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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 08:36 AM
For every 100 cases there are probbably 3x more that are not shown because they have no symptoms and are compeltely fine but still spreading. But that means that mortality rate will be calculated only by those 100 cases rather than the others who were never found.

Which is trully sad.

Imagine if 10 people die in those 100... 10% mortality rate.

When in fact is 10 people die in 300-400. Which speaks for itself.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: FinallyAwake

Very difficult for me to think straight atm, shouldn't really be posting (spamming), will stop now.

Thanks again.

You're not spamming, I didn't know till you posted it.
I just hope the two boys don't loose a father as well as their mother.

Take care and Thank you

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 08:45 AM
Also here - Bulgaria, what i like is that every single day we have live conferences where they explain how many are sick, critical,dead how many new positives and answer questions by journalists live.

There is no rush, no one is buying the toilet paper. Mostly the hand sanitisers and masks but thats pretty much it.

Honestly lots of places re-purposed their manifacturing to masks and sanitisers because its easy and we can self-sustain. There is no panic and the poitics are trying to explain us things calmly.

Tho on the bad side with all the lockdown that you can't really travel anywhere. All cities are on lockdown and you can't travel outside without papers and you can't leave the city unless its something majour or allowed by your bosses. Everything is closed so you can't go anywhere either except shops and drug stores at certain times during the day and they only let few people at a time. Tv shows run normally without audience. Everything looks normal really. Actually it is snowing so not many people go outside anyway, which is good.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:10 AM
My wife is a sales manager and started working at home a week ago. Some of her team members have been ignoring the orders to shelter in place, social distance, etc... and still going out, hanging with friends, etc. She just keeps shaking her head. Then this morning, one of those who was ignoring everything, says he has a fever and fatigue. It's so annoying because her pay is based on their numbers and if they are sick, it lowers her pay. :/

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:22 AM
Alright, just got the up dated numbers for my area Oneida county:

COOPERSTOWN, N.Y. – A second case of coronavirus has been confirmed in Otsego County, according to the county's Department of Health. The infected person has been hospitalized within the county, and close contacts were notified. There are 12 confirmed cases in Oneida County, and seven in Herkimer County as of Wednesday morning.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: ZeroFurrbone
Ya know, in my country there are 220 infected currently who are positive. 3 deaths. - Bulgaria

There are definetly way more infected but here is the thing : People who show no symptoms and kids were tested. Everyone who has been in contact with them is also being tested with or without symptoms.

The reality is that they are actually testing real people without symptoms or with mild symptoms, not just the ones who are with severe symptoms.

The real doom and gloom comes from those countries that test only the seriously ill and those that are sure they have the virus.

The doom and gloom comes from the front lines of cities where it has taken them over. The doom and gloom comes from doctors and nurses dying after working harder and longer than they ever have in their life. The doom and gloom comes from ICU's being so overloaded that field hospitals are having to be built and Naval ship hospitals are sitting on each coast. I'm sorry but what matters is the reality. We've never seen anything like this. I love that everyone is being tested there. That's what we need to do everywhere.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:13 AM
Got my letter today so if/when the UK goes to a full lock down I can travel to/from work.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:18 AM

NEW: 'Game changer' coronavirus tests you can order via Amazon or take at Boots could be available in days, says Public Health England

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Yes you are right mate. I'm not saying it is a bio agent. It was the terminology I was using in my military terms of reference. No matter what it is or where it came from is not the issue just now. We only need to know what threat to presents and how to tackle it, what our actions on are and what measures we can put in place to mitigate any casualties (those contracting the virus) and how best to work with those measures.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:36 AM
Update from Vermont: VT Governor issues stay-at-home order

My office says no on-site work until at least April 15th (I'm guessing end of May though) - 123 confirmed cases and 8 deaths (up from 92 cases and 7 deaths yesterday)

The number will probably be higher by early afternoon when we usually get the official update from the health dept.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: Brick17
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Yes you are right mate. I'm not saying it is a bio agent. It was the terminology I was using in my military terms of reference. No matter what it is or where it came from is not the issue just now. We only need to know what threat to presents and how to tackle it, what our actions on are and what measures we can put in place to mitigate any casualties (those contracting the virus) and how best to work with those measures.

Thank you for coming back and clarifying what you meant. Appreciated

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: Brick17
I share your disbelief at some of the ignorance displayed here in th UK. Anyway, as always, I appreciate your updates.

Stay safe chap.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: Village Idiot

Thank you 👍🏻

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:24 AM
From Guardian Live Feed :

1.33pm : "The Coronavirus is unlikely to disappear in the Summer" The European Agency for Disease Control, said Wednesday.

the epidemic could continue when temperatures rise unless measures to hamper it are applied.

The notice leaves little room for hopes that SARS-CoV-2, the name of the new virus, could behave as the other four coronaviruses, which are endemic in human populations and are usually not detected in summer months.

From Guardian Live Feed

- 3.26pm : "Four more Italian Doctors die, bringing their Total Toll during the Epidemic to 29" the National Federation of Doctors tells ANSA.
Over 5,000 Italian Health Workers have so far been infected.
Meanwhile :

Civil protection department head and coronavirus commissioner Angelo Borrelli has cancelled his daily six o’clock press conference after suffering symptoms of fever. The result of a test is being awaited.

edit on 25-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
From Guardian Live Feed :

1.33pm : "The Coronavirus is unlikely to disappear in the Summer" The European Agency for Disease Control, said Wednesday.

the epidemic could continue when temperatures rise unless measures to hamper it are applied.

