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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:07 AM
Also been watching sky news.. 2 experts on.. one said that it looks like its slowing down in UK šŸ˜‚ HOW they can tell that this early in to our outbreak I've no idea. And another expert earlier said that since you've had it , you'll have immunity? Haven't we read that's not the case? Also they're all still spouting the less than 1% cfr... šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: checkmeout
BBC Live new feed:

Swedish central bank official 'tests positive'

The deputy governor of the Swedish central bank, Martin Floden, has tested positive for coronavirus, a bank spokeswoman is quoted by Reuters news agency as saying.

How long does the virus live on surfaces??

It seems Boris has conceded defeat. The virus will spread in a significant way.

If only there was something we could do/could have done about that??

I think the official number is 9 days on surfaces, but I don't think it has been studied to much. Probably too dangerous to do a test with the real virus.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Expert on sky has said a maximum of 24 hours today šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø seriously, why cant they all read from the same page.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: BowBells

Because they are trying to find excuses not to shut everything down, schools, public transport etc.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: BowBells
a reply to: MrRCflying

Expert on sky has said a maximum of 24 hours today šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø seriously, why cant they all read from the same page.

WHO says several hours to several days... So anyone's guess.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:15 AM
I have the sniffles and a cough this morning. I hope it is not the start.

I have to take my mother about an hour and a half away tomorrow, to a fairly large city to have a medical procedure done. I am not looking forward to it, and will have my head on a swivel every time I hear someone clear their throat.

My main concern is for her (85 with health problems), and my son who has Asthma.

I am getting closer to pulling them from school and sheltering in place.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: pasiphae
a reply to: Liquesence

A whole lot more than just him came in contact with that guy and shook hands and talked for a minute or more. Are the rest of them going to do this?

In addition to Cruz, add Paul Gosar to the list: Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Paul Gosar to Self-Quarantine After Shaking Hands With Coronavirus-Infected Individual at CPAC

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:40 AM
Can't believe here in the UK, we are still flying in and out of Italy with no checks on passengers or no isolation???

Passengers arriving back to Britain from the coronavirus-hit north of Italy reveal they were free to leave UK airports with NO health checks - while airlines including BA are still operating dozens of flights from the quarantine zone

Return flights to Milan - one of the cities under lockdown - are still being offered by Ryanair, EasyJet and British Airways and are all available to book online while Public Health England confirmed arrivals would not be put in quarantine. Travellers arriving from north Italy into Gatwick, Stansted and Manchester airports said no checks were made on landing to combat the rapid spread of the disease - that can be passed even if the patient is showing no symptoms. London-based bartender Matteo Aprire, 26, arrived into Gatwick on an EasyJet flight from Milan and said he was able to walk free from the airport without any testing. Simone Farimon, who works in Kensington, south west London, said that Venice was completely deserted before he flew to Gatwick this morning and no checks were made on him nor other passengers when he landed.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:41 AM
This may have been mentioned in previous posts, but just read something that was a little disturbing.

I think a lot of us have been assuming that after this runs it course that we would build up some sort of immunity against it and further infections would be more controlled.

What I just read was a little disturbing which mentioned that because the coronavirus is similar to the common cold, the immunity that you develop doesn't last very long. So this could be possible that we are continually infected with this new variant, and although this round is anywhere from

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

There needs to be a global restriction/order/requirement what ever you want to call it on Cruise Liners.
Can't have a global restriction without every countries leader being on board.
Unless we want a global government set up for that?

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
I have the sniffles and a cough this morning. I hope it is not the start.

I have to take my mother about an hour and a half away tomorrow, to a fairly large city to have a medical procedure done. I am not looking forward to it, and will have my head on a swivel every time I hear someone clear their throat.

My main concern is for her (85 with health problems), and my son who has Asthma.

I am getting closer to pulling them from school and sheltering in place.

