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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:17 AM
Alright y'all I'm about to be in Hot Spot number 3.
Daytona Beach refuse to cancel Bike Week we now have a confirmed case and our local Health Department is asking anybody that attended Bike Week to self quarantine for 14 days. This is half of my friends list. No one listened to me.

What can I tell you by looking at my friends feeds that had posted pictures from Bike Week? They will not be following the self quarantine orders. It will continue to spread here. DeSantis and our local Health Department is a joke, I'm not sure how many isolation beds we have but it's not really looking good for us.

I will keep you posted on everything that happens here.

I have a gut feeling that this will be very very bad.

Not a sourced update, local intel only.

For those interested in following Volusia County updates please watch for my posts.

*rumors of halifax closing because they have a case (friends daughter works there)
edit on 12-3-2020 by ragiusnotiel because: text to talk is retarded

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: TruthJava
We (many of us regular citizens) are NOT anti-American by being concerned (not panicked) about what is going on.

Pushing for a complete and total suspension of all travel and trade - essentially destroying the worlds economy - is, in fact, an act of panic, and is totally unjustified based on the numbers currently being experienced.

DURRR, those numbers aren't going to stay the same...

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:22 AM
Friend flying from Thailand- what are our latest updates from them?

It will be thailand to hawaii, waiting to find out layovers.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: odd1out
The fear mongering fostered by the media is what is CAUSING MARKET TURMOIL? Really, THAT is what will affect the economy?

See below for my admission that you are 100% correct and I was wrong about this point.

In one mouthful, TANSTAAFL talks about keeping those at risk easily the not-so-much-at-risk will have it should they contract this virus...99% will be fine and BLAH BLAH BLAH. Yet, when the decisions are made THAT SHOULD BE BEING MADE to ACTUALLY PROTECT those at risk, you blame the media?

Shuttering the entire worlds economy is not what needs to be done to protect those at risk.

Are you seriously suggesting that we should take steps that will likely be ineffective at accomplishing the goal, but will 100% for certain destroy our and the worlds economy for a year or three, in order to try to protect 1% of our population from something that they will eventually get anyway, and that will also result in an unknown number of deaths itself?

President Trump mentioned one good action, but it should have been done weeks ago, and it should be more firm... locking down any and all group homes - nursing homes, etc - where those most at risk live and/or congregate. Provide information to families about how best to protect their loved ones that are living with or near them, and directly to those at risk so they can protect themselves.

I blame the media for NOT HYPING THIS UP ENOUGH.

Then you, CHICKEN LITTLE, are part of the problem. We don't need hype. We need facts.

I don't know where TANSTAAFL lives,

Yes, you do (if you have eyes and use them).

but where I live most of the media has been telling us NO BIG DEAL, It's just the flu, KFI Radio here in SoCal has literally BEEN LAUGHING ABOUT IT, and ad infinitum.

You know - you're right. I said the media, when not only are they not the ones causing it, in fact they have been largely ignoring it, so, again, to be clear, I was wrong, and you are right (about this one point).

It is actually more tptb, and even they are more just sort of leading us down panic road. I even suspect that they are doing things - or not doing things - to help the spread, because like good little politicians, they are trying to not let a good crisis go to waste.

To elaborate on that - I think the CDC screwups with the test kits was done on purpose by TDS suffering fools to make our numbers look worse, to feed the fear/panic in the Markets, and try to hurt Trumps re-election chances. And yes, it is possible the rest of the world is in on it, because Trump's victory in 2016 and world changing policies since has been spurring a huge resurgence of Nationalism and anti-Globalist sentiment all over the world (protests in Iran, HK, Taiwan, China, etc), and I think China responded the way they did in order to disappear a whole bunch of dissidents that were seriously threatening their power structure, and NK and Iran are following suit.

We CAN NOT BEGIN to protect anyone at risk without the tough decisions being made. Those decisions are unfortunately going to cost US - BIGLY - economically in the relative short term.

It depends on what you mean by 'protect' and 'tough decisions'. If you mean trying to save every, single person at risk - then forget it. It isn't going to happen, and the effort certainly isn't worth destroying the worlds economy, even for a 'short' time, because that will end up killing more people than the virus.

If you disagree, then why haven't you been playing CHICKEN LITTLE screaming about the 12,000-61,000 flu deaths and 50,000 pneumonia deaths every year? Hmmmmm?

