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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

WTF does that have to do with this thread?

It has nothing to do with coronavirus.

This is an UPDATE thread for CORONAVIRUS .

(post by fringeofthefringe removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
I'm just reading this report from the daily mail about an Island off Plymouth where apparently 3 shiploads of "visitors" will be landing next weekend. Drakes Island!

I wonder who these "visitors" are??

Why decide to tell everyone about this now??

Coincidence or??

I really don't think the rich are going to bug out to Drake's Island. It's my backyard. You can literally see it from the famed Plymouth Hoe.
The videos I've seen are of a derelict series of tunnels. There's been back and forth discussion about using it as a tourist destination. Thwarted cos some birds nested there and they are protected.

Will keep you posted if I see any elites dropped off in helicopters.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: Nscan did anyone see this obituary paper comparison paper from Italy pretty haunting
Cant see twitter. can you paste the text

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

The local newspaper from my hometown Bergamo (Italy). Pages for obituaries on Feb 9th: ~1. Pages for obituaries on Mach 13th: 10. To all friends around the world, once again, it is not flu. #COVID19de #Covid_19

it's a video

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: nolabel

It's about the Elites and where they are going to hide.

Didn't you get that?

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: Nscan
did anyone see this obituary paper comparison paper from Italy pretty haunting

Wow. Thanks for that.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

It says nothing about the elites or anybody going to hide there.

It's about opening it up as a holiday resort.

Didn't you get that?

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: Nscan
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

The local newspaper from my hometown Bergamo (Italy). Pages for obituaries on Feb 9th: ~1. Pages for obituaries on Mach 13th: 10. To all friends around the world, once again, it is not flu. #COVID19de #Covid_19

it's a video
2nd that fact! This virus is a tool and have said this since thread 1. And thanks
edit on 14-3-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.
Was just announced on Sky news minutes ago.

Thank you. That's bonkers. I have no idea where they have come up with this doubling of 12 days for Italy. Just using data from 10th to 13th of March gives doubling time of 3.78 days there, R squared of 0.994 (exceptionally good fit)

The Ohio Medical expert said it was every 6 days here in the US. I don't know how they are coming up with that either.

Back on page 282, 3/9/20, of part 4 I ran the numbers and came up with about 3 - 3.5 days for doubling. So far it has held. I said about 3,200 in the US on the 14th or 15th. It looks like we are on track to surpass 3,200 tomorrow 3/15. So just about the 3.5 days I had figured.

If it continues at that rate till the end of the month, confirmed cases will be over 100,000 in the US.
If the US numbers on average only double weekly for 10 weeks then that will be over 3.3m infected and between 163000 & 330,000 dead. And that's conservative based on current infection rate.

And that is why I did not go further out than the end of the month. The numbers are just too depressing. I hope it flattens out before then.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:52 AM
So, my 87 yr old dad has been in hospital for the past couple of days. He does not have the virus but obviously he is very high risk.

So I just spoke to the Dr. with Beth Israel Boston, and he said that overnight the admissions for the virus went from 4 to 20 in Boston location. My Dad is in the other location just south of Boston and he said that the cases are starting to come in there and the goal is to get my dad out of there tomorrow.

He said he was scared about the virus but he wasn't going anywhere and would be prepared. Our health care workers are heroes for sure.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:56 AM
Disney is closed, Universal is closed, a bunch of other attractions are closed.

My brother in law decided next week is a good time to take his family and travel from NY State to Kentucky to see the Ark Encounter, which for some reason is still open.

Any other time, and I would say that sounds great (although I think it is just a money making gimmick, even though I am a Christian), but now is not the time. Another one with fingers in their ears, and not seeing anything going on around them.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:57 AM
NL Update:

+155 (Total: 959)
+ 2 deaths (Total: 12)

There is a new testing policy, which decreases the apparent rise of COVID-19, as people showing mild symptoms and staying at home won't be tested anymore.

Other than that, Noord-Brabant, the province with the highest COVID-19 patients is already struggling with the outbreak. The IC's are already at full capacity.

Panick buying is keeping up at a high pace. Shelves empty.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: nolabel

Looks like you don't understand what I'm saying at all.

I never said the report stated the Elites are going there... all I did was to summize that the "Elites" MAY be going there... this is a conspiracy site after all. I basically put 2 and 2 together and came up with 3 shiploads!

Someone else posted about where they think the Elites might go... and I posted that info.

No need to get agitated or angry about it.


posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite

Dare I say it?

