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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: liejunkie01

None of the headlines in my feed are downplaying this, it's all hysteria and misinformation.

Update example from hours ago:
Panic in Oregon over Cold virus causing school closure

I am confident in my assessment that this was all a serious overreaction.

This is based entirely upon over 20 years of microbiology and biochemistry research. This specific virus everyone is freaked out about is essentially causing a "Cold".

The very fact that no one is addressing this honestly is cause for major concern. It indicates to me that we are facing 90%+ complete misinformation and it even appears by design. This panic and resulting disastrous failed quarantine was probably a test and the media purposely promoted the hysteria.

The only way I can envision anyone freaking out about "dangers from the coronavirus" itself is that they simply don't investigate scholarly documentation from the world's best medical sources. Being afraid of the cold is like being afraid of dihydrogen monoxide because you don't know that it's water as I used fancy terminology to mislead.

The only real danger here is panic and foolish ineffective quarantines that justify violating human rights and destroy the economy.

Anyways, I'm not going to post in this thread anymore because my challenges are considered off topic or whatever reason and I'm going to get in trouble if I keep posting here. Plus I don't have time to go through all of this again, Im in a time crunch and must stay focused on finishing documents I'm creating for something totally unrelated.

I only posted the article above to stay "on topic" with the fear mongering agenda this whole topic represents.

Plus I don't care if anyone hates me for telling the truth. When the dust settles they'll change their tune and not hate me irrationally anymore.

It is totally normal for 6 people on a singe cruise ship to die from the cold. Seriously, even the most conservative estimates show it many times more lethal than the common flu. 2-3 deaths in a hundred isn't something people should be expected to just scoff at. At least stick with facts.
edit on 29-2-2020 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: alphacenturi

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
Apparently Londons Hyde Park would be used as a morgue if this virus begins killing people. Not sure if this is fear mongering but a bit odd to have this as one of your headlines!

It's as if some people are expecting many deaths and know this is a lot worse than we are being told or they expect over70's to fill most of that quota

we have closed all entertainment centers including tokyo disneyland

Hyde Park would be turned into a morgue if the killer coronavirus outbreak escalates in the UK, under worst-case scenario plans.
Nickie Aiken, Conservative MP for the Cities of London and Westminster, confirmed the royal park has emergency plans in place to store human corpses.
The Government has an array of procedures in case of a crisis on British soil, which could include the coronavirus if it spreads in the UK.

Here in Canada part of Public health canada in worst case scenerio is to use our skating arenas.

This is part of the pandemic plan after sars outbreak.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: cirrus12

Crap I thought I put it there

Sorry here ya go
Reddit link

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:49 AM

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:50 AM
With all things, it is probably always wise to have a sense of proportion. What I mean by this is, take a look at this site, and look at the stats...

Corona and flu deaths combined = about 80,000 people a year.
The world population TODAY alone increased by 238,379.

So all of those dead people (most with probably underlying conditions) were replaced in the last 12 hours.

For a virus to seriously threaten the population of the planet at this point would need to be insanely successful.
As much as the info coming out about COVID19 seems serious, I'm very unsure at this point if it is even a contender.

It is an important thing to get your head around. Relativity.I have this in my head, and even then I am still susceptible.
So this is just a little reminder.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: Halfswede

Statistics also show that for about 81%+ of cases, you're going to get mild to moderate illness meaning you'll experience a cold or flu-like illness.

For almost everyone under a certain age or not suffering from certain health conditions, your chances of only experiencing that mild to moderate illness very good. Your chances of death are under 1%.

It's when you start to age above 60 into your 70s and 80s and you start to add in things like cardiovascular disease, hypertension, chronic lung disease, diabetes and similar that your chances of experiencing serious complications from this thing start shooting up enough to counterbalance and make the death rate go up.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:54 AM
Yesterday, I tried to source a pressure transducer for a customer. The soonest that I could get it from our vendor was 6 weeks from now.
The reason for the long wait... production is stopped because of COVID 19.

I have never had that happen because of the flu.

It is not ‘just like the flu’.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
With all things, it is probably always wise to have a sense of proportion. What I mean by this is, take a look at this site, and look at the stats...

Corona and flu deaths combined = about 80,000 people a year.
The world population TODAY alone increased by 238,379.

So all of those dead people (most with probably underlying conditions) were replaced in the last 12 hours.

