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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: sirlancelot

“Slow the roll of the inevitable”
I think they’ve essentially known for a while it’s gonna spread across every metro in the country and that they couldn’t stop it
I think the position they currently have is to avoid public panic as long as possible to coordinate response efforts

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: Occam78
a reply to: MaverickLRD

Enough times for someone to realize they are correct and it is a new case apparently. Headlines are confirming 2 US deaths.

We all know there’s a second case. Reposting it 5 times in 2 pages isn’t gonna change the fact there’s a second death.
No one said he’s/she’s wrong.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: Mark98SS

To be fair, they probably wouldn't have posted repeatedly if people hadn't dismissed the update out of hand. Just sayin'...

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: MaverickLRD

Actually a couple different people replied that it was old news. So apparently not everyone did know. Either way, cleared up now.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:31 PM

Precautions for Aerosol-Generating Procedures If possible, consult with medical control before performing aerosol-generating procedures for specific guidance. In addition to the PPE described above, EMS clinicians should exercise caution if an aerosol-generating procedure (e.g., bag valve mask (BVM) ventilation, oropharyngeal suctioning, endotracheal intubation, nebulizer treatment, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), bi-phasic positive airway pressure (biPAP), or resuscitation involving emergency intubation or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is necessary. BVMs, and other ventilatory equipment, should be equipped with HEPA filtration to filter expired air. EMS organizations should consult their ventilator equipment manufacturer to confirm appropriate filtration capability and the effect of filtration on positive-pressure ventilation. If possible, the rear doors of the transport vehicle should be opened and the HVAC system should be activated during aerosol-generating procedures. This should be done away from pedestrian traffic.

So I just stumbled on this. The cdc recommend emt ambulances to be driven with the back doors open and the ac blasting. I am imagining this lmao 🤣



posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:34 PM
Schools in my area are closed. After hosting a jazz festival and allowing visiting students to spend the night in the schools, one of the visiting students is believed to have the Cov virus. Elementary and high schools in the two Idaho cities will be deep cleaned Monday.
Another high school even closer is getting ready to send students deeper into Washington for state basketball tournaments.
I'm not sure why school activities aren't being suspended. It doesn't seem like the wisest decision by the school boards, if there's any hope of getting a handle on this and buying a little more time to hopefully find an effective treatment.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: MaverickLRD

Yeah I’m thinking this thread just got real....

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: MaverickLRD

Yeah I’m thinking this thread just got real....

Lucky me I have 10 domestic flights in the next month

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: MaverickLRD

Well as long as they blast the AC and keep the windows open... I hear that helps.

In all seriousness GL to you. Stay safe Mav.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
Schools in my area are closed. After hosting a jazz festival and allowing visiting students to spend the night in the schools, one of the visiting students is believed to have the Cov virus. Elementary and high schools in the two Idaho cities will be deep cleaned Monday.
Another high school even closer is getting ready to send students deeper into Washington for state basketball tournaments.
I'm not sure why school activities aren't being suspended. It doesn't seem like the wisest decision by the school boards, if there's any hope of getting a handle on this and buying a little more time to hopefully find an effective treatment.

Where are you located?

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: MaverickLRD

Yeah I’m thinking this thread just got real....

Lucky me I have 10 domestic flights in the next month

I would put a hold on that, or get a guarantee from your company that if you are to get ill they will pay any subsequent medical bills in full, and compensate your family in the event something happens to you....OR if you get stuck they will provide you with a vehicle to drive back home..........that would be my course of action

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:47 PM
Well, this is concerning, with little detail so far. More at the link but a few eye-opening snippets below.

Lab for coronavirus test kits may have been contaminated

A top federal scientist sounded the alarm about what he feared was contamination in an Atlanta lab where the government made test kits for the coronavirus, according to sources familiar with the situation in Atlanta.

