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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:42 AM
UK confirmed now at 1950 up from 1543 yesterday.

edit on 17-3-2020 by Tracele because: Correction

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:49 AM
West Virginia still hanging tough.

Well, this is why.

But as of Monday, West Virginia has only tested 84 people for coronavirus – out of a state of 1.8 million.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:53 AM


posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:55 AM
Sorry if this has been posted already - it’s 11 hours old.

15,000 dental professionals in BC attended a conference at the beginning of March. That’s 90% of the total number of them in the province. They have been asked to immediately self-isolate as four have tested positive.

I am shaking my head... on March 5, when this conference began, we were well underway with the global situation and knew darn well what was coming our way. Yet, someone in the medical profession thought it was a good idea to put 90% of a Province’s dental professionals in one place. What the heck is wrong with everyone? Especially in the medical world!

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: wantsome

DDOT bus drivers refusing to drive routes with coronavirus concerns; service shut down
Drivers say amount of passengers on bus is breaking governor order, CDC recommendation

my father is a retired transit driver (drove trolley, bus, streetcars and subways in his career), he is still linked in with the Union and currant transit drivers. i can't remember where it was now, but transit drivers were demanding that they only load through the rear doors, except for things like wheelchair people. and that the bus be divided by a patrician behind the handicap seats for t he public (except for the handicapped), so they are sealed off from the driver. no cash fares allowed, and even though most vehicles do not have the card payment system mounted at the rear doors. others are wanting sealed off driver cabs in transit vehicles, as they have for years now, in this case to protect the drivers from the virus, as well as the normal to protect them from the attacks and abuse driver's normally suffer from passengers.

and here in the Philippines, and every other poorer nation i know about, overcrowding transit vehicles is standard. seriously do you know you can fit 12-14 people plus the driver in smaller SUVs. get a van like a Toyota Highace, or Nissan Caravan, and they can hold over 20 people ( smaller vehicles that the old standard van bodies in North America. all in seats, and are actually built for that number of people, from the manufacturer), heck even a tricy (a motorcycle and sidecar, about the most popular short distance public transport) can carry 5 plus the driver. or in some models which have a rear facing seat on the back of the sidecar, at least 7 plus the driver.

and one of their main reasoning for the stoppage of all public transportation here was that no one was paying attention to the social distancing rules on said public transit. and in all seriousness, how can they, when for example on a typical day in Manila on Edsa, you can almost walk from one end of the line to the other if they all stopped, just by stepping from one bus to the next (and in many cases, two lanes of them). and those buses end up standing room only (and the seating in them is set up like an aircraft, typically a row of two seats on one side of the isle, and three seats on the other side, facing forward, closely packed together so you barely fit). and the LRT systems are typically packed like sardine cans, with morning rush hour lines to get in to the station up to a around 1km long, not being unheard of. so even if you cut a big number of people traveling their was not enough space for people to actually follow the guidelines, which reduced seating in transit vehicles to between 1/2 and 1/3 occupancy (without counting those standing).

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:59 AM


posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: misfit312
a reply to: wantsome

My husband delivers parts for Chrysler here in Michigan. He told me about people walking off last night.

He's kind of worried about his job kind of not. 🤷‍♀️ Transportation with a great driving record. I told him things always need to be moved.
The unions will protect them. It's nearly impossible to get fired from the big 3 auto companies. They'll use the grounds that there are more then 10 people in one place. That Chrystler plant has 1000 or more workers. I deal with them all the time on the road during shift changes. One guy I know was an EMT and got a call to that plant. They walked in and a guy was passed out in the bathroom stall with a needle sticking out of his arm. They probably didn't fire him. They make people with addiction problems get help before they fire them. I worked at Ford for 3 years. I know how the unions work. Yeah there's a shortage of truck drivers. You're right like you said someone will always need something moved.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: Tracele
UK confirmed now at 1950 up from 1573 yesterday.


According to my graph at that kind of rate, we'll be at around 50,000 confirmed cases by mid April here. But the UK figures seem low ball when compared to other countries, and the government is all in for maximising infection, so that future estimate is probably seriously low balling.

I keep trying to estimate growth, and all of my future estimates have ended up below the actual reported. It is a steep curve. We're at that point in the UK where it is really going to start rocketing. When people were saying wait a couple of weeks, it was to see if the curve was going to flatten somewhat. Instead, it seems to be continuing on an upward trend.

Spain has jumped nearly 2000 in 24 hours.Italy 3000, Germany and France over a thousand all in the same time frame.
If you look at that upward trend on JHU It is making massive gains in the last 3 days. All those figures represent are the known and confirmed cases too.

I'm keeping an eye on the curve daily to see how steep it gets and if there is any downwards shift. Nothing good to report yet sadly.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:07 AM
My daughter works in a critical department in her company and as a result must go to work on site.All other employees are able to work from home. So many businesses are being required to telework or their business has been closed down for a period of time for social distancing. But there are companies that really require workers to be on site. They are essential.
I think that they should be paid "danger pay". They are endangering themselves but also other family members.
We are really depending on these brave people to maintain important services and we should recognize them for their contribution.
Just like we are seeing autoworkers walking off the job because of fears of catching the virus we should do our best to ensure that these people do not feel that their sacrifices are not recognized.
Just think, we may finally pay people who save lives as much as sports players.
Wouldn't that be something!

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Wizzz0001

My Mother was supposed to get some bridgework done, she was going to use aspen dental in Vermont.

The office called this morning to cancel her appointment because they have put a stop to all nonessential dentistry in the state..

