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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: cirrus12

I'm in the UK too. In a small town, so maybe a little safer. But I cannot imagine what London or Birmingham would become like if it gets out of hand. My brother and I once took a wrong turning, and ended up driving through London rather than around it. For a country bumpkin such as myself, (even though I'd travelled in to London for a few events) travelling from one side to the other in a car was mind boggling, seemingly never ending concrete and brick. So different to the north with a few exceptions.
To imagine being stuck in there in a worst case scenario doesn't bare thinking about. I've got a pretty good imagination, but even I struggle to see how any kind of normality could be maintained. I guess in a few weeks we'll find out how real it is going to get. If you've ever watched the old UK 70s drama "Survivors", it would now seem to be less of a fiction... in fact, there are elements of that show that would appear to be remarkably accurate... even the opening titles and the illness itself seem remarkably specific.

I don't want to go too off topic, but if no one has seen it, I'd have a look.

In case anyone missed the article link, I'll repost it below.
A month in locked down Wuhan

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:49 PM

Obviously. So, what are you suggesting? Forcing everyone exceot yourself to stay home at the faint sign of a sniffle, headache, or...?

People have to get tested. If not positive, they won't be clogging up the hospital. If they are, well they may either have to stay at home, or may end up in ICU as well. You just can't ignore a possible infection. And many people can't just self quarantine every time they get a cold or flu.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
We don't even have a travel ban here in the UK
It's bloody madness!
a reply to: myselfaswell

I think that's because of the massive amount of Iranian money swanning around London. It'd be the same if Saudi was awash with the virus.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:51 PM
The member is correct in suggesting everyone self-quarantine for 2-3 weeks,

If the world was put on pause, we could nip this thing.

Otherwise *wash hands *wash hands *wash hands.

It won't be contained if countries choose not to find it

BC Canada, more tests were conducted for Covid-19 than all of the United states:
edit on 29-2-2020 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: fleabit
People have to get tested.

It only makes sense to test people who have a reson to be at risk, or if they have symptoms.

Surely you aren't suggesting we test all 350,000,000 people in the country?

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
We don't even have a travel ban here in the UK
It's bloody madness!
a reply to: myselfaswell

Don't worry mate,i'm sure we will soon.
The next couple of weeks are going to be make or break for the UK I think,as it begins to spread

At least next door the French government have it all figured out though-

All public gatherings of over 5000 people banned,and no more cheek kissing to greet people.
Problem solved!
Because we all know you can't possibly catch a virus from a crowd of say, 4999 people,right?
Good grief...

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: cirrus12

Thank you for sharing that. As harrowing as it is.

“Wuhan Jiayou!” People of China and around the world we here at ATS sympathize with you and struggles you’ve been facing as your families and yourselves are enduring the worst.

Please stay strong! Know that you aren’t forgotten!

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:56 PM
Morning / evening ATS members
this was posted by burdman300tt6: Nobody knows squat (I fear that includes the government and the medical community) China *maybe* is the only entity that actually has any real understanding of what this does and can do and their response was a complete and total lockdown.

I want to thank everyone that hasn't recommended MIM to be banned for posting facts and my "street talk" (silent messages).

Now, here on the forum, there has been a very big change of information. As you noticed, most of it has been of ATS members local awareness of their front-line backyards so to speak of.

I don't have my update ready to be posted yet.
I want to say a few things though. Based on the actions that have been taken by people that think ahead and see and hear what is NOT being said at an early stage of this virus epidemic. So here you have it, hold tight and take a deep breath. I want to add humor to this post, but maybe later.

1. if you work in construction, your jobs are soon to disappear
2. if you haven't bought a bicycle for you and your family, you just simply think I'm full of BS
3. if you think you should travel by plane anywhere today, well... hope you got a low deductible on your insurance plan
4. if you think it is ok to go to any concerts, sports events and other attractions (well you simply have not been reading my updates
5. if you don't think "stay at home" is not in your future, well... (the correct word is "home involuntary quarantine") keep in mind I happen to live in a country that now has a "stay at home " policy for the entire county of about 5.6 million people
6. the list can go on, but ... its not necessary because now you know what is being said in this country (the world is in a mess)

Thank you for taking the time reading this post. I stayed away from the "why's" because , well... its maybe coming at your front door soon. Hey folks, I am sincerely worried after listening to PM Abe speech about the safety of the people of this country. He actually is not beating around the bush either and so am I with my updates.

edit on 0200000006582020-02-29T18:58:06-06:00580602pm6 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

edit on 0200000004592020-02-29T18:59:04-06:00590402pm6 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: TruthJava

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: DanDanDat
a reply to: Willyblake

Good point; but at the same time according to some of the things I have read on here for the last two months we should have been well into the end times by now.

