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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: JamieJJones

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: JamieJJones
I've already told you this is the most contgeous and infectious disease ever seen.

Merkel isn't joking when she says 70% of Germans will be infected (58 MILLION of them).

20% need hospital treatment.

3% will die outright.

Another 5-8% will die without intense medical intervention.

You can't provide that to 3.75 million people.

Add to that all the deaths from now untreatable ailments (heart attack, etc)

Add to that the lack of anti biotics etc (no country has enough high dose ABs to treat 3 - 5 million people - maybe 30K to 50K tops).

Total death rate = c. 18% of all infected which in Merkels prediction is 10.45 million.

If she's wrong and 90% get it = 13.4 million dead.

Now multiply by your own population = the # has hit the fan big time.

And yet in the UK.....

We're still allowing the Cheltenham festival and incoming flights from anywhere in the world.

Because we know that a cup o' tea and some fish and chips and mushy peas make you immune.


Well not really.

Never mind, keep calm and carry on.

PS - AS SOON as the Cheltenham festival is over (which raises £100's of millions for the toffs like BJ and his clan), schools and all other publicgatherings will be banned.

I've already been told this is what WILL happen.

Next week in the UK - schools and universities shut down, no more gatherings, etc.

Got to get the money maker out of the way first.

Watch this space, I'm telling you next week UK shuts down.

Norovirus, chickenpox, smallpox, and measles are FAR more contagious

No they're not.

You think they are because that's what you've been told.

The true contageousness of this is off the charts.

You’re dramatizing. Stop

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:00 PM
We've all been talking about the Coronavirus (through all of it's various names) since thread 1, and I felt prepared, yet today feels a little overwhelming news-wise. I don't think I've ever had as many notifications on my phone with changes/updates/posts as I've seen today. Historic times these.
edit on 12/3/2020 by Tukota because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:01 PM

edit on 12-3-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: JamieJJones

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: JamieJJones
I've already told you this is the most contgeous and infectious disease ever seen.

Merkel isn't joking when she says 70% of Germans will be infected (58 MILLION of them).

20% need hospital treatment.

3% will die outright.

Another 5-8% will die without intense medical intervention.

You can't provide that to 3.75 million people.

Add to that all the deaths from now untreatable ailments (heart attack, etc)

Add to that the lack of anti biotics etc (no country has enough high dose ABs to treat 3 - 5 million people - maybe 30K to 50K tops).

Total death rate = c. 18% of all infected which in Merkels prediction is 10.45 million.

If she's wrong and 90% get it = 13.4 million dead.

Now multiply by your own population = the # has hit the fan big time.

And yet in the UK.....

We're still allowing the Cheltenham festival and incoming flights from anywhere in the world.

Because we know that a cup o' tea and some fish and chips and mushy peas make you immune.


Well not really.

Never mind, keep calm and carry on.

PS - AS SOON as the Cheltenham festival is over (which raises £100's of millions for the toffs like BJ and his clan), schools and all other publicgatherings will be banned.

I've already been told this is what WILL happen.

Next week in the UK - schools and universities shut down, no more gatherings, etc.

Got to get the money maker out of the way first.

Watch this space, I'm telling you next week UK shuts down.

Norovirus, chickenpox, smallpox, and measles are FAR more contagious

No they're not.

You think they are because that's what you've been told.

The true contageousness of this is off the charts.

You’re dramatizing. Stop

You don't need dramatising, just open your eyes.

This has an R0 of over 30.

Measles is about 18.

Have you ever seen measles infect at the rate Italy of Iran or China or soon the UK and US are seeing with this?


Because it;s off the charts.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:04 PM

Medical Microbiologists: Information RIVM outdated and incomplete.

They say we need more information on statistics as what we're being told by government is an obvious lie.
We need to act now, or it's too late.

"Only drastic measures in the startingphase can limit risk for civilians."

