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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: 1questioner

originally posted by: infoweb
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

Quite interesting video, please skip to 20:50, this video is 10 years old.

Whoa... That's a heavy video. Much to consider. Thanks for posting it.

Where did this guy get his info? What is the text in another language but he's speaking in English? Many questions...

To be fair, only some of his "prediction" came true and we don't even know if it was a bioweapon or just a legit natural virus that was in China. No WW3 (yet), no infrastructure collapse... I'm not saying he's full of it but I'm saying there are a LOT of things that need to happen for this gent (whoever he is) to be correct

ETA: for anyone who missed it, here was the video in question, skip to 20:50:

edit on 29-2-2020 by FamCore because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 05:46 AM
Doing my best keeping up with what is posted here.....the tab is permanently open so I can read as much as I can when I can pop on between work.
So my apologies if these two links have already been posted/discussed.....

HIV-Like mutation


First person to contract virus IN UK

So second link...this person has not travelled or been in contact with somebody else who has it......


posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Doing my best keeping up with what is posted here.....the tab is permanently open so I can read as much as I can when I can pop on between work.
So my apologies if these two links have already been posted/discussed.....

HIV-Like mutation


First person to contract virus IN UK

So second link...this person has not travelled or been in contact with somebody else who has it......

In an earlier post it stated that the virus has 4 HIV proteins, Sars/Mers and Esiphel.. proteins also.

This virus has as a cocktail tool set and was designed and engineered for purpose. maybe wip when it got out so not the final product. just my opinion!

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:11 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Rich Z
45 patients in the Seattle area began a vaccine trial earlier this week. Here we thought it took years of trials and millions of dollars to develop a vaccine for something!

I would be very wary of a new vaccine without significant testing over a sustained period. During the Swine Flu epidemic in 2009 there were many cases of severe side affects including narcolepsy.
Apparently the EU pushed the vaccine through without many clinical trials.
It was extremely damaging to those suffering, unable to work etc, and yet the UK government really dragged their heels in helping those - like compensation or benefits.
I didn't know about this until researching the coronavirus, I didn't hear about it at the time from memory

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:14 AM
It's always better cooked - but you could add a little raw to hummus (if you make your own) or pesto
a reply to: Oleman

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:16 AM
Well some of the "worst case scenario" plans in the UK have been released, and it includes turning hyde park into an emergency morgue.

Hyde Park is in the middle of London and is about half a square mile in size (350 acres).

I don't think that kind of plan existed even at the height of the Blitz in WW2.

I think if people want to know the truth they need to ignore the words of polticians and the WHO etc, and watch the actions instead.

Like the actions of China shutting down cities of 11 million people, shutting down industry etc - when at that point they claimed they had about 400 people with "flu like symptoms".

I think they're just trying to avoid panic and societal collapse for as long as possible.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:17 AM
That is just terrifying if true
Do you have a link?
a reply to: misfit312

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:17 AM
double post
edit on 29-2-2020 by cirrus12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: FamCore

originally posted by: 1questioner

originally posted by: infoweb
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

Quite interesting video, please skip to 20:50, this video is 10 years old.

Whoa... That's a heavy video. Much to consider. Thanks for posting it.

Where did this guy get his info? What is the text in another language but he's speaking in English? Many questions...

To be fair, only some of his "prediction" came true and we don't even know if it was a bioweapon or just a legit natural virus that was in China. No WW3 (yet), no infrastructure collapse... I'm not saying he's full of it but I'm saying there are a LOT of things that need to happen for this gent (whoever he is) to be correct

ETA: for anyone who missed it, here was the video in question, skip to 20:50:

If you haven't watched the whole video, please do. Bill Ryan explains how he got this information. I'm not fully convinced this is what we're witnessing but as Ryan says, "There's a terrible logic to it."

As I said in my previous post, there's much to consider.

Here is the transcript Ryan refers to: Transcript

edit on 29-2-2020 by 1questioner because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: Power_Semi
edit on 29-2-2020 by Jarusica2020 because: tried upload photo, but couldn't

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

From your link.

The coronavirus has an ‘HIV-like’ mutation which helps it to bind with human cells at a terrifyingly effective rate, Chinese scientists have claimed.

A new study from Nankai University alleged that Covid-19’s ability to infect cells is up to 1,000 times more powerful than SARS

The study referenced.