I think the quarantine in China did have an effect on slowing down the progress. Now that it is in the wild in other countries, how they react will determine what comes next.

My own opinion is to start mass quarantine sooner rather than later. If governments wait too long, it will be too late. Here in the states, I would like to see schools closed within the next 2-3 weeks at the latest. Stay at home orders within a couple of weeks after that. It may not be a popular idea, but if we could wait till the current cases run their course, it may burn itself out. Stop the spread, dead. It is the only option that makes sense to me at this point.

As much as that thought sounds odd - quarantine in our homes! - I totally agree with you. I believe it would stop the spread if we all stayed at home for a good while. I wish I could win the lottery so I could buy more stuff for some people who are concerned and can't prepare.
breaks my heart. But I am not working right now and am using my savings I had to maybe move this summer.

Therein lies the problem. Most people live paycheck to paycheck, including me. I have been preparing for years though, just in case. I started in 2014 just in case of Ebola, and have kept up since then. Some here and some there, just topping things off is all I am doing now.
Wanting to help others out is great, but so many don't even want to help themselves out. They just stick fingers in their ears and say "it will not happen here." It can happen here, I hope it does not.

When this is all said and done though, I don't think my business will survive. I make and sell hobby products. Custom PCBs are assembled in Shenzhen, so I have had 2 months already where I could not get stock. Since they are a hobby product, no one will be buying hobby stuff for a while. I have seen a huge downturn in sales since Jan. already. I just don't know how the business will continue. After it is over, I may have to go flip burgers. LOL

As a work at home artist as well, I get many of supplies at places like Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Amazon, etc. Not sure yet if it will affect me. "Busy" season doesn't really start until the Spring art and craft shows in April. Luckily, I had stocked up on supplies last august so I don't really need to get any, but now I am wondering how those stores are looking...are they running low on anything yet? will they run low? don't know. Is there anything other type of thing you could make in the meantime, or is that the only type of craft you do? I do several things...paintings, handmade natural soaps, clay jewelry, wood signs, etc. plus supplies for weaving, sewing, and a couple others.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:00 PM
BREAKING: The Perth man being treated in Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital for coronavirus has passed away, making him the first Australian to die from the virus.

May have been a patient from the Diamond Princess.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Thanks Chops.

And 8 weeks on to the day, from the initial infectee from China, Australia has developed ZERO additional cases as a result.

They must have used the pretend virus for us.

And Scotland, every case here has tested negative. Must be all the booze in our blood stream...

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: cirrus12

Thank you for sharing that. As harrowing as it is.

“Wuhan Jiayou!” People of China and around the world we here at ATS sympathize with you and struggles you’ve been facing as your families and yourselves are enduring the worst.

Please stay strong! Know that you aren’t forgotten!

Wuhan Jiayou!

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:07 PM
Thanks will watch that video tomorrow, looks interesting
I agree, the big cities would be a nightmare. I have spoken to friends in London and they are not really too bothered, I think they are in denial. I also think the borderline obsessive 'London is the best' thinking they all have is not helping, it's making them complacent that nothing there would change. In my opinion, London on a good day is only a few moments away from drama and chaos!

a reply to: saladfingers123456

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:08 PM
Max Howroute
White small square
MSNBC just reported LIVE that the woman who died from #coronavirus in Washington State is in her 30s and Trump’s presser announced she’s in her late 50s. And earlier, WA Governor Inslee said the deceased patient is a male. WTF is going on?

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: all2human

The member is correct in suggesting everyone self-quarantine for 2-3 weeks, 

If the world was put on pause, we could nip this thing. 

Yes indeed, however as was being previously discussed how is that possible, most people live week to week and can't afford to do that, or they would lose their job, the list goes on and on and on.

Then we have the issue of prisons and other places that have lots of people all confined together.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: TruthJava

I’m writing. Came home today early from my hospitality gig at a spot where people get married. Every weekend!
Here in Central coast of CA. I’d let everyone know what the forecast at the local grocery/supermarkets/Walmart is/are, but already done my sparse shopping for the season

Stayed home last week. Been having trouble breathing....

So I’m working on 575 Original Haikus, my freshman novel, and a fun, gritty graphic novel (post-apocalyptic of course).

Just trying to keep the faith. In myself. This is a very trying time in our world and lives. I urge you all as Truth Java is to enjoy your time with pets, loved ones, yourselves. I fully acknowledge most people do not have time nor resources to discover their passions or calling. Yet. If you find yourself self-quarantined do a crossword, work on a puzzle with your kids/grandkids, play some video games, plant a garden, take a walk etc...But I urged us all a ways back (thread 2?) to take some time for you and your family and let those around you know how much they mean to you. And do something you enjoy. Read a book? Lol

Life is short, be nice to one another!

