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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: Anon911
I can't take this anymore. Hello. New user name. Made an account a long time ago and intro'd myself in the intro forum but nothing beyond that. That said...
I have an issue with everyone claiming no big deal, and we are overreacting. We have underreacted astronomically in my opinion.

For an update to keep with the thread's purpose, we have 1 new case in Dallas not associated with the first case traveling out of Cali as well as 0 contact with case #2 who was in contact with the Cali traveller.

Texas is LOW on numbers, and I saw a report on the lack of tests being performed daily.

Hope the link works. We have an estimated population of 28.7 million per a brief google search

These numbers are asinine- sick per population total I mean (as well as no state of emergency as of yet to allow federal funding for a state of emergency).

Stop freaking out?! Ok. Housing market crashed in 09 and I knew someone who lost over 100,000$ of their retirement savings. I pulled out early thankfully. Now the markets are extremely volatile and not easily predicted.

Hospitals may or may not be overrun with ill patients. Car crash, broken limb, stroke, age of patient, underlying conditions may or may not factor into all of this with an overwhelmed ER for covid-19 patients.

Are 50 under people going to fair well, most likely, but WE LOVE AND CHERISH OUR ELDERS. Moms, dads, gparents, etc. We dont want to see them suffer for lack of room and Joe or Susie over there younger will be treated first like in Italy.

(#oldlivesmatter lol, that's been in my head for days)

Why stock up? If you have a government lock down on cities/ will be in hours long lines. Assume you aren't sick. You want to wait for 4 hours to get food or toiletries? Heck no! That's why. The preparation is for an Italy-like crack down where essentials fly off the shelves because of mandates.

So, my mother (in 2012) came down with an illness very similar to covid-19. They (the hospital) told her it was not MERS (or other coronavirus-like illness...she is currently requesting all of her records to see exactly what they tested for).

However, it completely acted like a "corona virus". She was 73 at the time (80 now). They ASSumed it was Birds Fancier's Lung disease. She is a city girl with no contact with birds other than crap on her car at the local shopping store (no chicken farms no pet birds).

It hit quick and hard. Fever in evening, exhaustion, difficultly breathing, low ox level, dizziness, and she was hospitalized. 1 week in hospital with oxygen, high levels of steroids (prednisone) IV'd, then on release high dose of prednisone orally for 9 MONTHS. She literally did not know why she was sick or if she would live.

Did i mention chest xray was fine but chest CT showed..."glass-like" shards?

Her illness is still there. She has had 2 flares where it happened again. Been on high dose steroids twice to reduce inflammation.

Was in covid-19? 99.99% probably not. Her case, however, shows ME personally the seriousness of such a disease that can cause havoc on ones immune system and continue to haunt your body for literally almost a decade. (She is convinced with latest evidence it had to have been a "type" of coronavirus especially with the glass shards CT scan). I am not claiming it was covid-19 but wanted to paint a picture. Her life is not worth less than yours (the reader whoever you are).

Side note her last bout was i believe this past December to January.

Stay safe and smart. Don't panic of course, but prepare and realize we may loose people we cherish if we can't contain this. We haven't contained it but I believe we can more and it can help.
Can only concur!

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:13 PM

Perhaps Virus lives on for at least 5 weeks
edit on 12-3-2020 by SuziSurrey because: Change wording

edit on 12-3-2020 by SuziSurrey because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: SuziSurrey

Perhaps Virus lives on for at least 5 weeks

So much for the efficacy of a two week quarantine.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: Brick17
a reply to: RMFX1

Totally disagree. Of all the politicians worldwide that I have seen Boris (leaving politics out of this) just turned around and told you, me, us, the U.K. population that people ARE going to die, our loved ones and explained, in detail and depth, along with his two advisors (medical and scientific) why this was. In fact they explained a great deal. The reasons and scientific rational behind all the decisions being made (school closures, events, flights, travel, social distancing, care for the vulnerable, work, pay, and so much more). Then there was the science and so much more detail about the virus and the current testing. It was upfront, in your face and simple.

