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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:35 PM
Hey all. I just made the following video to share. It does contain some interesting visual info on the spread of the virus over the last 4 days... it is quite shocking actually. But once I'd put it together, and reading this thread, I thought it'd be better to make it a bit lighter, as this is heavy stuff. It is almost unbelievable, like this really happening? kind of unbelievable.

Don't have your speakers too loud, and keep your sense of humour.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

Where in Texas??

ETA: Okay, the confirmed cases are at LacklaND AFB and are part Wuhan evacuees and part Princess Cruise ship.
edit on 28-2-2020 by texasgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:35 PM

I can’t embed on my phone but it’s a recently released patient on live TV coughing into his hand and sharing a water bottle with a young child.

We’re screwed seven ways to Sunday.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:37 PM
at this stage, we should all prepare just because the virus may not be the world ender doesn't mean the fear wont wreck the economy for a time and that can lead to a whole nother set of problems.

Stay calm have a plan, no what you are going to do if your home becomes compromised and how you will feed your families, anything else at this point is to late really.

Panic buying has started in some areas and it will spread, so pay attention to your surroundings have a plan and best case scenario you just had a run up test run for getting ready for the bad times and you have some extra food and meds for a bit.

Worst case scenario you probably wont have to worry about being mocked for being concerned.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: musicismagic
Are you in Japan too?

No, Alaska.

Pretty close to Japan . But how are things in your neck of the woods. Are people buying goods like there is a buying panic going on?

Curiously, only Spam. Haven't tried to buy masks, as I think they're likely useless for the most part, especially since they wouldn't work with my beard, so I do not know if the stores have them. I was at two different stores Tuesday night and noticed the shelves at both were sold out of Spam, looked like some thinning canned goods, but nothing out of the ordinary.

While we definitely have the unprepared, apathetic scourge up here, we also probably have a much higher concentration of well prepared people than most places do. Since an earthquake could put some funk into our step at any time, a respectable percentage of Alaskans actually have taken the time and effort to plan for contingencies. Panic buying will probably hit the stores when we start seeing either supply shortages or Alaska confirms it's first case of this pestilence.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

That's the conundrum I have as well. Anyone know of the top of their head some good Japanese, Taiwanese, and Korean English language news sites. I thought they had a decent handle on it till this week.

The severity of Chinese actions in no way matched even their worst days numbers. I'd imagine Japanese, ROK, Aussie, and Kiwi intelligence agencies along with their US and European allies have something closer to the real numbers of China. I wish we did.

Neither Federal or State health leadership are currently inspiring much confidence.

I'm still of the opinion that wuflu is more contagious than currently circulating flu strains, and is at least as dangerous. Probably at least as deadly as a bad novel flu. Think 2009 and post Spanish flu pandemics post WWII. As much as I wish I couldn't see this thing being as bad as Spanish. I can see the possibility.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: litterbaux

I can’t embed on my phone but it’s a recently released patient on live TV coughing into his hand and sharing a water bottle with a young child.

We’re screwed seven ways to Sunday.

I saw that on Fox! What the hell was he thinking? Touching his kid and drinking from her water bottle. It was insane to watch!

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: Leighthall
a reply to: weirdguy

Kind of sounds like what tennisdawg stated in his posts - that it was an engineered virus and it was designed to move through people 3 times - each time worse than the one before.

Not having the same contacts, I have to go on face value of his posts - not rule them out or accept them blindly. To my mind, he hasn't sprouted anything too unbelievable, so I'm holding my assessment pending further information - further information like this case only lends credence to his claims.

I'm swaying :-)

As I have said before, future historians, if any are left, might wind up calling this the "Three Strikes and You Are Out" virus.

From the way it sounds, I don't think too many people will be surviving that third wave. Suspicion is that China has been going through the second wave, and cremating a WHOLE lot more victims than they are saying. I certainly wouldn't put it past the CCP, apparently KNOWING what they are dealing with, cremating victims without waiting for them to expire. Might explain why they don't want any outside witnesses to see what they are doing.

I guess it isn't impossible that once you catch this, game over, you will always have it. And it will keep on flaring up inside you till you finally succumb. In between external symptoms, when you are asymptomatic, you are passing it on to others. Suppose this is true? What would the world HAVE to do to keep everyone from becoming infected?

Seriously, if you were the mad scientist tasked to design the perfect weaponized virus, how many traits that this coronoavirus apparently has would be on that list of targeted attributes? And we might not have seen all the tricks it has up it's sleeve yet. This is still a very early stage of this pandemic.

My advice? Try REAL hard not to catch this. At all.

Yeah, gloom and doom. But you have to admit, there ARE people out there who would want to do something like this, for whatever their insane reasons might be.