An important mutation in the BB coronavirus S protein was reported for the first time in this study. This mutation provided 2019-nCoV with a site for Furin protease cleavage

This mutation has the potential to enhance the efficiency of 2019-nCoV infecting cells, which in turn makes it significantly more aggressive than SARS coronavirus. Due to this mutation, the packaging mechanism of 2019 coronavirus will also be different from most other Beta coronaviruses such as SARS, and may be the same as the packaging mechanisms of murine hepatitis coronavirus, HIV, Ebola virus and some avian influenza viruses.

Unsurprisingly the HIV like "mutation" is in the spike protein.

The plot thickens (had to say it : -)
edit on 29-2-2020 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:49 AM
Could somebody please link me to the posts or off site links to why tobacco leaves could help with this virus, or just briefly recap what the conclusion was please?
I can get Tobacco leaf (no nicotine in it) Essential Oil and I want more info before i decide to purchase to add to a blend i am working on.
Thank you


posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: liejunkie01

None of the headlines in my feed are downplaying this, it's all hysteria and misinformation.

Update example from hours ago:
Panic in Oregon over Cold virus causing school closure

I am confident in my assessment that this was all a serious overreaction.

This is based entirely upon over 20 years of microbiology and biochemistry research. This specific virus everyone is freaked out about is essentially causing a "Cold".

The very fact that no one is addressing this honestly is cause for major concern. It indicates to me that we are facing 90%+ complete misinformation and it even appears by design. This panic and resulting disastrous failed quarantine was probably a test and the media purposely promoted the hysteria.

The only way I can envision anyone freaking out about "dangers from the coronavirus" itself is that they simply don't investigate scholarly documentation from the world's best medical sources. Being afraid of the cold is like being afraid of dihydrogen monoxide because you don't know that it's water as I used fancy terminology to mislead.

The only real danger here is panic and foolish ineffective quarantines that justify violating human rights and destroy the economy.

Anyways, I'm not going to post in this thread anymore because my challenges are considered off topic or whatever reason and I'm going to get in trouble if I keep posting here. Plus I don't have time to go through all of this again, Im in a time crunch and must stay focused on finishing documents I'm creating for something totally unrelated.

I only posted the article above to stay "on topic" with the fear mongering agenda this whole topic represents.

Plus I don't care if anyone hates me for telling the truth. When the dust settles they'll change their tune and not hate me irrationally anymore.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: primalfractal
a reply to: angelchemuel

From your link.

The coronavirus has an ‘HIV-like’ mutation which helps it to bind with human cells at a terrifyingly effective rate, Chinese scientists have claimed.

A new study from Nankai University alleged that Covid-19’s ability to infect cells is up to 1,000 times more powerful than SARS

The study referenced.

An important mutation in the BB coronavirus S protein was reported for the first time in this study. This mutation provided 2019-nCoV with a site for Furin protease cleavage

This mutation has the potential to enhance the efficiency of 2019-nCoV infecting cells, which in turn makes it significantly more aggressive than SARS coronavirus. Due to this mutation, the packaging mechanism of 2019 coronavirus will also be different from most other Beta coronaviruses such as SARS, and may be the same as the packaging mechanisms of murine hepatitis coronavirus, HIV, Ebola virus and some avian influenza viruses.

Unsurprisingly the HIV like "mutation" is in the spike protein.

The plot thickens (had to say it : -)

We now know of 4 life spans of it. So the 1st is the patient and how it multiplies in its growth to 3 other locations of the virus itself. The Japanese here seem to have been one step of the game here. Maybe its them super computers?
edit on 0200000040572020-02-29T06:57:40-06:00574002am6 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

edit on 0200000023592020-02-29T06:59:23-06:00592302am6 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:05 AM
I am going to make one more statement about how people should be picking up some extra stuff for the home.

Lets say the naysayers are 100% correct this is much ado about nothing, the virus is just a little rougher cold and that's it.

Great fine, no problem I can even kinda believe it, except we still have the problem that the majority of china was shutdown for 4-6 weeks and is still operating at 20% according to some.
The economic disruption has already occurred, all we are waiting on at this point is for it to carry around the globe.

IF china can get back up and running in the next 3-4 weeks (I think was the last best guess as april being the drop dead point) we avoid the worst of it, if they dont then we go from minor to major disruption of goods around the globe for all the countries that buy all of Chinas junk.

