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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 09:32 PM
First cases of coronavirus confirmed in Michigan. One each in Oakland and Wayne counties.

Well Michiganites, you knew it was here. Now it's official.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 09:37 PM
Great article by National Geographic about how COVID-19 is far deadlier than the seasonal influenza virus, stats and info about underlying conditions that are problematic to have if infected.

But evidence also shows that COVID-19 is more fatal across all age groups than seasonal influenza, with death rates six to 10 times higher for those under 50.

The majority of non-severe cases—60 percent—are teens and adults between 15 to 49 years old, which might suggest this group is spared the worst of the virus.

There is some pretty scary stuff in here and worth the read for information about at risk, symptoms, complications, etc.

edit on 10-3-2020 by NxNWest because: Fixed link

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: NxNWest

Theirs another anomaly assuming South Korea, and Italy are putting out bona fide numbers, why are the deaths in Italy of a far greater magnitude than those of South Korea. Could the treatment protocol used by South Korea be light years ahead, or have they just taken a chance that is paying off, with regards to the Zinc type medication stalling the viral replication in the cells.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae
Where are people seeing the US broke 1000 today? I've refreshed BNO, Johns H, and Worldometers and it still says 975ish. Edit to add.... same with NYT

Here better detail on Canada & USA

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: MissBeck

originally posted by: Speedmats
UK Health Minister tests positive and she's been in the company of the Prime Minister. He may have to self-quarantine.

Well, that can't be right as they all told us to do this, and we'd be safe!

I have a confession to make..

Ever since touching your face is a top 3 taboo, I can't stop! It's like reverse psychology. Tell me to not touch my face and I touch it 5x more. Weird. Maybe that's just me.

How 'bout telling me to not buy masks. Oh wait...
edit on 10-3-2020 by UFO1414 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 09:56 PM

originally posted by: UFO1414
First cases of coronavirus confirmed in Michigan. One each in Oakland and Wayne counties.

Well Michiganites, you knew it was here. Now it's official.

Crap my inlaws live in Wayne

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: Tukota

I wish more people would simply check their state health services. Usually they are small-ish but have very smart people and solid plans. This is why I said it was a good decision to push testing down to the state level. Most likely that recommendation came from CDC which regularly works with state health agencies.

State health labs can do tests for lots of stuff and make new tests if they get the initial setup for testing.

Now if I can just get all the idiots on Twitter to understand what triage means and why you can’t test whole damn cities at once...

edit on 10-3-2020 by SpartanStoic because: Spelling

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Look at the population age breakdown between the two. We know it hits the older people harder. Korea has an age structure showing 14.55% over 65 in 2018. That's about 3.2M men, and 4.2M women.


Italy on the other hand, in 2018, had 21.69% over 65. That's about 5.8M men and 7.6M women. That means they're probably going to see more deaths, since they have so many more that fall into the highest risk category.


posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:08 PM

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: Tukota

AZ can do 450 tests per day, every day.

For all that's worth. I'm in AZ and have been watching the health department dashboard. On March 3rd they had done 32 tests. Now on March 10th they are up to a whopping 84. Having the tests does not seem to lead to tests getting done, at least in this state. I think there's a significant bottleneck at the moment because in order to test people, you need people to present for testing. We could have millions of tests available, but if only 5 people can be arsed to report symptoms it won't do us a lick of good. The only use right now for being able to perform "x" number of tests is that it sounds good on the nightly news and daily briefings.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:12 PM
1000 in USA

BREAKING: Florida reports 8 new cases of coronavirus, U.S. total hits 1,000

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:14 PM
a reply to: UFO1414

Thank you for the info! I saw it just in time to watch the press conference. Both cases are people who are middle-aged. She said one traveled internationally recently and one traveled domestically recently but refrained from saying where. Both are apparently hospitalized so I'm glad they're getting the help they need.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: Phelan15

That might be a factor, but the death rate in Italy is massively ahead of South Korea, Given that the treatment in South Korea seems to be an established protocol of only treating when symptoms require it, which would mean those elderly or with existing health conditions turn up with bronchial problems seem to given it automatically. The average death age in Italy is 80 years from the virus, even with their greater elderly population the rates are still very different.
The serious and critical cases are also vastly different, Like vastly different,
edit on 10-3-2020 by anonentity because: adding

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: Occam78

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: Tukota

AZ can do 450 tests per day, every day.

