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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 02:43 PM
23 new cases in Austria

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: FellowHuman
I’m going way out on a limb here, but draw a line from Wuhan China to Italy on a map. I believe Northern Iran Lines up. I remember a thread way back stating that there was a meteor that crossed over China back in December or so. I wonder what that trajectory was? Again, just throwing it out there.
I cannot find the actual paper from China, seems things have disappeared lately but here is something along those lines that was written. I don’t know the reliability of this source.

But in regards to being hot spots in separate distant locations On the globe, maybe there is something to this idea?
edit on 6-3-2020 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 02:50 PM
The first cases im my county of the UK. Not sure what between 1 and four means...... why not say 2 or three!

Im stocked up on alcohol gel, monthly shop in the morning. I will buy a few extra dry goods. I work in Adult Social care and we are planning for a serious impact on services and members of the public. Looking at how we can redeploy staff, transfer people with nursing skills to the health sector and remote working.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 02:51 PM
Has anyone heard from user named Advantage? Sorry if I've missed her. I do read every page, though skim a lot. Last I heard she basically outed herself as to who she works for and gave some info, and haven't heard a peep since.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 02:54 PM
Columbia has joined the club.

1st case in Colombia: a 19-year-old girl in Bogotá who was studying in Milan, Italy

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
No new infections in China... internet says no...

“No, you can’t shoot videos here.” Nurse says. This is at the Central Hospital in #Dongguan city in #Guangdong . Out of 6 workers in a factory who just came back to work, 2 were confirmed to have #COVID19, and will be transferred to #Huoshenshan Hospital in #Wuhan on Mar 6...

Jennifer Zeng Twitter

Also some rather unsettling things from the wife, on WeChat since 4th CCP flooding it with anti-USA propaganda stories and videos which are strongly implying that US is behind the virus. Anyone expressing doubt is being immediately censored.

If I find any cross posted on Twitter I will link though they will be in Chinese,

Starting to think the endgame is blame USA, cancel trade deal, start a war... I’m wondering now if CCP (or anti-Xi elements within it) created this whole situation.

Maybe I'm naïve, but I see the potential for countries coming together in the aftermath of the pandemic, realising that we're all in this the same.

Even the long overdue economic reset may happen, where we make the economy work for us, instead of setting on each other in a competitive zeal for never ending economic growth, a system completely unfit for purpose in a situation like this.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:01 PM
Stealing from a hospital is just so low, it's sickening. I can't believe people are doing this here in the UK - shows a definite sense of panic rising.

Also when out stocking up yesterday I noticed all hand santizer/handwash was gone at Tescos (big supermarket here), reduced toilet paper and some tins near the beans section were very low. Also a lot of people browsing the medicine/vitamin aisle, there was a worker there trying to figure out what to replenish.
a reply to: nolabel

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

Last time they posted (from what I can tell) was on Page 110 of this thread, so 112 pages ago

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: Oppenheimer67
Has anyone heard from user named Advantage? Sorry if I've missed her. I do read every page, though skim a lot. Last I heard she basically outed herself as to who she works for and gave some info, and haven't heard a peep since.

I missed that!! I try to read every page but I still seem to miss some things. Who does she work for?

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:11 PM
You are here.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: Advantage
Ok I redacted the personal contacts.. outs us as actually Northcom DoD employees.. but oh well.

Thought you might find this interesting.



FEBRUARY 26, 2020

Goal: Synchronize messaging and activities regarding Force Health Protection for COVID - 19

Target Audiences:

• Service members & Family members

• Civilians, contractors, host-nation personnel on installations with DoD personnel

• U.S. Public

• Host Nation

• Partner federal agencies (DoS, DHHS, CDC, etc)

Overall Theme: The ability of the US military to accomplish our missions is the Department of Defense’s primary goal. Force Health protection is critical to maintaining that goal.

Topline Message: DoD’s primary mission is defense of the homeland. In order to maintain mission readiness, we must focus on maintaining a healthy, ready, and lethal combat force.

