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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: Mamana12
Hard to see but looks like they are wearing flack jackets and could be possible riot gear in their bags. Where is this and when?

New York, Now ?

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:36 PM
Still believe we need the lock downs to flatten the curve and help those who get it bad have time, but the death toll should go down.

Maybe controlled in 3 months??

But good news Novartis commits to donate up to 130 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to support the global COVID-19 pandemic response

But the Good news is in the good news thread3 day treatment 100% cured

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Mamana12

I assume ANTIFA is also mobilizing?

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: puzzled2

It's encouraging news, but the experiment was extremely limited in scope.

Another reason for caution is that the trial was “only carried out on a few patients”, D’Alessandro emphasised. The Chinese study on March 9 was criticised by many in the scientific community because it was carried out on a group of “only” 100 patients – four times more than the experiment conducted in Marseille. The French government’s spokesperson highlighted this point, stressing the importance of carrying out trials on a larger scale before trying to reach conclusions on hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness.

Far too soon to say cure.
edit on 3/20/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:38 PM
Numerous Italian Doctors interviewed:

'We aren't even counting the dead anymore'

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:42 PM

President Alberto Fernández on Thursday ordered a "preventative and compulsory" lockdown of Argentina's population to stop the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

The mandatory quarantine period runs until March 31.

Starting Friday, citizens are only permitted to leave their homes for essential services such as trips to supermarkets and pharmacies.

The lockdown will be enforced by security forces.

“We’ll be absolutely inflexible in the enforcement,”
the President declared.

“This is an exceptional measure in an exceptional time, within the framework of what democracy allows.”

The government had already shut borders, cancelled almost all flights with the exception of repatriations, closed schools and mandated a 14-day quarantine for anyone experiencing coronavirus symptoms or traveling from virus hotspots.

Link in English

edit on 20-3-2020 by CafeconLeche1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-3-2020 by CafeconLeche1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: puzzled2
Still believe we need the lock downs to flatten the curve and help those who get it bad have time, but the death toll should go down.

Maybe controlled in 3 months??

But good news Novartis commits to donate up to 130 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to support the global COVID-19 pandemic response

But the Good news is in the good news thread3 day treatment 100% cured

But Chloroquine by itself does nothing.
Its helps the Zinc inhibit the Virus's insertion.

I'd rather let the Medical Staff use it wisely, than let the Gen Pop buy it all to waste it.
Don't buy meds you don't know how to administer.

Doctor's are there for that.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: Mamana12

I assume ANTIFA is also mobilizing?

Once they try their sh!t on the Military, they might just get there asses handed to them, as they should.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: CafeconLeche1

President Alberto Fernández on Thursday ordered a "preventative and compulsory" lockdown of Argentina's population to stop the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

The mandatory quarantine period runs until March 31.

Starting Friday, citizens are only permitted to leave their homes for essential services such as trips to supermarkets and pharmacies.

The lockdown will be enforced by security forces.

“We’ll be absolutely inflexible in the enforcement,”
the President declared.

“This is an exceptional measure in an exceptional time, within the framework of what democracy allows.”

The government had already shut borders, cancelled almost all flights with the exception of repatriations, closed schools and mandated a 14-day quarantine for anyone experiencing coronavirus symptoms or traveling from virus hotspots.

Link in English

Thanks for the update.
It's really important we get updates from around the world, especially in Languages we don't all understand.
Thanks to you, and to all the others around the World updating this thread.

Keep up the good work, All of you

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: hades84

That is largely because the number of tests performed worldwide has increased during this interval. Obviously the number of confirmed cases will increase as the number of tests do so.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: MrRCflying

It was just on our local news. One of the two now confirmed cases in Steuben County NY was at a lunch for a volunteer fire department on 3/14. There were over 100 people attending.

Now they are scrambling to find all the people that were there.

And who those 100 people had contact with in the last week.
possibly into the 1000's.
THIS is how this spreads.

Isolate as much as possible, self-distance as much as possible, and in 2-4 weeks we'll be fine.
If there is NO contact, it can't spread.

Just beleive that everyone has it, and treat them like the plague for a few weeks to a month.
It's not that demanding

Bingo! And this was just on the 13th. They were already telling people not to gather, but no enforcement.

People with fingers in their ears. I still have some in my family saying it is not as bad as the flu, nothing to worry about. One is my 90 year old aunt. She went to get her hair done today, because as of tomorrow hair dressers are closed state wide. I have been trying to warn her for weeks, but she just won't listen.

