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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: elitegamer23

Thank you very much.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 10:10 PM

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who inspired the global school climate strikes, says it is “extremely likely” she has had the Covid-19 virus.

The teenager, whose solo protest outside the Swedish parliament kickstarted the global youth campaign, said in a post on Instagram that she had self isolated after she and her father returned from a trip around central Europe about two weeks ago.

A few days later she said they both began to feel ill, and she complained of feeling tired with “shivers, sore throat and cough”.

Thunberg said she had not been tested for the virus, in line with the policy in Sweden, and was now “basically recovered”.
edit on 3/24/2020 by clay2 baraka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who inspired the global school climate strikes, says it is “extremely likely” she has had the Covid-19 virus.

The teenager, whose solo protest outside the Swedish parliament kickstarted the global youth campaign, said in a post on Instagram that she had self isolated after she and her father returned from a trip around central Europe about two weeks ago.

A few days later she said they both began to feel ill, and she complained of feeling tired with “shivers, sore throat and cough”.

Thunberg said she had not been tested for the virus, in line with the policy in Sweden, and was now “basically recovered”.

She stopped being relevant, and her handlers needed some press.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:15 PM
90 cases in Hawaii.

And the first fatality, an elderly man with “severe chronic diseases.” Died on Friday, tested posthumously. Positive results today.

edit on 3/24/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:17 PM
An update with 03/24/2020 data


posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: alphabetaone

The Pacific Ocean seems narrower than I remember it. Mandela?

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 11:44 PM

edit on 24-3-2020 by Oleman because: Phage already knows.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 12:12 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
FYI: Thousands of potentially infected New Yorkers have been fleeing the city, and arriving in warm Florida, every day for the past two weeks. Florida...where millions of Covid-19 VULNERABLE SENIORS reside.

Gov DeSantis Takes Action:[/ quote]

Oh, that is just swell... Thanks bunches, New York.

And how are the people arriving by automobile going to be forced into that 14 day quarantine?

Not to mention that once they get sick here, they will be taking up hospital beds that the senior residents living here sure could use.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: Oleman
JMHO, but I think we have dodged the bullet this time. It ran just long enough to disprove the deniers, and expect a continued PITA for two to three weeks because of the Wuhan China Virus. But the answers and remedies seem obvious to me. Actually, in net, I think many good things will come from this "event."

Before I go back to another long time lurk mode, just want to express my profound thanks to DTOM, the other mods, and all the ATS posters that provided early warning and critical information to make this just a mild inconvienience. Best wishes to you all. Really hope we dont have to do this again.

That is odd. I distinctly do NOT remember hearing that bullet whizzing by yet.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 12:17 AM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: DictionaryOfExcuses

Give Me Liberty to Freely Move among my Peers , or Give me Death by Coronavirus ! I'll take my Chances , or Die Like a Man .........

You know, there are other choices, don't you?

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 12:17 AM
Update Mar.24/20 - 11pm EST
Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)

Canada * 588-Ontario, 617-British Columbia, 358-Alberta, 1,016-Quebec
21-Manitoba, 12-Grand Princess, 18-New Brunswick, 72-Saskatchewan
3-Prince Edward Island, 35- Newfoundland & Labrador, 51-Nova Scotia
1- Northwest Territories, 2-Yukon
Total= 2,795 USA & Canada Updates

Mar.01/20 - 4 more confirm + 20 Canada = Total 24
Mar.02/20 - 3 more confirm + 24 Canada = Total 27
Mar.03/20 - 6 more confirm + 27 Canada = Total 33
Mar.04/20 - 1 more confirm + 33 Canada = Total 34
Mar.05/20 - 14 more confirm + 34 Canada = Total 48
Mar.06/20 - 6 more confirm + 48 Canada = Total 54
Mar.07/20 - 6 more confirm + 54 Canada = Total 60
Mar.08/20 - 6 more confirm + 60 Canada = Total 66
Mar.09/20 - 11 more confirm + 66 Canada = Total 78
Mar.10/20 - 19 more confirm + 78 Canada = Total 97
Mar.11/20 - 21 more confirm + 78 Canada = Total 119
Mar.12/20 - 40 more confirm + 119 Canada = Total 159
Mar.13/20 - 43 more confirm + 159 Canada = Total 202
Mar.14/20 - 55 more confirm + 202 Canada = Total 257
Mar.15/20 - 86 more confirm + 257 Canada = Total 343
Mar.16/20 - 98 more confirm + 343 Canada = Total 444
Mar.17/20 - 154 more confirm + 444 Canada = Total 588
Mar.18/20 - 128 more confirm + 588 Canada = Total 716
Mar.19/20 - 157 more confirm + 716 Canada = Total 873
Mar.20/20 - 216 more confirm + 873 Canada = Total 1,089
Mar.21/20 - 242 more confirm + 1,089 Canada = Total 1,331
Mar.22/20 - 141 more confirm + 1,330 Canada = Total 1,472
Mar.23/20 - 619 more confirm + 1,472 Canada = Total 2,091
Mar.24/20 - 701 more confirm + 2,091 Canada = Total 2,795