Background: DoD Instruction 6200.03, “Public Health Emergency Management Within the DoD”, dated March 28, 2019 and supplemented, provides military commanders with policy applicable to COVID - 19. Supplement 2 is specific to actions regarding COVID – 19.

Novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues to spread and is an increasing force health protection (FHP) threat in areas where Department of Defense (DoD) personnel live and work. As the leading U.S. Government public health agency, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to assess the risk of COVID-19 and provide guidance for those residing in the United States and traveling abroad. Some CDC COVID-19 guidance may have limited applicability for military installation commanders, particularly those outside the United States, because CDC guidance is principally directed toward persons residing in the United States and does not apply to other sovereign nations.

Military commanders outside the United States have unique geographic constraints and operational considerations for FHP. They must act in accordance with relevant host nation (HN) and allied forces standards as applicable.

CDC country specific Travel Health Notice (THN) levels for COVID-19 may be found at:

Public Affairs Posture: The public affairs posture is active. However, this approach may be modified when DoD is in support of other agencies or host country sensitivities dictate a different posture.

A risk-based framework for geographic areas with COVID-19 transmission is organized by areas exhibiting the following characteristics: (a) Community transmission beginning, (b) Increased community transmission, (c) Sustained community transmission, and (d) Widespread community transmission. DoD commanders may use this risk-based framework to help guide their response to COVID-19 and PA efforts will need to be updated and modified as appropriate to the specific community characteristic. The below PA recommended actions are not all-inclusive, but simply a framework for PA effort considerations.

This outbreak is dynamic and manifests differently by location, setting, population, and individual. As a result, PA information efforts to COVID-19 will need to be flexible, tailored, and incremental.

Lanes of Responsibility: Regarding COVID-19, US Northern Command will serve as the Global Synchronizer for planning. In coordination with OASD PA and the Joint Staff, USNORTHCOM will provide overall strategic public affairs planning guidance. Respective CCMDs will handle all strategic level messaging for their AOR and develop processes to synchronize and coordinate messaging. Release of significant information affecting DoD will be coordinated with OASD PA, through respective CCMD and info USNORTHCOM, prior to public release. Significant information includes, but is not limited to: First DoD case/death in the AOR, changes in HPCON that are obvious and must be communicated to the public, theater-wide travel restrictions, pending medevac or repatriation activities, cancelled or modified exercises etc. Commanders and installation PAOs should discuss specific information related to force health protection activities at a specific installation to inform target audiences and not create alarm. Consider OPSEC in describing any specific Force Health Protection actions.

Consider that individual actions when taken in context with other similar actions by other CCMDs may raise the level of interest when determining what to pass up for consideration.

Internal Communications:

Internal communications is the priority effort. Our military personnel and their families along with the civilians, contractors, and others who work alongside them are our primary audience.

The most current information about the disease along with installation force health protection actions should be actively pushed to the internal audience. The CDC is a good public source of official US Government information: Additionally, contains publically available information and links from the Military Health System.

Risk communication issues such as this require two-way communication efforts. Installation town halls led by senior leadership are strongly encouraged. PA teams need to actively engage via their external social media channels and address concerns and issues quickly.

Media Operations:

Media operations should be coordinated with OSD, JS and USNORTHCOM to ensure message alignment. Host nation considerations and coordination is encouraged. While timeliness in responding to queries is always a factor in DoD media operations, “over coordination” is encouraged to ensure all of the appropriate organizations are aware in advance of a story being published. Installation commanders have the authority to conduct media operations IAW COCOM/PA guidance. All media engagements regardless of size or outlet must be briefed to the appropriate COCOM/PA. Command and installation PAOs will institute a program to screen all information placed on webpages, websites, post newspapers, newsletters or other publicly accessible sites to ensure it complies with DOD policy and doesn’t disclose sensitive information. Installation PAOs are encouraged to actively correct the record on any media issue that does not accurately reflect the facts.

