if you read the MSn [I don't , so I might be wrong, I just catch bits and pieces on normie TV accidentally and get headlines from MSN on search engines] BUt it seems that we are all happy clappy, making the best out of the situation. Hey, look at the italians, they are singing on balconies. Aren't we just rascals? [ruffles our hair]

It's a bit like being called a racist for trying to discuss immigration. If we started to say that the incarceration torture and it's consequences are far worse than catching the virus, we'd be called the name du jour. [Killer, you should be shot etc]

It simply can NOT be true that all is hunky dory. Yet there is a lack of personal bad stories [which will be released when someone decides that it is now time to get out of incarceration against our will]. So they exist. Maybe we can put some here into this thread as well as it ties absolutely into news about c-19 and it's consequences.

Hope this is relevant and I don't get thrown into the ATS gulag for typing wrongwords.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 07:04 AM
Seeing some really worrying reports on social media coming out of Ecuador - bodies are piling up, some footage of them burning bodies (can't verify that 100%), tension rising there.
Very sad as their systems just cannot cope with this at all

In #Guayaquil#Ecuador A woman asks the authorities for help, since the body of her husband died from #Covid19 , stays at home and they do not give him an answer for his transfer. You cannot leave your house either, because of the quarantine.

According to reports, Ecuador is suffering a public health emergency due to #COVID19.
People collapse outside and bodies of deceased wrapped in plastic are left on the streets of Guayaquil. Others stay unclaimed in hospitals and clinics. [MSN]

Lenin Moreno without capacity to face this pandemic, things are getting worse every day in Ecuador

Dead bodies near people in the CEIBOS hospital in

IEES Ceibos Guayaquil Hospital ... a container with the deceased is coming out ... what a sadness ..!

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: cirrus12
We have seen the videos from China, with people collapsing in the streets.
The people in denial said, oh... you have no proof those are real. You have no proof it was due to coronavirus.

Now we have these videos from Ecuador.
People collapsing on the streets, people wearing masks.
How many more do we have to see to convince the deniers? I guess there will be another denier tell us these videos are fake also.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 07:16 AM
Can someone help me find the original story/study/whatever it was that stated patient zero had no connection with wet market nor did about 30 of the original 100 patients in china?

Lots of bat eating disinfo going around this morning

Please and thank you whatever thread master digs it up for me

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
a reply to: musicismagic

French Media is reporting that Abe is "promising two washable face masks per family" .

This is some of the twitter reponse :

MiM, have you heard of this ?

Yes, it may have been in the planning for some time. ( wife told me about it ) At the moment I'm trying to get info on the location of where they are being made.
I'm wondering if the prisoners are now making them.
The masks as I heard are of cloth material. Exact cloth material, I don't know yet. I'll try to find out.
It is 2 mask per mailing address, that is correct.
Distribution date, unknown by me as of tonight
I have not seen a prototype of them yet.
Tonight I'll post a some pictures on how to make one.
If supplies are short in America, which they may not be, we have stores here where I can buy the supplies. Cost is 1 buck for one item and 1 buck for the 2nd item. Total cost for me is 220 yen for one mask.
Stay tune on this. I have the products now, but just been too busy all day to do this.

Be back in about an hour.
edit on 0400000010342020-04-02T07:34:10-05:00341004am7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

edit on 0400000029342020-04-02T08:34:29-05:00342904am8 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 07:36 AM
I have to correct myself about the 'Pakistani man'. I now learn that he was a Thai man who returned to Thailand from India and Pakistan. He did show symptoms in the airport and later was found dead on the train. People who may have been in dangerous proximity to him are being tracked down and cautioned/quarantined.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

I normally agree with all of your posts. Literally, but here I have to intervene.
People collapsing could be real or again, it might not be.
I started off as a virus 'believer' and now I don't care any more.
Is there a virus? Yes.
Is it deadly to a lot of people? Yes.
Is it just like being ill with the flu or less for the majority? Yes.
Am I vulnerable? Yes.
Do I not care if I get it? No.
Have we as humans gone through epi and pan demics since our existence? Yes.
Did people die then? Yes.
Did we just use common sense back then and got through it? Yes.
Is this different because of the extreme measures suddenly enforced? Yup.
Is this the first time in the history of Earth and human kind that this kind of self-incarceration has happened? No but it is new that it is enforced under thread of jail or fines, it should be voluntary.
Will the world ever be the same after this if we continue to exaggerate this? No, never ever. Maybe in 100 years or so.