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:05 PM
Chinese aid en-route to Rome:

The Chinese medical supply flight is about 20 minutes away from landing in Rome

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: JamieJJones

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: JamieJJones

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: JamieJJones
I've already told you this is the most contgeous and infectious disease ever seen.

Merkel isn't joking when she says 70% of Germans will be infected (58 MILLION of them).

20% need hospital treatment.

3% will die outright.

Another 5-8% will die without intense medical intervention.

You can't provide that to 3.75 million people.

Add to that all the deaths from now untreatable ailments (heart attack, etc)

Add to that the lack of anti biotics etc (no country has enough high dose ABs to treat 3 - 5 million people - maybe 30K to 50K tops).

Total death rate = c. 18% of all infected which in Merkels prediction is 10.45 million.

If she's wrong and 90% get it = 13.4 million dead.

Now multiply by your own population = the # has hit the fan big time.

And yet in the UK.....

We're still allowing the Cheltenham festival and incoming flights from anywhere in the world.

Because we know that a cup o' tea and some fish and chips and mushy peas make you immune.


Well not really.

Never mind, keep calm and carry on.

PS - AS SOON as the Cheltenham festival is over (which raises £100's of millions for the toffs like BJ and his clan), schools and all other publicgatherings will be banned.

I've already been told this is what WILL happen.

Next week in the UK - schools and universities shut down, no more gatherings, etc.

Got to get the money maker out of the way first.

Watch this space, I'm telling you next week UK shuts down.

Norovirus, chickenpox, smallpox, and measles are FAR more contagious

No they're not.

You think they are because that's what you've been told.

The true contageousness of this is off the charts.

You’re dramatizing. Stop

You don't need dramatising, just open your eyes.

This has an R0 of over 30.

Measles is about 18.

Have you ever seen measles infect at the rate Italy of Iran or China or soon the UK and US are seeing with this?


Because it;s off the charts.

STOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!! You’re DEBATING in an UPDATES thread and you’ve offered zero credible sources for your doom porn! It’s just feeding the stupid thread drift the other side is doing as well! Just make your own doom thread if you want to post stuff like this, leave this thread alone FFS!

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:20 PM
You're right, $hit needs backing up.

I'm genuinely worried for a lot of my retired friends and family members, it's not a nice feeling

Even though it could be true, I don't need to be reading that $hit unless it's solid FACTS.

So please provided sources to back up everything you say, or go to another thread to discuss your data.


posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:23 PM
Reuters said that Rome has closed all of its churches. The decree came from the pope's vicar for Rome's archdiocese. When was the last time the pope was seen in public? (Tin Foil Hat on) was that cough Coronavirus and they're not telling anyone?

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: RexKramerPRT
a reply to: missed_gear

Later update to your source.

O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. As regras têm como objetivo proteger o investimento feito pelo Estadão na qualidade constante de seu jornalismo. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link: 003230083

Sorry, It's in Portuguese. Guess you can't copy translations.

Brazilian Source

Getting inside the inner circle now:

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a close ally of President Trump, has become the latest member of Congress to announce that he is self-quarantining amid the coronavirus outbreak

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: JamieJJones

Stop making S**t up. the situation does not need fantasy comments from you. This is an update thread, not a random statement thread.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: JamieJJones

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: JamieJJones

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: JamieJJones
I've already told you this is the most contgeous and infectious disease ever seen.

Merkel isn't joking when she says 70% of Germans will be infected (58 MILLION of them).

20% need hospital treatment.

3% will die outright.

Another 5-8% will die without intense medical intervention.

You can't provide that to 3.75 million people.

Add to that all the deaths from now untreatable ailments (heart attack, etc)

Add to that the lack of anti biotics etc (no country has enough high dose ABs to treat 3 - 5 million people - maybe 30K to 50K tops).

Total death rate = c. 18% of all infected which in Merkels prediction is 10.45 million.

If she's wrong and 90% get it = 13.4 million dead.

Now multiply by your own population = the # has hit the fan big time.

And yet in the UK.....

We're still allowing the Cheltenham festival and incoming flights from anywhere in the world.