The big question: It was not immediately clear if or how possible contamination in the Atlanta lab played a role in delays or problems with testing. Nor was it clear how significant or systemic the contamination concerns may be; whether it was a one-time issue that’s easily resolved, or a broader concern involving protocols, safeguards or leadership.

The official said that the CDC engaged with a third party contractor on Feb. 20 to help manufacture the testing kits. The official added that the FDA regulator, Stenzel, visited the Atlanta laboratory on Feb. 22.

As of Friday, South Korea had tested 65,000 people for the coronavirus; the U.S. had tested only 459, per Science Magazine. China can reportedly conduct up to 1.6 million tests a week.
Although the World Health Organization has sent testing kits to 57 other countries, the U.S. decided to make its own.

I truly hope these tests didn't produce false negatives and folks were wrongly released from quarantine. Who was the third party? So many questions.


posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:47 PM
[Sarcasm on] In regards to the first NYC confirmed case, fortunately, those who live in NYC usually take their own personal car wherever they are going, instead of using mass transit, like say a subway packed with people, or a taxi. [Sarcasm off]

Changing gears… What is going to happen to the market? There are a couple of different stories out there that are saying that the NYSE is looking at a possibility of closing the trading floor, if coronavirus became too much of a concern to the traders on the floor. (nydailynews / reuters / fox5ny)

In addition, 9/11 showed that the market could be closed, in the event of a major national situation. It was closed for 1 week after the attack. It also showed, that the air space over the states could be closed to international flights, even if they were in the air, on their way to the states.

And finally, I personally feel, that those who can, should have a minimum of three to four weeks of food in their homes, at this time. If I were to guess, I think most people who have a refrigerator, have about one week of food in it. Also, at least here in the states at least, I feel a lot of us (I am including myself) could do without a few meals. A healthy individual can go for a few weeks without food (not easily though). So panic buying of food is not required. But, please while shopping for your own pantry, please pick up something to donate to your local food bank, for those who might not be able to afford to get food themselves (each community has its own way of assisting those less fortunate).

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:50 PM
I have been traveling so closely with the news and this thread and sometimes, I forget how little time has passed since this thread started (part 1). We have watched countries seem to explode with cases overnight.

Canada has 24 now. I looked back to Italy when it only had 20 cases. That was February 21. Nine day’s ago. They now have 1694 cases and cities are shut down.

This thing moves fast. While many of us watch from afar, it’s clear now, in over 60 countries that its in many people’s back yards.

We continue to prepare. Not panicked, but we know that if it hits, it may be fast and we don’t have much time to be ready. It’s not about the deaths, as awful as those are. For us, it’s about being confined for weeks on end if it comes to that. We want to be comfortable with no fear that we may run out of stuff or not be able to care for ourselves as best we can.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:51 PM
This thread is FOR coronavirus UPDATES!!!!

BREAKING NEWS...TWO new cases in Florida
edit on 1-3-2020 by celltypespecific because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: celltypespecific

It really seems like numbers have been jumping much quicker the last 3 days. I’ve got the live map bookmarked and it seems now everytime I refresh there’s another case. Before the diamond cruise passengers got her it seemed we held around 15 for quite a while

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:54 PM
here we go

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (KXAN) — San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg said Sunday that the CDC released a patient who later came back positive for a COVID-19 reading.
In a Facebook post, he said the center released the patient from the Texas Center for Infectious Disease. The patient has since returned to the TCID for more testing and monitoring to verify the latest reading.

Wow is all I can say.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: celltypespecific

WA, CA, NY, FL and NE..... it’s here folks

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 08:55 PM

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: celltypespecific
This thread is FOR coronavirus UPDATES!!!!

BREAKING NEWS...TWO new cases in Florida

Yessir we know..........again no need for the caps man.....calm down.......Total confrimed and presumptive positive as of two days ago was 2

Florida results

Please stop with trying to induce panic man.....and the constant all caps..............
edit on 3/1/2020 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

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