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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:23 AM
Received this text about Police services in Michigan

In order to limit exposure to coronavirus and mitigate the spread, some Michigan police departments will not physically respond to certain reports until further notice. In a memo to his officers, the Lansing police chief wrote that they will not respond in person to reports such as larceny, property destruction, retail fraud, harassing phone calls or emails, among others (more examples in the story). That doesn't mean you can't report those crimes or receive help.

Important to protect yourself fellow ATS ers.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: misfit312

Hence the need for fear across the globe. The People of the world could come together and knock every single person out in power right now by rejecting "their" system.

"They" are afraid and not just of the virus. They are afraid of us and I think we need to come together and realize this.

The virus is dangerous but we must remain focused and hold them accountable.

All my opinion obviously.

I 100% agree with what you've said.

This could be a real opportunity to begin rallying the troops so-to-speak, having every mom & pop and Joe six-pack watch the leaders actions very closely so that once the dust settles, we DO hold the incompetent/careless/useless politicians accountable and shift the direction of our government if at all possible.

Great post misfit.. this could be a real opportunity (but I fear the masses will instead blindly accept government "solutions" and loss of freedom just like we did after 9/11)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:33 AM
Some nice tips:

Take your temperature with a thermometer twice a day—once in the morning and once in the evening—to monitor for low-grade temperature elevation (>99.9°F, >37.7°C).

Note that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to list a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) as a criterion for suspected COVID-19 infection, but low-grade fevers are frequent in the early stages of illness.

Watch for the following symptoms to increase detection of possible COVID-19 infection: Cough OR Trouble breathing OR Fatigue or malaise OR Muscle aches (myalgia)

The following symptoms DECREASE the likelihood you have a COVID-19 infection and are therefore reassuring:

Ear pain
Sinus pain
Nasal congestion

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: mikell

The local nuke plant is going on a 30 day lockdown starting Friday. Everyday all employees have to pass medical to get in and out. Lockdown will keep a operator group in for 30 days with 24-7 pay and another group at home on lockdown just in case. All will be monitored every day and yes they will have test kits.

Interesting that the nuke plant had this already on paper and ready to go with internal housing and everything.

This is actually encouraging. It tells me that the people in charge are forward thinking enough to realize that they need sufficient operators available in the event that something like this pandemic takes place. Nuclear fuel requires cooling even if not in use. The same goes for spent fuel rods, they require cooling for decades before they can then be transferred to dry casks for longer term storage.

Any loss of cooling, and we end up with Fukushima Daiici, or multiples thereof.
edit on 17-3-2020 by jadedANDcynical because: loss not lost

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: misfit312
Received this text about Police services in Michigan

In order to limit exposure to coronavirus and mitigate the spread, some Michigan police departments will not physically respond to certain reports until further notice. In a memo to his officers, the Lansing police chief wrote that they will not respond in person to reports such as larceny, property destruction, retail fraud, harassing phone calls or emails, among others (more examples in the story). That doesn't mean you can't report those crimes or receive help.

Important to protect yourself fellow ATS ers.
Sounds like nothings changed. Have you ever seen the roads in Michigan? It's like mad max out there. I smoke outside I'm 2 blocks north of Detroit I hear gunshots every night.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: wantsome

originally posted by: Mike Stivic
a reply to: Wizzz0001

My Mother was supposed to get some bridgework done, she was going to use aspen dental in Vermont.

The office called this morning to cancel her appointment because they have put a stop to all nonessential dentistry in the state..

She has one cracked tooth that needed to be pulled as well but they opted to just give her another antibiotic script in case it gets infected..

They didn't even reschedule her for April or May. They told her to call when the quarantine is over...

Crazy times.. If any of you have scheduled work to be done and your dentist is still working I recommend trying to get that appointment moved up and get that work done asap..

Stay safe out there folks.

I have schizophrenia and the pharmacy gave me a stockpile of medication. Usually medicaid and medicare will only cover one month at a time. They gave me a six months supply.

