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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: Oleman
My speculation triggered by areal quarantine discussion, just to spur more thinking:

The true basis of US law allows individuals to do "stupid or dangerous things", until they endanger others.

I don't foresee city lockdowns, too difficult to establish or verify restriction criteria, let alone enforce.

Businesses dont need to be ordered to close. They will change operation mode because of potential liability law damages. There is a much lower liability to deliver stuff ordered online than to protect people walking into store. Flights may require protective gear, liability releases and become more expensive because of protection measures and modification. People who can telework will be instructed and supported to work from home to preserve the workforce.

Unecessary venues like parks, bars and theaters will close because of liability and the impossibility of protecting patrons. But, the people unemployed by such venues will be needed to prepare deliver goods for online orders. Similarly, uber drivers will not have many passengers, but much more package delivery work.

People who get infected (whether by poor decisions or bad luck) and have mild symptoms will likely be ordered to home quaranteen. Violators may be incarcerated, and/or held liable for damages to others.

If the number of severe cases excedes the health care system capacity, the US government will HAVE to set up federal or state run care facilities. Boutique severe case facility services will likely pop up for people who can afford them, where the care level is "you get what you pay for." Travel sites may repurpose to booking care facilities.

This doesn't look good for US, but it doesnt look horrific either. My best guess ATM is the next few months will be a real PITA, then we will continue on with the "new normal." The losses will be sad, but not extreme.

'Course one or two more added twists could change everything.
Thank you. Well said

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Apologies if I missed the response if there was one, but around p 60 I’d inquired about the CA (2) and TX AFBs and Ashland Nat’l Guard Base/UNMC that are housing the repatriated and quarantined Diamond Princess folks...

Any word from the surrounding areas?
Thank you in advance

I'm in TX and can tell you it's been SILENT. No word. There were 6 people quarantined in Austin and I saw one news report about it over 2 weeks ago. I have a client who has a nephew in the military in South Korea who told her about the people here before it hit the news (he keeps in contact with the base here)...... I've heard nothing since. Same for the people in San Antonio. Silence.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae
I posted on my Facebook page about my silly whistleblower thing regarding quarantining part of Northern CA and that I have a recurring nightmare where there's a big global event and my husband is in another city and we can't get back to each other. He's currently in the county where the first US death is on a biz trip..... so I'm having anxiety about something big happening before he gets on the plane Tues afternoon.

ANYWAY.... lots of friends telling me to chill out it's all ok they'd never do that and then someone commented this:

"A friend of mine has a cousin who’s a professor at Texas A&M and he’s also somehow connected (consultant?) to the Center for Disease Control. She texted me on Wednesday and said that her cousin told her to go prepare for this thing to be HUGE! And he said there was stuff going on in California that no one is talking about. He said California and Texas are predicted to be hit the worst.

He told her to get a month’s worth of food, flu meds, and masks now because you won’t be able to get them later.

I thought it was sounding crazy but now I’m not so sure."

This is an ACTUAL friend of mine (I'm an artist so I have lots of local artists on my friend list I don't personally know) and she's kinda nutty but she never b.s.'s. I've known her for 5 or so years and she's not one to overreact so NOW I'm actually for real concerned.


IT dos not work like that

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: pasiphae

Thank you! Just been really curious as the silence HAS been extremely odd stateside. There've been a couple puff pieces concerning a couple people on the mend, but I think them to be poor substitutes for actual info or documentation concerning the protocols and sitreps that may be circulating as we converse. They also strike me as trying to save face/calm fears about this thing...

GL to your hubby in Seattle btw.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: celltypespecific

cts, may I inquire what you think will/would take place?

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: celltypespecific


IT dos not work like that

Thats not necessarily true........they CAN if its bad enough

Quarantine law

Now is it likely? Probably not, depends on how bad it gets, but they CAN do it , lets try to refrain from making DEFINITIVE statements

There are protocols in the military to do so side by side with the CDC and HHS.......

edit on 3/1/2020 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: celltypespecific

cts, may I inquire what you think will/would take place?

I posted in part 3 several days ago that there were HUNDREDS of individuals already infected in the United States as a fact.

I was correct.

Officials know there is no point in quarantine as the virus is already widespread within the states (many mild cases).

If you want to know what's going to happen in the United States its actually very obvious.... remember we are three weeks behind the curve.... look at countries ahead of the curve like Italy...South Korea...and Germany...

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: celltypespecific

Officials know there is no point in quarantine as the virus is already widespread within the states (many mild cases).

Thats not the same as it CANT clearly dont know the laws regarding such.....but I digress at the risk of derailing the thread further.........

Lets get back to discussing updates and new information as it comes in........

