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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: DanDanDat

Honestly, I wish we had 350 million tests at this point because it would go a LONG ways towards alleviating fears and clearing a lot of uncertainty. Presently we've got 30 dead with 1,000 confirmed cases nationwide. 3% rate of death... BUT let's say we tested everyone. To maintain such a seemingly high death rate of 3%, one would have to assume that "only" 1,000 out of 350 million is actually infected, which destroys the R0 fearmongering narrative. OR we discover that 10s or 100s of thousands are infected, meaning we've had 30 deaths not out of 1,000 cases, but out of 10,000 cases (a 0.3% mortality rate) or out of 100,000 cases (0.03% mortality rate_ which destroys the mortality rate narrative. Unfortunately fear sells.

Or the others died of „flu pneumonia“ instead of corona like they did fake the death numbers in china. We had that in thread 1

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 11:14 PM
UK Health Minister tests positive for Coronavirus

United Kingdom Health Minister Nadine Dorries announced in a statement that she tested positive for the coronavirus and is now in isolation, per the BBC. Why it matters: Dorries reportedly came into contact with hundreds of people since developing symptoms last week — including Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the Times first reported.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: UFO1414

Dorries reportedly came into contact with hundreds of people since developing symptoms

what the F*** is wrong with these people?

She's the health minister for crying out loud.

It's not as if she wasnt aware of whats going on for the last 3 months.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 11:20 PM
A little update on testing:

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Australia will implement a travel ban on Italy from 6pm Wednesday


Yep, what exactly is up with people. Particularly when it's been obvious for a week now that Italy is a basket case, seriously WTF is actually wrong with these people.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

It's crazy how they would put a photo op ahead of reason! I'll I can do is shrug my shoulders and spite my career path.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 11:28 PM
Your Finnish reporter here, next to his morning coffee mug. I am going to keep you updated every once in a while, since this seems to spark interest in many.

Finland: 40 confirmed corona virus cases. 30 cases are travel related.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 11:45 PM
Update from Chile and the region:

Chile has 17 new cases. Still no deaths. Source in english (google translate)

There is a baby of less than 3 years old that has tested positive. Also authorities are now claiming that when they detect a case that can't be traced back to an "import case", they will start to "meditate" and make difficult decisions regarding what measures of public health, containment at the community level are necessary from that case. Source in english (google translate)

Also Chile has sequenced the coronavirus of the first 4 detected cases. They claim it's the same strain that hit Wuhan at the 1st of December of 2019. The news article says the sequence will be available hera at GISAID. News Surce in spanish, you will have to copy/paste the text into google translate, the page sometimes works directly with google translate, sometimes it gets stuck and you can't read.

Chile also jumped into the race to develop a vaccine. They want to have the first "candidate" vaccine in less than 60 days. Source in english by google translate

The Soccer South American World Cup Qualifiers for Qatar 2022 are at risk to be postponed because of the coronavirus. However, FIFA nor CONMEBOL have formalized a determination. However, the World Footballers Union (FIFpro) have called the authorities to take "responsibility" and "reprogramming the international dates of the Qualifying matches". However, in Peru, they have stated that the suspension id going. Source in english by Google Translate

Bolivia has confirmed their 2 first positive cases. 2 women of 60 and 64 years old. They were in Italy. Both are stable and in isolation. In addition to this, there is another contagious disease going on in Bolivia, Dengue. it has killed 8 people already. Source in english by google translate Note by me: With all due respect to Bolivians, this will be interesting to follow. Bolivia has cities in high altitude and some (maybe a lot, I don't actually know that data) consume lots of Coca leaves.

Panama has reported the first death by coronavirus, the man was 64 years old and had a pneumonia and diabetes. The patient died the 8th of march, but they just informed it the 10th. He was a school principal. (I think it is the second death in Latin America.) They also have 8 positive cases reported, one is under intensive care. The school where he worked at has been shutdown and there are other teachers with respiratory difficulties. Panamanians authorities have shutdown all schools, public and privates at the north of Panama, center of the capital and a high density distric of san Miguelito until April 7th. Source in english by google translate

Paraguay has 2 confirmed cases now. And they have suspended classes in public schools for 15 days. Source in english

Note by me: I think Panama and Paraguay have taken a better action than Chile. It seems as in Chile they are letting the virus run wild. No action has been done by the authorities (other than sending the patients home in self quarantine) such as closing schools or canceling events such as Lollapalooza.

And from Iran:

44 people died from alcohol intoxication after a rumor that liquor would cure the virus. The liquor was adulterated. Source in english by google translate

That's all for today.

Stay safe guys.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: myselfaswell

I'm pretty sure here in NZ we still have flights from Italy,only being asked to.self.isolate honestly. NZ is a joke.

posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: redpassion

Thanks for the update redpassion.

Good news is the kids, usually, have minor symptoms and get over it with relative ease (they should talk to my ex). It's the elderly we need to look out for.

IMO, South America is going to be the last continent to get hit hard. But it will, if travel is still unabated.

Appreciate your updates.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:06 AM
Ontario, Canada

Breaking: Health unit confirms first case of COVID-19 in Sudbury and Manitoulin districts

This is literally 3+ hours north of Toronto. In the middle of nowhere.