We are watching in front of our very eyes a depopulation exercise/mission unfolding that will result in the death of millions of people. By accident (it got out before planned) or deliberate.
Best case 4-8m - based on doubling every week for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)
Worst case 0.5-1.5bn - based on doubling every 4 days for 10 weeks (note it has slowed to every 12 days in Italy)

But some countries will fair better than others and some worse and some not at all so take the above's as averages. But I recon when all done it will be a minimum of 1m dead and I already think that China maybe got to that figure on their own.

Why wouldn't it be? The planet needs it! But that don't make it right!

C = China = Corona Virus = Contagion = Cull = Continuity!!

Lets not be N.

Thank you for your input.

May I ask where you got a doubling of 12 days for Italy? I expect rate to decrease eventually after lockdown. Close contacts will still spread, but that is limited, so rate would come down. Also perceived rate would reduce with lack of testing, either by capacity or because they go under the radar. But 12 days seems very slow (relatively) so interested in your methods or sources. Cheers.
Was just announced on Sky news minutes ago.

Thank you. That's bonkers. I have no idea where they have come up with this doubling of 12 days for Italy. Just using data from 10th to 13th of March gives doubling time of 3.78 days there, R squared of 0.994 (exceptionally good fit)

The Ohio Medical expert said it was every 6 days here in the US. I don't know how they are coming up with that either.

Back on page 282, 3/9/20, of part 4 I ran the numbers and came up with about 3 - 3.5 days for doubling. So far it has held. I said about 3,200 in the US on the 14th or 15th. It looks like we are on track to surpass 3,200 tomorrow 3/15. So just about the 3.5 days I had figured.

If it continues at that rate till the end of the month, confirmed cases will be over 100,000 in the US.
If the US numbers on average only double weekly for 10 weeks then that will be over 3.3m infected and between 163000 & 330,000 dead. And that's conservative based on current infection rate.

And that is why I did not go further out than the end of the month. The numbers are just too depressing. I hope it flattens out before then.
Understand. Yes its not looking good. Keep safe wait it out. It might be 8 to 10 weeks before the peak.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:01 AM
Nevermind, just wasting my time
edit on 14-3-2020 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: toolgal462
So, my 87 yr old dad has been in hospital for the past couple of days. He does not have the virus but obviously he is very high risk.

So I just spoke to the Dr. with Beth Israel Boston, and he said that overnight the admissions for the virus went from 4 to 20 in Boston location. My Dad is in the other location just south of Boston and he said that the cases are starting to come in there and the goal is to get my dad out of there tomorrow.

He said he was scared about the virus but he wasn't going anywhere and would be prepared. Our health care workers are heroes for sure.

Best of luck. Hope he comes through.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:24 AM
Top of the morning. Hope everyone is as much at ease as they can be. I know I am but have had to calm down some family members that were starting to panic. I really do believe that the biggest threat from this virus crisis is the people's hysteria. They are all under prepared, overreacting, and easily manipulated by the media. It's a shame that composure has almost become a lost art and reason is in short supply. Unfortunately, being emotionally manipulated is the big craze right now.

Sorry if I come off a bit cold and obtuse, but the quicker people come to terms with the current situation, the easier it will be on them in the long run. Its already a bumpy ride now and it will probably get worse, like mandatory lock downs and curfews. I don't want people to get sick, but when they accept that they probably will, and will most likely survive. These stressful times become a little bit easier to endure. This is the beginning of the storm. It's going to be quick but swift do buckle up. I hope I'm completely wrong. Either way, stay safe and sane out there.


posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: checkmeoutI really don't think the rich are going to bug out to Drake's Island.

neither do i. but i bet it'll make a nice quarantine block.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: MaverickLRD

I had a feeling of deja vu reading that, remembering how I started reading this thread on China's figures being 20k, and much the same measures were being taken regards quarantine, one person at a time to go shopping etc Scary stuff now that's it is imminent.

Tomorrow 10.00am I will go to the supermarket here in the UK, to get the communal stock-up shop that it has taken till now to get everyone to agree to, and this after I have seen all the Costco bustups on videos in another thread.

My boss who came back from Italy 2 weeks ago is fine, but he had to gather us all for a meeting yesterday to say that the company is concerned about the Coronavirus, and that anyone with symptoms should not come in - to be clear, he meant Cov2 symptoms, not just runny nose, which is not characteristic of the virus.

Although I understand govt advice is to stay in for 7 days with any symptoms at all.

And a customer earlier refused us to collect her car for her as the driver might have the virus.

This whole thing is getting closer and closer, it is like being in a cinema and being ejected from your seat to go crashing through the screen.

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