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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: elitegamer23
I have been thinking about this a lot. Currently almost no one is working. No one is producing anything ( outside of essential workers) and no one is paying in payroll taxes. IRS doesn't want our money next month, either. So the government will have taken in ZERO USD from any American for weeks and weeks, if not longer. At the same time the government is going to send people cash. No one is paying loans or bills and still the lights stay on. Then Boris? in UK said there is no limit to what he can spend to compensate workers at home. No Limit!!! Who has unlimited ' money'?
Don't want to derail this thread but if there is a thread here about the money side of this disaster, I'd love a link to that TIA

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: schmae

It Will result in hyperinflation, more than likely that will become a long term effect from all of this, or a form of inflation. I am not smart enough to try to understand how the government can spend trillions of money with over 20 trillion in debt. 🤷‍♂️

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 11:49 AM
A national shutdown would not surprise me at all. Many pages behind trying to catch up

a reply to: sirlancelot

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 11:57 AM

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: elitegamer23

New York City and L A are going to dramatically reduce the amount of people they test so these numbers will drop.

I can see that happening. Only problem is, it'll come back an bite them on the asp down the road. I don't think there is an easy answer that will satisfy everyone.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: schmae

It Will result in hyperinflation, more than likely that will become a long term effect from all of this, or a form of inflation. I am not smart enough to try to understand how the government can spend trillions of money with over 20 trillion in debt. 🤷‍♂️

I discussed this with a friend yesterday, the only solution I see to a global problem, which will undoubtedly destroy the global economy going forward, will be a single global currency. This will be a financially devastating blow to every nation affected and those which claim to be unaffected will be crippled in other ways (see Russia right now). Ultimately, the only viable solution when this is over will be a global financial reset, a global currency and maybe even the one world government we’ve heard rumoured.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:38 PM
Interresting study from the Imperial College in London : Link to pdf

The conclusion is that if no actions are taken (on page 16) :

the surge limits for both general ward and ICUbeds would be exceeded by at least 8-fold under the more optimistic scenario forcritical care requirements that we examined.In addition, even if all patients were ableto be treated, we predict there would still be in the order of 250,000 deaths in GB, and 1.1-1.2 million in the US.

edit on 21-3-2020 by looofo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:38 PM
Interesting thread to anyone asking:"Why Italy?"

edit on 21-3-2020 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:39 PM
Italy's Numbers are in :

53,578 Total cases
+6,557 new cases today
4,825 Total Deaths
+793 Deaths today, the largest daily increase yet.

and LiveFeed at 18h15 :

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:40 PM
UK deaths up to 233 (56 today), infections data not yet released

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: schmae
a reply to: elitegamer23
I have been thinking about this a lot. Currently almost no one is working. No one is producing anything ( outside of essential workers) and no one is paying in payroll taxes. IRS doesn't want our money next month, either. So the government will have taken in ZERO USD from any American for weeks and weeks, if not longer. At the same time the government is going to send people cash. No one is paying loans or bills and still the lights stay on. Then Boris? in UK said there is no limit to what he can spend to compensate workers at home. No Limit!!! Who has unlimited ' money'?
Don't want to derail this thread but if there is a thread here about the money side of this disaster, I'd love a link to that TIA

Well, I saw a news article about printing money.... that'll end well huh... Infinite moneeeyyyyyyy!!!
Until the realisation of what that actually means sinks in to the man on the ground, they'll keep grinding away for the government through the crisis putting themselves in harms way I suppose, while they hide in ivory towers. Inflation, crash, the money worth nothing. Gordon Brown (people were praising his comments the other day lol) ..if memory serves sold all our gold to China a decade or so ago.
The long narrative of this silly game has been in the making for some time.
Those that still pretend this is a hoax are a bit mad to me... we're in that period of time that this website has been talking about for so long now. The hoax is bigger than this virus, the plays have been going on for so long now.

However... and this is going to get a bit "spiritual"... not religious... so if you don't care for it, then you don't have to read it...
This is only one narrative. They (elites) don't do all this just for power and money. There is a spiritual aspect to all this that absolutely isn't being mentioned beyond some people thinking it is to do with the stock market. It is a spiritual war going on between men who deny more godly powers and those that understand that they cannot control all things. Magic, Gods, ManGods.

I once used to think that a group of people were so powerful as to manipulate everything... but then I realised that the scope of it was way beyond that. That my own unique experiences were out of their ability to affect.
No coincidences. Synchronicity. Perhaps, the weaving of the Norns (worth looking up if you've never heard of them).

I've spoken of "Mother Nature", but to me, and my simple understanding, it is greater than that. There is a reckoning going on. Those that have suppressed us (elites) and set everyone up to fail are scarpering in the face of it. They saw it coming, no doubts.
People talk about the cruelty of God, but death isn't what we think... certainly from a material standpoint. We are growing spirits, temporary visitors to this place. Those that never found anything greater, and concentrated on material aspects of life are in a spin right now. "My money!!!! ARRRG!"

If you don't care about stuff... and money... you'll probably find your way through this. All temporary. It's still possible to just let it go. The only things of true value are friendships, love, family... balance, truth, understanding... and not least, forgiveness.
To accept something much bigger, and place your trust in that will probably have more impact than any stockpile of toilet paper or food. Things like kindness, helping when given the opportunity... this is the true commodity.