I fully expect her to get it, and probably die from it, which is sad. We won't even be able to go see her in the hospital or attend a funeral.

I went and got my hair cut today. Does that make me a bad person?

There was only two chairs in the waiting room, for distancing. Wasn't very many people in there anyhow, and no one coughing and I cleaned my hands later too.

I went to the store to get eggs. Which I can still do under a "shelter at home" order.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: Mamana12
Hard to see but looks like they are wearing flack jackets and could be possible riot gear in their bags. Where is this and when?

She's a facebook friend who's in the same industry as me however I don't personally know her so I'm not sure exactly where she lives, only that she's in New York City. She just posted the photo a few minutes before I took the screenshot and posted here so I believe it was today. She said it was National Guard but she wasn't sure what they were setting up for exactly.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:56 PM
FORE-NOTE: So I've plucked up the courage to post this... I CANT STRESS ENOUGH THAT THIS MAY NOT BE ACCURATE, but no one else is doing it, so I took a shot.

Projections... Not totally accurate (how could they be!?), but probably only out by 1-4 weeks??!.
Don't take any of this as fact... obviously! But it is an interpretation of the data so far. If the numbers continue to match up every day... then you get the idea and how this will scale. It should make you piss your pants. And you really don't want to see the death projections I've done on the current death rate curve(!!)...

So... take this for what it is... estimates and guess work based upon the current daily data. Hope it isn't too frightening.
:/ Just don't look if you don't think you can handle it. These are figures for worldwide growth...

Feb 29th 86,012
Mar 1st 87,508 %Gain 1.739%
(%Gain 87,508 - 86,012 = 1,496 / 86,012 = 0.0173929219178719 x 100 = 1.739%)

Mar 2nd 90,306 %Gain 3.197%
Mar 3rd 92,828 %Gain 2.792%
Mar 4th 95,120 %Gain 2.469%
Mar 5th 95,748 %Gain .660%
Mar 6th 101,598 %Gain 6.109%
Mar 7th 105,820 %Gain 4.155%
Mar 8th 109,835 %Gain 3.794%
Mar 9th 113,584 %Gain 3.413%
Mar 10th 118,550 %Gain 4.372%
Mar 11th 125,865 %Gain 6.170%
Mar 12th 126,135 %Gain 0.214%
Mar 13th 144,514 %Gain 14.570$
Mar 14th 149,943 %Gain 3.756%
Mar 15th 162,687 %Gain 8.499%
Mar 16th 174,786 %Gain 7.436%
Mar 17th 195,892 %Gain 12.075%
Mar 18th 214,894 %Gain 9.700%

PROJECTIONS FROM THIS POINT WITH CONTINUED CURVE>>> Might be too aggressive... I will update this projection as time goes on. TAKE NOTE OF THE SPEED GAIN BEYOND WEEK 3...

Mar 19th 245,745 (ACTUAL STATED 242,092)
Mar 20th 286,057 (ACTUAL STATED 275,132)
Mar 21st 337,305
Mar 22nd 401,857
Mar 23rd 480,184
Mar 24th 579,459
Mar 25th 705,337
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1 week
Mar 26th 862,853
Mar 27th 1,058,200
Mar 28th 1,293,600
Mar 29th 1,566,900
Mar 30th 1,897,600
Mar 31st 2,299,700
Apr 1st 2,786,800
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2 weeks
Apr 2nd 3,363,700
Apr 3rd 4,071,000
Apr 4th 4,937,500
Apr 5th 6,003,600
Apr 6th 7,306,000
Apr 7th 8,884,000
Apr 8th 10,729,200
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3 weeks
Apr 9th 13,021,200
Apr 10th 15,882,000
Apr 11th 19,475,600
Apr 12th 23,912,300
Apr 13th 29,474,400
Apr 14th 36,469,000
Apr 15th 44,931,400
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4 weeks
Apr 16th 54,527,900
Apr 17th 66,672,600
Apr 18th 82,989,700
Apr 19th 102,516,200
Apr 20th 123,543,800
Apr 21st 149,933,800
Apr 22nd 184,511,700
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5 weeks
Apr 23rd 228,675,900
Apr 24th 283,525,200
Apr 25th 352,783,200
Apr 26th 438,838,300
Apr 27th 546,794,300
Apr 28th 681,631,500
Apr 29th 846,108,300
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6 weeks
Apr 30th 1,039,300,000
May 1st 1,277,200,000
May 2nd 1,577,900,000
May 3rd 1,934,700,000
May 4th 2,341,200,000
May 5th 2,815,200,000
May 6th 3,364,900,000
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>7 weeks
May 7th 4,013,700,000
May 8th 4,779,900,000
May 9th 5,687,100,000
May 10th 6,772,300,000
May 11th 8,013,600,000 EVERYONE.