Look the crux is that the illness exist and that lots of people are dying and that because we live through it, every death could affect us personally. I am vulnerable, my brother is old and has Parkinson etc etc. Still I think we have to just sail through as we have always done, there will be tragedies but in the long run we will stay free.

I don't like that there are only two given choices:

1. Incarceration under duress, without having committed a crime. I am a natural animal, I need to go outdoors FFS. Getting a future where only people who had the virus or who are vaccinated will be allowed to live in society without penalties.


2. Be vigilant, protect the vulnerable or those that want to stay in but accept that some just want to ride this out. I will take my chances because there is a high percentage I'll make it through. This concept ain't new, it happens every year with flu season. I never ever got the flu bar 2 times. Once I was a kid and I had head-flu and the other time after a flu jab.
But we would stay strong against the erosion of all human rights and we'd be immune at least to this strain.
Furthermore, is this the new standard for any new flu virus now?
Flu season? Everyone stop working and stay indoors.

Here for a bit of dark humour:

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Great 5 Minute video that shammed it all up nicely.
I cannot articulate how much anger I have at the CCP. The coverups and the lies. I really do hope we get to the other side of this wild fire soon and hold CCP majorly accountable for the deaths of 1000s.

I’ve been to China and I loved the history but I did not like the dark side I saw there of poor farmers being bought into cities to build skyscrapers and be held to a nightly curfew.

Ah, anyway, I am truly angry. I hope with all hopes that China CCP will pay and I hope the people of China can same day get rid of the CCP and their fakeness, coverups and lies.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 07:51 AM
Update from the Netherlands 02/04/2020 @ 14:47 (GMT +1):

Total cases 14.697 (+1.083)
Hospital 5.784 (+625)
Total dead 1.339 (+166)


This is going to be a marathon, maybe some measures will continue to july, bye bye summer, bye bye vacation.

Everybody is suddenly so proud of our PM Rutte, 8 weeks ago he was lying his ass off, like always. And now suddenly he is the best we ever had. Come on.


edit on 2 4 2020 by Toinski because: .

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: cirrus12
We have seen the videos from China, with people collapsing in the streets.
The people in denial said, oh... you have no proof those are real. You have no proof it was due to coronavirus.

Now we have these videos from Ecuador.
People collapsing on the streets, people wearing masks.
How many more do we have to see to convince the deniers? I guess there will be another denier tell us these videos are fake also.

I posted about Ecuador yesterday.
It's taking them up to 4 days or more to come and collect bodies of people who have died in their Homes.
People have taken to putting them outside, in sheets/platic.
You can't keep them indoors without any cooling, its not safe.
They have a BIG problem collecting them.

posted on Apr, 2 2020 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: Tamsuan
"You have to test people, to get good numbers.
How many tests are being done in Thailand daily ?
Does everyone go the the Doctors if they are even a little sick, with just a cough and/or a sore throat / headache ?
It could just be down to that. "

I agree in principle, but I'm going with results. The story I'm hearing is that hospitals are over-run in Italy Spain, and approaching that in the NY-NJ region while this is not the case here. We don't have any active cases in my province. I suppose there are many people who are asymptomatic going around spreading right now but the Gov't policy of hunt contacts, test and isolate seems to be working based on results.

Example: a Pakistani man recently arrived by air and was allowed in because he had a medical certificate - virus free. He soon exhibited symptoms and is now under medical care while anyone on his flight and in close contact with him later is being located and quarantined.

By the way, have you been tested? Does the US really have the capacity to test 300,000,000 people or so?

I'm in France, and no, haven't been tested.
Have been in lockdown for nearly 3 weeks now, and was on holidays (basically in isolation at home) for the two weeks previous to that.
I only had one day at work, monday nearly three weeks ago, and then have been without work, but pay, since then.
Don't think this will be over anytime soon.

i have a few fabric masks that my Mom made (I'm in lockdown with both my Parents).

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