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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.
Was just announced on Sky news minutes ago.

Thank you. That's bonkers. I have no idea where they have come up with this doubling of 12 days for Italy. Just using data from 10th to 13th of March gives doubling time of 3.78 days there, R squared of 0.994 (exceptionally good fit)
edit on 14-3-2020 by Oppenheimer67 because: added detail

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Auramancer
Bingo! A friend mentioned that you have nowhere to go anyway because everything is closed so why go out?
It's almost like a reverse quarantine. Close anything you may want/need to leave home for and what do you do?
You stay home. Since stores are out of everything now also, really no reason to go out. I am feeling more like the big sports and events were asked to shut down, not that they did so out of a social responsibility to keep people safe.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

I just PM'd you.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: OrionHunterX

Will it subside during the coming summer in the Northern Hemisphere?

In a moment when the world seems more desperate than ever for the slightest ray of hope, here’s some (literally) sunny news:

Warm weather has been correlated with a slowdown in the spread of COVID-19.

The paper comes from a squad of data scientists and economists at Beijing schools Tsinghua University and Beihang University, using data from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, related to 4,711 confirmed cases of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

The scientists looked to see what those cases’ contact was like with other patients. Then — using a great deal of sophisticated statistical analysis and modeling, trend growth curves, weather stations, and contact tracing among patients who have had COVID-19 — they came to this conclusion:

“High temperature and high relative humidity significantly reduce the transmission of COVID-19, respectively, even after controlling for population density and GDP per capita of cities. […] This result is consistent with the fact that the high temperature and high humidity significantly reduce the transmission of influenza. It indicates that the arrival of summer and rainy season in the northern hemisphere can effectively reduce the transmission of the COVID-19.”

More here.. 480df7&utm_source=The%20Future%20Is&utm_campaign=c3ceb85d2c-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_03_13_07_53

Link to the PDF Here

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.
Was just announced on Sky news minutes ago.

Thank you. That's bonkers. I have no idea where they have come up with this doubling of 12 days for Italy. Just using data from 10th to 13th of March gives doubling time of 3.78 days there, R squared of 0.994 (exceptionally good fit)
That's what the reporter on the ground said and it was due to the isolation taking effect.

This does not impact my figures because I have assumed that globally 50% of countries wont do jack sh.t to stop the spread and that different countries will be at different stages of the 10 week climb to the peak. My numbers don't account for the descent contractions and deaths.

In 5 weeks we will be able to predict the scale and nature of the final outcome. And when we have reached the global peak we will then start to see the nature of the implications this will have on international relations and the likely consequences for conflict with those responsible for this depopulation exercise (accidental or deliberate). Unless its been sanctioned at the dark GGL (and maybe it has!). Would it be lucky (too) or too good to be true for it to have happened by accident! If the end result is a significant depopulation then you can bet it was intentional. If not significant it could just be a test run!
edit on 14-3-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:19 AM
The numbers for a lot of European countries on the health maps are not correct anymore.
They are only testing people with more severe symptoms or those from a risk group. Those are the ones in the official numbers.
Everyone else gets to hear that they are 'probably' infected with covid19 and advised to stay home until they are symptom-free for at least 24 hours.

Since yesterday we have empty shelves in supermarkets. Just tried to do some quick shopping for the next 3 days, managed to get my hands on the last frozen meals. People blame the preppers while hoarding themselves!
No one is wearing a mask or gloves, when you do use them they call you a drama queen or fear monger-er.

I'm pretty sure I have caught the virus, so does my husband but he's in denial and keeps calling it a cold. He doesn't want me to call the doctor because they would prevent him from going into work on Monday. (yeah, I know that is a selfish reaction!!! And it's the way most people still think over here...sadly)
The last hours my cough is getting pretty bad, I will call the doc if I get a fever though....

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.
Was just announced on Sky news minutes ago.

Thank you. That's bonkers. I have no idea where they have come up with this doubling of 12 days for Italy. Just using data from 10th to 13th of March gives doubling time of 3.78 days there, R squared of 0.994 (exceptionally good fit)
That's what the reporter on the ground said and it was due to the isolation taking effect.

This does not impact my figures because I have assumed that globally 50% of countries wont do jack sh.t to stop the spread and that different countries will be at different stages of the 10 week climb to the peak. My numbers don't account for the descent contractions and deaths.

In 5 weeks we will be able to predict the scale and nature of the final outcome. And when we have reached the global peak we will then start to see the nature of the implications this will have on international relations and the likely consequences for or conflict with those responsible for this depopulation exercise (accidental or deliberate). Unless its been sanction at the dark GGL.

