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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 09:42 PM
There needs to be a global restriction/order/requirement what ever you want to call it on Cruise Liners.

All cruises that havent yet set off are cancelled.
All cruises currently under way need to immediately a) return to their port of departure or b) dock at the closest port

This is happening too much and is putting people at risk. Some governments have more clout and can force nations (like Cambodia and indonesia) to accept cruises

Passengers on board the MV Viking Sun cruise ship who were turned away from two ports on Indonesia’s mainland have now been given the green light to dock in Bali.

More than 1,200 tourists, including Australians and Americans, on-board the luxury vessel were originally rejected entry by officials due to coronavirus fears.

However, in an eleventh hour backflip, the government allowed passengers to disembark in at Benoa Port in Bali.

This is dangerous

An Australian man told Nine News that following more health checks “there’s no problem on the ship, no virus on the ship.”

“Everybody’s very healthy and we’re looking forward to a good time in Bali.”

a) 1 test doesnt mean anything
b) there's a long incubation period
c) no one would admit to being sick even if they were 7d976a6bb3666b

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 09:45 PM

WA has its fifth case of coronavirus after a woman in her 60s appears to have been infected by her husband after he returned from Iran.

The woman’s husband had travelled from Iran in the last 14 days and is no longer showing symptoms of the virus.

He will also be tested for the virus.

This is believed to be the first case of community transmission of COVID-19 in WA as the woman had not travelled overseas.

The woman is now self isolating at home.

Health authorities are now trying to contact trace other people who may have been exposed to the couple.

Finally.. I was getting FOMO (fear of missing out)

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 10:07 PM


posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 10:16 PM


posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 10:18 PM

Hey, now......
This thread is for Corona Virus UPDATES!!!
...not chit chat, political trolling, bigoted comments, medical advice,
ill-mannered remarks toward members or arguing....

Some NON-UPDATE threads here, feel free to join in:
Events and services impacted by Coronavirus

COVID-19 Coronavirus home prevention tips

Cures DB2]: Flu Immunity and Cytokine Prevention

Are you doing anything differently because of Coronavirus?

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This thread is NOT for discussion of alternative medical treatment of illnesses!!!

Members who continue to disrupt will face temporary posting bans. ATS will not allow the few to ruin it for everyone.

Go after the ball not the player.

Community Announcement re: Decorum

You are responsible for your own posts.....those who ignore that responsibility WILL face mod actions.

and, as always:

Do NOT reply to this post!!

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 10:20 PM


edit on Sun Mar 8 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: You are responsible for your own posts.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: elitegamer23

China situation has not improved. What wife and I hear from her family and our friends;

Flights out of Wuhan to Beijing or Shanghai all stopped.
Flights between Beijing and Shanghai all stopped.
Per my previous posts, some high ranking CCP people are infected, some may have died
Super strict censorship in place on Chinese internet, the strictest ever
Some small companies have simply gone bankrupt
Small and medium companies are refusing to pay staff from Mar 1, in China almost all companies pay once a month between 1st and 4th.

And more personally;

Lost contact with some parts of my wife’s family
Many of my friends got severe pay cuts and may lose jobs soon
All are still on some form of lockdown or quarantine

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: ShortBus
For all the posts on the Internet of things about people complaining about not being able to be tested when they have obvious symptoms and come back negative for flu....

My response is... does it change anything?

The hospital still needs to treat the symptoms, regardless. Whether or not its Corona shouldn't be an issue, there is not a fix it fluid available for it, so might as well just carry on normally in treating the patient.

Are you serious? You've read and participated in this thread. You understand the risk to every doctor, nurse, orderly and man on the street that comes in contact with that person. You understand how essential providing ongoing healthcare is as other patients fall sick. You want to wipe out healthcare infrastructure because, oh well, this administration screwed up tests royally so why even test?

Now, I get it.
*Throws hands in the air in disappointment. Wow.*

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves

originally posted by: ShortBus
For all the posts on the Internet of things about people complaining about not being able to be tested when they have obvious symptoms and come back negative for flu....