Advantage, you still there?

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:13 PM

The Arizona Department of Health Services confirmed Thursday, March 5, people in Pima County are being tested for the virus. There was no word on how many people are being tested or what hospitals are involved, if any.

On Friday, March 6, the AZDHS said a second "presumptive positive case” has been identified, bringing the number of positive cases in the state to three - two are presumptive positive, meaning they are yet to be confirmed.

The two presumptive positive cases involve a man in his 20s and a Pinal County woman in her 40s. The state said the man is not hospitalized and is recovering at home. The man came into contact with a confirmed case from outside of the state, and the woman’s case is being investigated as the state’s first case of community spread, meaning the source of infection is unknown. She has been hospitalized for treatment in Maricopa County.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:15 PM
For everyone else, Advantage revealed they worked for department of defence, US, on page 106

edit on 6-3-2020 by Oppenheimer67 because: removed reply, don't know how it got there!

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

Last time they posted (from what I can tell) was on Page 110 of this thread, so 112 pages ago

Thank you for this... Damn those pages go quick! Lately been filled with mostly updates too. I wish that was a good thing.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:23 PM
Advantage gave a few very long posts over the next few pages from page 106. Seemingly releasing information. I must admit I haven't read it. I skimmed a bit but it just looked like general "this is what we do" stuff. Is there an easy way to save all of this in case it is somehow removed? I recommend many do it, just in case there is something there that caused Advantage to get her wings clipped.

I may be jumping the gun, but these things happen. Hopefully she is not already folded neatly in a suitcase. Oh, no wait, that's the UK's MO.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: UFO1414
a reply to: ShaolinMilk

If at all possible, stay away from all public transit. I still can't believe people are voluntarily boarding planes.

Yea I know. Another poster said he encouraged a couple NOT to get on the ship that is off of coast of California, but they went anyhow. Poo Poo on them.

Then about 40 people I know are going to Israel for touring, etc. One of them was like, the news you are sending me just causes panic. If I'm going to get it, I am going to get it. Whether there, here or elsewhere.

While on one had I agree with the guy, but I also think you need to be smart about it too.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

I'm about to go in to work, but archive today will make an archive of whatever page you want.

I noted that she has not been on the site since March 3rd, the day after her last post.

A few other observations:

Phage has not been on the site since his last post in part 1 of this thread series; well, there was one other post after that in an unrelated thread, but his last two posts before that were in part 1.

TheAMEDDDoc has been on as recently as today, but not posted since 03/01/2020.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:31 PM
At present 7,623 cases in Europe and 219 deaths.

Most in ~Italy.

Thats 2.87%
edit on 6-3-2020 by CrazeeWorld777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:36 PM
Well, it seems NY ticks up to 33.

ALBANY (AP) - The rabbi of a suburban New York congregation grappling with the coronavirus outbreak has tested positive for the illness. Rabbi Reuven Fink of the Young Israel of New Rochelle temple was among the confirmed cases of the virus previously announced by state officials. That's according to a statement posted Friday on the website of Yeshiva University, where Fink teaches two courses. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the number of cases statewide ticked up to 33 on Friday, with all 11 new confirmations connected.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

I'm about to go in to work, but archive today will make an archive of whatever page you want.

I noted that she has not been on the site since March 3rd, the day after her last post.

A few other observations:

Phage has not been on the site since his last post in part 1 of this thread series; well, there was one other post after that in an unrelated thread, but his last two posts before that were in part 1.

TheAMEDDDoc has been on as recently as today, but not posted since 03/01/2020.

Thank you. I've done a pdf of 106-109. I do still recommend many more do, just in case. If we go quiet, torrent it.

TheAMEDDDoc is also military so this is also very suspect. You can tell when people are for real because they don't boast about it or reveal anything particularly out of this world. There is another that I believe is for real from the UK military. I won't name them because I don't want to make GCHQ's job too easy.

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