Been saying this for weeks. This virus has a tool set designed for purpose!

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: litterbaux

That's because she already had it too.

She tested positive first. I remember all of us being so worried about her because she was so young, but she came through it like a champ obviously and gave it to him, and he's the one having trouble shaking it off.

I think this is her, but someone posted video of her from a local news source when it happened. I recognize them.

edit on 28-2-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: texasgirl

Blew my freaking mind. Not a smart move on his part. Not sure why it was even necessary for the child to be there.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: texasgirl

I actually kind of understand, it took me a solid minute to understand that this was potentially very bad and I have been prepping in one form or another since I was about 10. (Im 47)

We have a lot of social conditioning that pandemics dont happen anymore that's something for the history books, even though he has read and been told this could be very bad in the back of his mind the conditioning was its only the flu dont worry you had your shot you will be fine.

ETA: last week or so been bugging my bosses on base for the plan if this thing takes off and gotten nothing but blank stares, scares me something fierce that while we are locking down bases over seas there appears to be little to no prep on my base at least.

edit on 28-2-2020 by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: infoweb
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

Quite interesting video, please skip to 20:50, this video is 10 years old.

Whoa... That's a heavy video. Much to consider. Thanks for posting it.
edit on 28-2-2020 by 1questioner because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

As if once you get it you’re now immune....

What reckless behavior by the dad, the network and everyone else involved. This is movie crazy.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Question for anyone...IF this was released on purpose could there be 4 strains loose.
All Released at strategic times and places meant to criss cross the globe at the same time?

Alone each strain is bad but not deadly however, after combining with the others in the body they set off a reaction?

I'm still wondering about the CDC test and the comment about 'ok to test for just coronavirus.'

Sorry if this is off base science was never really my thing.
edit on 28-2-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: litterbaux

I can’t embed on my phone but it’s a recently released patient on live TV coughing into his hand and sharing a water bottle with a young child.

We’re screwed seven ways to Sunday.

I know so many people that are going on international trips in 3 weeks that, from last I heard, seem indifferent to the virus outbreak and forging forward with plans. Does not compute.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:07 PM
Oh Just lovely...the Oregon Case is a School Employee.


posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:07 PM

There's always evil on some ones mind that is in control over their local, nation and worldwide population.

I think his writing serves his bank account well. I wonder if he practices what he preaches.

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:08 PM
Oregon coronavirus case shuts Lake Oswego elementary school
Updated 7:04 PM; Today 5:26 PM
Oregon officials announced the state's first presumptive case of the new coronavirus Friday.

A Washington County adult is sick with the first presumptive case of the new coronavirus in the state, Oregon health officials said Friday.

The case needs to be confirmed by federal health officials. The patient is isolated at Kaiser Permanent Westside Medical Center. It is a case of community-spread disease. The person is an employee at Forest Hills Elementary School in Lake Oswego and may have exposed people there, health officials said.

The state would not disclose the person’s age, sex or specific condition.

“We’ve been expecting this and we are prepared for it,” said Patrick Allen, director of the Oregon Health Authority.

The person first had symptoms Feb. 19, the agency said in a statement. A sample from them was collected and sent to a laboratory in Hillsboro, which used a test kit provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Oregon officials need the CDC to confirm the test, Allen said should happen in a matter of days.

It was a matter of time since that d-bag comedian broke quarantine and headed to the Portland metro area.

Also the article states that this was a community-transferred infection (no travel).
edit on 2/28/2020 by clay2 baraka because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:08 PM

Hospitals battling Italy's growing coronavirus outbreak are facing a "crisis," according to health officials in the southern European nation. Italy now has over 820 cases, making it one of the worst hit countries in the world. Lombardy, in northern Italy, has 531 confirmed cases and a death toll of 17, the region's health secretary Giulio Gallera said Friday. And hospitals are struggling to cope. If the (coronavirus) keeps spreading, there will be a crisis of the hospitals, not only for those infected, but for all patients,” Gallera said. Professor Massimo Galli, head of the department of infectious diseases at Sacco Hospital in Milan, said that some hospitals were already facing an overcrowding crisis. The strain on health care infrastructure has long been a concern attached to the outbreak. In the Chinese province of Hubei, where the virus is thought to have originated, hospitals were initially unable to cope with the influx of new patients, a situation that is thought to have helped accelerate the spread of the virus during the early stages of the outbreak.


Italian hospitals face an "overcrowding crisis"

posted on Feb, 28 2020 @ 09:10 PM

edit on 2/28/2020 by clay2 baraka because: Double post because I posted at 12 after the hour.. /sigh

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