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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
I was curious about how many flu deaths that italy sees per year and found this.

Almost three million cases of flu have been reported in Italy since the start of the winter season, and the number of confirmed cases is rising.

Maybe they are getting hit so hard because so many of them had or were recovering from the regular flu?

Could be! That sounds logical

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:06 PM
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but our Ontario Premier announced today that some auto part manufacturers will be shifting to making ventilators.

I see this is being done in the UK as well.

In Ontario they are also going to ask Canada Goose to start sewing medical gowns, etc. as they have a lot of sewing machines on hand.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: EnhancedInterrogator
a reply to: DAZ21
And even though we had effectively a 3-month head-start, the numbers here in the US are probably going to blow-away Italy's in a about 3 weeks.

The size of our population blows away Italy's too.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: EnhancedInterrogator
a reply to: DAZ21
And even though we had effectively a 3-month head-start, the numbers here in the US are probably going to blow-away Italy's in a about 3 weeks.

Even at 10 times the figures though, we'd still only be at half their rate per million of population.
The vast majority of our cases in the US are probably going to be in urban areas...just look at NYC.

I think any urban city with a large Chinatown areas is going to get hit hard...NYC, San Francisco, etc.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: peter_kandra

Why Chinatown? Travel from China was shutdown a while back.
Do you think Chinese are particularly susceptible?

edit on 3/19/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: tennisdawg

Hey TD good to hear from you again! I thought of you this morning when Fox News was scrolling news that this virus may come in waves...just like you predicted back in Part 2 or Part 3.

Hope you're doing well!

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Well i cant say being 100% sure either, it`s weird that there is opposing wiews about it, even in studys.

Need to recruit few guinea pigs from ATS for empirical study to find out, some fasting and some eat sugar ....then just wait how it goes with covid-19

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: peter_kandra

Why Chinatown? Travel from China was shutdown a while back.
Do you think Chinese are particularly susceptible?

Yeah, I’d be more worried about cities with a “Little Italy” neighborhood. Their strain of covid is one a-spicy meat-a-ball.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: Kenzo
GENERAL WARNING: yes, you can make quinine from a certin bark. BUT, that will contain another alkaloid that can give you a heart attack. Isolating the two requires sophisticated laboratory equipment, reagents and methods. MAKING IT AT HOME CAN KILL YOU!!!

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: SoNotYabiz

It may be that the virus was spreading in Italy well before it was recognized.

Remuzzi says he is now hearing information about it from general practitioners. "They remember having seen very strange pneumonia, very severe, particularly in old people in December and even November," he says. "This means that the virus was circulating, at least in [the northern region of] Lombardy, and before we were aware of this outbreak occurring in China."

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Oleman

So is tonic water the safe one

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: NxNWest
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but our Ontario Premier announced today that some auto part manufacturers will be shifting to making ventilators.

I see this is being done in the UK as well.

In Ontario they are also going to ask Canada Goose to start sewing medical gowns, etc. as they have a lot of sewing machines on hand.

We also have distilleries making hand sanitizer. One is donating them to emergency service personnel.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: tennisdawg
a reply to: ketsuko

I just want to state the following for the ATS mods and family. A couple of weeks ago, I posted incredibly critical information about oral dosage rates, and off label uses for chloroquine in this very thread for a doctor that asked the question. My post and every consecutive post on the topic were deleted almost instantly. There is no dosage information for using this drug to treat coronavirus, but I was in a position to share early information that was shared with me. The haste to shutdown very valid information is literally going to cost people their lives. Good luck out there, guys.

Glad to see you're back! I have a question for you since you've shared a lot of info that turned out to be accurate. I'm not sure what to expect in terms of timeframes, supply chains, etc. Do I plan to be home and not able to get supplies for 1 month, 6 months, longer? I'm stocked up for a few months but don't know if thats enough. Grocery stores here were picked clean last week which made me think I haven't prepped enough, but are restocking some items now. Not sure if thats going to improve or go back to nothing being available. Any guidance you can give on what to plan for would be appreciated.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: peter_kandra

Why Chinatown? Travel from China was shutdown a while back.
Do you think Chinese are particularly susceptible?

Not that their particularly susceptible, just with the volume of travel for their New Year prior to the lock down both from China to the US and vice-versa coupled with the potentially lengthy incubation period.

