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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

I was thinking, if this thing has been around since at least November in China, we may have had it in the UK by December. Maybe the reason our gov't is so slow to do anything is that they realise this thing has already spread far and wide over here and there may already thousands infected.

Imagine it had a death rate /CFR of 2 up to 3.4%. 100,000 people infected in UK since December would average 2,000 to 3,400 deaths already. (20 a day give or take.) So they're in no rush because we are already in the thick of it. So no point closing borders, schools et al. It didn't have a name back in November and wasn't public knowledge, so cause of death may be put down as pneumonia related and the gov't now!!t, we've had it all along. Don't want to scare people with such high death numbers so they slowly start increasing numbers and letting people know this thing is here. Their reaction would seem slow to Johnny public.

Just a thought. Because if our UK numbers are true, and with no incoming flight restrictions, we are bound to see a huge increase similar to Italy witin the next 2 weeks. Why wait and not act now?

Also notice how Trump condemed the EU but us Brexiters were given a hall pass to that fabled land across the water. Brexit just in time???

Another thing: COGNOTIVE DISSONANCE. This is what i am seeing with people on social media. They are being told one thing that goes against their beliefs and it makes them uncomfortable so a lot of people do not want to hear anything about it. "Stop talking about it." "You're over-reacting" "I don't want to hear no more" or our favourite "It's just the flu".

I must say, having been on this since the beginning and realising when i changed course on this thing, it has been a real psychological study into the actions and reactions of all people in relation to this thing.

OK. Thought train over.

edit on 12-3-2020 by iloveit because: spelling

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:12 PM
City of New York just declared a state of emergency. All Gathering Place is like bars and restaurants have to be 50% capacity or less.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:12 PM
From Beta Sam all of these are either cancellations, postponements, or changes to virtual symposiums:

Radioisotope Detection & Identification Devices (RIIDs) For Domestic Security Operations
Spectrum Efficient National Surveillance Radar Program (SENSR)
MICCFH Small Business Industry Day 2020
National Cyber Range Complex Event Planning, Operations and Support
DoD Dress Clothing Industry Day (cancelled)
Small Business Event: JPL Small Business Opportunity Fair

Here are two new contracts issued related to the coronavirus response:

Description of Requirement


Description of Requirement




Facebook posts from my regular guest who was on board the Grand Princess:

Arrived very late last night to begin our quarantine. We remain healthy and if we continue to be healthy, we get released March 23rd. Can’t wait! 😊😊

The above was associated with a check in at Lackland Air Force Base. In response to a question about the food:

Well, it arrives, no choices in plastic boxes, in plastic bags, very high carb based. Thankful though for the nice people who take care of our needs!

Stay safe everyone!

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:13 PM
Article About Kokomo UAW CV+ employee

UAW solidarity, Ford prepares

UAW leaders said they have been actively monitoring and reacting to issues related to the spread of COVID-19. The affected worker was a salaried employee represented by the UAW.

“Our thoughts and support are with our UAW member and their family, friends and community in Kokomo, Indiana," said Cindy Estrada, UAW vice president of the FCA department, in a statement to the Free Press. "We are working closely with FCA on this first discovery of the virus at one of their facilities as well as on the precautions and measures necessary to protect our UAW FCA members and everyone who works in our facilities."

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: iloveit
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

I was thinking, if this thing has been around since at least November in China, we may have had it in the UK by December. Maybe the reason our gov't is so slow to do anything is that they realise this thing has already spread far and wide over here and there may already thousands infected.

Imagine it had a death rate /CFR of 2 up to 3.4%. 100,000 people infected in UK since December would average 2,000 to 3,400 deaths already. (20 a day give or take.) So they're in no rush because we are already in the thick of it. So no point closing borders, schools et al. It didn't have a name back in November and wasn't public knowledge, so cause of death may be put down as pneumonia related and the gov't now!!t, we've had it all along. Don't want to scare people with such high death numbers so they slowly start increasing numbers and letting people know this thing is here. Their reaction would seem slow to Johnny public.

Just a thought. Because if our UK numbers are true, and with no incoming flight restrictions, we are bound to see a huge increase similar to Italy witin the next 2 weeks. Why wait and not act now?

Also notice how Trump condemed the EU but us Brexiters were given a hall pass to that fabled land across the water. Brexit just in time???

Another thing: COGNOTIVE DISSONANCE. This is what i am seeing with people on social media. They are being told one thing that goes against their beliefs and it makes them uncomfortable so a lot of people do not want to hear anything about it. "Stop talking about it." "You're over-reacting" "I don't want to hear no more" or our favourite "It's just the flu".

I must say, having been on this since the beginning and realising when i changed course on this thing, it has been a real psychological study into the actions and reactions of all people in relation to this thing.

OK. Thought train over.
I definitely think it's been here a while, i had a very bad case of flu in January and a cough that lingered for weeks. My whole family had it too, and most people i know also. People around here have been saying "there is a really bad flu going around" for the last 3 or 4 months now.
edit on 12-3-2020 by Xabi87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:14 PM
Update : Tokyo Friday 6 am March 13th (dang Friday the 13th, hmm a bit spooky here)

Not looking good here.
New virus Infected people in Japan total 676.
According to local governments and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, a total of 56 new infections were announced on the 12th, with a total of 676 infected in Japan as of 10:30 pm.

