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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:28 AM


posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:41 AM
One thing that just amazes me with this event is the amount of trolls in forums across the internet.

The amount of disinformation out there , sometimes with people who seem to be pushing an agenda to downplay this virus.

People still are taking this as if it’s no big deal and some joke about it still. One thing that truly amazes me is how corporations and even random people on Internet forums are still placing value on a pretend economy over tangible human lives .

This event is showing the true ignorance of the human species .

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: elitegamer23
One thing that just amazes me with this event is the amount of trolls in forums across the internet.

The amount of disinformation out there , sometimes with people who seem to be pushing an agenda to downplay this virus.

People still are taking this as if it’s no big deal and some joke about it still. One thing that truly amazes me is how corporations and even random people on Internet forums are still placing value on a pretend economy over tangible human lives .

This event is showing the true ignorance of the human species .

My brother in law is one that thinks this whole thing is nothing.

Cuomo ordered 100% of all non essential business down on Sunday. He said that the company he works for (fortune 500), is getting their lawyers on the case. Going to try to fight the mandate, so they can keep working. He is all for it. DumbA$$.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
This is strange. I have been watching
this morning. Refreshing every few minutes. The total for the US has gone up by 2. However, it is still saying +0 for the day. Are they adding to the total, but not adding to the day, so the overall for the day does not look as high?

Well...this kind of thing is zero help to those stats..

A surge in coronavirus cases has Los Angeles County health officials telling doctors to give up on testing patients in the hope of containing the outbreak and instructing them to test patients only if a positive result could change how they would be treated, according to a new report.



edit on 03563838America/Chicago21_9America/Chicagoam by missed_gear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: elitegamer23

People still are taking this as if it’s no big deal and some joke about it still. One thing that truly amazes me is how corporations and even random people on Internet forums are still placing value on a pretend economy over tangible human lives

I have been here for a long time. I have followed this from the beginning. People around me are actually listening to me now because of me warning them what is to come.

My wife thinks we are going to be building hospitals like China.

Can I ask you what you think will happen if/when hundreds of thousands of people get sick, and then to top that off millions of people don't have jobs and cant make ends meet or put food on the table? What will happen when both disasters hit at the same time.

I have been on the side of caution, I have been a supporter of stopping the spread. What I am not a supporter of is the people who think that you can just put millions of people out of work, throw them $1,000 and expect everything to go back to normal.

I believe the economical disaster that is looming is going to dwarf the virus disaster. We are only weeks to a few months from full on chaos because half of the government and businesses are shut down, and the half that collects money, isn't shut down.

People are still in denial, when the full masses wake up and realize that 2 weeks will turn into two months, sh#$ gonna get real then. People only have so much in savings and liquid cash.

It's all fun and games at the moment on FB and other social media. What happens when after 2 weeks people are told they cant go back to work yet?

I get that people sick and helpless is a big deal. But what about the serious implications of hundreds of millions of people not being able to make an income comes into play?

It's not cut and dry like you and so many say. The economical ramifications go way beyond what you are even tryining to rationalize.

I'm not trolling, I'm not being a doom pornist. Like you I am telling it how I see it.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:11 AM


posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:14 AM
For what little it's worth, apparently, grocery store suppliers are still running as per normal. The problem is that orders have increased about 30x from stores.

So the shortages you are seeing in the US is entirely due to panic shopping and no other reason. There are no disruptions in the supply chain except that it can't keep up with people panic shopping.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:21 AM


posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:28 AM

Health officials in New York, California and other hard-hit parts of the country are restricting coronavirus testing to health care workers and people who are hospitalized, saying the battle to contain the virus is lost and we are moving into a new phase of the pandemic response. As cases spike sharply in those places, they are hunkering down for an onslaught, and directing scarce resources where they are needed most to save people’s lives. Instead of encouraging broad testing of the public, they’re focused on conserving masks, ventilators, intensive care beds — and on getting still-limited tests to health care workers and the most vulnerable. The shift in tone and strategy — coming after weeks of clamoring for greater testing capacity — signals another tipping point in the U.S. response to the virus, a change other states are likely to embrace as disease counts climb.

