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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 09:52 AM
I'll comment on here after I've listened to it in its entirety.

PS just got back from grocery store, it was chaos! staff in every aisle with boxes and carts, rice & pasta were virtually all gone - have never seen the place so bare.

My fiancee was really nervous looking around, stressed out faces everywhere in the store. People need to stop freaking out... we can lead by example.

It was pretty crazy to see though... glad I began prepping awhile ago and even though my partner was giving me grief about all that rice before they're thanking me now! I'll be back after I listen to this midday (on East Coast)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: ragiusnotiel
Where are they all flying to? Greenland?

Caymen islands were mentioned and vivos which has communities all over the world now I believe. When I first wrote my article on them, their main location was in the middle of the US.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: Tukota

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel

originally posted by: Tukota

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel
Volusia County FL

Bike week permits were revoked last night
All permits for outdoor events werw also revoked.
New permits are not being looked at.

Schools are in spring break which has been extended to March 30.

FL has called in the national guard, not sure that I will see them.

Last supply run later today, will update.

All news available via google.

they were too late, watch for 2 weeks from now.

My relatives live in Port Orange, FL which I don't think is too far from you. They attended Bike Week each day too. I hope things are going okay there. I was just talking with my husband about the pros and cons of driving to down FL (from MI) and staying in a condo we rent from time-to-time that is on the gulf. It just feels like being by the ocean would be so calming. I envy you your location. So beautiful there. He's all for staying here, hunkered down until we see where this goes in the next couple of weeks.

They are still largely in denial here. I would say your window is closing. Also due to the large.pop of snow birds and elderly, sure to be a hotspot.

If you head down definitely post. PM and I will send you my facebook name, Im covering most of the local news. Back in the day I ran a disaster preparedness website disaster-girl. com- so this is kind of my thing. Always dreamed of being Tommy Lee jones in volcano, or helen hunt in twister. Had lots of babies though so its been sidelined.

Thanks for the information! I have noticed the denial part too. I was texting with them asking about bike week with all of the people and they were just like super chill and 'alls well with the world' attitude. We're down to just texting Meme's now. (rolling my eyes). I'll for sure reach out by PM if we drive down. I'm not worried about staying at the condo so much as all of the rest stops and restaurants between FL and MI. We'll probably end up staying here. Please keep us all informed though about what you're seeing and hearing first-hand (since apparently I can't ask my super chill relatives, LOL!)

Will do!

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 09:56 AM
Can someone please update me on the "elites are bugging out" discussion? Where did we learn of this? Who's bugging out and where to???

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:04 AM

1. Total Confirmed Cases is 38 +14
2. Citizens repatriated from Wuhan via a special Air Force flight have landed and are settled into their 21 day quarantine.
3. Super Rugby competition between teams from South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina and a team from Japan has been suspended.
4. Traffic police will no longer being using breathalyzers until further notice.
5. President Ramaphosa will meet with his cabinet on Sunday to discuss the situation.


edit on 14/3/2020 by deltaalphanovember because: teams from

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:06 AM
From The BBC Live Feed at 14h57 GMT :

"Dutch Scientists 'Find Antibody' for Sars2"
"Human tests could take months at least, it is yet to be tested".
"Trying to find Pharma company to produce the medecine".

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: Halfswede

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
These numbers i'm seeing from China just seem unreal. I can't believe they have stemmed it to the very figures they say.

Today its supposedly only 11 new cases whereas there's 13 new deaths, 12,063 active cases? Out of 50 million people alone in Wuhan?? 2 Billion in whole of China? You can't tell me that this virus hasn't spread further in the whole of China with all the movement before Wuhan lockdown.
They haven't but they are probably on the descent climb but its the ascent that's being kept from the world and selfishly too. No humanity the Chinese.

The CCP are certainly lying, but the question is how much. Also, make sure you differentiate the CCP from the Chinese. It is them that have no humanity. There are many good Chinese. The Chinese will much better off when they cast off that filth.

Much of what is going on outside is a manipulated distraction from what is going on there. While there are real cases and disruption outside, I can assure you the focus will return to China and the CCP's situation where the real story is. Hang tight.
Well hung mate! According to my South East Asian wife of 16 years. And she looks Chinese also!!
edit on 14-3-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:13 AM


posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: Trillium

Well this had me up til 4am.

I gave up following all that stuff it became too much. Dove back in.