The notice leaves little room for hopes that SARS-CoV-2, the name of the new virus, could behave as the other four coronaviruses, which are endemic in human populations and are usually not detected in summer months.

From Guardian Live Feed

- 3.26pm : "Four more Italian Doctors die, bringing their Total Toll during the Epidemic to 29" the National Federation of Doctors tells ANSA.
Over 5,000 Italian Health Workers have so far been infected.
Meanwhile :

Civil protection department head and coronavirus commissioner Angelo Borrelli has cancelled his daily six o’clock press conference after suffering symptoms of fever. The result of a test is being awaited.

I agree with this.

There are too many countries where the nation is too poor and roads and villages are largely inaccessible where the disease can circulate and re-emerge. In addition, the disease so far has hit mostly the big urban centers of the world. It hasn't yet traveled to the countryside... and it will.

Health care there isn't as good as the cities (yes, here in the US. I can think of a lot of little towns that are an hour or so away from any sort of hospital.)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:31 AM
If this is right, that's a hefty jump for NY Have to see how this pans out.:

Update for my update:

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 in the state has climbed to 30,800, with close to 900 in intensive care. New York officials are keeping a close eye on already-stressed hospitals as the number of cases is projected to rise for perhaps three more weeks.

edit on 25-3-2020 by Chance321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: RexKramerPRT

NEW: 'Game changer' coronavirus tests you can order via Amazon or take at Boots could be available in days, says Public Health England

I don't think any of the tests should be available to purchase directly to the Public.
(Are we sure this is what they mean ? available for Purchase from Boots or Amazon ?)

People are going to get tested at home, find they don't have it, and then swan around town without realising that the people they meet could be infected.

The old "I don't have it, so I'm fine"...

These tests should be used only by the Medical Teams, for now.

Also, even though Millions were ordered, they only said 'Thousands' would be available in the next few days/weeks.

I can see people buying them, and re-selling them on the Internet.
As well as scallywags selling fake ones...

If anyone has any more details on this, please post or PM, thanks.

edit :FOund an article on it, see post below
edit on 25-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added stuff

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: 727Sky

originally posted by: 727Sky
I reported yesterday Thailand was claiming a jump to 599 cases. Today they are reporting an additional jump to 721 (122 increase).

Like I said in the previous post many of the tourist spots are shut down to include Bangkok which closed just about everything except grocery stores and malls. Millions can not work so instead of starving they are returning to family who live outside the shuttered areas. I expect the reported infected to really start to increase all over the place.. We just had three cases reported in my part of the country. Governor told everyone to shut their businesses except for the Mall and major grocery stores. They even shut down my 5 local golf courses "Mayday Mayday !"

I really do worry about all the people who already lived day to day on their meager earnings who will now have absolutely nothing as far as money to survive on.

Thailand records 107 new coronavirus cases, bringing total to 934 - health official

Thailand has recorded four death since the outbreak while 70 patients have recovered and gone home. 860 patients are still being treated in hospitals.

Everything is now just about shut down. A few places have carry out for food but store front businesses are shuttered.

This country no matter where you drive there will be someone along the side of the road selling Charcoal cooked meats or fruits and vegetables ... I have never gotten sick eating that food.. Although I have spent 2 days in the hospital from having Dairy Queen ice cream that was dispensed out of a dirty or not cleaned machine.. so go figure ?

All the road venders I have seen are now wearing mask... Looks like stuff will be shut down for at least 30 days...?

A friend told me today we now have 4 cases in our town so the fear factor for many has been retched up...

Hi 727Sky, I see the Temperatures and Humidity in Thailand are quite high right now, 34-37°C, and ~60-70% Relative humidity.
Do you have any breakdown of the cases in Thailand, as in Critical/Serious/Hospitalized/At Home ?

I Would just be interested to see the spread, so we can maybe get some idea of whether the heat does anything to slow or calm the Virus down.

Quite a few people seem to be thinking that with Summer and the Warm weather on the way, that this will just go away...

Thanks for the Updates, I have friends in Bangkok, who have been isolating for a couple of weeks already.
Stay Safe.

The idea that heat will slow it down can be dismissed. Look at the figures for Egypt, Sudan, Italy, etc, etc. Texas, in fact, is a warm state (along with Arizona and New Mexico and California, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.) No slowdown here or in any warm area.

In fact, when it gets hotter we'll all rush to air conditioned spaces (right now it's nice and tolerable outside)... and you can guess what happens with a lot of folks under air conditioning.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Byrd

It seems to spread in dry weather and in rainy weather less, all those countries Italy, Spain, Iran, China, Austria ( ski resorts) did not have rain/snow. Instead Scandinavia and Canada both had rain and less cases.. who knows..

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:49 AM
From the Guardian piece on this found here :

- 15 minute Home test (Prick of blood from finger is enough).
- The test detects the Presence of IGM*, and IGG*.
- The Results of some of the Tests on Order can be read by anyone, but others would need to be interpreted by Healthcare Professionals.
- They will be tested in Oxford this week.
- Availability via Amazon for those self-isolating with Symptoms, or on the High Street, within days.
- "If there is a charge for them, it is thought it would be minimal" says Prof Sharon Peacock, Director of the National Infection Service at PHE (Public Health England).

"It is widely thought that having COVID-19 makes people immune to the disease, or that if they get it a second time, they do not transmit it"
I would love to know where they got this information from.....

So, not being reserved for medical staff, so they can check regularly, and as often as needed.
People will also probably be queuing up to purchase these,a nd when they run out, what happens to those who just left the shop...?

IGM = ImmunoGlobulin M
IGG = ImmunoGlobulin G
edit on 25-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added stuff

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