My response is... does it change anything?

The hospital still needs to treat the symptoms, regardless. Whether or not its Corona shouldn't be an issue, there is not a fix it fluid available for it, so might as well just carry on normally in treating the patient.

Are you serious? You've read and participated in this thread. You understand the risk to every doctor, nurse, orderly and man on the street that comes in contact with that person. You understand how essential providing ongoing healthcare is as other patients fall sick. You want to wipe out healthcare infrastructure because, oh well, this administration screwed up tests royally so why even test?

Now, I get it.
*Throws hands in the air in disappointment. Wow.*

No. But flu kills too. Same quarantine should be in effect for them too. Just say’n.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: ShortBus

I'll post this once, It's a thought I have. Do not want to derail. But it may change the point of view of the ones that say "it's just the flu":

I still do not know what to think about what is happening.

I been reading a lot about people taking this like a joke, or as a worse case scenario, as the flu (I think we can't discard this, maybe it has all been an over reaction to achieve some nefarious end that we can't still figure out). Some saying the CFR is too low to be concerned about, etc. etc.

I've also read people saying that we need to take care off the oldest because they are at higher risk, and it's certainly true. I do not want my parents to die from this.

(you could say this to the first group (the ones that are not serious), but i do not know if it would be irresponsible to say so or to it would be "fear mongering")
HOWEVER most are omitting one important point. We still do NOT know if this thing has any long term or an impact for the rest of our life in our health. I don't think governments nor people (we are at our own now, it seems) should let the guard down until we know this data. Yes, I understand knowing this is difficult and will take a long time to know.

I can't think of another way but to quarantine to take care, but this is unsustainable on long terms. PPE is limited, we can't also live like this in long term. What to do?

(Tin foil hat ON) (mod edit this out if you think so pls)

IF this thing is a bio-weapon, whether released on purpose or by accident, AND it has permanent damage to our health, then we have to admit that it was very well thought.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: MrBlaq

i really enjoyed this.

Guilty as charged. Not to such a huge extent but still.

This bug personally sucks a bit for me (bad lungs) but it isn't the end all be all.

HOWEVER, the strain it will put on the economy and the health nothing to sneeze at. Pun intended.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: ShortBus

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves

originally posted by: ShortBus
For all the posts on the Internet of things about people complaining about not being able to be tested when they have obvious symptoms and come back negative for flu....

My response is... does it change anything?

The hospital still needs to treat the symptoms, regardless. Whether or not its Corona shouldn't be an issue, there is not a fix it fluid available for it, so might as well just carry on normally in treating the patient.

Are you serious? You've read and participated in this thread. You understand the risk to every doctor, nurse, orderly and man on the street that comes in contact with that person. You understand how essential providing ongoing healthcare is as other patients fall sick. You want to wipe out healthcare infrastructure because, oh well, this administration screwed up tests royally so why even test?

Now, I get it.
*Throws hands in the air in disappointment. Wow.*

No. But flu kills too. Same quarantine should be in effect for them too. Just say’n.

You know there is a vaccine for the flu right....

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 11:07 PM
Family of Missouri’s First Coronavirus Patient Breaks Curfew to Attend Father-Daughter Dance

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The father of a woman who has apresumptive-positive case of coronavirus took one of his daughters to a school function on Saturday night.

St. Louis County Executive Sam Page said during a news conference on Sunday that after learning of what the father had done, county health directors informed him he must remain at home or a “formal quarantine” would be issued. That would require that the family stay in their home “by the force of law.”

The patient has “conducted herself responsibly and maturely,” according to Page, and has complied with health department instructions.

“The way the family has reacted to this situation is really a tale of two reactions,” Page said, “and a study of how people should and should not react to the coronavirus.”


posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 11:22 PM
Hi everyone. I’ve been a lurker on ATS since the build up to the 2012 hysteria, having already survived the Y2K crisis, I don’t know what I was expecting TBH, lol. The forum has also helped me to retrospectively analyse 9/11 (I’m British, but nonetheless have always been very interested in the events of that fateful day as a skeptical observer from across the pond), now having traversed the brief “WW3 brewing” events of January this year, we find ourselves in the midst of a Coronavirus crisis.