Because we know that a cup o' tea and some fish and chips and mushy peas make you immune.


Well not really.

Never mind, keep calm and carry on.

PS - AS SOON as the Cheltenham festival is over (which raises £100's of millions for the toffs like BJ and his clan), schools and all other publicgatherings will be banned.

I've already been told this is what WILL happen.

Next week in the UK - schools and universities shut down, no more gatherings, etc.

Got to get the money maker out of the way first.

Watch this space, I'm telling you next week UK shuts down.

Norovirus, chickenpox, smallpox, and measles are FAR more contagious

No they're not.

You think they are because that's what you've been told.

The true contageousness of this is off the charts.

You’re dramatizing. Stop

You don't need dramatising, just open your eyes.

This has an R0 of over 30.

Measles is about 18.

Have you ever seen measles infect at the rate Italy of Iran or China or soon the UK and US are seeing with this?


Because it;s off the charts.

R0 is calculated based on 3 factors: agent, host, and environmental factors

Furthermore there is a universally accepted measles vaccine. In the 80s measles was infecting over 4 million people per in the US alone
In 2010 it only infected 500,000 worldwide due to vaccine use

Measles has shown to be contagious longer and earlier than coronavirus. Measles main form of transmission is airborne. Coronavirus main form of transmission is droplet

In 2014 TWO people caused an outbreak of 400 people in Ohio of unvaccinated people
24,000 people infected in a 2019 outbreak in the Philippines
250,000 infected in 2019 in Congo with 5000 dead most under age 5

85% of the world youth population has received the measles vaccine.
You’re asking why measles outbreaks aren’t getting headlines like a novel virus with no vaccine?

You’re making up fairytale numbers. Covid 19 does NOT have a R0 of 30. You’re blatantly lying

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:30 PM

837 new cases today, 2745 cases total.
3 dead today, 6 dead total.


6 new cases today, 13 cases total.
edit on 12-3-2020 by carport because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Tukota

Today's my birthday and my husband jokingly asked if I had wished for the End of the World?

When the NBA shut it down he cracked. I received a 1130pm call saying we were going shopping at 1am when he got home. (We didn't I wouldn't go)

He's spouting off all the stuff we have known, some since January. Which, means, he's going to be learning a lot, fast. All because he never paid attention before.
I hope he's not going to be overwhelmed.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:52 PM
I bet the Jihadi's of this World are loving it right now.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: RexKramerPRT
Chinese aid en-route to Rome:

The Chinese medical supply flight is about 20 minutes away from landing in Rome

Will this be the start of the heroic Chinese helping nations all around the world, while the mighty United States empire becomes ill and falls?

A passing or the baton of world super power?

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
amazing - checkout the monkeys

Hundreds of hungry monkeys swarm across Thai street as 'rival gangs' fight over food after tourists who normally feed them stay away because of coronavirus

Yeah, wait till the birds all get pissed from not being fed! Shades of Alfred Hitchcock!!

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
amazing - checkout the monkeys

Hundreds of hungry monkeys swarm across Thai street as 'rival gangs' fight over food after tourists who normally feed them stay away because of coronavirus

Yeah, wait till the birds all get pissed from not being fed! Shades of Alfred Hitchcock!!

That is what the inner cities will look like with people in a month or so.

Half kidding...

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:59 PM
Between COVID, political environment and global economy we are in the global spiral of doom right now, sheesh

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: misfit312
a reply to: Tukota

Today's my birthday and my husband jokingly asked if I had wished for the End of the World?

When the NBA shut it down he cracked. I received a 1130pm call saying we were going shopping at 1am when he got home. (We didn't I wouldn't go)

He's spouting off all the stuff we have known, some since January. Which, means, he's going to be learning a lot, fast. All because he never paid attention before.
I hope he's not going to be overwhelmed.

I have talked with two relatives today. They both were like "nothing to worry about, it is just like the flu."

Meanwhile the world is crumbling around them. How long before they wake up? I am glad your husband did.

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