Good that you managed to get such a supply of your meds

Just called my GP surgery to ask for advice about getting inhalers for my daughter during out 3 month isolation.
Apparently, although she was diagnosed last week with a virus and told to continue using her inhaler as much as she needs to up to 10 puffs at a time, I've just been snottily told that she's "misusing her medication". She was literally told to not hold back on her usage. She was given 2 inhalers on the 9th, and she's been using the first one alot so I doubt they will last for however long we're stuck inside for.
Daughter is getting a call early thursday morning from a Doctor, and I was told that if she doesn't answer then she will NOT be given another chance to speak to them.
Maybe the woman was just being a # because she's sick of answering the phone, who knows, but talking to people like that is not going to help people calm down (Not that I wasn't calm, just talking about people in general panicking about the virus)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: wantsome

True. I grew up in Saginaw it was the same. When we moved to our semi small town (population under 6000) in a rural area....

It actually took my high schooler a while to get used to sometimes not locking doors. No gun shots or ambulances all the time. My daughter actually had a hard time adjusting because people were "too nice."

The city does a number on kids whether you realize it or not.
However it helped here deal with downtown Flint where she goes to U of M.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: BlueSwan

originally posted by: wantsome

originally posted by: Mike Stivic
a reply to: Wizzz0001

My Mother was supposed to get some bridgework done, she was going to use aspen dental in Vermont.

The office called this morning to cancel her appointment because they have put a stop to all nonessential dentistry in the state..

She has one cracked tooth that needed to be pulled as well but they opted to just give her another antibiotic script in case it gets infected..

They didn't even reschedule her for April or May. They told her to call when the quarantine is over...

Crazy times.. If any of you have scheduled work to be done and your dentist is still working I recommend trying to get that appointment moved up and get that work done asap..

Stay safe out there folks.

I have schizophrenia and the pharmacy gave me a stockpile of medication. Usually medicaid and medicare will only cover one month at a time. They gave me a six months supply.

Good that you managed to get such a supply of your meds

Just called my GP surgery to ask for advice about getting inhalers for my daughter during out 3 month isolation.
Apparently, although she was diagnosed last week with a virus and told to continue using her inhaler as much as she needs to up to 10 puffs at a time, I've just been snottily told that she's "misusing her medication". She was literally told to not hold back on her usage. She was given 2 inhalers on the 9th, and she's been using the first one alot so I doubt they will last for however long we're stuck inside for.
Daughter is getting a call early thursday morning from a Doctor, and I was told that if she doesn't answer then she will NOT be given another chance to speak to them.
Maybe the woman was just being a # because she's sick of answering the phone, who knows, but talking to people like that is not going to help people calm down (Not that I wasn't calm, just talking about people in general panicking about the virus)

A common problem here with doctors receptionists isn’t it? I can’t even phone ours, I had to phone the pharmacy to get some epilepsy medication on a repeat prescription. I have heard before that with asthma if you’re registered with a pharmacy they can check the details and give you enough until you’ve seen/spoken to a doctor.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: wantsome

originally posted by: misfit312
Received this text about Police services in Michigan

In order to limit exposure to coronavirus and mitigate the spread, some Michigan police departments will not physically respond to certain reports until further notice. In a memo to his officers, the Lansing police chief wrote that they will not respond in person to reports such as larceny, property destruction, retail fraud, harassing phone calls or emails, among others (more examples in the story). That doesn't mean you can't report those crimes or receive help.

Important to protect yourself fellow ATS ers.
Sounds like nothings changed. Have you ever seen the roads in Michigan? It's like mad max out there. I smoke outside I'm 2 blocks north of Detroit I hear gunshots every night.

I noticed while in Walmart yesterday that all the ammunition had been purchased. That shelf was (almost) as bare as the toilet paper section.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: misfit312
I love small towns in northern Michigan. Noticed the same stuff. I wasn't use to people being so friendly. Around here drop a dollar on the ground and 10 people will cut each others throats until one remains.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:10 AM
Good News for U.S. on Covid-19.

The mortality rate continues to edge down. Is down to 1.7%. And, more than 99.5% of the cases are so mild, no hospitalization is needed.

