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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: Willtell
Here's a fool in the flesh

Right after this is was revealed he had the virus.

this was actually prior, he was joking around with media ... karma

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 06:52 AM
Like to share a thought here.

1. President Trump announces "State of Emergency" (National Emergency )
2. PM Abe (Japan) announces "not necessary to have a national emergency"

So here is my thought: Abe now sits back and sees what happens and then have his team of pros improve on "people control", and then announces "State of Emergency". Wise discission I feel.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop

Finally, an article talking about ''reinfections''

They survived the coronavirus. Then they tested positive again. Why?

In Guangdong, officials responsible for the coronavirus response announced Feb. 25 that 14% of declared recoveries in the province had later retested positive.

Although most patients who retest positive do not display clinical symptoms, some have developed fevers and other signs of the virus. One such patient, a 36-year-old man, died in Wuhan on March 2, five days after being declared recovered.

This is my fear with the ridiculous UK Gov herd immunity policy.

There is not enough data on this virus to be a credible way of dealing with it. We don't have the First idea on reinfection rates.

Its madness, they're playing with peoples lives. My kids are not going back to school Monday, I refuse to have them involved in a state experiment that is destined to failure.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
Total deaths percentage of the virus is on its way back up again, now at 8%. It did go all the way down to 1% on Feb 26th from a high of 64% on Jan 24th.

Lots of graphs on this page!

I clicked the link and did the math - 5,547 deaths / 148,595 cases = 3.4% CFR - same same - and still ignores tha huge numbers of infected with no or minor symptoms.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

My 2 boys (ages 6 and 9) hands are in a dire state after all the extra handwashing they're being made to do at school. They're cracked and dry and red raw. And they're not the only ones.. soooo many children in our schools and surrounding ones are suffering. The soap is too strong for so much use:-( (I'm in the UK) brought empty travel bottles today for them to put milder hand soap in and a little pot for handcream. I really feel for them!

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: solarone
How can we be expected to protect the vulnerable when we're all walking around like human petri dishes spreading an unknown deadly virus.

This is a seriously f'd up situation

Again - what do you think should be done?

Hint: this thing is now everywhere, there is nothing we can do except ride it out, and the source was right - protect the most vulnerable.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:02 AM
From French live feed :

12h00 : Health Minister recommends not using anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen or Cortizone, as they can aggravate the infection.
Prefer Paracetamol, if in doubt, ask you Doctor.

From Guardian Live Feed :
Guardian Link

10.54am : Newborn baby tests positive for Coronavirus.

11.25am : Japan's Abe has said they will take "Bold, unprecedented" steps to protect the Economy. May reduce Sales Tax in japan.

11.35am : India will treat the Coronavirus as a "Notified Disaster" to enable it to repond better, and take greater measures.
edit on 14-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:04 AM
A friend of mine sent me some photos of the local supermarket that was stripped bare this morning. Luckily mainly due to this thread I was well stocked up a few weeks ago. A few photos below.

Things are starting to get very real now, the ones mocking me at work recently saying its just like the flu are now asking me for advice etc.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:06 AM
From where I'm sitting I can see the driveway to Dollar General about 2 blocks away. Small town 1200 people. It opened at 8AM I watched at least 10 cars enter before then. Usually only 1 worker so the idiots are arriving.

Hunker down and watch TV time i guess

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: BowBells
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

My 2 boys (ages 6 and 9) hands are in a dire state after all the extra handwashing they're being made to do at school. They're cracked and dry and red raw. And they're not the only ones.. soooo many children in our schools and surrounding ones are suffering. The soap is too strong for so much use:-( (I'm in the UK) brought empty travel bottles today for them to put milder hand soap in and a little pot for handcream. I really feel for them!

Yeah, its all good washing your hands a lot, but the type of soap is important.
Good job on giving them better soap and handcream

Those cracks and crannies will get infected in no time with kids playing around as they do.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
From French live feed :

12h00 : Health Minister recommends not using anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen or Cortizone, as they can aggravate the infection.
Prefer Paracetamol, if in doubt, ask you Doctor.

From Guardian Live Feed :
Guardian Link

10.54am : Newborn baby tests positive for Coronavirus.

11.25am : Japan's Abe has said they will take "Bold, unorecedented" steps to protect the Economy. May reduce Sales Tax in japan.

11.35am : India will treat the COronavirus as a "Notified Disaster" to enable it to repond better, and take greater measures.

