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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Never even knew you could get powdered cheese....I love cheese.
As to everything else you said I agree...all about the nutrients not cordon bleu cooking


posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:42 AM
Question anyone? On the R0 value of a virus -

Does the R0 apply to every day? Like if R0 was 2, then a person could infect 2 other people every day? Does R0 take into consideration how many days/weeks a person can be infectious before actually showing symptoms?

What I'm getting at is, in Washington state, if the virus first started stealth spreading (from asymptomatic spreaders) 6 weeks ago, (1st case confirmed Jan 20), then there could be a heck of a lot of people this has been passed on to, and they could start showing symptoms soon.

Just something to think about...

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: GlobalGold
Question anyone? On the R0 value of a virus -

Does the R0 apply to every day? Like if R0 was 2, then a person could infect 2 other people every day? Does R0 take into consideration how many days/weeks a person can be infectious before actually showing symptoms?

What I'm getting at is, in Washington state, if the virus first started stealth spreading (from asymptomatic spreaders) 6 weeks ago, (1st case confirmed Jan 20), then there could be a heck of a lot of people this has been passed on to, and they could start showing symptoms soon.

Just something to think about...

I think it's in total - that someone with it would infect 2 people over the course of having the disease.

The rate it's rattling through Italy etc makes me think it's got to be a very high R0
edit on -06:0020200America/ChicagoSun, 01 Mar 2020 10:43:51 -0600_stAmerica/Chicago0343 by Power_Semi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: Power_Semi

originally posted by: Drachenfel
a reply to: FinallyAwake

I'm in the UK - my parents have just gone shopping to stock up with more stuff just in case (finally, I've been telling them for weeks).

They said in B&M most of the food shelves were empty, and the Morrisions was absolutely mental - chock full of people buying food.

This is in West Yorks.

I'm sure it isn't normally very busy on a Sunday. Especially now (3-40pm) they shut at 4pm on Sunday.

OK, that's interesting to hear, was that in a larger town / city? I am out in the countryside, maybe that is the difference.

And, yes - is all very well stocking up for yourself, but that won't go far if loved ones aren't also prepared, and you would be obliged to share what you have put by.

Even if I could persuade my housemates to help put together some supplies, if their grown up children / elderly parents etc aren't ready, then they may all turn up for dinner, and take some supplies with them. There may not be much left...

It is really difficult to know how this will pan out.

Also, lol at RMFX1 - look for the car with the front end pointing up...
edit on 1-3-2020 by Drachenfel because: Added response to RMFX1

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:44 AM
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but a USPS worker (via Seattle news), has tested positive for the virus. While I know this lives on surfaces, not sure how long it lives on say.. paper.. your mail. Junk mail has a whole new meaning now.

USPS Worker Tests Positive

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Make the powdered milk up in a fridge jug to the quantity you need, not add it to a hot brew. I made a mac cheese many years ago for the kids when I ran out of didn't notice the difference.

But powdered cheese???? Sounds gross!

Here in the U.S. if you make the "blue box" mac & cheese it comes with a pouch of powdered cheese to mix in with the added milk and butter. You can buy that same pouched powdered cheese separately in canisters as well.

When I was a kid we'd often sprinkle the canister version on buttered English muffins before tossing them in the toaster oven for a snack.
edit on 3/1/20 by redmage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: Drachenfel

originally posted by: Power_Semi

originally posted by: Drachenfel
a reply to: FinallyAwake

I'm in the UK - my parents have just gone shopping to stock up with more stuff just in case (finally, I've been telling them for weeks).

They said in B&M most of the food shelves were empty, and the Morrisions was absolutely mental - chock full of people buying food.

This is in West Yorks.

I'm sure it isn't normally very busy on a Sunday. Especially now (3-40pm) they shut at 4pm on Sunday.

OK, that's interesting to hear, was that in a larger town / city? I am out in the countryside, maybe that is the difference.

And, yes - is all very well stocking up for yourself, but that won't go far if loved ones aren't also prepared, and you would be obliged to share what you have put by.

