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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: elitegamer23

Should we apply that logic to other elements of life, though? Why does it matter if innocent people are in prisons so long as they still are alive, they shouldn't have any problems with it, yes? Freedoms make life worth living. It isn't an either or proposition... you can have both and, so far, we've manage to subterfuge the freedoms, the livelihoods, and the economies of the western world over a very small number of illnesses in the grand scheme of things. Even among those with pre-existing conditions this thing has a death rate of 15%. Put another way, 85% of those with pre-existing conditions recover from this. We're surrounded by conditions which have much worse rates of recovery and much greater rates of sufferers.

What's the point of surviving this if we can't recognize ourselves in a mirror when it's all over?

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: FredT
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Can't speak to Alaska, but we are full and we are running out of gear.

Are you working in a hospital ? Thankfully my moms hospital is staying ahead of the virus at the moment , but the patient count continues to rise each day .

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: FredT
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Can't speak to Alaska, but we are full and we are running out of gear.

I believe that, Fred. It seems that SF was hit early and hard with this, same as Seattle, and NYC. I don't know the answer for the lack of gear. It seems that's a major fail well before this virus even emerged.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 07:27 PM
It’s more complex than that. I will give my opinion.... Then I am gonna turn ats off play my video game and apologize to DTOM. There are allot of Americans, that are victims, lost their jobs just out of the blue, those on ats thou shoulda had a clue this problem was coming, Because this thread was the bigest for months. Ahem, so they got hit with that and got mad, we know 75% of Americans don’t have enough savings in the bank to stay afloat without working getting a paycheck week to week. So they are MAD, and sigh, here is where it gets sad, and I understand it, but it’s not right. They want to use their constitutional rights as a reason, to be mad and go back to work. Even though doing that is actually dangerous to their fellow American citizens who have those same rights as them. In all reality if we did that we would unintentionally be hurting people and even possibly kill them, 🤷‍♂️ Unless we all walked around in hazmat suits. Some people don’t think before they speak, I am pretty sure most Americans I hope do not want to hurt their neighbor or friends or family.

Being ats members we are suppose to deny ignorance. We should have all seen this coming and prepared the best we could. If we think our American governments were not going to futility attempt to quarantine the spread, well that is ignorant, I made many post on the 5 update threads on theory and hypothesis and how this would effect society. Getting mad at the governments and using constitutional rights as the justification while infected people are on ventilators in a coma who contracted the disease during times of no type of quarantine or awareness is where I focus on you and I get disgusted. Sacrifices are made, in a time of a world war where the enemy is on our soul we are pouting about have and have nots is sad.. anyhow I am sorry DTOM. This is serious, in a month or 2 it will be over, life will be different and ALL of us will have suffered. Yet we will persevere and be even STRONGER stay safe everyone.

Over and out.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 07:28 PM
JHU 20:00 repository update

Full Size

and the graph

Full Size

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: elitegamer23

Should we apply that logic to other elements of life, though? Why does it matter if innocent people are in prisons so long as they still are alive, they shouldn't have any problems with it, yes? Freedoms make life worth living. It isn't an either or proposition... you can have both and, so far, we've manage to subterfuge the freedoms, the livelihoods, and the economies of the western world over a very small number of illnesses in the grand scheme of things. Even among those with pre-existing conditions this thing has a death rate of 15%. Put another way, 85% of those with pre-existing conditions recover from this. We're surrounded by conditions which have much worse rates of recovery and much greater rates of sufferers.

What's the point of surviving this if we can't recognize ourselves in a mirror when it's all over?

Dude I’m over this topic and I think it should have its own thread . We are only distracting from the flow of the conversation here by going back and forth .

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 07:52 PM
So in the UK the government have passed the coronavirus emergency bill,giving the cops new powers-

The new powers mean officers can:
ensure parents are doing all they can to stop their children breaking the rules
issue a £60 fixed penalty, lowered to £30 if paid within 14 days
issue a £120 fixed penalty for second-time offenders, doubling on each further repeat offence
Anyone who does not pay can be taken to court, with magistrates able to impose unlimited fines.
If they still refuse to comply, police can arrest them.

Judging by the way many people(inconsiderate idiots IMO) have been behaving since the lockdown-ignoring distancing from each other/going out to the park with friends/have road meet ups and races etc-I can see this is sadly needed a the moment.

However,the government have not decided to do this because of those idiots behaviour-they had this in the works before they found out people were flouting the new advice.
So even if everyone had stuck to the advice 100%,these new powers would still have been issued.

One good thing about this is the powers will be reviewed every 6 months-and when the virus is under control,or other circumstances change,these powers will be rolled back.
So we are told at least.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 08:00 PM


By Thursday next week Australia’s hospital system could be unable to cope with the COVID-19 outbreak and the death rate from the virus will soar, Macquarie University modelling shows.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: elitegamer23

Should we apply that logic to other elements of life, though? Why does it matter if innocent people are in prisons so long as they still are alive, they shouldn't have any problems with it, yes? Freedoms make life worth living. It isn't an either or proposition... you can have both and, so far, we've manage to subterfuge the freedoms, the livelihoods, and the economies of the western world over a very small number of illnesses in the grand scheme of things. Even among those with pre-existing conditions this thing has a death rate of 15%. Put another way, 85% of those with pre-existing conditions recover from this. We're surrounded by conditions which have much worse rates of recovery and much greater rates of sufferers.

What's the point of surviving this if we can't recognize ourselves in a mirror when it's all over?

How the hell can we call ourselves the greatest nation on Earth and hold dear all these freedoms we have if we aren't even willing to sacrifice and make an effort to protect the weakest among us? You and so many others with your mind set are willing to cast these people aside and write them off just so you can go get a burger.