I would rather have some extra goods in the house for a while than run out of things we need for potentially weeks.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Could somebody please link me to the posts or off site links to why tobacco leaves could help with this virus, or just briefly recap what the conclusion was please?
I can get Tobacco leaf (no nicotine in it) Essential Oil and I want more info before i decide to purchase to add to a blend i am working on.
Thank you


Although natural tobacco strains are known to provide many medicinal properties I want to express to you the frivolity of the entire premise.

All you need is a decent diet, rest, and water to beat this disease and most other diseases.

If you want a straight up cure that will defeat any disease causing bacteria or virus than raw bee's honey is the most powerful agent known to science. It's not profitable so they don't promote it but there are hundreds of experiments from the world's top universities proving this fact over and over. It beats everything from antibiotic resistant bacteria to actually beating HIV in less than 3 months.

This information will be common knowledge in 2050 but I'm giving it to you now so you can live worry free from most diseases. If you don't believe it that's ok, I will help you research and can explain any literature you need an assistant with.

The tobacco remedy might be plausible, tobacco is medicinal, but it is unnecessary if you have the champ (raw honey).

Honey from the store is usually loaded with HFCS so avoid it. Aim for manuka honey if you want the best available currently but theoretically any raw honey straight from the apiary should prove effective.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
Are you saying I shouldn't have bought the dual fuel generator today? Even though I live out in the sticks and sh$# happens all of the time.

On the contrary, that is a very smart thing to do.

Unfortunately, I do no share the same confidence in the system as you.

I am extremely confident in the system. The system will always try to 'not let a good crisis got to waste'. That is why they are pushing panic everywhere.

I am far more afraid of what is coming down the pike in response to this 'nothingburger' - forced vaccinations, instilling a permanent fear into people to the point they are willing to accept being forced to a cashless society, etc etc ad nauseum.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Why aren't you afraid of the Flu?
It's clearly worse, especially the dreaded avian strains which can reach over 50% death rates in undeveloped regions.

Here's an article addressing your concerns:
Comparing CoV to the Flu

In the U.S. alone, the flu has already caused an estimated 26 million illnesses, 250,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

The paragraph after that is half true, this CoV is new but we know a LOT about CoV's in general and a new strain is expected and not a big deal medically speaking. Plenty of people die from the older known common strains of CoV every year and no one cares or worries until someone they know dies from pneumonia or other complications derived from this set of pathogens.

The CoV pathogens are limited by physics and the human immune system is especially effective at defeating it under moderate conditions. Adding in good diet (fruits veggies and nuts), clean water, exercise, herbs spices and honey; would make short work of any variant of CoV you could cook up in a level 3 lab. The technology required to tweak CoV into a truly dangerous virus doesn't exist yet and probably won't be invented for hundreds of years. That's how mild the virus is, it's physical structure and mechanisms aren't up for the challenge.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

That's exactly what this is about:
Social Engineering

Panic over disease outbreaks gives the govt carte blanche power. They can violate all their Constitutional restrictions in the name of safety.

But yet in reality we are left unsafe with no liberty, we lose both.

Oh yeah I'm not supposed to post in here and gotta get back to work, lol.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 07:34 AM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: liejunkie01
I only posted the article above to stay "on topic" with the fear mongering agenda this whole topic represents.

Plus I don't care if anyone hates me for telling the truth. When the dust settles they'll change their tune and not hate me irrationally anymore.

You're possibly, maybe even probably right. It would seem odd to me that no one is discussing the winners as a result of panic, hysteria and all the things that follow it. I can think of any number of agendas moved forward by this. Mind games are real, this site should tell anyone that... or at least, it used to.
I don't know anyone posting in this thread, or whether they are genuine. Big bottle of salt on hand for both the media and places such as this, where anyone getting a bit too close to the actual answer are buried or misdirected. If anyone thinks that doesn't happen, then you probably belong on reddit etc.

The real interest is the game. Often the objective isn't clear until all the cards are played. Some would think it is a purely financial move. Some a population move. Others, a diversionary move to keep other more important things out of focus. Some big things have happened lately, and a big diversion serves them well, irrelevant of whether this is real or not.

One thing I can guarantee, is that the hysteria is real. Something monumental doesn't add up, and that is the clearest part to me. Take precautions by all means, but on the flip side, know that it might all be for nothing. Know that your extreme focus on one thing at the expense of all others might be in service of those that don't care about you, or want to obfuscate things going on.
Being prepared is always wise, treat this as an exercise in that at the very least.

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