Among them,
19 people were infected in the country,
and 7 a total of 26 people, including 7 passengers on cruise ships.

Of 676 people, including people infected in Japan and travelers from China,
128 people in Hokkaido
111 people in Aichi Prefecture (this is crazy )
89 people in Osaka Prefecture ( here we have out door izakaya places to eat, expect numbers to rise soon)
75 people in Tokyo, ( this is known for that has been reported, but a city of 14 million people, I don't agree with the figures at all)
49 people in Kanagawa Prefecture ,
Hyogo Prefecture 46 people,
Chiba Prefecture, 27 people,
Saitama Prefecture, 20 people,
Kyoto is 17 people, ( tourist are no longer coming, well, not many that is )
Niigata Prefecture 14 people,
Wakayama Prefecture, 14 people,
Kochi Prefecture, 12 people,
8 people in Nara Prefecture, ( this figure is hard to believe in my opinion )
people in Ishikawa Prefecture, 7 people in
Mie Prefecture
6 people in Kumamoto Prefecture (sad to say, this is in south Japan and has many young people going to university)
3 people in Gunma Prefecture, 3 people in
Nagano Prefecture, 3 people in
Shizuoka Prefecture,
3 in Yamaguchi, 3 in ( I can't believe these figures, no change in 7 days, someone is not telling the truth here )
Fukuoka, 3 in
Okinawa ,
2 in Akita, 2 in
Tochigi, 2 in
Yamanashi, 2 in
Gifu, 2 in
Ehime Prefecture 2 people,
Miyagi Prefecture 1 person,
Fukushima Prefecture 1 person,
One person in Shiga Prefecture, one person in
Hiroshima Prefecture, one person in
Tokushima Prefecture, one person in
Oita Prefecture, one person in
Miyazaki Prefecture,
a quarantine officer at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and an airport quarantine. A total of 11 people were confirmed.

Well that's it.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:27 PM
Ontario (Canada) to shutter public schools until April 5 amid COVID-19 pandemic

Ontario has announced it will shutter all publicly funded schools for two weeks following the March break amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The break was due to begin on Saturday, March 14, and will now continue to April 5.

A joint statement from Premier Doug Ford, the health minister and the education minister says the decision is based on the advice of the province's chief medical officer of health.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:28 PM
Up to 12 cases here in SC now, still a small number but a lot of them are hospitalized, and the source seems to be from Italy, so not great news. Link

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: carewemust

What good is reducing capacity to 50% ???

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: Gargoyle91
a reply to: carewemust

What good is reducing capacity to 50% ???

Ensure no one will succeed financially through this, quickening a Quantum Financial Reset.

Edit: Oops thought this was posted in another thread. Carry on.
edit on 12-3-2020 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:40 PM
Seems NY is up to 216:

Finally, the Governor also confirmed 43 additional cases of novel coronavirus, bringing the statewide total to 216 confirmed cases in New York State. Of the 216 total individuals who tested positive for the virus, the geographic breakdown is as follows: Westchester: 121 (13 new) New York City: 52 (16 new) Nassau: 28 (9 new) Suffolk: 6 (5 new) Rockland: 6 Saratoga: 2 Ulster: 1

Just checked again, looks like there is a contradiction in numbers here. Here's the numbers from the local news, bit of a difference:

HERKIMER, N.Y. – During a press conference Thursday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo confirmed that one person in Herkimer County has tested positive for coronavirus. Cuomo said there are now 328 total cases across the state. Cases were also confirmed in Albany, Broome, Delaware and Monroe counties on Thursday. Cuomo says 47 people have been hospitalized due to the virus, but no deaths have been reported.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: iloveit
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

I was thinking, if this thing has been around since at least November in China, we may have had it in the UK by December. Maybe the reason our gov't is so slow to do anything is that they realise this thing has already spread far and wide over here and there may already thousands infected.

Imagine it had a death rate /CFR of 2 up to 3.4%. 100,000 people infected in UK since December would average 2,000 to 3,400 deaths already. (20 a day give or take.) So they're in no rush because we are already in the thick of it.

Exactly what I've been saying, in different words.

It is bad.

It isn't nearly as bad as current scary CFR numbers show, but it is bad.

It is here, nothing we can do to change it, and hasn't been for at least 3 months, and no one, not even most here would argue we should have taken such extreme measures as are being discussed now, back then.

So, mitigate, mitigate, mitigate. Lock down all elderly and those at most risk. Say your good byes and lock them down. ALL of them.

Then leave the rest of us alone, to deal with it as best we can.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
City of New York just declared a state of emergency. All Gathering Place is like bars and restaurants have to be 50% capacity or less.

I will absolutely say this... NYC is one place I would not want to be right now, and would be heading out come hell or high water, if I was there. Same goes for any big city, but especially there.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:52 PM

This thread is for Corona Virus UPDATES!!!
...not chit chat, political trolling, bigoted comments, medical advice,
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Members who continue to disrupt will face temporary posting bans. ATS will not allow the few to ruin it for everyone.