A new message on coronavirus in hard-hit areas: Don’t get tested

Hospital executives are urging the federal government to approve a cash influx as soon as possible, because many fear the coronavirus outbreak will force them to miss payroll and potentially shutter their doors. What they're saying: "If we don't get some assistance in the next two weeks, we will have to begin to have a conversation ... that we will no longer to be able to be in business, and that we will have to close the hospital," J. Scott Graham, CEO of Three Rivers Hospital and North Valley Hospital in Washington state, told reporters Saturday. Where it stands: The American Hospital Association is asking the federal government for a $100 billion bailout, as well as a waiver of the 2% Medicare cuts that were mandated through sequestration in 2013.

Hospitals are asking for a federal bailout ASAP due to coronavirus

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
For what little it's worth, apparently, grocery store suppliers are still running as per normal. The problem is that orders have increased about 30x from stores.

So the shortages you are seeing in the US is entirely due to panic shopping and no other reason. There are no disruptions in the supply chain except that it can't keep up with people panic shopping.

I'm glad the panic shopping has stopped (in my area) for now. Besides the magical toilet paper... lol. Now I can calmly increase my stockpile again. It is almost time to go into isolation here. There are several cases in the local hospital and some quarantained at home.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:31 AM

Infectious disease researchers at The University of Texas at Austin studying the novel coronavirus were able to identify how quickly the virus can spread, a factor that may help public health officials in their efforts at containment. They found that time between cases in a chain of transmission is less than a week and that more than 10% of patients are infected by somebody who has the virus but does not yet have symptoms. In the paper in press with the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases, a team of scientists from the United States, France, China and Hong Kong were able to calculate what's called the serial interval of the virus. To measure serial interval, scientists look at the time it takes for symptoms to appear in two people with the virus: the person who infects another, and the infected second person. Researchers found that the average serial interval for the novel coronavirus in China was approximately four days. This also is among the first studies to estimate the rate of asymptomatic transmission.

Coronavirus spreads quickly and sometimes before people have symptoms, study finds UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:31 AM

Greetings, ATSers.....
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posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:32 AM
Coronavirus caused by 5G ?

Vitamin C & Immune System

An Important Question About the Coronavirus, Plus Immune-Support Tips

Vitamin C’s Secret Love Affair with the Immune System

In 1917 /1918 they also added new electromagnetics in to Earth, and we know what they just started this new 5G, in Wuhan China....boom! a pandemic electromagnetic field poisoned cells .

5G Wireless Coverage

edit on 21-3-2020 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: elitegamer23

People still are taking this as if it’s no big deal and some joke about it still. One thing that truly amazes me is how corporations and even random people on Internet forums are still placing value on a pretend economy over tangible human lives

I have been here for a long time. I have followed this from the beginning. People around me are actually listening to me now because of me warning them what is to come.

My wife thinks we are going to be building hospitals like China.

Can I ask you what you think will happen if/when hundreds of thousands of people get sick, and then to top that off millions of people don't have jobs and cant make ends meet or put food on the table? What will happen when both disasters hit at the same time.

I have been on the side of caution, I have been a supporter of stopping the spread. What I am not a supporter of is the people who think that you can just put millions of people out of work, throw them $1,000 and expect everything to go back to normal.

I believe the economical disaster that is looming is going to dwarf the virus disaster. We are only weeks to a few months from full on chaos because half of the government and businesses are shut down, and the half that collects money, isn't shut down.

People are still in denial, when the full masses wake up and realize that 2 weeks will turn into two months, sh#$ gonna get real then. People only have so much in savings and liquid cash.

It's all fun and games at the moment on FB and other social media. What happens when after 2 weeks people are told they cant go back to work yet?

I get that people sick and helpless is a big deal. But what about the serious implications of hundreds of millions of people not being able to make an income comes into play?

It's not cut and dry like you and so many say. The economical ramifications go way beyond what you are even tryining to rationalize.

I'm not trolling, I'm not being a doom pornist. Like you I am telling it how I see it.

I’ll just say this about the money side of things and the response the USA will need to have.
We have a for profit health care system. After all is said and done Americans will have trillions of dollars of medical bills . The response to this event is going to cost billions and billions and billions. The American government is already pledging almost 2 trillion dollars . You live in a fake economy with fake money .

How will Americans even pay these trillions in hospital bills with low paying jobs . How much does it cost to be in an icu on a ventilator with numerous medical workers taking care of you ?

Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just keep millions and millions of Americans from needing health care ? How is it impossible to pause a fake economy ?