This type of airy-fairy thinking will probably be rejected by some... even many (no doubts!). But when their fancy mobile phone stops working, the green stuff has as much value as dirt, and nothing works properly... they'll perhaps wonder why they put so much stock into it... when all they really wanted was for a friend or loved one to have some fun with, share a bit of happiness. I mean, it's never to late to fix that kind of thing.

The best thing to come out of all this, is that people are at home with the ones they care about (hopefully). A chance to reunite and connect. Children away from the agendas and systemic indoctrination being plugged into their brains. The natural world being given a chance to breath again.

But hey, that's just me... the world will choose its own destiny by the people in it and where they place their trust.
I trust in the eternal mother (or universe, however you want to frame it) to nurture us dumb and growing children through these birthing pains. Lessons can be hard, but as I've said before many posts ago somewhere, existence is more than flesh and blood so far as I can tell. It wouldn't make much sense if this is all we've got right?
Place stock in personal authority and a dash of love, derived from a power a little greater than a bunch of rich men and it might just work out alright.The Norns, weave outside of time.

Anyway, I am just a dumb child too, what do I know? I just hope they weave me a good future, whatever happens and that I rise to the challenges ahead of me. There will be many if the view outside the window tells me anything.

Call this a spiritual update. Numbers only have so much meaning.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: looofo
Interresting study from the Imperial College in London : Link to pdf

The conclusion is that if no actions are taken (on page 16) :

the surge limits for both general ward and ICUbeds would be exceeded by at least 8-fold under the more optimistic scenario forcritical care requirements that we examined.In addition, even if all patients were ableto be treated, we predict there would still be in the order of 250,000 deaths in GB, and 1.1-1.2 million in the US.

So, it seems like, no matter what is done a million plus will die in both countries.

I think, also, that seeing the distribution of those infected and significantly, sickened over what areas in societal functioning, it was known for a while on official levels, that this will disrupt actively functioning society in profound ways. It's why the attitude is whatever is done or not done, the outcome for the whole of society is the same.
regards and stay safe,

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 12:46 PM
Italy numbers just came in.

793 deaths in the last 24 hours from coronavirus.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:00 PM
I'm trying to watch the daily White House press briefing via and it seems to be playing a replay of yesterdays press briefing but showing it as if its live. Is anyone else seeing this?
edit on 21-3-2020 by Mamana12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: Chance321
Are people trying to escape from New York City yet?
We should be seeing that soon.
Then the authorities will forced to act against it.

You cannot keep Snake Pliskin caged..
edit on 3/21/2020 by clay2 baraka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: elitegamer23

China didn’t collapse with 700,000,000 in a lockdown . 

Are you sure about that?


In an ever evolving situation dont you think that is a little presumptuous?

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: clay2 baraka

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: Chance321
Are people trying to escape from New York City yet?
We should be seeing that soon.
Then the authorities will forced to act against it.

You cannot keep Snake Pilskin caged..

Funny, I made this picture from the promotional material coming out of the 2012 Olympics... I'd forgotten about it until the other day...

Anyway, sorry, I'm going off topic a bit too much. Going to take a back seat for a while.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:06 PM

A company that uses internet-connected thermometers to predict the spread of the flu says it is tracking the coronavirus in real time — something that had been impossible, given the lack of testing for the disease.

Kinsa Health has sold or given away more than a million smart thermometers to households in which two million people reside, and thus can record fevers almost as soon as consumers experience them.

For the last few years, Kinsa’s interactive maps have accurately predicted the spread of flu around the United States about two weeks before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s own surveillance tool, the weekly FluView tracker.

The thermometer data “acts as an early warning system for illness spreading,” said Inder Singh, the company’s founder. The C.D.C.’s system lags because it relies on weekly reports from hundreds of doctors’ offices and hospital emergency rooms about what symptoms they are seeing in patients.

Yeah, Florida after spring break is going to be a mess..

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:09 PM
Links in enlgish, by Google Translate.

Chile now has 537 cases, 8 recovered source.

Edit: They have stated that it's not the 8th case.
And the first death. She was 83 years old and was bedridden. They didn't say how she got it. (Note by me: The 8th case was also a woman, 83 years old. They didn't say if it is the same case or not.) Source.

Source:The Medical College has accused the government of: "they have a tremendous lack of transparency that had not been seen in the history of Chilean public health" (Note by me: I think that during the dictatorship of Pinochet, there also was this lack of transparency.). They claim that the information given to the Medical College is incomplete. Also:

Likewise, he announced that from healthcare facilities they have warned that they have not been able to comply with the protocols ordered by the health authority due to saturation in the diagnostic capacity.

The former health minster is accusing the Medical College of not collaborating with the government.

“Chile faces a great epidemic. It is time for collaboration, solidarity. We must support the measures promoted by the health authority. As a public health practitioner, I invite @colmedchile to unite for the health of Chile and not try to obtain petty political gains"

The Medical College responded:

“We have no answer or clear information. We ask to know and collaborate but the government does not allow it. I ask you objectivity, this had not happened in the history of our public health."

The Medical College is also pushing for a total quarantine
edit on 21/3/2020 by redpassion because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 01:11 PM


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