If we really wanted to save the economy well, WE should have made the PAINFUL decisions 8 WEEKS AGO!!!

What decisions?

I'm serious - be specific - what decisions, actions, etc, are you saying we should have made 8 weeks ago.

The countries faring the best DID JUST THAT,

We are faring as well or better than most - did you not know that?

The only one doing better is South Korea, and that is good news, because, they are showing the real numbers once wide-spread testing is done, revealing the much much lower CFR and serious/critical numbers that this thing results in.

Because it appears it was always inevitable that it would be wide spread, and if you are serious about protecting those at risk, then you should be advocating for eliminating walk-ins at Doctors and Hospitals for everything except real serious emergencies, and mandating Virtual and/or Drive-Through type assessments of anyone who is sick enough to feel like they need to go to a doctor, and at the same time, educating people about how and why they don't need to go to a doctor for every sniffle they may experience.

I'm sure I could come up with a much better, more specific, and more thorough list, but I don't like wasting my time.

But it is the PEOPLE LIKE YOU, NO big Deal,

And people like you putting words in mine and others mouths, claiming we are saying things we aren't, just because we aren't joining you in your circular jog screaming that the sky is falling.

"The CFR ain't real until we test everyone,

This is a fact. I'm sorry you seem to not like facts. Would you like some wine with your panic?

TANSTAAFL you try like hell come off as some sort of authority

Ummm... no, I don't, never claimed to be, just responding to comments trying to inject a little logic and reason.

you are just another person with an opinion.

Yep. But I at least try to back up my opinion with facts, logic and reason - unlike some.

Regardless of the FRICKIN NUMBERS, Whether RO or CFR or whatever, this is QUITE SERIOUS.

Please point to anything that I have said otherwise.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Sovaka

Especially with the weather cooling down and flu season about to begin, no proactive testing for this virus, it's possibly going to be a rocky ride.

I was windering about that...

Is there a map somewhere that shows when 'flu season' starts/stops for different parts of the world/countries?

Where is Italy and/or Iran with respect to their normal flu seasons?

Also - I suspect that one other thing that can cause more serious cases is if someone comes down with both Influenza and CV...

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
but then you decide to twist your question to make their answer look inadequate.

Really? Examples?

But you do actually call out a lot of nonsense too which I was just starting to respect. But here you have twisted my point to serve a political baiting/trolling purpose. Shame on you.

You said what you said. I agreed with it, and provided my opinion on why. I certainly wasn't trying to say that was your opinion of why. My apologies if it sounded that way, it was not my intent.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:39 AM
US equities dropped so far it triggered "circuit breaker" for the 2nd time this week (DOW is currently down 7.2%)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Well this is going to get worse...propaganda will start becoming gospel. Btw...Chinese bitcoin is up..

Edit: Off a bit not gaining Atm. Link

This is cause for concern:

Disinformation about the coronavirus is spreading as quickly as the outbreak, fueled by Iranian, Russian, and Chinese government-backed campaigns blaming and attacking the United States as the source for the scourge.


Now on FOX News (I know o.k.?...but hitting mainstrean)

If you listened to Chinese state-run media, you'd think President Trump went to China and released vials of COVID-19 on groups of unsuspecting men, women and children.

Beijing has been bending over backward trying to convince the world that the United States is the real culprit behind the quickly spreading virus that's already claimed more than 4,600 lives across the globe.

Link to quoted above

And follows.....

Chang said it's just another tactic in China's playbook, carefully choreographed to make Americans look petty and racist.

"This an all-out assault on the United States," Chang said.

Now the USA is getting the blame...on here I've read a great deal of "USA bashing and what-aboutisms"; China is going to lead the further chumming.

edit on 03413434America/Chicago12_8America/Chicagoam by missed_gear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: NxNWest
Oddly enough, research was done that indicates many viruses and bacteria travel in the jet stream to be deposited back to Earth. A report in 2018 states:

"Every day, more than 800 million viruses are deposited per square metre above the planetary boundary layer -- that's 25 viruses for each person in Canada," said University of British Columbia virologist Curtis Suttle, one of the senior authors of a paper in the International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal that outlines the findings."

Oh fun...

Very interesting, thanks, had no idea.

Too bad there was no details about what kinds of bugs - qualities/properties, with examples - are capable of doing this. Is it all of them? Only a certain kind?