I've had several briefs already. This virus cannot be stopped. You, me, everyone is going to get it. That's a fact. Just a matter of when not if. From a squaddie view point I know what my role is and what my particular role is in regards to my location/units role. Top tip, fundamental shift in mindset is required by everyone. It's like going on Ops, except this time round we are going to get 'it' (the virus). How badly it affects us, how well our genetics hols up is the question. Being in the military it's about the mission, competing your task, your muckers (mates) come before you and you have to be prepared to place yourself in harms way if needs be. The virus is that danger. The virus will get to us all. The virus will kill many but the vast majority will get better. Our role now is to help each other and save as many of the vulnerable as possible. The NHS have some very difficult days ahead. Be thankful we are in the UK. I've travelled to many parts of the world in my career and I'd rather be here right now than anywhere else.

Stay positive, stay sharp and look out for each other. We will get through this and we will endure.

Summed it up about right for me. I'm 59 and in Spain with wife and kids 12 & 14 but would rather be in the UK. The numbers here are climbing. 3165 cases and 87 dead. I think it will follow Italy. We have prepped for 2 months but it might be that long before the numbers peak if not longer. We will isolate and lock down but I suspect we will get it in the end. Good luck everybody!

The Valencian community just closed the Schools and also our local large Friday outdoor market which has 1000's visiting. Here we go!
edit on 12-3-2020 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:26 PM
Got it wrong... Boris Johnson has'nt stopped gatherings or halted schools

edit on 12-3-2020 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: Aldolas
Closing everything down hurts more people than it helps.

Yep - and adds to the fear.

4. Our friends and allies from America are being as honest as always:

- We don't test, that way we don't need to lie about the numbers

Which is ironic, seeing as a true reporting of the number of infected (I agree it is likely much much higher than the current confirmed cases) would show a much, much lower potential CFR.

Ok, that said, I'll start adding some updates from my 'hood...

Georgia currently has had one death (67-year-old with an underlying medical conditions), 12 confirmed cases, and 19 presumptive (tested positive with our State test, but waiting confirmation from the CDC).

NASCAR's Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 is still on (for now) without fans.

UGA is bucking the closings trend and said it will resume classes on Monday after Spring Break.

Our St. Patricks day parade has been canceled, and here is a full listing of things canceled in Atlanta so far...

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Brick17

Totally agree. I don't like Boris, but I felt he was honest and all three were open. They explained things with a sensible rationale. Im sure many would have liked more drama, but I believe they are reacting as the situation evolves.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
Not sure how you screwed the quote up, but it makes it appear that I made the statement that was in fact made by you.
I hope that was an accident on your part.

No, it is ATS' broken nested quoting in action...

I did, however, leave out the leading quotation mark I usually add... will go fix that now... fixed...
edit on 12-3-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: CrazeeWorld777

I've just read differently.?

He said there was no need to close schools at the moment - as the Republic of Ireland did just hours earlier.

Source: Coronavirus: People with fever or persistent cough told to self-isolate

But, the same article states:

There have been 596 confirmed cases across the country. However, the actual number of people infected could be between 5,000 and 10,000, the government's chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance said.


As part of the new measures, testing will only focus on identifying people with the virus in hospital.

So the 596 figure is only those in hospital? They won't be adding those with it at home in the figures?

Hmm, that sounds dodgy to me. I don't like it.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
Got it wrong... Boris Johnson has'nt stopped gatherings or halted schools

LOL. ignore my post to you above. You changed your post

edit on 12/3/2020 by MissBeck because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:39 PM
Italy's total has risen further in new cases and deaths today.

Spain are reaching similar levels of infected per day. today it is 782

Germany is at 546.

UK's highest tally today aswell at 130

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: Brick17
Stay positive, stay sharp and look out for each other. We will get through this and we will endure.

Well said, I wish more people could just accept reality without feeling like they have to micro-manage everything, including serious events like this.