Thanks primarily to ATS being ahead of the curve, I’ve been following this since late December/Early January with mounting concern (it’s probably only due to this forum I was able to buy masks, gloves and a respirator in time, just in case the SHTF) which has now brought me to the point of making an account to participate in the discussion. I have a confirmed case of the virus less than a mile from my home. I work as a food delivery driver for a restaurant that is primarily comprised of foreigners (Turkish) who may or may not have travelled recently or been in contact with travellers via their community. I’m currently wavering between full blown panic to the point of quitting my job and keeping my kids home from education while banning visitors from my house and the other extreme of simply continuing to work and live because I have no other option.

I’m not naive enough to believe that simply washing my hands regularly will suffice to prevent infection from someone sneezing or coughing nearby, or continually handling contaminated money and working a public facing job where I encounter dozens of people each day at a bare minimum. For all the advance warning I was provided by being a lurker here on ATS, I failed to prepare adequately and I have no real definitive plan moving forward. Even though I was alerted to the danger, part of me believed it wouldn’t get that bad that fast, while another part of me was saying “don’t get stuck with worthless flu supplies you can’t afford” which is true, as I am fairly poor in monetary terms. I did spend £60 on minimal supplies of gloves, disposable masks and a half face respirator, along with some goggles and gloves, but even that put me over budget for the week.

I have a fairly amusing anecdote about wearing a disposable mask in public for the first time this week, but as this post is already quite lengthy, I’ll leave it for another time. At least I will be able to express my thoughts and concerns to like minded individuals on ATS, I’ve begun to scare and annoy my family with it, as they’ve heard it for 3 months now. Thanks to everyone for the collective information in the four threads to date. It’s been an invaluable resource, if a little scary at times. 👍

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Cases Deaths Serious Critical Recovered
110,000 /3,828 /5,689 /61 /62,225

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 11:23 PM
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle with ominous message

Is President Donald Trump fiddling while the world burns?

In another era, Roman emperor Nero, according to ancient tradition, climbed to the top of his city walls and, in a familiar phrase, fiddled as Rome burned. While there are all sorts of questions surrounding what actually went down, the adage that rose from the legend is typically used to criticize someone for doing something trivial in the midst of some sort of crisis.

So Trump’s retweet of his social-media manager’s tweet showing him playing a fiddle couldn’t be more timely, considering the continued spread of the coronavirus and the fact that the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.98% is poised for a nasty selloff on Monday.

Here’s the retweet, in which Trump acknowledges that he is not sure exactly what Dan Scavino meant by “nothing can stop what’s coming”:

Who's going to be the one to tell him Nero was tried in absentia, condemned to death as a public enemy and committed suicide?


edit on 8-3-2020 by DancedWithWolves because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 11:27 PM
3 new cases in Victoria (australia)

Two of the most recent cases are returned travellers from the USA

How is the US exporting it now?
I'm thinking its people on the plane

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: elitegamer23

BREAKING: 3 cases of coronavirus confirmed in Iowa

the states without the virus are growing smaller.

Also to add

Iowa biotech firm says it has produced enough coronavirus tests for 700,000 patients

Someone said 5000 confirmed in the USA by Friday, seems very plausible.

I have run the numbers several times. Doubling time since March 1st has been about 3 days. If that holds true, then about 3,200 by Sat., and around 5,000 on Sunday. Not much of a stretch to think there may be an uptick if more tests are being done, so 5,000 by Friday is a possibility.

Dang, I hate this crap.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

I've been seeing more than a few countries claiming we are the source of their recent cases. I believe Chile is one of the countries that instituted a travel ban from the USA, iirc.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: DancedWithWolves

Who's going to be the one to tell him Nero was tried in absentia, condemned to death as a public enemy and committed suicide? 

We all know what happens to the messenger.

This is really getting worrisome, more cases popping up in oz, coming into the cooler months.

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