Final note, this is PURELY based upon released figures and doesn't take into account what might be the real level of infection, instead of confirmed cases. Remember people saying "add a zero", well, if you do that, those numbers are brought further forward.

The above is why I think our leaders are talking total BS. Make a copy of this and do your own comparisons as data comes in. It should give you a good idea of how it will scale. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. If I don't share this now, then it might be too late to actually help people understand the time scales we're dealing with...

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: ShortBus

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2

originally posted by: MrRCflying

It was just on our local news. One of the two now confirmed cases in Steuben County NY was at a lunch for a volunteer fire department on 3/14. There were over 100 people attending.

Now they are scrambling to find all the people that were there.

And who those 100 people had contact with in the last week.
possibly into the 1000's.
THIS is how this spreads.

Isolate as much as possible, self-distance as much as possible, and in 2-4 weeks we'll be fine.
If there is NO contact, it can't spread.

Just beleive that everyone has it, and treat them like the plague for a few weeks to a month.
It's not that demanding

Bingo! And this was just on the 13th. They were already telling people not to gather, but no enforcement.

People with fingers in their ears. I still have some in my family saying it is not as bad as the flu, nothing to worry about. One is my 90 year old aunt. She went to get her hair done today, because as of tomorrow hair dressers are closed state wide. I have been trying to warn her for weeks, but she just won't listen.

I fully expect her to get it, and probably die from it, which is sad. We won't even be able to go see her in the hospital or attend a funeral.

I went and got my hair cut today. Does that make me a bad person?

There was only two chairs in the waiting room, for distancing. Wasn't very many people in there anyhow, and no one coughing and I cleaned my hands later too.

I went to the store to get eggs. Which I can still do under a "shelter at home" order.

Is getting your hair cut an 'Essential neccessity ?'.
Really ? Really ?

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: Mamana12

I assume ANTIFA is also mobilizing?

I don't know about that, but I have 2 different friends here in California reporting military vehicles spotted in Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. One showed me a picture and the other a video. MAYBE just passing through (IDK), but I have been living in the area for 30 years and have NEVER seen even a hummer around here. Maybe they're here to protect the rich people, it's an affluent area, not the place you'd expect unrest.

I'm not rich.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: odd1out

My point was we're seeing actual, honest to God fascism so I'd think those Wolf criers of the past 3+ years would be front and center to call it what it is for a change.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 07:05 PM
Just when you think you have a plan thing go south in a bad way

Grandson just finish spinal corrective operation back at home but still on a ventilator at night
Daughter a nurse at local hospital with 2 month leave for home care
She just call and been put on 24 hour call back notice
Now asking to bring him here for isolation said 2 to 3 month ???
She know more then she saying
Problem is brother on his way here for here 14 day isolation already
I do have 3 separate unit but only 25 feet apart

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: odd1out

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: Mamana12

I assume ANTIFA is also mobilizing?

I don't know about that, but I have 2 different friends here in California reporting military vehicles spotted in Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. One showed me a picture and the other a video. MAYBE just passing through (IDK), but I have been living in the area for 30 years and have NEVER seen even a hummer around here. Maybe they're here to protect the rich people, it's an affluent area, not the place you'd expect unrest.

I'm not rich.

I'm in Irvine and my office is in Laguna Beach. I haven't seen anything here locally except blind panic from people trying to stock up now. Gonna go check the local facebook groups now for mentions of anything in HB or NB. If I see anything I'll post it.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: saladfingers123456

If you start with saving one cent today (March 20, 2020) and double it every day, by the time May 11th comes along you'll have $45 TRILLION dollars saved up!!! Please ignore the fact that there's no way for you to continue doubling your money after a certain point which exceeds logic... in the same vein I'll go ahead and ignore the fact that your projections also reach the illogical point pretty quickly. I mean there are still people in China LOTS of people, alive and well. That wasn't supposed to be the case 3 months ago, ya?

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Sorry I just popped into the thread and commented. I agree with you about ant-ifa, but we both know there ain't a PAIR among them all.

I am not sure ANYONE around me can see the writing on the wall. Even my wife is crying foul and well, she's not quite me with my "philosophies" most of the time. But the local survey...PLEASE PROTECT US...Pretty please...

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