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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:13 AM
This sounds pretty good for Nigeria. Seems they had the Italian case guy locked down pretty quick.

Fresh details emerge about Nigeria's first coronavirus case

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:20 AM

originally posted by: misfit312
a reply to: musicismagic
Whatever my youngest had she has now passed to my oldest. (who is worse off than my youngest was.)

Inevitably it will probably hit us all in my home and I'm usually next on the list.

Thank goodness for small miracles(or my fridge?) because now I don't have to go out for a while. Stocking up always has its benefits even without the plague.

If you have garlic and domestic honey only, I'd add it to your diet daily. Just wrap the small piece of garlic in lettuce, your kids will get used to it. Old people here have bought out the honey in all the stores. I was able to get one. Cost 27 USD. just for a small jar of honey. I truly am not sure why I mention the above, but... it may help some.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:21 AM
Ouch! I just barely understand this, but China's PMI (50 is muh) is at 36, and non-mfg at 30. (Not sure if those are CCP inflated numbers) That is gonna hurt. "China is running on 20 percent capacity"

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: Oleman
This sounds pretty good for Nigeria. Seems they had the Italian case guy locked down pretty quick.

Fresh details emerge about Nigeria's first coronavirus case

Is it just me or does it seems strange that Nigeria has more efficient protocols in place than say the USA or Australia....

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: misfit312

What most convinced me of the India HIV coronavirus connection having some credibility, was the seeming integrity of the researchers. They put it all on the line to get that information out, probably be lucky if anyone hires them again. They did it anyway.

Read the comments where the results were disputed under the paper summary. Debunkers comments contained one obvious logic gap that a person kept pointing out. No one gave them a decent answer.

It was this-

No other virus contained sequences that matched all 4 spike proteins more than HIV. Yes some others had
good matches for one or two, not all 4.

Will history call them heroes or hoaxers?

Depends which side wins I guess.
edit on 29-2-2020 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: musicismagic RE: Garlic
A few days ago, I tried eating a whole piece of raw garlic (on reading CDC advice) and it is an experience I don't care to remember!

If you try it, suggest you chew equally on both sides, so both eyes bug out equally. Wife complained about all the wierd gagging noises I made for about 10 minutes.

edit on 29-2-2020 by Oleman because: spelin

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:28 AM

originally posted by: Oleman
a reply to: musicismagic RE: Garlic
A few days ago, I tried eating a whole piece of raw garlic (on reading CDC advice) and it is an experience I don't care to remember!

If you try it, suggest you chew equally on both sides, so both eye bug out equally. Wife complained about all the wierd gagging noises I made for about 10 minutes.

Roast it whole, then squeeze out the pulp, tastes good and is good for you...

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:33 AM
Update: Tokyo time 7:30 pm Saturday Feb. 29, 2020

1. I don't have much to say tonight because...
2. I've been posting tidbits on what is /has happen here (if you follow them tidbits, well... then you've acted)
3. A big problem now is when the whole family or community is (quarantine, but now we say "stay at home") frustration, depression, anger and a bunch of other mental problems will start to appear. If you have children, break out the games and the TV , well I have no comment on that. Allow reading time, playing time and joint family of exercises

Japan news:
1. The govt. now has set aside 270 billion (maybe trillion) yen for the budget
2. Small and medium size businesses will be seeing a down turn in business operations (many will close doors)
3. The virus now is uncontrollable
4. A new test that is much quicker will be available at the end of March
5. The govt. now has an inventory of 5000 beds for patients for the virus. (I mention our hospital in town was deserted, you know why)
6. Govt. words, the virus is our enemy and can not be seen
7. The virus can not be contained as of now

State of Emergency in Hokkaido
Streets are empty
Everyone is asked to stay home
The economy for the most part does not exist now

well folks, its short tonight
I left out the infections for a reason, may post later . The reason is, its not in your back yard, but mine now and its not pleasant to post because I haven't down a 12 pack of Sapporo beer yet.
edit on 0200000041182020-02-29T06:18:41-06:00184102am6 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:36 AM

originally posted by: primalfractal
a reply to: misfit312

What most convinced me of the India HIV coronavirus connection having some credibility, was the seeming integrity of the researchers. They put it all on the line to get that information out, probably be lucky if anyone hires them again. They did it anyway.