I can confirm I've also heard Sky News quote this doubling time of 12 days in Italy. Again, not sure how they could possibly have such data given that in the last four days from yesterday it was 3.8 days doubling.

With regards to lockdowns etc; problem is, once locked down, there will be many people infected who are yet to present symptoms, so they may not be detected for 2 weeks. So even after lockdown, cases would continue to increase on paper at the same rate (if tested). After 2 weeks, doubling every 3.75 days, you'd have 13 times the amount of infected. Not to mention their close contacts who would show up in numbers another 2 weeks later.

That's not to say lockdown doesn't work, it's just the effect will not be seen in numbers for a while, and gambling on locking down later, is crazy risky.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.
Was just announced on Sky news minutes ago.

Thank you. That's bonkers. I have no idea where they have come up with this doubling of 12 days for Italy. Just using data from 10th to 13th of March gives doubling time of 3.78 days there, R squared of 0.994 (exceptionally good fit)

I thought that earlier... very odd that they say its doubling every 12 days when the cases and death rates are going up

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:33 AM


posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.
Was just announced on Sky news minutes ago.

Thank you. That's bonkers. I have no idea where they have come up with this doubling of 12 days for Italy. Just using data from 10th to 13th of March gives doubling time of 3.78 days there, R squared of 0.994 (exceptionally good fit)
That's what the reporter on the ground said and it was due to the isolation taking effect.

This does not impact my figures because I have assumed that globally 50% of countries wont do jack sh.t to stop the spread and that different countries will be at different stages of the 10 week climb to the peak. My numbers don't account for the descent contractions and deaths.

In 5 weeks we will be able to predict the scale and nature of the final outcome. And when we have reached the global peak we will then start to see the nature of the implications this will have on international relations and the likely consequences for or conflict with those responsible for this depopulation exercise (accidental or deliberate). Unless its been sanction at the dark GGL.

I can confirm I've also heard Sky News quote this doubling time of 12 days in Italy. Again, not sure how they could possibly have such data given that in the last four days from yesterday it was 3.8 days doubling.

With regards to lockdowns etc; problem is, once locked down, there will be many people infected who are yet to present symptoms, so they may not be detected for 2 weeks. So even after lockdown, cases would continue to increase on paper at the same rate (if tested). After 2 weeks, doubling every 3.75 days, you'd have 13 times the amount of infected. Not to mention their close contacts who would show up in numbers another 2 weeks later.

That's not to say lockdown doesn't work, it's just the effect will not be seen in numbers for a while, and gambling on locking down later, is crazy risky.
Updated my earlier post to reflect that the numbers don't match the reporting. Also added some more predictive perspective.

Its going to be interesting watching this play out from our Costa Blanca Spain apartment bunker which we will not leave for months!
edit on 14-3-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.
Was just announced on Sky news minutes ago.

Thank you. That's bonkers. I have no idea where they have come up with this doubling of 12 days for Italy. Just using data from 10th to 13th of March gives doubling time of 3.78 days there, R squared of 0.994 (exceptionally good fit)
That's what the reporter on the ground said and it was due to the isolation taking effect.

This does not impact my figures because I have assumed that globally 50% of countries wont do jack sh.t to stop the spread and that different countries will be at different stages of the 10 week climb to the peak. My numbers don't account for the descent contractions and deaths.

In 5 weeks we will be able to predict the scale and nature of the final outcome. And when we have reached the global peak we will then start to see the nature of the implications this will have on international relations and the likely consequences for or conflict with those responsible for this depopulation exercise (accidental or deliberate). Unless its been sanction at the dark GGL.

I can confirm I've also heard Sky News quote this doubling time of 12 days in Italy. Again, not sure how they could possibly have such data given that in the last four days from yesterday it was 3.8 days doubling.

With regards to lockdowns etc; problem is, once locked down, there will be many people infected who are yet to present symptoms, so they may not be detected for 2 weeks. So even after lockdown, cases would continue to increase on paper at the same rate (if tested). After 2 weeks, doubling every 3.75 days, you'd have 13 times the amount of infected. Not to mention their close contacts who would show up in numbers another 2 weeks later.

That's not to say lockdown doesn't work, it's just the effect will not be seen in numbers for a while, and gambling on locking down later, is crazy risky.

Its going to be interesting watching this play out from our Costa Blanca Spain apartment bunker which we will not leave for months!

Rub it in why don't ya!?

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop

We have already been ordered to stay in doors for 3 weeks. Not leaving for a few months anyway.

Costa Blanca Apartment Bunker Spain 200m from beach.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:37 AM
Volusia County FL

Bike week permits were revoked last night
All permits for outdoor events werw also revoked.
New permits are not being looked at.

Schools are in spring break which has been extended to March 30.

FL has called in the national guard, not sure that I will see them.