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and, as always:

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posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:53 PM
Was so happy to hear some good news from out of Wuhan instead of all the bad. For those who can Facebook check out thisposters most recent updates on being quarantined for 48 days in Wuhan China.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:55 PM
I've already told you this is the most contgeous and infectious disease ever seen.

Merkel isn't joking when she says 70% of Germans will be infected (58 MILLION of them).

20% need hospital treatment.

3% will die outright.

Another 5-8% will die without intense medical intervention.

You can't provide that to 3.75 million people.

Add to that all the deaths from now untreatable ailments (heart attack, etc)

Add to that the lack of anti biotics etc (no country has enough high dose ABs to treat 3 - 5 million people - maybe 30K to 50K tops).

Total death rate = c. 18% of all infected which in Merkels prediction is 10.45 million.

If she's wrong and 90% get it = 13.4 million dead.

Now multiply by your own population = the # has hit the fan big time.

And yet in the UK.....

We're still allowing the Cheltenham festival and incoming flights from anywhere in the world.

Because we know that a cup o' tea and some fish and chips and mushy peas make you immune.


Well not really.

Never mind, keep calm and carry on.

PS - AS SOON as the Cheltenham festival is over (which raises £100's of millions for the toffs like BJ and his clan), schools and all other publicgatherings will be banned.

I've already been told this is what WILL happen.

Next week in the UK - schools and universities shut down, no more gatherings, etc.

Got to get the money maker out of the way first.

Watch this space, I'm telling you next week UK shuts down.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:56 PM
Disneyland in California just closed. Source CNN

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: JamieJJones
I've already told you this is the most contgeous and infectious disease ever seen.

Merkel isn't joking when she says 70% of Germans will be infected (58 MILLION of them).

20% need hospital treatment.

3% will die outright.

Another 5-8% will die without intense medical intervention.

You can't provide that to 3.75 million people.

Add to that all the deaths from now untreatable ailments (heart attack, etc)

Add to that the lack of anti biotics etc (no country has enough high dose ABs to treat 3 - 5 million people - maybe 30K to 50K tops).

Total death rate = c. 18% of all infected which in Merkels prediction is 10.45 million.

If she's wrong and 90% get it = 13.4 million dead.

Now multiply by your own population = the # has hit the fan big time.

And yet in the UK.....

We're still allowing the Cheltenham festival and incoming flights from anywhere in the world.

Because we know that a cup o' tea and some fish and chips and mushy peas make you immune.


Well not really.

Never mind, keep calm and carry on.

PS - AS SOON as the Cheltenham festival is over (which raises £100's of millions for the toffs like BJ and his clan), schools and all other publicgatherings will be banned.

I've already been told this is what WILL happen.

Next week in the UK - schools and universities shut down, no more gatherings, etc.

Got to get the money maker out of the way first.

Watch this space, I'm telling you next week UK shuts down.

Norovirus, chickenpox, smallpox, and measles are FAR more contagious

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:57 PM
Italian nurse: 'We decide who lives or dies'.

Field hospitals in Italy:

Here in NL:

Public gatherings of more than 100 are forbidden.
Stay home if you have a cough, throatsore, etc.
Debates if we should close schools (We should). Luckily universities are taking matters into their own hands and simply CLOSE.
Hundreds of mosques closed.
Big sport events/concerts etc canceled.
Lots of churches are closing.
Less trains during rush hours
Don't visit the elderly and weak
Stay home/Work from home if possible

As always, the government is a month late.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: MaverickLRD

originally posted by: JamieJJones
I've already told you this is the most contgeous and infectious disease ever seen.

Merkel isn't joking when she says 70% of Germans will be infected (58 MILLION of them).

20% need hospital treatment.

3% will die outright.

Another 5-8% will die without intense medical intervention.

You can't provide that to 3.75 million people.

Add to that all the deaths from now untreatable ailments (heart attack, etc)

Add to that the lack of anti biotics etc (no country has enough high dose ABs to treat 3 - 5 million people - maybe 30K to 50K tops).

Total death rate = c. 18% of all infected which in Merkels prediction is 10.45 million.

If she's wrong and 90% get it = 13.4 million dead.

Now multiply by your own population = the # has hit the fan big time.

And yet in the UK.....

We're still allowing the Cheltenham festival and incoming flights from anywhere in the world.

Because we know that a cup o' tea and some fish and chips and mushy peas make you immune.


Well not really.

Never mind, keep calm and carry on.

PS - AS SOON as the Cheltenham festival is over (which raises £100's of millions for the toffs like BJ and his clan), schools and all other publicgatherings will be banned.

I've already been told this is what WILL happen.

Next week in the UK - schools and universities shut down, no more gatherings, etc.

Got to get the money maker out of the way first.

Watch this space, I'm telling you next week UK shuts down.

Norovirus, chickenpox, smallpox, and measles are FAR more contagious

No they're not.

You think they are because that's what you've been told.

The true contageousness of this is off the charts.

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