Would you sacrifice your mom and dad and someone else you love to save GAMESTOP??

edit on 21-3-2020 by elitegamer23 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-3-2020 by elitegamer23 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-3-2020 by elitegamer23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: elitegamer23
One thing that just amazes me with this event is the amount of trolls in forums across the internet.

The amount of disinformation out there , sometimes with people who seem to be pushing an agenda to downplay this virus.

People still are taking this as if it’s no big deal and some joke about it still. One thing that truly amazes me is how corporations and even random people on Internet forums are still placing value on a pretend economy over tangible human lives .

This event is showing the true ignorance of the human species .

My brother in law is one that thinks this whole thing is nothing.

Cuomo ordered 100% of all non essential business down on Sunday. He said that the company he works for (fortune 500), is getting their lawyers on the case. Going to try to fight the mandate, so they can keep working. He is all for it. DumbA$$.

People like your brother in law know that there is a huge toilet paper shortage so he wants to make as much money as possible to wipe his butt with in the future .
edit on 21-3-2020 by elitegamer23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: elitegamer23

I just PM'd you with a quick question.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:42 AM

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:45 AM
Hi! We're the Chamber of Commerce ... Go Out of Business!

Missouri Chamber of Commerce demands Gov. Parsons shut down all businesses. Yeah ... the Chamber of Commerce. It's like the governor is leaving it up to local areas to decide how they want to handle things, and so some places aren't allowing business and others are, so the Chamber is stepping in to say, "If some of us are being made to close, you should make all of us close. Otherwise, it's not fair!"

"As civic organizations representing employers and businesses across the Kansas City region, we strongly support you taking executive action to accomplish social distancing in Missouri to prevent the spread of COVID-19," the letter reads.

"These actions, which have been taken by other states and local governments in the Kansas City region, include:

1. Order that all gatherings and events across Missouri be limited to groups of no more than 10, while observing the maximum possible social distancing; these restrictions should be in place until public health officials advise that it is safe to relax them

This has already been done in many places. I know Mayor Lucas in KC has done it, and it's been done on the St. Louis side. I guess they're upset that Parsons won't restrict every type of gathering or force daycares to close?

2. Close all schools across Missouri until public health officials advise that it is safe to re-open

All the public districts decided to close until the beginning of April at least. Parsons left it up to each one how best to handle this though as many are very rural. There is no directive for private schools as far as I know.

3. Order that all restaurants and bars in Missouri transition to take-out or delivery service only, or close, until public health officials advise that it is safe to resume dine-in service

Again, this is something already done by many localities on their own.

4. Strongly urge that all Missourians avoid non-essential activities and observe social distancing until public health officials indicate it is safe to resume normal activities."

Again, something done in most places locally and advised at the national level.

So why does the governor need to do it? Oh, wait, I see they want health officials to be put in charge.
edit on 21-3-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:45 AM
Well, brave new world I have woken up to. The strategy now in the CITIES is to not test. They are just going to react to the virus. It’s out of control now. We need to be prepared mentally for what we will be seeing and hearing starting now.

watching the pandemic unfold in NYC, impacts on our healthcare system will continue to worsen. As the number of persons requesting testing for COVID-19 increases, the supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) diminishes. Many healthcare facilities are experiencing high patient volumes that will likely increase in the coming days and weeks. There are few options available to find N95 respirators and surgical masks along with other PPE. Healthcare resources must be saved to treat the sickest patients who require inpatient and critical care. Mild and moderately ill persons with COVID-19 who seek testing are exposing others in healthcare settings including other patients and healthcare staff. At this point in the pandemic, demand for unnecessary testing is contributing to the rapidly diminishing supply of PPE and leading to a decreasing supply of swabs and viral transport media used to collect diagnostic specimens for COVID-19 testing. Additionally, some healthcare facilities in parts of the city, especially emergency departments (EDs), have seen a surge of visits due to influenza-like illness attributed to COVID-19. Emergency medical care should be reserved for persons who are severely ill, and persons with milder illness need to be strongly encouraged to stay home


posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Kenzo
I just looked up Italy and 5g. Evidently it was launched there in major cities in June 2019. Italy: 5G download speed 2019 | Statista

And then there appears to be some control issues between Italy and China: 5g supply

Also: U.S. warns Italy over China and 5G

I found the US map link with 5g very interesting, given concentrations of cases here.
edit on 21-3-2020 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

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