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: fleabit
People have to get tested.

It only makes sense to test people who have a reson to be at risk, or if they have symptoms.

Surely you aren't suggesting we test all 350,000,000 people in the country?

I didn't suggest that. In response to your (repeated) sniffle and cough comments that if someone has symptoms of say.. a flu or even a cold, they probably should get tested. Because as soon as this is spread through communities (and it's already started on the west coast), you have no idea if you came into contact with someone who is infected. So you do what.. stay home? What if you can't stay home? Or what if your symptoms worsen a bit? Do you just wait until you know you are in a world of hurt? At what magical point do you deem it ok to hit the hospital to get tested?

Many people due to their jobs can't self quarantine for 2 + weeks.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: puzzled2
Ok Stupid question Time,

Alcohol based fluids are being used to disinfect hands, buildings and the like from the Convid-19.

Will straight food grade alcohol do the same? i.e. virus on a surface spill vodka on it and its dead.

If the virus is in the lungs can we get atomized alcohol into the lungs? Yes we can it called Vapshot or AlcoholMIST,

Will it do the same job as an alcohol wipe are is it totally different?

Just seeing a surface in the body the same as a surface outside. Know it's not that simple.

It probably would not be a real good idea to light up a cigarette while you are doing this.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
BREAKING: The Perth man being treated in Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital for coronavirus has passed away, making him the first Australian to die from the virus.

May have been a patient from the Diamond Princess.

Well that's not good. Any idea of age and ethnicity?

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: TruthJava

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: TruthJava

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: DanDanDat
a reply to: Willyblake

Good point; but at the same time according to some of the things I have read on here for the last two months we should have been well into the end times by now.

I think the quarantine in China did have an effect on slowing down the progress. Now that it is in the wild in other countries, how they react will determine what comes next.

My own opinion is to start mass quarantine sooner rather than later. If governments wait too long, it will be too late. Here in the states, I would like to see schools closed within the next 2-3 weeks at the latest. Stay at home orders within a couple of weeks after that. It may not be a popular idea, but if we could wait till the current cases run their course, it may burn itself out. Stop the spread, dead. It is the only option that makes sense to me at this point.

As much as that thought sounds odd - quarantine in our homes! - I totally agree with you. I believe it would stop the spread if we all stayed at home for a good while. I wish I could win the lottery so I could buy more stuff for some people who are concerned and can't prepare.
breaks my heart. But I am not working right now and am using my savings I had to maybe move this summer.

Therein lies the problem. Most people live paycheck to paycheck, including me. I have been preparing for years though, just in case. I started in 2014 just in case of Ebola, and have kept up since then. Some here and some there, just topping things off is all I am doing now.
Wanting to help others out is great, but so many don't even want to help themselves out. They just stick fingers in their ears and say "it will not happen here." It can happen here, I hope it does not.

When this is all said and done though, I don't think my business will survive. I make and sell hobby products. Custom PCBs are assembled in Shenzhen, so I have had 2 months already where I could not get stock. Since they are a hobby product, no one will be buying hobby stuff for a while. I have seen a huge downturn in sales since Jan. already. I just don't know how the business will continue. After it is over, I may have to go flip burgers. LOL

As a work at home artist as well, I get many of supplies at places like Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Amazon, etc. Not sure yet if it will affect me. "Busy" season doesn't really start until the Spring art and craft shows in April. Luckily, I had stocked up on supplies last august so I don't really need to get any, but now I am wondering how those stores are looking...are they running low on anything yet? will they run low? don't know. Is there anything other type of thing you could make in the meantime, or is that the only type of craft you do? I do several things...paintings, handmade natural soaps, clay jewelry, wood signs, etc. plus supplies for weaving, sewing, and a couple others.

I deal with very niche products. My main products are sound systems to give RC airplanes, helicopters, boats, and cars realistic sounds. So it is not just a matter of getting things locally. I have designed PCB (computer boards) that detect the throttle inputs, and other inputs from the radio systems, and output throttle range accordingly. Also, other sounds, such as guns and stuff.

I was informed that the PCB assembler in Shenzhen is now back in business. I can only afford to have a production run of a couple hundred at most at one time. Because of the downtime, and now backlog, it is making funds tight.

In the meantime, I will have to see what I can come up with.

If this lasts for months, I just don't see people buying things for RC airplanes, if they can't get out to fly them. It may bounce back, if things improve. Been doing it for 6 years full time now, this is the first that I have really been hit hard.

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