For a virus to seriously threaten the population of the planet at this point would need to be insanely successful.
As much as the info coming out about COVID19 seems serious, I'm very unsure at this point if it is even a contender.

It is an important thing to get your head around. Relativity.I have this in my head, and even then I am still susceptible.
So this is just a little reminder.

this is beyond the flu stage, it is now crushing the economies of the world, call it what you want, but if you go to the store and its empty... flu or not, the store is empty and this is happening worldwide

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

No because so many are getting it all at once and because of the measures being used to try to contain it. But those are social disruptions more than they are people suddenly dropping dead on a mass scale.

Look at Wuhan, they had over 11 million people there. Even a tiny percentage of that number looks like a whole pile of bodies, but when you shut everything and everyone down to try to stop everyone from getting sick, it causes widespread social and economic disruption.

*That's* the big problem.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:58 AM
France +16 cases and they banned public gatherings over 5000 people today per BNO.

Wife’s family still a-ok and waiting to hear what happened from them overnight.

And Guo Wengui is teasing a major announcement regarding China today, will update as that happens.

Stay safe out there.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Halfswede

Statistics also show that for about 81%+ of cases, you're going to get mild to moderate illness meaning you'll experience a cold or flu-like illness.

For almost everyone under a certain age or not suffering from certain health conditions, your chances of only experiencing that mild to moderate illness very good. Your chances of death are under 1%.

It's when you start to age above 60 into your 70s and 80s and you start to add in things like cardiovascular disease, hypertension, chronic lung disease, diabetes and similar that your chances of experiencing serious complications from this thing start shooting up enough to counterbalance and make the death rate go up.

Let’s hope it stays out of Florida, with all this information.

Florida has a large and growing adult population. The State as a whole has a population approaching 20 million, and people over 60 make up nearly 23 percent of that population.

Source google..

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: saladfingers123456

Yes, my strong rebuttal of all this was generated by my belief that there are agents from various agencies including the military that are pushing the fear mongering panic.

I have some very good reasons to suspect this but won't name anyone as it's against the TC of ATS.

I can guarantee you they are purposely spreading false statistics and misleading info, using puppets to support the hysteria and attack detractors.

It's a very fancy game they're playing but I listen to my Heart and can read people's energy and intentions extremely accurately.

I know who a lot of them are, that's how I know it's Pentagon and it's obviously another PsyOp for whatever purpose.

Well now this is interesting.
My primary feeling was that the POTUS wasn't doing enough to stop this spread.
Maybe this is the purpose of the PsyOp, AND why the POTUS made the VP in charge of the press releases of CoVID19.
He basically deflated the wind bags from the CDC that were fanning the the fire.
Please continue, I'm listening.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

I am not disagreeing with that angle. It is just silly though for people to come in and say, " it's just a cold. Why are you even concerned?". Lots of people have family over 60 and or health problems themselves. It is a bit shortsighted to say it's just a cold. For some, yes. For others, not so much.

There is nothing to panic about, but facts are facts and shouldn't be misconstrued as equivalent to something much more benign.

I could argue that the measles is much more benign that CV (it is, statistically -- something like 1/1000 die and typically those with underlying preconditions), but telling people they shouldn't care if measles cases were blowing up all over the world would be unrealistic and I don't think anyone would be scoffing if that was the case. Just putting some perspective out there.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
Yesterday, I tried to source a pressure transducer for a customer. The soonest that I could get it from our vendor was 6 weeks from now.
The reason for the long wait... production is stopped because of COVID 19.
I have never had that happen because of the flu.
It is not ‘just like the flu’.

Yes, this is the other side of the coin that I see. If it is a PsyOp, it is globally effective, affective and infective.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 10:06 AM

Yes, my strong rebuttal of all this was generated by my belief that there are agents from various agencies including the military that are pushing the fear mongering panic.

What panic? What has been said that was untrue? Do you actually buy into the ludicrous Trump and Trump Jr. theory that people in the government are trying to make look Trump bad by their response to this virus? Reality is that the Trump administration -did- fumble on this. They didn't replace those who were fired or quit, who were in key positions to help prepare for an epidemic / pandemic. The press conference was laughably bad. And remember.. stocks are great!!

Trump's narcissism is going to actually hinder this countries ability to prepare for this virus outbreak. So while your opinion is interesting, I think it's just dead wrong.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: JSpader
a reply to: muzzleflash

I thought Manuka was for bacterial not viral. No?