I feel the same, Iā€™m at work again in couple of hours, handling cash and meeting the general public. Iā€™ll probably end up sick before I finally decide to go into lockdown at home. Thing is, my bills donā€™t go into lockdown because of Coronavirus, they still need paying. Impossible to know exactly what to do and more importantly, when.
I said yesterday I had an amusing anecdote to share, I had to use an ATM, enter a busy supermarket and fill my car with fuel yesterday. Despite the fact there are confirmed cases in the city where I live, most people are seemingly either indifferent or oblivious to the virus. I decided to don three pairs of nitrile gloves and a face mask, partly to limit any exposure but also as a kind of feeler for other peopleā€™s reactions. I was soon greeted with some strange glances as I left my car and went to the cash machine. Undeterred, I withdrew my money, stripped off the top layer of gloves and discarded them in the wastebin, before entering the supermarket.
The strange looks only increased as I entered, I noticed a few people nudging each other, no doubt saying ā€œlook, heā€™s wearing a maskā€ and so on. Starting to feel like I had two heads, I moved to purchase my cigarettes from the bemused cashier. An elderly gentleman stood back slightly as if I were infected and I could see him clicking his tongue and rolling his eyes at the others at the sheer lunacy of it all. I was the centre of attention, like a walking freak show for all to observe, pass comment on and judge.
Taking my cigarettes, I moved up to the elderly man, who couldnā€™t believe the absolute ridiculousness of someone visiting Tesco in a mask and gloves for fear of catching a simple cold.
ā€œThis isnā€™t to protect me from youā€, I said to him. He began to bluster some kind of response, shaking his head as if to say itā€™s entirely your choice what you wear to the supermarket. ā€œItā€™s to protect you from me.ā€ I continued. ā€œI have Coronavirusā€. His face was a picture, I can tell you!
I then turned and left, stripped off the second pair of gloves and binned them, before filling my car with fuel (more strange looks) and discarding the final pair of gloves. As a final note on the social stigma of wearing masks and gloves, I told my girl to wear gloves when she uses the chip and pin keypads in stores and she refused because she felt stupid. Iā€™ve also seen videos on social media of a customer berating a storekeeper for wearing a mask and gloves at work, saying heā€™s an idiot and thereā€™s only ā€œa 0.2% chance of catching Coronavirusā€. With this kind of nonsense, itā€™s little wonder that people arenā€™t protecting themselves adequately due to the perceived stigma. I know that aggression and anger can be a response to fear, maybe itā€™s just the reality starting to hit home for many and subsequently being expressed in a negative manner.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: ComebackLogic

originally posted by: MrRCflying
I have the sniffles and a cough this morning. I hope it is not the start.

I have to take my mother about an hour and a half away tomorrow, to a fairly large city to have a medical procedure done. I am not looking forward to it, and will have my head on a swivel every time I hear someone clear their throat.

My main concern is for her (85 with health problems), and my son who has Asthma.

I am getting closer to pulling them from school and sheltering in place.

I feel the same, Iā€™m at work again in couple of hours, handling cash and meeting the general public. Iā€™ll probably end up sick before I finally decide to go into lockdown at home. Thing is, my bills donā€™t go into lockdown because of Coronavirus, they still need paying. Impossible to know exactly what to do and more importantly, when.
I said yesterday I had an amusing anecdote to share, I had to use an ATM, enter a busy supermarket and fill my car with fuel yesterday. Despite the fact there are confirmed cases in the city where I live, most people are seemingly either indifferent or oblivious to the virus. I decided to don three pairs of nitrile gloves and a face mask, partly to limit any exposure but also as a kind of feeler for other peopleā€™s reactions. I was soon greeted with some strange glances as I left my car and went to the cash machine. Undeterred, I withdrew my money, stripped off the top layer of gloves and discarded them in the wastebin, before entering the supermarket.
The strange looks only increased as I entered, I noticed a few people nudging each other, no doubt saying ā€œlook, heā€™s wearing a maskā€ and so on. Starting to feel like I had two heads, I moved to purchase my cigarettes from the bemused cashier. An elderly gentleman stood back slightly as if I were infected and I could see him clicking his tongue and rolling his eyes at the others at the sheer lunacy of it all. I was the centre of attention, like a walking freak show for all to observe, pass comment on and judge.
Taking my cigarettes, I moved up to the elderly man, who couldnā€™t believe the absolute ridiculousness of someone visiting Tesco in a mask and gloves for fear of catching a simple cold.
ā€œThis isnā€™t to protect me from youā€, I said to him. He began to bluster some kind of response, shaking his head as if to say itā€™s entirely your choice what you wear to the supermarket. ā€œItā€™s to protect you from me.ā€ I continued. ā€œI have Coronavirusā€. His face was a picture, I can tell you!
I then turned and left, stripped off the second pair of gloves and binned them, before filling my car with fuel (more strange looks) and discarding the final pair of gloves. As a final note on the social stigma of wearing masks and gloves, I told my girl to wear gloves when she uses the chip and pin keypads in stores and she refused because she felt stupid. Iā€™ve also seen videos on social media of a customer berating a storekeeper for wearing a mask and gloves at work, saying heā€™s an idiot and thereā€™s only ā€œa 0.2% chance of catching Coronavirusā€. With this kind of nonsense, itā€™s little wonder that people arenā€™t protecting themselves adequately due to the perceived stigma. I know that aggression and anger can be a response to fear, maybe itā€™s just the reality starting to hit home for many and subsequently being expressed in a negative manner.

Haha... I would have loved to see the look on his face when you told him that.

The wife and I wore gloves to the supermarket the other day. We did get some looks.

It is going to become more and more common. Soon those people will be begging for masks and gloves.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
Can't believe here in the UK, we are still flying in and out of Italy with no checks on passengers or no isolation???

