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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:07 PM


posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Hi Anonentity,

Agreed. The social disorder has been my main concern with this situation at present. Although in my area (Connecticut, 3 suspected cases, 0 deaths), it's been relatively sedate. I was at the local CVS and Big Y this morning. Their stocks certainly hadn't been raided and the human traffic was actually a bit light for a Saturday.

People DO panic, however. So, I'll be sitting back and watching.

I AM feeling the effects of this via the supply chain, though. The supplier that I buy masks and infection control supplies from just sent out an e-mail to all their customers re: Corona Virus Policy. Basically, they are calling that category of product "Restricted" and they are rationing how much they will ship to each office. More of a nuisance than anything else. At least for now.

In any case, thanks for the info. Much appreciated!

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:09 PM


posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:10 PM


posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:10 PM
Please read the linked article.
I just read the following article from an unfamiliar website, but the information seems brutally honest.
In the face of it all, it is a very sobering read, and I really urge people to read it. It relays the situation in Wuhan, the early lies about the dangers from the government (and even the arrest of 8 people on New Years Day for spreading rumours, which was applauded, and everyone went on about their business).
But the personal stories laid bare here of life in a lockdown should be a slap to the face to anyone...

A month in locked down Wuhan

It has really got me thinking about plans, and has added a seriousness that I'd maybe not had before.
Yes, we aren't in Wuhan... but the effects of the illness are discussed, being turned away from hospitals, lack of food...
Honestly, have a read. It takes 5 minutes.
edit on 29-2-2020 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

Edit: It also points to the deaths that aren't in the official figures and why ...heartbreaking.
edit on 29-2-2020 by saladfingers123456 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: cirrus12
This is so disturbing

Videos from Iran showing people licking the shrine in Qom. The guys in the video (no idea who they are) are actively promoting that people do it!
Video of a child doing it too. I don't know if the translation is correct but they said 'we will be the ones who get the virus' but not worried at all.
Seems totally bizarre, dangerous and stupid.

While the city of Qom is the epicentre of #CoronaVirus in Iran, authorities refuse to close down religious shrines there.

These pro-regime people are licking the shrines & encouraging people to visit them.

Iran's authorities are endangering lives of Iranians & the world

That is beyond crazy..makes me feel bad for the more educated people of Iran who are put at risk by such behaviour.
No wonder its spreading fast over there.
Someone on another site was saying Iranian guys are not allowed to shave their beards even though beards render the masks useless.So another way to prevent the disease is not allowed.
Total madness IMO.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:11 PM
Alright if the mods aren’t going to allow a discussion then have at it. Enjoy

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:12 PM
UPDATE: China's National Health Commission reports 573 new cases of coronavirus and 35 new deaths, nearly all in Hubei province.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I used to live down the road from there (Chipping Sodbury), I'll be helping my mother move near my by the coast in Cornwall on Tuesday.....

Stay safe

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: XCrycek

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: XCrycek

originally posted by: RMFX1

originally posted by: celltypespecific

originally posted by: RMFX1

originally posted by: celltypespecific

originally posted by: clay2 baraka
Here you have it:

The Vatican has confirmed in a statement that Pope Francis and two of his aides have tested positive for the novel Coronavirus.

Pope Francis missed a planned Mass with clergy in Rome yesterday after showing Coronavirus-like symptoms.

The Vatican had earlier said the pontiff, 83, had a slight indisposition and could proceed with the rest of his planned work today.

The pope and his aides have been quarantined and receiving medical attention near Santa Marta, the Vatican hotel where he lives.

The pope was seen coughing and blowing his nose during the Asha Wednesday Mass.


What do you mean OMG? He's just a guy. He's nothing important, he sits in front of a sculpture that looks like it was raised from the depths of hell (if you believe in such nonsense) while proclaiming to represent the opposite. His position, nor that of any of his predecessors is never even mention in any of the scriptures. He's just a man, a con man. Couldn't happen to a better man.

I DONT BELIEVE THE POPE HAS CORONAVIRUS..... I would lose my mind if he does....

Lets wait for confirmation.

Why would you lose your mind?

....a big part of ATS members are evangelicals. Perfectly normal response on this site

Am I misunderstanding you? Do you think that protestants care all that much about the Pope? Those are Catholics who would be losing their mind.