Mar. 4/20 - 586 more confirm + 2,502 Italy = Total 3,089
Mar. 5/20 - 769 more confirm + 3,089 Italy = Total 3,858
Mar. 6/20 - 778 more confirm + 3,858 Italy = Total 4,636
Mar. 7/20 - 1,247 more confirm + 4,636 Italy = Total 5,883
Mar. 8/20 - 1,492 more confirm + 5,883 Italy = Total 7,375
Mar. 9/20 - 1,797 more confirm + 7,375 Italy = Total 9,172
Mar.10/20 - 977 more confirm + 9,172 Italy = Total 10,149
Mar.11/20 - 2,651 more confirm + 10,149 Italy = Total 12,462
Mar.12/20 - 2,651 more confirm + 12,462 Italy = Total 15,113
Mar.13/20 - 2,547 more confirm + 15,113 Italy = Total 17,660
Mar.14/20 - 3,497 more confirm + 17,660 Italy = Total 21,157
Mar.15/20 - 3,590 more confirm + 21,157 Italy = Total 24,747
Mar.16/20 - 3,233 more confirm + 24,747 Italy = Total 27,980
Mar.17/20 - 3,526 more confirm + 27,980 Italy = Total 31,506
Mar.18/20 - 4,207 more confirm + 31,506 Italy = Total 35,713
Mar.19/20 - 5,322 more confirm + 35,713 Italy = Total 41,035
Mar.20/20 - 5,986 more confirm + 41,035 Italy = Total 47,021
Mar.21/20 - 6,557 more confirm + 47,021 Italy = Total 53,578
Mar.22/20 - 5,560 more confirm + 53,578 Italy = Total 59,138
Mar.23/20 - 4,789 more confirm + 59,138 Italy = Total 63,927
Mar.24/20 - 5,249 more confirm + 63,927 Italy = Total 69,176
We are now almost where Italy was on Mar, 4/20

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 12:17 AM

originally posted by: alphabetaone
An update with 03/24/2020 data


Yep, dodged a bullet! All over with! Back to work folks!

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: Oleman
JMHO, but I think we have dodged the bullet this time. It ran just long enough to disprove the deniers, and expect a continued PITA for two to three weeks because of the Wuhan China Virus. But the answers and remedies seem obvious to me. Actually, in net, I think many good things will come from this "event."

Before I go back to another long time lurk mode, just want to express my profound thanks to DTOM, the other mods, and all the ATS posters that provided early warning and critical information to make this just a mild inconvienience. Best wishes to you all. Really hope we dont have to do this again.

That is odd. I distinctly do NOT remember hearing that bullet whizzing by yet.

Just the fact they said “ Wuhan China virus “ should say enough.

Does trump have an account on here ? Jk

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 12:48 AM
I know something big is going to take place after the Olympics in Tokyo, Japan and possibly elsewhere.

New Coronavirus When “Capital Blocked”
Governor Koike of Tokyo spoke at a press conference on the "city blockade." The governor said, "Depending on the future trends, there may be situations where strong measures such as blockade of cities, so-called lockdowns may be forced to take place."

Stay tune. Remember I said basically there is no testing here for the average Joe. Not yet anyway. I sure hope the Japanese Self Defense force is ready to build them tent hospitals fast.

Growing slowly,but... 1,219 people who were infected in Japan or who were travelers or returnees from China or Europe,

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 12:59 AM
As of this post, there are 266 cases in the greater Houston area, of which 28 are hospitalized. That yields a 10.5% rate of hospitalization for our area.

...there are more than 85 hospitals in the Houston area with more than 19,300 beds, including those in TMC.

About Houstom - Health

With a population of 6,997,384 people as of 2018 census estimates,

Greater Houston - Wikipedia

19,300 is approximately 10.5% of 183809.

183,809 is approximately 2.62% of 6,997,384.

If a little more than two and a half percent of the population of the Greater Houston area contracts the virus and approximately 10.5% of those require hospitalization as has been the trend thus far, the Greater Houston area will have had its healthcare system maxed out.

That is if we kick out everyone in a hospital bed now.


In the US, more than twice as many have died as have recovered; recovery takes weeks.