I'll copy paste what I wrote to someone else:

This is a basic starter article on honey from the NIH (National Institutes of Health) the world's most respected source on medical knowledge.

NIH link

The list of things it says honey helps with is not up to date or comprehensive. It barely mentions 1% of the medical uses the newer research is proving it is effective for.

For example it regenerates all organs and tissues, even bringing failed livers back to full capacity reversing over 80 damaged components of it's function. Within 3 months of daily treatment.

Another example is that it has been shown to reverse degenerative disorders like Alzheimer's, MS, or neuropathy. So it even rebuilds the brain and neurons in the nervous system. Nothing else we know of is quite this effective at regeneration of the body.

I could go on and list hundreds of things this helps with, but if you're curious you can ask about specific things and I can help from there. I will supply research where needed.

This stuff kills everything nearly, including HIV. There is simply no known bacteria or virus you should fear if you have access to decent grades of honey.

In fact I cannot find a single antagonistic bacteria or virus it doesn't kill, and I've looked up research papers on hundreds of diseases. I'm unsure of it's effects on neutral or protagonist bacterium, because I've never seen research on how it affects them specifically.

Here's what I said about MGO rating in a different post in case anyone else asks about it:
The official info on MGO ratings says this:
"MGO stands for methylglyoxal, the naturally occurring compound that makes Manuka honey so special. ... Not all Manuka honey is created equal and MGO levels can vary greatly."

MGO content is one of the many (some not yet identified) compounds in honey that gives it that extra punch against a host of pathogens including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Industrially produced MGO can be considered toxic especially to diabetics, but in it's natural form in honey it is much safer as the body is far more equipped to process it safely.

Diabetic and those with allergies to pollen should be careful with any honey and start small (a drop) and slowly build up to a spoon, doctors supervision is fine but not necessary in most cases.

MGOs primary activity against pathogens is poorly understood currently, but it's clear it alone can cripple most bacterium.

The MGO rating isn't a huge concern because there are dozens of active components in honey that attack pathogens and repair living tissue cells. We don't even know or understand half of it yet.

I always aim for MGO 400+ personally because I'd prefer the best grades available. But even a tiny amount will prove sufficient.

Getting higher grades like this can be expensive, as a small jar is typically over 30$ US.

I recommend also obtaining different strains of honey from various locations, as each hive produces different qualities and has different components based on local Flora available. So check with local producers and remember always get it raw and unprocessed.

If there are chunks of wax or honeycomb in it than it's top quality and even better.

If you want to know more I'd be more than happy to dig up some good research for you and explain anything in it you need help with.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 10:17 AM
Some bits...

Intrepid and great Epoch Times & NTD reporter Jennifer Zeng...

Rumor says Internet in #China could be shut down or limited from Mar. 1. Whether it's true or not, here's a notice from a popular movie website, asking its users to download movies quickly as server will be shut down "for maintenance" at 11:00 pm on Mar. 1


Her screenshot is on WeChat and I found many more from other internet businesses all listed March 1 as maintenance or service issue. None of the major Chinese players like Youku (Like YouTube) or Taobao (think Amazon and EBay on steroids) are showing this however.

Also some others things that aren’t confirmed...

Pope has the virus, rumor, admitted he has a serious cold

Iran’s Ayatollah has the virus, rumor

Tom Cruise under quarantine, rumor

Dem POTUS candidate Mayor Pete has virus, rumor, admitted he’s ill

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Great job. I am not trying to take any thunder away but I am trying to get others to dig.

February 5 , 2020 Russia Headline in Pravda: Coronavirus to have the biggest impact on mankind in 2020

edit on 29-2-2020 by Waterglass because: bad link

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 10:21 AM
What happens when the pope dies from Corona?

His absence — the longest sick leave of his papacy — comes as coronavirus sweeps Italy. The country has reported 888 cases and at least 21 deaths, according to the latest numbers; Italy is now the most infected nation after China.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: Bicent

I know. My parents are both older with health conditions. Father has congestive heart failure. My in-laws are older still and father-in-law has had triple by-pass and been through bone cancer. I worry for them more than us.

Our preparations have been against being asked to stay in more than against being worried about getting sick. Sure, that could happen and we'll deal if it does. But in this house, we should all be young and healthy enough to beat it unless things go terribly wrong.

Them? It's sketchier ...

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