Most people on ATS are christian hardcore believers. Imagine if the one that is supposed to be "closest to God" got infected..people would start panicking

I am a Christian (believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again for us) and although I wish him well, I do not think the pope is closest to God. Actually, quite the opposite. When he feels that the whole world should come together (regardless of our beliefs) because all worship the same God, I cannot support that at all. We do NOT pray to the same God, and the Bible says only Jesus can forgive our sins. Well, anyway there are some major fundamental differences you know what I mean. But, I do agree with you that there are a lot of Catholics and followers of the Pope. If something happened to him I do believe it would be bad.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
UPDATE: China's National Health Commission reports 573 new cases of coronavirus and 35 new deaths, nearly all in Hubei province.

Rising again right?

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:24 PM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
Update on my cousin

I brought this up in part 3. I have a cousin who went to Japan for some sort of conference. She is a teacher, not sure what kind. I am not close to her.

Anyway I just heard from her mother that she got back in the US yesterday. She is as sick as a dog, but refuses to go to the hospital or doctors. Her mother urged her to go, saying if it was Corona that she did not want to spread it in the school. So far she is refusing.

Lucky for me, she is in Florida, and I am in NY. I have not seen her in years, hopefully she does not plan to come up this way to visit her parents any time soon.

Can you share what part of Florida? Or at least a region?

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:24 PM
Very sobering read
It's hard to believe when you see Wuhan that it is a modern city - as when you read their stories it always seems to depressing, dark and barren almost.
If it can happen in Wuhan it can happen in any western country. It's a shame we don't see any updates from there online much anymore due to the extreme censorship and whatever else they do to anyone that talks e.g. Chen Quishi/Fang Bin
It also reminded me of what I read recently about the NHS here in the UK, they would prioritise beds for those that they feel would make it basically. So anyone over a certain age would probably die.
NHS ref: 0raxq

a reply to: saladfingers123456

edit on 29-2-2020 by cirrus12 because: broken link

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: Parksy1981
a reply to: angelchemuel

I used to live down the road from there (Chipping Sodbury), I'll be helping my mother move near my by the coast in Cornwall on Tuesday.....

Stay safe

I'll be visiting my son on the North coast of Cornwall at the weekend. He's supposed to be going o Antwerp on holiday the week after...unless the festival is cancelled.
Hope your mum's move goes smoothly and hope you both will stock up being in the sticks.
Take care

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: DOcean
This is a lazy approach to this problem.

Nothing I posted suggested an approach to the problem, other than taking personal responsibility for loved ones at greater risk.

If I get in a traffic accident, this does not cause another 3-4 people to get into an accident, those 3-4 each cause 3-4 to get into accidents and so on.

You've never heard of multiple car accidents? Never driven on a freeway/Interstate?

Limiting infection is the key. Maybe I have less than 1% chance of dying from this virus, but if I don’t contract the virus in the first place, my odds are much better, no?

Obviously. So, what are you suggesting? Forcing everyone except yourself to stay home at the faint sign of a sniffle, headache, or...?

Unfortunately this will be just like the idiots who show up for work already sick, or drop their kids off at school with a belly full of Tylenol to mask a fever.

One persons ignorance is another’s quarantine.

Ah, yes, what is it they call that? Oh, yeah... life...
edit on 29-2-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:42 PM
Australian Update

There is an additional case recently flown in from Iran, again.

Travel ban was too bloody late

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
UPDATE: China's National Health Commission reports 573 new cases of coronavirus and 35 new deaths, nearly all in Hubei province.

Rising again right?

Appears that way but who knows if real.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:43 PM
We don't even have a travel ban here in the UK
It's bloody madness!
a reply to: myselfaswell

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Are we talking about the coming of Christ? (Seems that’s totally fine and on-topic) or cases of COVID-19 globally?

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
Please read the linked article.
I just read the following article from an unfamiliar website, but the information seems brutally honest.
In the face of it all, it is a very sobering read, and I really urge people to read it. It relays the situation in Wuhan, the early lies about the dangers from the government (and even the arrest of 8 people on New Years Day for spreading rumours, which was applauded, and everyone went on about their business).
But the personal stories laid bare here of life in a lockdown should be a slap to the face to anyone...

A month in locked down Wuhan

It has really got me thinking about plans, and has added a seriousness that I'd maybe not had before.
Yes, we aren't in Wuhan... but the effects of the illness are discussed, being turned away from hospitals, lack of food...
Honestly, have a read. It takes 5 minutes.

Edit: It also points to the deaths that aren't in the official figures and why ...heartbreaking.

Oh wow. Tkank you for sharing this but what a tough read. I'm not even through with it and have tears in my eyes.

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