More at:
(You can click at the top of the page on "Coronavirus" and see the entire planet's stats, by country.)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: wantsome

originally posted by: misfit312
Received this text about Police services in Michigan

In order to limit exposure to coronavirus and mitigate the spread, some Michigan police departments will not physically respond to certain reports until further notice. In a memo to his officers, the Lansing police chief wrote that they will not respond in person to reports such as larceny, property destruction, retail fraud, harassing phone calls or emails, among others (more examples in the story). That doesn't mean you can't report those crimes or receive help.

Important to protect yourself fellow ATS ers.
Sounds like nothings changed. Have you ever seen the roads in Michigan? It's like mad max out there. I smoke outside I'm 2 blocks north of Detroit I hear gunshots every night.

I noticed while in Walmart yesterday that all the ammunition had been purchased. That shelf was (almost) as bare as the toilet paper section.

My mom was rather irate that one of the local news stations made sure to highlight and specifically talk about people hoarding arms and ammo during this time.

She was like, "Great! As if we don't have enough problems with toilet paper, now the press wants people to panic over firearms and hoard them too."

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:14 AM
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security : "as bad as or worse than 1918"

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:15 AM
Update from Michigan:

We have two nurses in the extended family who work at two different hospitals in the greater Detroit area. They try to keep up-to-speed on what they are seeing and hearing.

This is what they sent over via text this morning: 20% of people testing positive now have just GI symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) or GI with respiratory problems.

edit on 17/3/2020 by Tukota because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

I'm still pages away from catching up but this post caught my attention, and unless you've already done it and ive not reached it yet, would you possibly be able to explain this in really simplified terms to a simpleton like me?! Many thanks

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: BowBells

I'm pretty I did over 3 or so posts, at least most of it. I've been trying to break stuff down like I do for my undergrad level medic students.

Any specific questions, just ask, others are usually curious too.

ETA: After that post I broke it down, over a few posts.
edit on 17-3-2020 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:25 AM
Wow, great info. Sorry couldn't find the original post.

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: FellowHuman
So I looked a bit more into what retroviruses are. Which this new virus is (which from now on i think i will be calling it the Wuhan Coronavirus
Because if it is as insidious as it is looking to be to me, a whole lot of people are in big trouble
And names, like any symbol, are extremely powerful tools for shaping reality, and one should never give sole authority (or any) of them over to evil. But i digress.

What I found is that there are only 3 retroviruses that currently affect humans, now 4 if we include the Wuhan Coronavirus, which if what i have read is correct, is a retrovirus.

HIV, HTLV1, and HTLV2. All seemingly are only transmitted the same way: blood, sexual fluids, so on. As we know though, the Wuhan Coronavirus seems to be transmitted in much more contagious ways, where it is "airborne," at least most certainly more so than HIV and the others. Reading about retroviruses isnt the most uplifting stuff, but does explain why some "in the know" or who would be privy to classified/secret information, like governments, are themselves not treating it like "the flu."
Here is an article that i read about information of retroviruses:

Now this also led me to an older article regarding this Wuhan Virus that i thought gave an interesting take:

Essentially, it was the problem that i was always most concerned about, and that is the long term effects of this virus. And i really do think this is what is being kept hush hush. But we have seen all the stories, of things like infertility and lung damage, and so on. So most certainly if this virus slowly erodes and damages peoples organs, all while seemingly having no symptoms, it aint no joke.

The text in the link to would be pretty scary stuff if the guy has some sort of credentials indicating he knows what he is talking about. The website itself volunteers very few clues about the guy.

Sorry if this may have been cleared up in the 30+ pages I have yet to read to catch up in this thread.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Tracele

Urgh yes, maybe the reason I was able to get through to ours was because nobody wants to speak to that receptionist for fear of being told off

Yes, if you've run out of inhalers and can't get in to see a doctor, a pharmacist can give you 1 inhaler as an emergency. She still has a full one though so I don't think that applies. I will call the pharmacist though to check on that, thank you.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:29 AM
I flew domestically thursday of last week, I have been sick for 3 days with a fever each day and they wont test me because I havent left the country. This is BS

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:32 AM
Pakistan Coronavirus News: First coronavirus death reported in Pakistan; cases surge to 193

This country is a tinder box.

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