Even if I could persuade my housemates to help put together some supplies, if their grown up children / elderly parents etc aren't ready, then they may all turn up for dinner, and take some supplies with them. There may not be much left...

It is really difficult to know how this will pan out.

Keighley - larg-ish town (for the UK).

Possibly might be something to do with confirmed cases now in Bradford and Leeds, which aren't that far away.

Kind of hits home when places close by have confirmed cases.
edit on -06:0020200America/ChicagoSun, 01 Mar 2020 10:45:43 -0600_stAmerica/Chicago0345 by Power_Semi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: Power_Semi

originally posted by: GlobalGold
Question anyone? On the R0 value of a virus -

Does the R0 apply to every day? Like if R0 was 2, then a person could infect 2 other people every day? Does R0 take into consideration how many days/weeks a person can be infectious before actually showing symptoms?

What I'm getting at is, in Washington state, if the virus first started stealth spreading (from asymptomatic spreaders) 6 weeks ago, (1st case confirmed Jan 20), then there could be a heck of a lot of people this has been passed on to, and they could start showing symptoms soon.

Just something to think about...

I think it's in total - that someone with it would infect 2 people over the course of the disease.

You would think somehow the length of infectious period would affect it in some way. Regular flu, may be infectious a very short period before symptoms - this - weeks

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop
That clinic where they have been treating coronavirus patients in Iran is on fire for a reason.
According to the muslim religion the dead cannot be incinerated.
They need to find away to do that rather then burying the infected bodies.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:52 AM
World Bank’s pandemic bonds sink as coronavirus spreads …

5 days ago · World Bank’s pandemic bonds sink as coronavirus spreads Investors dump debt designed to pay out when developing nations face serious outbreaks

© FT montage; NIH


the 'Pandemic Bonds' (@7%) are being pawned-off to secondary market in-front-of the refusal to declare the worldwide Outbreaks as meeting the definition of Pandemic

~not enough Dead yet in 2nd & 3rd countries …except Iran's 50 dead which don't count for some reason~

~the 2 'continent' clause has also been met~ …but the banker elites want the elite buyers to dump their Bonds at some Value rather than the wealthy elites lose-out completely on payouts....

the coronavirus bonds were supposed to be Easy-Peasey Money

edit on st31158308172001552020 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on st31158308176601562020 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:52 AM

edit on st31158308164501542020 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:53 AM
I've been out today to the cash abd carry (bookers) and also local supermarkets. I've stocked up for a family of 4 for at least two months.

I've noticed a shortage of some medications and cleaning things such as alcohol gel.

Ive also noticed the people who weren't talking about the virus at work are. Is taking and shopping. More empty shelves in certain areas and j see lots of people buying tin etc.

My local hospital has a coronovirus place to check on people. Not pods but a temporary building which used to be used for something else.

Attached here is a photo of me parked at IOW St Mary's Hospital coronovirus area. It was quiet.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: markovian

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: Power_Semi

Make the powdered milk up in a fridge jug to the quantity you need, not add it to a hot brew. I made a mac cheese many years ago for the kids when I ran out of didn't notice the difference.

But powdered cheese???? Sounds gross!

Mexican cotija any south of america country's really my inlaws bring it from elsalvador

it's hard and shelf stable yea I know its refrigerated in stores but I know from my inlaws they dont keep it refrigerated back home where it's made

Get some tortillas fry them crispy with refried beans and some cheese on top oh man that's goodness and all of it is shelf stable for months

That's a standard staple in my home

ALso if you have a food saver/vacuum sealer, you can save things like cheese and other stuff for 6 months to a year no problem, so dont forget those options!!!!

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:55 AM
posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:47 AM
link edit quote reply
my wife's teaching job is at a close
our rice is running low, stock at the stores are still ok, need to go tomorrow and buy some more
our ss check we hope will come
we no longer have an income coming in
we might have to sleep at the laundry mat across the street for we won't freeze tonight, got the sleeping bags in the car right now
snowing like a blizzard
maybe 20 below zero
wife made some rice balls with sour plum to eat at the laundry mat tonight
extreme times require extreme measures to survive
dont kid yourselves folks
had times are really coming to your front door
we here in this country are now about 3 days a head of america, an america that will change in 3 days from now

japan now has changed
we might as well think we are own our own now
the job situation now is bleak
construction jobs can not go on, material from china has not arrived

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:57 AM
Regarding the symptoms, silly question maybe but...