For all that's worth. I'm in AZ and have been watching the health department dashboard. On March 3rd they had done 32 tests. Now on March 10th they are up to a whopping 84. Having the tests does not seem to lead to tests getting done, at least in this state. I think there's a significant bottleneck at the moment because in order to test people, you need people to present for testing. We could have millions of tests available, but if only 5 people can be arsed to report symptoms it won't do us a lick of good. The only use right now for being able to perform "x" number of tests is that it sounds good on the nightly news and daily briefings.

Oh, I think you are onto something. No tests, no virus. See how this works?! Easy peasy. Meet me at the Winchester and let's hope this all blows over.
Seriously though, welcome back to ATS. Keep us up to date in your state. This is our grassroots project coming to fruition. Stay safe.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: Occam78

Incorrect. Not a bottleneck. Triage means they screen out people who complain of sniffles and coughs from going straight to a covid-19 test.

Think about it, they can’t test every person who walks into a doctor with a cough. The CDC said this exact thing, they need to screen out normal flu, allergies, valley fever, and other things first through normal testing. Or they need to locate a person through contact with an infected person then test that person.

Or put another way... if they just redline the tests 450 per day every day, what happens when more people show up with valid symptoms and can’t get tested?

Or another way... they test me when I complain of a cough (I have seasonal allergies, cough is regular for me this time of year), I’m negative. I go on my merry way, only to get a fever 3 weeks later, collapse and get taken to ER who then need to test me AGAIN.

They are doing the best they can. It’s not like they can suddenly build labs to do millions of tests per day. Not gonna happen.

I understand we’re generally government averse here, I am too, but when you read the facts and think through the scenarios what they are doing is probably the best thing that can be done unless you can suddenly build labs to run millions of tests. Note even if they could run a million tests nationally per day... the virus would still spread.

Perceptions can be factually wrong, and often are because they are based on personal bias and outward views.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: UFO1414
First cases of coronavirus confirmed in Michigan. One each in Oakland and Wayne counties.

Well Michiganites, you knew it was here. Now it's official.

And they declared state of emergency today. That makes 16 states so far.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:37 PM
UPDATE: the government agency employee who shared a notice with me yesterday saying they should prepare to work from home as of Wednesday, shared another notice tonight saying they should from home "whenever possible" for the next 90 days.

Just checked, no new guidance from OPM yet.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Phelan15

That might be a factor, but the death rate in Italy is massively ahead of South Korea, Given that the treatment in South Korea seems to be an established protocol of only treating when symptoms require it, which would mean those elderly or with existing health conditions turn up with bronchial problems seem to given it automatically. The average death age in Italy is 80 years from the virus, even with their greater elderly population the rates are still very different.

I have a feeling SK only caught the "S" strain. Same as China.

This bad boy hit Europe with the more deadly "L" strain. It's the one with the neurological consequences. Italy, Iran, Spain, Germany all getting rocked. Rest of Europes updates are grim too. And it's sweeping west like a Newfoundlander on a curling rink.

It's already blowing up in some clusters in North America.

Stay safe.

I'd link but I'm 3 sheets to the wind. Google is your friend.

Urggh, its in this thread I will find it and link.

I got it? I'm on mobile. Good grief. The struggles...
edit on 10-3-2020 by UFO1414 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:51 PM
Double? That's not a post question anymore.

edit on 10-3-2020 by UFO1414 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: Tukota

I apologise for that. I know better and usually check the dates and double check. I think I'm exhausted off to bed

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