I just heard from my boss, who left in the first week of January on a 4 1/2 month cruise (really, really bad timing), that he is still fine, was somewhere around Singapore (not sure if they were arriving or leaving), hopefully he'll be ok - he's right on the line with regard to being in the high risk category. I'm still trying to find out the name of the ship (it is a Regent Mariner ship).

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
Got it wrong... Boris Johnson has'nt stopped gatherings or halted schools

Not yet but it will come.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: KindraLaBelle
Waiting for more clear government orders later today.

That comment, right there, instills far, far more fear in me than this virus ever could.

If it was Ebola, or some other monster with a dramatically higher CFR, I could understand the fear/panic.

For this thing? I just don't get it. But then, I've never understood why most people do the silly things they do.

That's probably because you took that one tiny comment out of my post and pulled it way out of context !

Governments control societies and that's just the way it is.
Today my gov said 'if you sneezed you call your doc and stay home for a week'
I sneezed, and yet I don't believe I'm sick and feel fit to work tomorrow. (I need the paycheck!)
My gov says 'if we catch you working while sick you will get a large fine'

government orders, I stay home.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: blackrabbit1
a reply to: Brick17

Totally agree. I don't like Boris, but I felt he was honest and all three were open. They explained things with a sensible rationale. Im sure many would have liked more drama, but I believe they are reacting as the situation evolves.

I would rather someone like Boris who says it like it is in a crisis such as we have now unfolding!

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Beltalowda
It's up to 2 players now. If you've read the information that's been provided in 4 parts of this thread you'd know it's safe to say they'll probably be more

Okey dokey. Good thing I'm not a pro sports fan, so while I won't miss it, I understand a lot will.

I'm still far more afraid of the results of the fear and panic than I am of the virus.

Because other people’s fear and panic will affect you how ??
Silly thinking really. Why are you so fearful and panicky about how others are feeling?

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: elitegamer23

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Beltalowda
It's up to 2 players now. If you've read the information that's been provided in 4 parts of this thread you'd know it's safe to say they'll probably be more

Okey dokey. Good thing I'm not a pro sports fan, so while I won't miss it, I understand a lot will.

I'm still far more afraid of the results of the fear and panic than I am of the virus.

Because other people’s fear and panic will affect you how ??
Silly thinking really. Why are you so fearful and panicky about how others are feeling?

I see you don't follow the stock market. THAT is what fear and panic result in and yes, it absolutely effects us all, including those neither fearful nor panicking.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: elitegamer23
Because other people’s fear and panic will affect you how ??
Silly thinking really. Why are you so fearful and panicky about how others are feeling?

It is other people's fear and panic t hat is shutting down airlines, businesses and basically our very lives.

If it was limited to just some 'feelings' it would be different, but it isn't. Fear is the primary tool of dictators and despots.
edit on 12-3-2020 by tanstaafl because: emphasize 'the'

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:54 PM
The Good News in the UK, Boris has announced we're moving into the 'delay' phase.

Bad News is, they are doing naff all.

Contain phase consisted of, keep travelling, keep schools open, keep going to work even if your colleague is infected, keep sending your kids to school, even if you are infected, no airport checks, no tests. Delay phase consists of... Well exactly the same.

If they were honest, they would be preaching "Spread it fast, spread it far and wide".

Well, not only do we have a Tory government, but we have a clown for prime minister. What do you expect. Still, at least the economy is booming. What do you mean the FTSE is down 11% today??? Must be the Russians.
edit on 12-3-2020 by Oppenheimer67 because: typo

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: CuriousUk
a reply to: Willyblake
There is no stop to this, unless a vaccine is created.

A vaccine will not stop it. The CDC states that even when they get the flu vaccine right (the right strain for what is going around), it is only 40-60% effective. When they get it wrong, it is, obviously, much less than that (0?)...

But that 40-60% reduction in people getting sick and people going to the hospital (not all go to the hospital, but the potential) is what allows are society to function "normally". So, while the vaccine isn't going to eliminate the virus from spreading, it will slow it's impact enough that life can go back to normal.

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