Actually the 10% sales tax did a lot of damage here. But we all adjusted and just paid it. But now with businesses folding up if they do away with it for the next 12 months, it would a get relief for us old people here. Many of you don't realize that in this country you work till you drop. A basic Japanese pension if paid into for 40 years is only about 650 USD paid every 2 months. If you work for a corporation and retired the pension is about 2200 USD a month. Many of us are small business owners and I can tell you that many of us probably get about 250 USD a month but comes every 2 months so 500 bucks every 2 months. If you don't have a savings and can't work, you own a home, you can't get welfare. Sucks I tell ya.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:16 AM
Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy according to a Sky news reporter on the ground but the actual numbers don't back that up)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.
edit on 14-3-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: checkmeout
The WHO think this can be contained based on China's model. But is that flawed?

Well, seeing as the WHO is run by corrupt politicians that love murderous despots, I think I'll just ignore anything they have to say.

In Atlanta Georgia, pretty much all schools closed starting Monday (the 16th) for one week, but likely to be extended... who knows how long. I'll have everyone set up to work remotely by Tuesday or Wednesday, but our clients are canceling booked business (advertising campaigns, we do it all - Print, Broadcast, Outdoor, Online, etc) left and right, so there may not be that much work to do, once all of the cancellations are processed.

This is pure insanity, and now, yes, the media is fueling it 100%.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:25 AM
I just saw this posted. I wonder if it’s going to affect the local Guard units latter on too? Looks like lack spring break going to affect a lot of shops counting on it. tm_expid=.dI5pu9xDQ5yC0HSsOtrcsw.0&
edit on 14-3-2020 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves
Contrary to Trump’s claim, Google is not building a nationwide coronavirus screening website
Instead, Verily is building a triage website just for the Bay Area

They are going to start testing in tat area. They have to start somewhere.

Please take the TDS garbage somewhere else.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:34 AM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:35 AM
Sorry if someone already posted this but I just read a very interesting study. If I'm interpreting the data correctly, it seems like half of the CONFIRMED cases on the Diamond Princess showed no symptoms. So all these rates we are seeing from countries we only tested people showing symptoms are probably double the real number.

Shocking really. If I'm wrong, please let me know.

Here's part of the study:

Of the 634 confirmed cases, a total of 306 and 328 were reported to be symptomatic and asymptomatic, respectively. The proportion of asymptomatic individuals appears to be 16.1% (35/218) before 13 February, 25.6% (73/285) on 15 February, 31.2% (111/355) on 16 February, 39.9% (181/454) on 17 February, 45.4% (246/542) on 18 February, 50.6% (314/621) on 19 February and 50.5% (320/634) on 20 February (Table). Soon after identification of the first infections, both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases were transported to designated medical facilities specialised in infectious diseases in Japan. However, these patients were treated as external (imported) cases, and a detailed description of their clinical progression is not publicly available.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.
Was just announced on Sky news minutes ago.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by:

originally posted by: solarone
How can we be expected to protect the vulnerable when we're all walking around like human petri dishes spreading an unknown deadly virus.

This is a seriously f'd up situation

Again - what do you think should be done?

Hint: this thing is now everywhere, there is nothing we can do except ride it out, and the source was right - protect the most vulnerable.

I've previously stated what I beleive should be done. Go ahead, pick the bones out of it.... I do not have the desire nor energy to get involved with tit for tat argumentative ATS members.

edit on 14 3 20 by solarone because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 07:52 AM

Will it subside during the coming summer in the Northern Hemisphere?

In a moment when the world seems more desperate than ever for the slightest ray of hope, here’s some (literally) sunny news:

Warm weather has been correlated with a slowdown in the spread of COVID-19.

The paper comes from a squad of data scientists and economists at Beijing schools Tsinghua University and Beihang University, using data from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, related to 4,711 confirmed cases of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

The scientists looked to see what those cases’ contact was like with other patients. Then — using a great deal of sophisticated statistical analysis and modeling, trend growth curves, weather stations, and contact tracing among patients who have had COVID-19 — they came to this conclusion:

“High temperature and high relative humidity significantly reduce the transmission of COVID-19, respectively, even after controlling for population density and GDP per capita of cities. […] This result is consistent with the fact that the high temperature and high humidity significantly reduce the transmission of influenza. It indicates that the arrival of summer and rainy season in the northern hemisphere can effectively reduce the transmission of the COVID-19.”

More here.. 480df7&utm_source=The%20Future%20Is&utm_campaign=c3ceb85d2c-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_03_13_07_53
edit on 14-3-2020 by OrionHunterX because: (no reason given)

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