Another thread can be made about the legalities if people want to debate that

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: celltypespecific

Thank you. Let me check those countrys’ gun ownership per capita, social services, opioid/meth problem and I’ll get back to you

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:03 PM
Has anyone heard anymore word from whats happening in Iceland? and Norway? I would be really interested to find out more about that..........

With whats going on in Iran it would also be informative to watch as the weather changes here in a few months and turns hot......

I know Africa has some cases too , I wonder how weather is affecting that spread

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Department of Homeland Security has the ability to do a number of things regardless of what we think they can, can’t, will, or won’t do.

Quarantining communities is on the table and Im willing to bet they’ve talked with CDC and VP about it. They will have set a threshold already and execute if that is hit.

Although I feel it would be flight bans not trucking.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

The advent of SOCIAL MEDIA amplified positive sentiment in the stock market and helped the recent rise.

The advent of social media has also amplified FEAR in our society and this has led to what we see today now in the stock market and also in day to day restrictions.

Sentiment has always been with us. The only difference now is access to social media and the resulting amplification on our feelings, etc.

edit on 1-3-2020 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:09 PM
If there was an outbreak in a community
it would be political suicide not to quarantine

2 Health Care Workers in California Test Positive:
edit on 1-3-2020 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:09 PM

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:09 PM

BREAKING: New York state reports first case of coronavirus


Statement from New York Governor Cuomo on the state's first case of coronavirus


Just gonna leave this here.. .....
edit on 1-3-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: celltypespecific

originally posted by: pasiphae
I posted on my Facebook page about my silly whistleblower thing regarding quarantining part of Northern CA and that I have a recurring nightmare where there's a big global event and my husband is in another city and we can't get back to each other. He's currently in the county where the first US death is on a biz trip..... so I'm having anxiety about something big happening before he gets on the plane Tues afternoon.

ANYWAY.... lots of friends telling me to chill out it's all ok they'd never do that and then someone commented this:

"A friend of mine has a cousin who’s a professor at Texas A&M and he’s also somehow connected (consultant?) to the Center for Disease Control. She texted me on Wednesday and said that her cousin told her to go prepare for this thing to be HUGE! And he said there was stuff going on in California that no one is talking about. He said California and Texas are predicted to be hit the worst.

He told her to get a month’s worth of food, flu meds, and masks now because you won’t be able to get them later.

I thought it was sounding crazy but now I’m not so sure."

This is an ACTUAL friend of mine (I'm an artist so I have lots of local artists on my friend list I don't personally know) and she's kinda nutty but she never b.s.'s. I've known her for 5 or so years and she's not one to overreact so NOW I'm actually for real concerned.


IT dos not work like that

This post said ZERO things about a quarantine. Just says to stock up for a month which almost everyone on this thread has thought about and/or done. It's vague information other than coming from a professor and I do know that there are professors there connected to the CDC. People are home quarantined in the US all over right now. Latest example - some firefighters in Seattle who responded to the nursing home and weren't suited up. Some hospital staff last week in CA (probably quite a few). Houston Chron says multiple people from Rice are quarantined due to exposure.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: Jaellma

Sentiment has always been with us. The only difference now is access to social media and the resulting amplification on our feelings, etc.

Well that and in the modern era we havent seen something almost completely shut down trade and commerce with our largest producer in the world..........I dunno why everyone looks over that......

I didnt pull my money out of "fear" on social media, I pulled my money out because I saw how much of China had to shut down because of what was going on, and watching it spread to other "producers" that we rely on.......

I can promise it had nothing to do with Facebook or Twitter.......

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:16 PM
Canada update (sorry if posted already):

Four more cases in Ontario. Two who travelled to Iran, one who was in contact with someone from Iran, and one who was in contact with someone from Egypt.

Three men in their 40s, 50s and 60s and a woman in her 70s.

Canada is now at 24.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:16 PM

Officials have expected global cases would spread. On Tuesday, the National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) raised the Risk of Pandemic warning. It went from WATCHCON 2, a probable crisis, to WATCHCON 1, an imminent crisis, due to sustained human-to-human transmission outside of China, according to a report summary obtained by Newsweek.
edit on 1-3-2020 by celltypespecific because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: all2human
If there was an outbreak in a community
it would be political suicide not to quarantine

2 Health Care Workers in California Test Positive:

Well some people here think we'd never do that in the US according to a few responses to me.... even though it's happening elsewhere and might be working.

"Hong Kong Has Contained Coronavirus So Far — But At A Significant Cost

Schools are closed. Many businesses are shuttered. All train, bus and ferry service to mainland China is suspended, and the border with China is essentially shut down.

People keep their distance from each other. Almost everyone on the street wears a surgical mask. Some even wear gas masks. Few people shake hands." utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&

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