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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: primalfractal

The cops are so disliked now especially in nsw because of their assault on the local population I can't see that ending well.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Hi, I appreciate your posts.

Any predictions for the UK?

We have 2 new cases here on the South Coast, I think 8 total in our county.


posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: elitegamer23

China situation has not improved. What wife and I hear from her family and our friends;

Flights out of Wuhan to Beijing or Shanghai all stopped.
Flights between Beijing and Shanghai all stopped.
Per my previous posts, some high ranking CCP people are infected, some may have died
Super strict censorship in place on Chinese internet, the strictest ever
Some small companies have simply gone bankrupt
Small and medium companies are refusing to pay staff from Mar 1, in China almost all companies pay once a month between 1st and 4th.

And more personally;

Lost contact with some parts of my wife’s family
Many of my friends got severe pay cuts and may lose jobs soon
All are still on some form of lockdown or quarantine

Thanks for the reply. I feel for the people of China , Italy , Iran and so many more . It’s a shame that us humans see each other by ethnicity and borders . We truly are all the same and this virus situation proves it .

Maybe going forward we can stop all the bull# and finally become a unified human race .

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 03:30 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

They are certainly lacking people skills 😂, I can just imagine how on one they will be if/when it gets bad here.

Kinda makes me wonder what these were for.

Millions spent on assault rifles that NSW Police don't use

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: primalfractal

Obviously to keep the underage girls in line while they strip search them....

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 03:53 AM
Terrible start to the week for Asian stock markets. Oil crashing and burning .

Going to be a very interesting week on this planet we call earth .

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: Joeshiloh

Wait, your not one of those “Alaskan Bush People” are you? Haha, anyways lovely country there in N WA.

Edit to add: My buddies Army National Guard units update this weekend drill of the virus states that its coming, going to be like a bad flu, and to wash hands and not touch your face was all that was in their briefing.

Well isn’t that special.
edit on 9-3-2020 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 04:27 AM

South Korea reports 96 new coronavirus cases, total 7,478

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 04:47 AM
Hey folks I told you so:
Prime Minister Abe Declaration of Emergency
the possibility that private rights might be restricted.

OK, so I told you all about " street talk", there you have it.

He says this: "In light of the concerns that the outbreak and spread of the new coronavirus infectious disease could have a significant impact on the lives and health of the people, I would like to call this situation a “historical emergency.”
edit on 0300000004502020-03-09T04:50:04-05:00500403am4 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 04:48 AM
well it seems the number of cases in the Philippines jumped today from the ten as of early this morning when i last looked, to now 20 cases. which is a doubling of the number of cases.

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, March 9) — The Philippines saw a sudden jump in the number of coronavirus cases to 20, the Department of Health announced Monday.

The DOH said 10 new cases of COVID -19, the disease caused by the virus, were recorded overnight.

This is on top of the four cases the the department announced Sunday.

Two patients earlier infected with coronavirus have recovered from the disease and have been discharged. Another one died.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: FinallyAwake
a reply to: musicismagic

Hi, I appreciate your posts.

Any predictions for the UK?

We have 2 new cases here on the South Coast, I think 8 total in our county.


Hey thanks

my new post:

not sure if that is the right one

anyway, plan on a total shut down of the economy like it is in Hokkaido

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 05:06 AM
Looks like New York has topped the 100 mark:

NEW YORK (AP) - Gov. Andrew Cuomo says more than 100 people have tested positive for coronavirus in New York state. That's up from 89 on Saturday, when Cuomo declared a state of emergency to clear the way for more testing, purchases of more supplies and hiring of more workers. The largest concentration of cases in New York is in suburban Westchester County just north of New York City. Cuomo said early Sunday that the state has 105 cases. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city could have hundreds of cases over the next few weeks.

Had plans of taking a vacation this year but the way things are going think the better bet would be to stay close to home.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 05:07 AM
It seems China began to control the situation. News from South Korea are also positive. Italy will end the disease soon at most with 1000 loss. Only Iran is a mystery, but I think after the mild and hot weather starts it will be over there too. The future is bright. Don't worry.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 05:07 AM

originally posted by: elitegamer23

Maybe going forward we can stop all the bull# and finally become a unified human race .

Our survival, in the face of this epidemic, demands it

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 05:10 AM

originally posted by: deccal
It seems China began to control the situation. News from South Korea are also positive. Italy will end the disease soon at most with 1000 loss. Only Iran is a mystery, but I think after the mild and hot weather starts it will be over there too. The future is bright. Don't worry.