She has one cracked tooth that needed to be pulled as well but they opted to just give her another antibiotic script in case it gets infected..

They didn't even reschedule her for April or May. They told her to call when the quarantine is over...

Crazy times.. If any of you have scheduled work to be done and your dentist is still working I recommend trying to get that appointment moved up and get that work done asap..

Stay safe out there folks.


posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: UFO1414
They already have cases there. The usual crowd, wealthy and they travel internationally.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456

originally posted by: Tracele
UK confirmed now at 1950 up from 1573 yesterday.


According to my graph at that kind of rate, we'll be at around 50,000 confirmed cases by mid April here. But the UK figures seem low ball when compared to other countries, and the government is all in for maximising infection, so that future estimate is probably seriously low balling.

I keep trying to estimate growth, and all of my future estimates have ended up below the actual reported. It is a steep curve. We're at that point in the UK where it is really going to start rocketing. When people were saying wait a couple of weeks, it was to see if the curve was going to flatten somewhat. Instead, it seems to be continuing on an upward trend.

Spain has jumped nearly 2000 in 24 hours.Italy 3000, Germany and France over a thousand all in the same time frame.
If you look at that upward trend on JHU It is making massive gains in the last 3 days. All those figures represent are the known and confirmed cases too.

I'm keeping an eye on the curve daily to see how steep it gets and if there is any downwards shift. Nothing good to report yet sadly.

I’ve been waiting for it to do this, not helped by the fact that they stopped testing anyone unless they were in hospital... I think they’ve changed that again now after the last WHO briefing or let’s hope so anyway. Some schools have closed today due to staff being in self isolation. Deaths will be announced later, no idea how much that will have increased from yesterday. I’ll be interested to see your calculations.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:13 AM
My God NY Governor Cuomo and a "panel" giving a long winded press conference.

Bunch of political hacking going on !! 😷 🥶

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
This is an interesting development. The staff started asking about this and now they only have to work a half day. Regardless if they are showing up and working even half a day they are being exposed and deserve danger pay.
It is just manipulation but the exposure is real. Doesn't matter if it is a day or an hour, once there they are exposed.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: Mike Stivic
a reply to: Wizzz0001

My Mother was supposed to get some bridgework done, she was going to use aspen dental in Vermont.

The office called this morning to cancel her appointment because they have put a stop to all nonessential dentistry in the state..

She has one cracked tooth that needed to be pulled as well but they opted to just give her another antibiotic script in case it gets infected..

They didn't even reschedule her for April or May. They told her to call when the quarantine is over...

Crazy times.. If any of you have scheduled work to be done and your dentist is still working I recommend trying to get that appointment moved up and get that work done asap..

Stay safe out there folks.

I have schizophrenia and the pharmacy gave me a stockpile of medication. Usually medicaid and medicare will only cover one month at a time. They gave me a six months supply.

I see my doctor every other month. I see him on an outpatient basis and his office is connected to a hospital. I'm thinking they're gonna call and cancel.

I hope they do I have a good relationship with my doctor. I've been a patient of his for 20 years. He's getting old now and I'd hate to see him get sick or anything happen to him.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:16 AM
NYS just jumped 405!!!!!! Holy CRAP!

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Fair enough.

Yes I do remember a post about your elderly loved ones now, I guess I kinda forgot about it over all the repetitiveness. My bad

Eta: You're the only person mentioning the Cabal as fact in this thread, I think you might be the only one mentioning it at all 🤔🤔
edit on 17-3-2020 by FinallyAwake because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-3-2020 by FinallyAwake because: Because my thumb wasn't listening in class ok?!? 😒

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:20 AM
I just had a thought...

People are saying the MSM are pushing this because of Trump or whatever.

But think of this....


Hence the need for fear across the globe. The People of the world could come together and knock every single person out in power right now by rejecting "their" system.

"They" are afraid and not just of the virus. They are afraid of us and I think we need to come together and realize this.

The virus is dangerous but we must remain focused and hold them accountable.

All my opinion obviously.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
My daughter works in a critical department in her company and as a result must go to work on site.All other employees are able to work from home. So many businesses are being required to telework or their business has been closed down for a period of time for social distancing. But there are companies that really require workers to be on site. They are essential.
I think that they should be paid "danger pay". They are endangering themselves but also other family members.
We are really depending on these brave people to maintain important services and we should recognize them for their contribution.
Just like we are seeing autoworkers walking off the job because of fears of catching the virus we should do our best to ensure that these people do not feel that their sacrifices are not recognized.
Just think, we may finally pay people who save lives as much as sports players.
Wouldn't that be something!

Yes , out of about 8,000 employees locally there is about 250 of us considered important enough that here we are. This building has about 60 people in an area usually occupied by 700. Here in Michigan we have only to go food and our cafeteria that is really great is closed. Hazardous duty pay will be discussed greatly when this is over.

It's going to take a while to get used to.

The local nuke plant is going on a 30 day lockdown starting Friday. Everyday all employees have to pass medical to get in and out. Lockdown will keep a operator group in for 30 days with 24-7 pay and another group at home on lockdown just in case. All will be monitored every day and yes they will have test kits.

Interesting that the nuke plant had this already on paper and ready to go with internal housing and everything.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:23 AM
Lincoln, Nebraska:
Local officials tell us that there is no community yet so life goes on pretty much as usual. Sure, schools are closed, grocery store is busier, and no travel for work but people are still going to restaurants and everything else. There is drive through testing available so I hear.

Yesterday sometime the uk’s talking head said that high risk people should isolate for 12 weeks. Wow
edit on 17-3-2020 by AlbatrossMaker because: Edit for easier reading

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