Have there been any clarification on TYPE of cough?

Everytime I go to the doctor they seem to ask a million questions about the cough, is it; producing,
non-producing, dry, hacking wheezing, etc.

I just keep hearing 'cough'.

Is there a specific type cough this is showing?

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: Drachenfel

So at home, I live in a shared house, I suggested we club together and get a months worth of supplies, and explained things as I have heard from this thread. Well, I badly regretted it, met with blank stares, disinterest and the word 'panic' was mentioned, all I succeeded in doing was embarrassing myself. Bit of an atmosphere now, they think I'm a nutter, all they have seen are the odd news items on TV.

I might have to get my own stuff and hide it in the boot of my car, dilemma will be if it all kicks off and there is no food in the house, do I share it out with people who weren't interested in preparing?

The real panic will be if we have to go the shops at the last minute, with empty shelves and infected people in the crowds.

You're not a nutter. What does it hurt to prepare if you buy stuff you'd use eventually anyway? These people are clueless. I would put the stuff in my car and, unless I loved one of them, they wouldn't get any of it because I really doubt you can buy enough for all of them and have it fit in your car. If they won't pitch in to protect themselves, so be it.
edit on 1-3-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: markovian

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: Power_Semi

Make the powdered milk up in a fridge jug to the quantity you need, not add it to a hot brew. I made a mac cheese many years ago for the kids when I ran out of didn't notice the difference.

But powdered cheese???? Sounds gross!

Mexican cotija any south of america country's really my inlaws bring it from elsalvador

it's hard and shelf stable yea I know its refrigerated in stores but I know from my inlaws they dont keep it refrigerated back home where it's made

Get some tortillas fry them crispy with refried beans and some cheese on top oh man that's goodness and all of it is shelf stable for months

That's a standard staple in my home

ALso if you have a food saver/vacuum sealer, you can save things like cheese and other stuff for 6 months to a year no problem, so dont forget those options!!!!

6 months refrigerated or?

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 10:47 AM
link edit quote reply
my wife's teaching job is at a close
our rice is running low, stock at the stores are still ok, need to go tomorrow and buy some more
our ss check we hope will come
we no longer have an income coming in
we might have to sleep at the laundry mat across the street for we won't freeze tonight, got the sleeping bags in the car right now
snowing like a blizzard
maybe 20 below zero
wife made some rice balls with sour plum to eat at the laundry mat tonight
extreme times require extreme measures to survive
dont kid yourselves folks
had times are really coming to your front door
we here in this country are now about 3 days a head of america, an america that will change in 3 days from now

japan now has changed
we might as well think we are own our own now
the job situation now is bleak
construction jobs can not go on, material from china has not arrived

Sounds like you're having a really hard time, sorry to hear about that.

I hope you and your wife are okay.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: misfit312

It can range from very mild to severe respiratory illness and may include fever, cough and shortness of breath. Now these symptoms can be very similar to those for influenza, so it is difficult to distinguish without clinical testing.

posted on Mar, 1 2020 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: XCrycek

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: markovian

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: Power_Semi

Make the powdered milk up in a fridge jug to the quantity you need, not add it to a hot brew. I made a mac cheese many years ago for the kids when I ran out of didn't notice the difference.

But powdered cheese???? Sounds gross!

Mexican cotija any south of america country's really my inlaws bring it from elsalvador

it's hard and shelf stable yea I know its refrigerated in stores but I know from my inlaws they dont keep it refrigerated back home where it's made

Get some tortillas fry them crispy with refried beans and some cheese on top oh man that's goodness and all of it is shelf stable for months

That's a standard staple in my home

ALso if you have a food saver/vacuum sealer, you can save things like cheese and other stuff for 6 months to a year no problem, so dont forget those options!!!!

6 months refrigerated or?

Up to 8 months in the fridge, a year or more in the freezer if its vaccum sealed well

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