Man in his 50s attended PDAC March 2 and 3; fellow attendees asked to monitor for symptoms.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:13 AM
Current state : 373 confirmed infections in the UK

It appears that the number of confirmed infections is increasing by a factor of 1.25 per day (this data is for Italy, see below). So if you had 1000 infections today, tomorrow you'd have 1250. The day after, you'd have 1562 (1250 * 1.25), etc.
That 1.25 factor looks good for Italy. The UK looks a bit higher at present, BUT the UK data is on far fewer reliable sample days.

So, the UK's 373 cases as of this evening, and a factor of 1.25. We can take those numbers, and extrapolate ...

The UK goes through 1,000 cases on 15th March
5,000 cases, 22nd March
10,000 cases, 25th March
50,000 cases, 1st April
250,000 cases, 8th April
1 million cases, 15th April

Those numbers assume that things continue as they are, no changes to social gatherings, etc, etc. Also remember that they cover total cases - there will be people counted in the later numbers that have been ill and recovered (and yes, died, too).
I reckon we'll start seeing major restrictions on movement, etc coming in somewhere between 20th to 23rd March - the incubation period appears to be 5-7 days, and governments will want to start 'flattening the curve' of new infections before the numbers start rising too quickly, as there is that lead time.
That would also tie in with the way Italy have carried out their quarantine rules - they've been quite careful with their timings, and I reckon we'll follow a very similar pattern.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Australia will implement a travel ban on Italy from 6pm Wednesday


Yep, what exactly is up with people. Particularly when it's been obvious for a week now that Italy is a basket case, seriously WTF is actually wrong with these people.

What you mean "whats wrong with these people" - ive known for decades now that the economy comes first and the commonors human life is not even remotely close to being in the top 5 priorities.

What is wrong with them is everything and always has been to anyone not walking round with blinkers on.

Common peoples lives are insignificant to the elite- their pockets come first, hence why greed is a deadly sin which is all to proven time and time again, ever more blatantly so now in regards to Corona virus response methods and delays.

The minute china took the unprecedented step of quarantining 11 million people the red flags where flying high to those who possess more than a sultana sized peabrain in their heads.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:18 AM
Not sure if this has been posted. I didn't seen it but it's easy to miss things.

Washington wants to expand "drive through" testing

The University of Washington Medical Center in North Seattle can currently test 40 to 50 people per day using the method, CBS affiliate KIRO reports. The testing site is only available to employees and students, but UW Medical plans to expand the program to first responders, employees at long-term care facilities and UW patients showing symptoms later this week.

edit on 11-3-2020 by llreactionll because: Fix external content

edit on 11-3-2020 by llreactionll because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2020 by llreactionll because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:28 AM
We started out with 1 case right up the street from where i live. School teacher. As soon as that news hit the air waves there was a panick here in the citys. Costcos with 100 people lined up outside waiting to get in. All waters gone off shelves in minutes, along with hand sanitizers. It is different when ground 0 for your state is right down the street. You start thinking of all the same stores you must have been to that he went to last week. Now i think its up to 15 cases, all within a 15 min drive from me. Its different when it hits your back yard. For those of you that think you know you dont, until it is staring you right in the face.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:34 AM
This is a good article that lays things out a bit. iAzKUI2Xc4

The first fact is that, at least in the initial stages, documented cases of COVID-19 seem to increase in exponential fashion. On the 23rd of January, China’s Hubei province, which contains the city of Wuhan, had 444 confirmed COVID-19 cases. A week later, by the 30th of January, it had 4,903 cases. Another week later, by the 6th of February, it had 22,112.

The same story is now playing out in other countries around the world. Italy had 62 identified cases of COVID-19 on the 22nd of February. It had 888 cases by the 29th of February, and 4,636 by the 6th of March.

Because the United States has been extremely sluggish in testing patients for the coronavirus, the official tally of 604 likely represents a fraction of the real caseload. But even if we take this number at face value, it suggests that we should prepare to have up to 10 times as many cases a week from today, and up to 100 times as many cases two weeks from today.

edit on 11-3-2020 by llreactionll because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2020 by llreactionll because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2020 by llreactionll because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: llreactionll
Not sure if this has been posted. I didn't seen it but it's easy to miss things.

Washington wants to expand "drive through" testing

The University of Washington Medical Center in North Seattle can currently test 40 to 50 people per day using the method, CBS affiliate KIRO reports. The testing site is only available to employees and students, but UW Medical plans to expand the program to first responders, employees at long-term care facilities and UW patients showing symptoms later this week.

If it's been posted before, keep on keeping on.
This thread moves like my ex at a 90's house party. Valuable info does not discriminate the double post two-timer.
In fact, some of us need it said twice and louder to ingrain it in our skull.
edit on 11-3-2020 by UFO1414 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:48 AM
USA Update: 3/11/2020

1010 Cases since Jan 21st / 31 Deaths = 3.06% Mortality

964 Active Cases / 954 are "mild" = 99% Mild and 1% Serious.


posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:52 AM
In the "notheonion" section of ATS...

Coronavirus Conference Gets Canceled Because of Coronavirus

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 12:54 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
USA Update: 3/11/2020

1010 Cases since Jan 21st / 31 Deaths = 3.06% Mortality

964 Active Cases / 954 are "mild" = 99% Mild and 1% Serious.


I will bookmark this post and watch for your apology in mid-May. I hope I'm wrong.

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