I feel this way at the moment: Trying to find a Buddha or enlightenment is like trying to grab space.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 05:14 AM
Australian Update

Well we're up past about 80 now. Some of the latest few are ADF.

The Ships Hit The Fan

I think it's reasonably fair to say that this thing has gained a solid foothold, but also, as I've noted before, we'll probably be cool until winter, if you can get your head around that.

a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

cops are so disliked now especially in nsw

Cops in NSW have a kiddy fiddler problem.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 05:19 AM
Stuff got real for a lot of folks here in Kentucky over the weekend. We went from no cases to 4 - with many more expected in the coming days. Seems the first one had been sick for something like 3 weeks, been to the doctor repeatedly, CDC refused to allow her to be tested, she was finally admitted & placed in isolation, still refused to have her tested, until she was transferred to the University of Kentucky on a ventilator where she was finally tested. Official story is that she'd travelled out of country. Her family says that's b.s. - that the only time she'd been out of town was a day trip to Cincinnati for Valentine's Day... At any rate, between then & when she got too sick to work, she was working in a DELI in a WalMart so who knows how many she accidentally infected.

And since then, 3 more cases have tested positive.

The most worrisome part I've seen is the ANGER that people are expressing towards the victim. From what her family is reporting, there is no way she could have known she was infected, she (and they) did everything they could to get treatment (including repeated requests to have her tested), and she's pretty much been isolated since developing symptoms. But folks are still blaming her & her family....

Since announced on Friday, there have been massive runs on tp, hand sanitizer, etc. everywhere in the Bluegrass state over the weekend. Women reported fighting in the aisles over the last package of tp in Bowling Green. I ran out & got another couple bags of dog food - all was quiet at the farm store!

Anyway, I'm glad I went on & stocked up on a few things beforehand so I can minimize my trips out. Not that it'll do much good with my husband working in the "cube farm from hell" that already spreads every virus that rolls thru like wildfire.... I'm trying to convince him to change clothes & shower immediately after coming home each day but he's resistant to that idea. I don't know what else to do.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 05:40 AM

BREAKING: Qatar closing all schools until further notice due to coronavirus

BREAKING: Saudi Arabia closes all schools and universities across the kingdom until further notice due to coronavirus - SPA

seems to be a strange urge to close schools.

I remember reading last week someone said that children were vessels for the virus.

I need to find that article again

edit on 9/3/20 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 06:00 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop

BREAKING: Qatar closing all schools until further notice due to coronavirus

BREAKING: Saudi Arabia closes all schools and universities across the kingdom until further notice due to coronavirus - SPA

seems to be a strange urge to close schools.

I remember reading last week someone said that children were vessels for the virus.

I need to find that article again

The kids around here have just started Spring break and will be out of school for 2 months; thank goodness !

On the other hand stories like this bother me:

Chinese man dies from coronavirus five days after getting all-clear to leave hospital

A 36-year-old Chinese man has died from coronavirus just five days after being discharged from hospital with the all-clear, according to his widow and reports.

However, officials at the World Health Organisation believe it is more likely that the initial tests that cleared him were wrong, rather than him getting sick again, the International Business Times said.

“From the evidence we have, those cases were not reinfected,” Maria Van Kerkhove, acting head of WHO’s emerging diseases unit, said, according to the report.
So he was feeling good enough to exercise and the test said he was clear; so much for the TEST, no... 36 years old and dead... Who are we to believe ?

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop

BREAKING: Qatar closing all schools until further notice due to coronavirus

BREAKING: Saudi Arabia closes all schools and universities across the kingdom until further notice due to coronavirus - SPA

seems to be a strange urge to close schools.

I remember reading last week someone said that children were vessels for the virus.

I need to find that article again

I know this has been said , but we now must isolate ourselves from the outside world.

see my post about PM Abe

much truth about it.

be prepared to live now as you would 200 years ago
learn where fresh water can found
we here in this village are now sharing of how to help one another
we now have 2 places to get fresh water from the mountains
us in the village are now going to protect our keep
very basic means are now being spoken of
wife says a panic from the big cities will come in waves
tokyo has 14 million people
sorry to say but i mentioned about gas stations being closed
tomorrow will tell the truth about today in japan and its future
no panic people
so all is well
unless you need to ride the trains or subway tomorrow

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