Not saying this particular one could do that, but certainly not balderdash.

Ok, maybe not total balderdash, but it is at least partial balderdash to make the claim about a specific virus without evidence.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:42 AM
Multiple cases in my state and one in my county (Bennington) yikes

Here's a link:
edit on 12-3-2020 by FamCore because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: tanstaafl

I am begining to read reports in the medical academic fields, that are concerns in regards to how it will effect the obese. I won’t share that data collected in the USA of how many people who are middle aged and old who are obese. The panic per se, may be translated into getting people to use there wits and careful.

Maybe one good thing to come out of this will be people starting to take responsibility for their own health.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: ragiusnotiel

I have an art show in Juno Beach this weekend, and I am flying in from Texas. The producers are not cancelling the show, so I am a little concerned about it. Wondering if the people are going to stay away. I have been in and out of Florida for months now attending art shows with thousands of people present. I know there is no way I haven't been exposed to it at this point.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: Rich Z
Well, with that presumed to be true, and looking at this from another angle, then why are governments worldwide going into their own sort of panic mode? Many of them trying to keep it behind the scenes, of course, to keep from causing a panic with their populace.

Normal events shouldn't cause abnormal responses, IMHO.

Agreed, and I responded with my opinion of why - I believe it is a last ditch power play by the globalist/elites due to the huge grass roots Nationalist movements that have been spurred on by Trumps election and policies.

It is a fact that China and Iran were experiencing significant threats to their tyrannical/dictatorial power structures, and I believe that they have been using this thing as cover to eliminate as much of the threat (of known dissidents) as possible.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: ShortBus
Trade is allowed to continue, people traveling is the issue.

Pretty much all shipping has ceased. You can't have trade without shipping and people traveling.

If we do nothing, people will complain, if we act with diligence, people will complain.

Shutting down the entire economy is not acting with diligence.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: asdfa
DURRR, those numbers aren't going to stay the same...


posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

Then you, CHICKEN LITTLE, are part of the problem. We don't need hype. We need facts.

I wish you wouid stop with the insults. Nearly everyone who disagrees with you gets them. You can make good arguments. You don't need to resort to this. I suspect, however, that you enjoy it.

MODS: If the insults don't stop, this member needs to be banned.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: Willyblake
By now I think the best would be to shut the world into quarantine for at least two months. Of course economy will take a great hit. But I don't see any other way around for this thing to stop anytime soon. They chose markets over people many weeks ago, and now they're losing both.


It cannot be stopped. You might as well try to stop the wind blowing.

All shutting down the economy will do is result in many more deaths.

We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

It isn't Ebola. It is a virus. It can make you sick. It can cause life-threatening problems for those with serious underlying health conditions - just like the flu can.

That is all.

and again - no, I'm not saying it is a joke, or isn't serious. I'm saying it is what it is, and, just like the flu, we should educate, and deal with it, sans the fear and panic and economy destroying hysteria.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:52 AM
the world doesn't make any sense whatsoever

If you ask me, London is probably the place that has been spreading Coronavirus all around europe. They have the main airport in europe for long haul travel and they never blocked flights from Corona virus hit places . Londoners travel also a lot. Every morning and evening they are packed like sardines for hours on the tube etc
It is mathematically impossible the virus would not spread in london if it has spread in places where people just travel by car and not so densely populated

As the emergency in europe increased due to the virus contaminating hospitals and getting to vulnerable people, they slowed down their testing (source , other than on people who had symptoms and declared foreign travel, Today Boris Johnson has just confirmed they won't lock down anything as they will let the virus spread to get mass immunity. This strategy to ensure they cannot get a second round of the virus as everyone will be immune

I have no doubt that's probably what they have been doing all along. However they represent a danger for the countries who are trying to stop the spread and also why is the US ok with travel from the UK again?
There is only one logical explaination and that is the US are doing the same

I am afraid the rest of the nonsense is just to destroy competitors economies and it's despicable
edit on 12-3-2020 by marshaxt because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-3-2020 by marshaxt because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: drussell41
I wish you wouid stop with the insults.

That was in direct response to your veiled insults directed at me by capitalizing my username the way you did.

That said, I will cease with even veiled insults in response to those that are hurled at me.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

It isn't Ebola. It is a virus.

Ebola is a virus.
Perhaps you meant to say that this is a different virus.

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