Passengers arriving back to Britain from the coronavirus-hit north of Italy reveal they were free to leave UK airports with NO health checks - while airlines including BA are still operating dozens of flights from the quarantine zone

Return flights to Milan - one of the cities under lockdown - are still being offered by Ryanair, EasyJet and British Airways and are all available to book online while Public Health England confirmed arrivals would not be put in quarantine. Travellers arriving from north Italy into Gatwick, Stansted and Manchester airports said no checks were made on landing to combat the rapid spread of the disease - that can be passed even if the patient is showing no symptoms. London-based bartender Matteo Aprire, 26, arrived into Gatwick on an EasyJet flight from Milan and said he was able to walk free from the airport without any testing. Simone Farimon, who works in Kensington, south west London, said that Venice was completely deserted before he flew to Gatwick this morning and no checks were made on him nor other passengers when he landed.

Almost like they want to to contract the virus, eh?

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 10:08 AM
BBC at 15h06 local time :

St Patricks Day parade cancelled in Dublin!

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Cases Deaths Serious Critical Recovered
111,332 /3,879 /5,692 /61 /62,488

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: RMFX1
a reply to: BowBells

Because they are trying to find excuses not to shut everything down, schools, public transport etc.

Exactly. They are now playing this down big time. Stocks are crashing, as is Bitcoin and others.
I bet south korea is now faking numbers too. Japan might also be faking numbers. All in fear of collapse.

Anyway seems like the last thing you can do. Numbers have been fake from the start.

Nephew got a bad flu right now here in Germany and wife of a buddy too. Lets see how this will play out.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 10:13 AM
I would like to alert everyone that we do have the ability to tackle this virus.
We need to start using stem cells right away to fight the virus.

This is a real treatment plan.
Basically stem cells help your own cells rejuvenate. They repair the existing cells. Some cells are in good shape others not so much.
The stem cells go to the site of inflammation which is where the disease is.
From what we know the lungs are seriously damaged but also other organs such as the heart and kidneys can be damaged as well.
The stem cells reduce inflammation and reduce cell death and very important is that they IMPROVE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM.
There are 2 benefits to using stem cells.
They help with the survival of infected patients and there is direct evidence that stem cells can provide protection against the virus infection.

This is hugely important.
I have referenced a blog site written by scientists below that discusses different aspects of what stem cells are, what they do and the how stem cells can combat corona virus.
Two blogs that are worth reading are "Can Stem Cells Help Prevent Corona Virus 03/02/20" and the other is "How Stem Cell Therapy Works 02/20" that are part of the dvc blog.

The treatment is not complex or invasive.
Since I still cannot figure out how to link I really encourage everyone to read these blogs.
Remember "The Right To Try" act that was passed.
If someone becomes ill they have the right to have the stem cell treatment.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: ComebackLogic

I said yesterday I had an amusing anecdote to share, I had to use an ATM, enter a busy supermarket and fill my car with fuel yesterday. Despite the fact there are confirmed cases in the city where I live, most people are seemingly either indifferent or oblivious to the virus. I decided to don three pairs of nitrile gloves and a face mask, partly to limit any exposure but also as a kind of feeler for other peopleā€™s reactions. I was soon greeted with some strange glances as I left my car and went to the cash machine. Undeterred, I withdrew my money, stripped off the top layer of gloves and discarded them in the wastebin, before entering the supermarket.
The strange looks only increased as I entered, I noticed a few people nudging each other, no doubt saying ā€œlook, heā€™s wearing a maskā€ and so on. Starting to feel like I had two heads, I moved to purchase my cigarettes from the bemused cashier. An elderly gentleman stood back slightly as if I were infected and I could see him clicking his tongue and rolling his eyes at the others at the sheer lunacy of it all. I was the centre of attention, like a walking freak show for all to observe, pass comment on and judge.
Taking my cigarettes, I moved up to the elderly man, who couldnā€™t believe the absolute ridiculousness of someone visiting Tesco in a mask and gloves for fear of catching a simple cold.
ā€œThis isnā€™t to protect me from youā€, I said to him. He began to bluster some kind of response, shaking his head as if to say itā€™s entirely your choice what you wear to the supermarket. ā€œItā€™s to protect you from me.ā€ I continued. ā€œI have Coronavirusā€. His face was a picture,

I was trying to change a doctor's appointment from April to March. (I think there's a good chance it's going to kick off in April.) They couldn't because insurance wouldn't cover it. I wonder how they'd feel if I showed in a gloves, respirator and full face shield. I don't need their approval or consent, and I couldn't care less about their scorn because they could all be Dead People Walking.

However, I found a way to get in March for a different condition. April self-isolation still on for this 62 y/o immunosuppressed patient.

I appreciate your sharing your experience. I can better steel myself if I ever have to go out with gear. I really hope your sniffles really are just a cold.
edit on 9-3-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 10:17 AM
3 more Country's added to the list:

Brunei (South Asia)

Channel Islands (an archipelago in the English Channel)

St Barth (Carribean)

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 10:19 AM
Seeking volunteers here in England for 3.5k to be guinea pigs in clinical trials

Any takers?

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