I'm well aware of the economic aspects of this but what will happen to the economy as this spreads? When factories are forced to close because a vast amount of employees are infected? What happens to the small business restaurant owner when his place is forced to close because a cook or waitress contracts the virus and spreads it customers and then it's all over the local news?

Do you really think once that aspect hits our economy will survive another crash? I suppose we can if we throw a few more trillion dollars at it. Ohh and then there's the medical supplies we don't have as it is

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: alphabetaone

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: Beltalowda

You're vastly oversimplifying my position here. We do not know how this virus would play itself out in the economy. That said, we also don't know if each of us will get hit by a bus on any given day. We simply can't legislate based off of chances, we have to do so based off of statistical probabilities and available information, and my argument is that the statistics and available information doesn't warrant the actions seen.

I'll also say this, in the effort to flatten the curve of infections (which it can be argued hasn't even done anything beneficial) we've steepened the curve of an economic collapse. The vital difference is the peak of the infection curve is, was, and will remain an unknown until after we've reached it. The economic collapse, however, does have a down limit... it's called "zero." We take this too far, shut down too much, restrict too many and we will see the market and economy drop to zero... at that point, we've failed.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 08:31 PM
Rubbish picture but you can see what it shows

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: checkmeout

A lack of ventilators has forced NHS planners to explore whether one machine could be used to keep two patients alive, drastically increasing capacity

It can!! A device, like a splitter, has been designed and is being 3D printed by two universities in my home state of South Carolina. It allows for one ventilator to serve FOUR patients!

Officials described it as a ventilator expansion device that allows a single ventilator to support up to four patients during times of acute equipment shortages such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The device was produced using 3-D printing technology

https ://

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: new_here

That's very positive, nice find...

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 08:54 PM
Sadly, this couldn’t be more timely given the discussion...

100 year old WW II vet dies in Toronto.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: Justice309
You simply cannot plan in advance for something like this.

I'm going to suggest that we COULD have prepared for something like this. In fact, 5 years ago Bill Gates gave a speech on our woeful unpreparedness for exactly this scenario. Had we listened, things might be a little different now. It's worth a watch.

Bill Gates? Really? Event 201 Bill Gates? Have you ever thought about why they condition us before these major events occur? If Bill Gates really saw this coming, why didn't he buy 20k ventilators back in November? More and more are waking up to the hidden game being played on our behalf. Their final cards are in play and they're still losing control.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 08:59 PM
Im sure glad I cancelled our appointments for April at our local VA hospital.
~Veterans test positive for COVID-19 at Quillen VA Medical Center, clinics in Bristol and Sevierville Tennessee. _source=facebook_WJHL&fbclid=IwAR1gNKG8G1BmvDFgglOjy8reBRFO09oVvTKAoBDKICi16Fi_3k71aO5x0Fg

This bickering and arguing has gotten on my last nerve. Ive come here for updates for weeks since Part 1.Thanks to these threads I was able to prepare and get my family ready ahead of time The people who blatantly refuse to use this only as an update thread when there is an entire forum where they could make their own threads and yet continue to daily derail this one and have spoiled it for many people who are just seeking information with out having to scroll through 100% of various threads. Shame on you for your derailment. You should know better. When I want to worry and discuss my constitutional rights I will go to the appropriate thread and have you tell me Im wrong. Ive lived through Necorose, tannsflu, and I am giving up the thread now thanks to burdman. Getting my information from MSM is better than trying to sift through this stuff any day. So take care my friends and stay healthy.
edit on 26-3-2020 by lostsock because: typo

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: lostsock

Im sure glad I cancelled our appointments for April at our local VA hospital.
~Veterans test positive for COVID-19 at Quillen VA Medical Center, clinics in Bristol and Sevierville Tennessee. _source=facebook_WJHL&fbclid=IwAR1gNKG8G1BmvDFgglOjy8reBRFO09oVvTKAoBDKICi16Fi_3k71aO5x0Fg

This bickering and arguing has gotten on my last nerve. Ive come here for updates for weeks since Part 1.Thanks to these threads I was able to prepare and get my family ready ahead of time The people who blatantly refuse to use this only as an update thread when there is an entire forum where they could make their own threads and yet continue to daily derail this one and have spoiled it for many people who are just seeking information with out having to scroll through 100% of various threads. Shame on you for your derailment. You should know better. When I want to worry and discuss my constitutional rights I will go to the appropriate thread and have you tell me Im wrong. Ive lived through Necorose, tannsflu, and I am giving up the thread now thanks to burdman. Getting my information from MSM is better than trying to sift through this stuff any day. So take care my friends and stay healthy.

Don’t give up on this thread! Usually when people attempt to be the loudest, it is because nobody wants to listen to them .

I think this thread has been an amazing source of info and has helped so many prepare for the many insane things that have happened since January .

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 09:16 PM
A little Italian update: March 27 Friday Tokyo time 11 am

1. Italy death rate now exceeds 8000 cases
2. It is true that Italy has the highest number of deaths from the new coronavirus in Italy, with more than 8,000 deaths, and the northern governor, the most severely infected, complaining of lack of doctors and nurses
3. On the 26th of March the death amount increased by 662
4. And sadly, in Italy, doctors and nurses have been reported to be infected in hospitals one after another.According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 6,400 health care workers have been infected so far, resulting in a serious labor shortage.
edit on 0300000008172020-03-26T21:17:08-05:00170803pm9 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: elitegamer23

I agree with you. One reason I haven't stopped posting is because I like to see what new info comes in 2 times a day. And many thanks to all ATS members that we give to each other.

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