Sure, it was shutdown for foreigners, but it wasn't for US citizens and permanent residents.

There have also been some posts saying that a high percentage of Chinese men smoke. It seems reasonable. That could also explain why it's hitting the younger population harder than expected in some countries...vaping and smoking marijuana. It would be interesting to see age breakdown stats in the states/countries where pot is legal.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:22 PM
Back in Rome, a quick update.

After a week of working from home, I had to go in to work - Italian government employee.

My usual 90 min. train/bus commute took hardly an hour, even with reduced timetables. The scene was spectral, it was like the opening scenes of "I am Legend".

Fortunately I mostly travelled in solitude and the Office, 1.5K employees, was reduced by nearly 80%. I was kept busy by all the remote workers asking dumb questions. I think people have forgotten of the existence of search engines... wtf.

That and forgotten login credentials. What's the point of living in our internet-driven world if we can't even remember a simple password. It is the Number One piece of information that should never be forgotten.

Anyway, I probably won't be going back to the workplace in haste. It's still too dangerous, even with the nation on lockdown. And, it's too sad to witness, too. I saw some homeless people around, which is always sad to see, but even more so now. I'm hoping many will remain safe. Ironically, many experience social distancing by virtue of their status, and the fresh spring air can do no harm, either.

In the end, I'd rather be blinkered for a while in order to remain sane. ATS has me covered for updates from around the world, which is more than enough.

I'm grateful to all the international updating from ATS members. Staying ahead of the curve will certainly save some precious lives.

Cheers and stay safe!

edit on 19-3-2020 by Encia22 because: I always forget something.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: peter_kandra

As has been pointed out, China is not the only source of infection.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:28 PM


posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:31 PM
French Numbers in on Worldometer :

10,995 Total Cases,
+1,861 Cases Today,
372 Total Deaths
+108 New Deaths today.

177 Countries and Territories Affected (of 193/195 Total).

edit :
The Red is gaining
edit on 19-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added stuff

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:31 PM
I was sent this Facebook message from someone who works in Gillette WY hospital.

To all my friends in Gillette, WY... and the rest of the US also, of course!

Some of you might remember me from my short time among you, back in 1999... yep, long time ago. Use to have blue hair at the time ;-)

Well today I'm here to give you some news from France and mostly a HUGE WARNING ! When I came back from America I went to MedSchool and I've been working as a GP for a decade now. I live and work near the German border. You all have heard about the coronavirus I'm sure. And I'm pretty confident that most of you don't really care. I don't blame you, most of us did too! But hear me today as I urge you all to GET READY!!! THIS IS NO JOKE AT ALL! A real shockwave is coming your way, it's gonna hit, and it's gonna hit HARD if you do not react now!!!

All 4 major hospitals in our county are about to crash. All intensive care units are flowded with people with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Some of them are only 20 years old, with no primary health condition. Yeah, we also were told that only old people were in danger, but that's not true. Today, my colleagues in the ER had to put their patients in ambulances and drive 65 miles to get a bed in a intensive care unit. Tomorrow probably more. We don't have enough room, staff or respirators to give the correct care to everyone, though we're supposed to have a rather good health care system to start with. Selection of patients who will get intensive care and who will not, as it happens in Italy, might become inevitable.

The virus sneaked into retirement homes too. The one I work with: 60 people > right now 3 are dead (covid19 positive of course), 2 are in really bad shape, 20 are coughing with fever... it's a f*****g massacre!

A few weeks ago we couldn't imagine it happening over here. It seemed so far away. Well, as President MACRON said the other day: WE'RE AT WAR !!! We really are. Look at the pictures I'm posting. This is STRASBOURG. We're I studied Medicine. Usually, you would find those streets crowded. Now it looks like a post-apocalyptic movie. THAT'S WHAT YOU SHOULD DO, RIGHT NOW ! STAY HOME !!! Avoid all human contacts. That's about all you can do, but it might still be enough if you don't underestimate this thing and do it now.

Our grandparents fought alongside 75 years ago, they had to go and FIGHT... all YOU have to do is STAY HOME and watch TV sitting in your favorite chair, piece of cake guys!

Get that message to all you care about, nope, to all you know and even more, because the invisible tsunami is coming.

Wish you all the best!
Joe ☝️😷

edit on 19-3-2020 by llreactionll because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 02:34 PM
Michigan up to 336 from 110 yesterday

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