Well everyone seems to think April is when it all comes to a head.

Either this virus will be well on its way to bringing down our hospital system or.....

Ps thank you for bringing this here. I do like to keep an open mind.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:15 AM
CNN did a brief story on it featuring the author of something like 'the velvet rope'

They didnt really mention names of people just statistics on private jets and companies reporting upticks in buying and interest.

We really should start a 'last spotted' thread.

-Tom Cruise
-Former US Presidents
-Alex Jones (arrested in TX a couple days ago)
-Jesse Ventura
-Joe Rogan is still on air I believe

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:17 AM
What do you all make of this? Timing is everything. If this was discussed earlier, I'm sorry to rehash. I think I've read most posts but with a thread this fast, I'm sure some got away from me.

''Mr. Gates, who also is vacating his board seat at Berkshire Hathaway Inc., intends to focus more on his philanthropic efforts. He will continue to serve as a technical adviser to Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella, the software company said late Friday.''

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: LuckyCharmz
What happened to this site? Used to be actual researchers contributing real information that's alternative to MSM.

Nobody has mentioned event 201. Or the patent Bill Gates has on the virus.

That was all discussed in Part 1 of this thread. Over a month ago.

There was discussion, videos, cookies and a powerpoint presentation. Please keep up.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:18 AM
DOD announces restrictions on domestic travel for service members, civilians effective Monday

The Department of Defense will place restrictions on all domestic travel, including permanent change of station moves and temporary duty assignments, amid concerns over the coronavirus outbreak, according to a memo released Friday.

The order, which goes into effect Monday, applies to all military and civilian personnel and dependents assigned to DOD installations, facilities and surrounding areas within the United States, the memo stated.

The guidance is expected to be in effect through May 11, according to the DOD.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: LuckyCharmz
What happened to this site? Used to be actual researchers contributing real information that's alternative to MSM.

Most of the posts I see r from sheep drinking the kool aid.
MSM never tells the truth. We all know this. Yet u guys r quoting stats and stories about ppl we dont even know actually exist.

Nobody has mentioned event 201. Or the patent Bill Gates has on the virus.

This is a planned event guys plain and simple. Got everybody losing there mind, thinking irrational.

Its literally a different strain of the common cold...if it even exists. Nobody knows what they r testing for.

I bet the elites r creaming their pants right now, the way they got the whole world in a frenzy.

Sorry, but the patent on SARSCoV-2 and Event 201 have been heavily discussed . This is the 5th volume and each thread previous to this was 350 pages.

many of us have spent dozens of hours researching and discussing this

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: LuckyCharmz
What happened to this site? Used to be actual researchers contributing real information that's alternative to MSM.

Most of the posts I see r from sheep drinking the kool aid.
MSM never tells the truth. We all know this. Yet u guys r quoting stats and stories about ppl we dont even know actually exist.

Nobody has mentioned event 201. Or the patent Bill Gates has on the virus.

This is a planned event guys plain and simple. Got everybody losing there mind, thinking irrational.

Its literally a different strain of the common cold...if it even exists. Nobody knows what they r testing for.

I bet the elites r creaming their pants right now, the way they got the whole world in a frenzy.
Already said its depop exercise either accidental (earlier than planned) or deliberate and yes BG has been referenced already a number of times during this thread.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:29 AM
UK deaths doubled to 21 and cases up to 1,140 which is higher than yesterday's 789 cases and previous 590. It's accelerating.
edit on 14-3-2020 by Diamondgeezur because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-3-2020 by Diamondgeezur because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:29 AM
Die Welt (via the French live Feed at 16h01) is reporting something Interesting :

"The USA is trying to acquire the Scientists in Germany currently working on a vaccine for Covid-19.
They are trying to attract them with vast financial resources.
They state that the USA wants to keep the vaccine, solely for the USA's exclusive usage.
Berlin is trying to counter the tactics by proposing interesting financial incentives to the German Company involved."
edit on 14-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: changed anti-virus to vaccine

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:32 AM
I'm just reading this report from the daily mail about an Island off Plymouth where apparently 3 shiploads of "visitors" will be landing next weekend. Drakes Island!

I wonder who these "visitors" are??

Why decide to tell everyone about this now??

Coincidence or??

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:34 AM

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:37 AM
did anyone see this obituary paper comparison paper from Italy pretty haunting
edit on 14-3-2020 by Nscan because: (no reason given)

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