As ketsuko said way back, if this thing is going to kill you, it will do so faster than it will take you to recover; if you recover.
edit on 25-3-2020 by jadedANDcynical because: added link to number of Greaer Houston cases

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:15 AM

originally posted by: ARM1968
500k barrier likely breached in 24-48hrs and then it soars.

Trump seems a little confused and bewildered to me, and I like the guy, for all his faults. I hope the US has a cure I really do. I just don’t think you do, not really. It’s hopemongering. Yes be honest, we all need some hope right now.

Covid-19 is taking off around the globe and the outcome will be horrendous unless a cure is found. I hope chloroquine is the saviour some are suggesting. It could literally save 10’s of millions from death.

Yeah, it looks to me that Trump is a fish out of water right now. This medical pandemic stuff just isn't his forte. He is a business man and knows business, and can apparently play the political game too when he wants to. But he doesn't know what to do about this, and unfortunately everyone is waiting for him to lead us out of this. He knows he should just turn over everything to experts in the medical field, but he also knows that his enemies will crucify him for appearing to be unconcerned, aloof, and not being "hands on" with this problem.

I wouldn't want to be in his shoes for love nor money. And quite possibly he is wishing he weren't in his shoes neither.


posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: Rich Z and Drucifer

Yup. When compared to a parallel universe where the virus
(that escaped by incompetence at a BSDL-4 bio weapons lab in Wuhan China)

where that virus could have had >15% mortality (instead of less than 0.5%),

where that people did not develop a immunity (real world greater than 40 days),

where that virus had no known treatment (i count at least 4 in successful trials),

where that virus was so contaigous that walking past someone was enough to infect them (only 1 in 1000 people in NYC are infected at this point?!?),

where that virus caused severe illness in a majority of people infected (looks like a majority of infected people dont even know they had it)

Yeah, I'll take this universe over that universe, and be glad we dodged that bullet.

But, by all means, continue to hope this is the end all that will bring a communist utopia where there are no planes, no cars, no heat, no food and no people. If nothing else, it is a good thought experiment on what could happen next time we are not as lucky.

I have to laugh that many of the same people that vote for the likes of Pelosy and Shumer are the ones that get hurt the worst by their games.

With that, I am going "hard permalurk," and enjoying my preps, until it is safe to venture back out in a few weeks.

(If you didnt follow any of the above items, please reread threads #1 thru #5)

Stay safe. GN.

UPDATE: A Texas lawyer is forming $20T class action lawsuit against China, for damages due to China accidentally releasing its Wuhan bioweapon experiment virus upon the rest of the world, and covering it up to save face for the CCP. That is about $3T more than total assets of the CCP.
edit on 25-3-2020 by Oleman because: less than and greater than symbols dont mix well with posts.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Dr. Faucci just implied during the White House daily briefing, that New York should be sealed off because New Yorkers are fleeing to other states, particularly Florida, and taking the virus with them.

Yeah, watch cases start to blow up all along route 95 as they head south via automobile.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:41 AM
White House, Senate reach late-night deal on massive $2T coronavirus stimulus package

"The White House and Senate leaders reached a breakthrough deal shortly after midnight Wednesday on a massive and historic $2 trillion coronavirus relief package for workers and businesses, capping days of heated negotiations that had nearly been derailed by last-minute demands from House Democrats.

“Ladies and gentleman, we are done," White House legislative affairs director Eric Ueland announced as he left the office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., near midnight. "We have a deal.""


In the short term this will probably help, the long term I'm not really sure about......
edit on 3/25/2020 by Karyotype because: can't type

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: burdman30ott6

more positive cases realized purely thanks to increased testing

You actually don't think there are more cases than there were on March 1st?

Oh no doubt there are more cases today, but by the same token we're testing significant numbers of people now when we were not on March 1st. That's presented a skewed growth curve. America did NOT go from 94 infected to 50,000 infected in 3 1/2 weeks... we simply went from 94 known infected from a smaller sample size to 50,000 known infected from a significantly larger sample size in 3 1/2 weeks. Trying to discern the jump in cases from insufficient testing to more widespread testing from the number of actual new cases is about as useful as trying to read tea leaves to obtain next week's Powerball numbers.

So, how many UNKNOWN asymptomatic victims spreading the contagion do you suppose there were back on March 1 that didn't get tested UNTIL they started showing symptoms? How many UNKNOWN asymptomatic victims spreading the virus do you suppose there are out there now? No, we don't know those numbers. But do you really think it would be wise to assume the best rather than the worst? You don't really believe that everyone is catching the virus only from people displaying symptoms, now do you?

Yeah, I believe it is a good idea to hope for the best and plan for the worst, but in my opinion it will likely be a long time before we start seeing a glimmer of "the best" coming our way. IMHO.

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