Read the comments where the results were disputed under the paper summary. Debunkers comments contained one obvious logic gap that a person kept pointing out. No one gave them a decent answer.

It was this-

No other virus contained sequences that matched all 4 spike proteins more than HIV. Yes some others had
good matches for one or two, not all 4.

Will history call them heroes or hoaxers?

Depends which side wins I guess.

I posted earlier about the infections have a 4-part time spread in them. So I believe their report is true.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Sorry to ask, are you saying you and the family are now under quarantine?

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Thanks yeah I always keep different kinds of honey. Garlic I also keep I love to eat the cloves. I do have garlic pills on hand always too just in case.

I switched to using a lot of "home' remedies first a couple years ago.( ATS helped with lots of info when I wanted to give up my anxiety meds.)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:47 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: musicismagic

Sorry to ask, are you saying you and the family are now under quarantine?

Thanks for asking that. Currently we are free to leave the house as we wish. Children are advise to stay indoors now. I saw no children with the mothers shopping today and its Saturday here. Toilet paper is nowhere to be found in the city now. Can fish goods are either gone or the shelf stock is very low. Rice seems to be not affected yet, but the prices sure have gone up in the last 2 weeks. Basically, Japanese are staying away from the Japanese word quarantine and replacing it with "stay at home". From what I've seen on TV tonight, the streets all day have been deserted, but yes, some people are out and I'm sure in the small villages in Hokkaido people are lining up for heating oil and the mom and pop stores are more likely to be open.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:51 AM
I've had a tea with minced garlic...citrus tea ....any will do.. lemon juice and honey .it wasn't bad actually to: misfit312

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:53 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: musicismagic

Sorry to ask, are you saying you and the family are now under quarantine?

Thanks for asking that. Currently we are free to leave the house as we wish. Children are advise to stay indoors now. I saw no children with the mothers shopping today and its Saturday here. Toilet paper is nowhere to be found in the city now. Can fish goods are either gone or the shelf stock is very low. Rice seems to be not affected yet, but the prices sure have gone up in the last 2 weeks. Basically, Japanese are staying away from the Japanese word quarantine and replacing it with "stay at home". From what I've seen on TV tonight, the streets all day have been deserted, but yes, some people are out and I'm sure in the small villages in Hokkaido people are lining up for heating oil and the mom and pop stores are more likely to be open.

Thanks for the update, please continue to let us know what your experience is...

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 04:58 AM
Had to come back to WTF? this. Does Pakistan already have a vaccine or something?!?

Pakistan reopens borders with Iran

According to BNO, Pakistan has had a grand total of 2 cases, both from Iran walkins.

Remember this 2/2/20? BPakistan resumes China flights

Meanwhile Coronavirus leads to parliamentary recess in Iran
edit on 29-2-2020 by Oleman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: Oleman
Had to come back to WTF? this. Does Pakistan already have a vaccine or something?!?

Pakistan reopens borders with Iran

According to BNO, Pakistan has had a grand total of 2 cases, both from Iran walkins.

Remember this 2/2/20? BPakistan resumes China flights

That's comical ...right .

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 05:02 AM

originally posted by: Oleman
Had to come back to WTF? this. Does Pakistan already have a vaccine or something?!?

Pakistan reopens borders with Iran

According to BNO, Pakistan has had a grand total of 2 cases, both from Iran walkins.

Remember this 2/2/20? BPakistan resumes China flights

Meanwhile Coronavirus leads to parliamentary recess in Iran

Has that part of the world gone mad?

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 05:05 AM

edit on 29-2-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

I laughed. Of course, I laugh at almost everything. Blame it on an exceptionally f'd up childhood I guess.

posted on Feb, 29 2020 @ 05:40 AM
Hello ATS members.
Japan is now at a time and it goes like this. But please try to add this into you life as quick as possible.


there is so much to touch you within yourselves when that becomes apparent

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