Last supply run later today, will update.

All news available via google.

they were too late, watch for 2 weeks from now.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:38 AM
These numbers i'm seeing from China just seem unreal. I can't believe they have stemmed it to the very low figures they say.

Today its supposedly only 11 new cases whereas there's 13 new deaths, 12,063 active cases? Out of 50 million people alone in Wuhan?? 2 Billion in whole of China? You can't tell me that this virus hasn't spread further in the whole of China with all the movement before Wuhan lockdown.
edit on 14-3-2020 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.
Was just announced on Sky news minutes ago.

Thank you. That's bonkers. I have no idea where they have come up with this doubling of 12 days for Italy. Just using data from 10th to 13th of March gives doubling time of 3.78 days there, R squared of 0.994 (exceptionally good fit)
That's what the reporter on the ground said and it was due to the isolation taking effect.

This does not impact my figures because I have assumed that globally 50% of countries wont do jack sh.t to stop the spread and that different countries will be at different stages of the 10 week climb to the peak. My numbers don't account for the descent contractions and deaths.

In 5 weeks we will be able to predict the scale and nature of the final outcome. And when we have reached the global peak we will then start to see the nature of the implications this will have on international relations and the likely consequences for or conflict with those responsible for this depopulation exercise (accidental or deliberate). Unless its been sanction at the dark GGL.

I can confirm I've also heard Sky News quote this doubling time of 12 days in Italy. Again, not sure how they could possibly have such data given that in the last four days from yesterday it was 3.8 days doubling.

With regards to lockdowns etc; problem is, once locked down, there will be many people infected who are yet to present symptoms, so they may not be detected for 2 weeks. So even after lockdown, cases would continue to increase on paper at the same rate (if tested). After 2 weeks, doubling every 3.75 days, you'd have 13 times the amount of infected. Not to mention their close contacts who would show up in numbers another 2 weeks later.

That's not to say lockdown doesn't work, it's just the effect will not be seen in numbers for a while, and gambling on locking down later, is crazy risky.

Its going to be interesting watching this play out from our Costa Blanca Spain apartment bunker which we will not leave for months!

Rub it in why don't ya!?
My apologies, wasn't rubbing. Be safe! Waiting now to see those who do come out and walk up and down the street coughing and spluttering or collapsing like we saw in China. Hope I am wrong.

There are a lot of retired/old expats where I am so expecting the worse. ironic because where I am is where the oldest people in Spain live! The salt!
edit on 14-3-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:41 AM
Thought I read one time that the average supermarket in the US had 30 days normal business levels of supplies readily on hand.

If the trains or the truckers stop moving food will dry up very fast.

my Niece works for Winn Dixie and was concerned that they were going to run out of stuff on the shelf fast because under normal conditions they have trouble getting everything they need because they do not own the ware houses they get their stuff from.

Some warehouses had already closed due to the virus, so in her area they may be looking at nothing on the shelves for an extended time in the next couple weeks.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
These numbers i'm seeing from China just seem unreal. I can't believe they have stemmed it to the very figures they say.

Today its supposedly only 11 new cases whereas there's 13 new deaths, 12,063 active cases? Out of 50 million people alone in Wuhan?? 2 Billion in whole of China? You can't tell me that this virus hasn't spread further in the whole of China with all the movement before Wuhan lockdown.
They haven't but they are probably on the descent climb but its the ascent that's being kept from the world and selfishly too. No humanity the Chinese.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:47 AM
I'm watching CNN right now and they're talking about how all the elites are now bugging out

Private charter flights are now up 30%.

Apparently the vivos underground shelter system, which I wrote an article about years ago, has seen a thousand percent increase in interest in sales in the last month.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.
Was just announced on Sky news minutes ago.

Thank you. That's bonkers. I have no idea where they have come up with this doubling of 12 days for Italy. Just using data from 10th to 13th of March gives doubling time of 3.78 days there, R squared of 0.994 (exceptionally good fit)

The Ohio Medical expert said it was every 6 days here in the US. I don't know how they are coming up with that either.

Back on page 282, 3/9/20, of part 4 I ran the numbers and came up with about 3 - 3.5 days for doubling. So far it has held. I said about 3,200 in the US on the 14th or 15th. It looks like we are on track to surpass 3,200 tomorrow 3/15. So just about the 3.5 days I had figured.

If it continues at that rate till the end of the month, confirmed cases will be over 100,000 in the US.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel
I'm watching CNN right now and they're talking about how all the elites are now bugging out

Private charter flights are now up 30%.

Apparently the vivos underground shelter system, which I wrote an article about years ago, has seen a thousand percent increase in interest in sales in the last month.
You can bet on that!

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